Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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As usual.....conservatives post their wanna-be scandals without proof. Just because Trumpf says it doesn't make it true.

And like Benghazi....they will continue to repeat the non-issue long after it has been debunked even by their own party!

She's trying the same thing Buttsoiler's trying ----- deflect the topic, pry the attention away from a major embarrassment, not the least of which is the duplicitous hole he's dug himself into claiming first to be anti-Rump and then slobbering all over him.

Which is a disgusting thing to do. It makes that orange makeup run. Not pretty.

Yep....it's painfully obvious! They denied that it was plagiarized, and now that it has been admitted they don't know where to hide.....too funny!

So far, just from what I've seen, they've tried to deflect this thread to:
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton
  • O'bama and Patrick, 10 years old
  • Joe Biden, circa 1882
  • Body parts as criteria for voting
  • Body parts --- "liberal" vs "conservative" (Buttsoiler was digging here)
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • George Bush
  • and now, misogyny and personal attacks

I'm sure I forgot a few.

Must suck to feel this desperate. :(

the desperation is coming from you libtardians who are trying to delude yourselves into thinking that this bullshit will cause anyone to vote for the hildabitch.

Sorry, it won't, your candidate is a loser and a terrible human being.

But it was "her turn" because the black guy stole it from her in 08. You dems are pathetic losers.

Yyyyyyyeah unfortunately Hunior despite seventeen hundred posts in this thread I've opined absolutely nothing about the voting effects. You just made that up. Yet another myth.

Prove me wrong.

don't be such a dipshit. When a candidate is attacked on shit like this its nothing but an attempt to get voters to change their minds. Are you really as stupid as you appear?

If not to try to affect the election, why do it? Why do you think republicans continue to remind the country about Hillary's lying and corruption and incompetence?

Come on, stop being a moron.
Why Melania :( WHY?!!!

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she and michelle agreed on something, how awful. before you libs continue to pursue this foolishness, you need to go back and look at Liz Dole's speech when Bob Dole was running. She said it first, Mooshelle copied it and then Melania copied it. BFD. Who cares?
don't be such a dipshit. When a candidate is attacked on shit like this its nothing but an attempt to get voters to change their minds. Are you really as stupid as you appear?

AH, so you're the Amazing Kreskin are you? You're reading my mind as we speak?
What number am I thinking of right now?

Since when do you vote for FLOTUS --- DUMBASS?

If not to try to affect the election, why do it?

In the case of the articles and videos cited, because it's news, and it's news because it reeks of dishonesty during the fact and blatant failure to take responsibility after it.

In the case of this board, because it demonstrates how far you self-deluded partisan hacks will stretch to pull the blinders over your eyes and go "baaaaa' even after it's been admitted to.

And that speaks of dishonesty too. With a frickin' megaphone. That you're actually willing to deny the existence of reality speaks volumes, and they're all turned up to 11.


--- or to put it another way:

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"
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Why Melania :( WHY?!!!

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

she and michelle agreed on something, how awful. before you libs continue to pursue this foolishness, you need to go back and look at Liz Dole's speech when Bob Dole was running. She said it first, Mooshelle copied it and then Melania copied it. BFD. Who cares?

Apparently you do since you're still denying it happened at all.
Conservatives have no shame. Hilarious reading how many of you mental midgets straight up defended plagiarism. Unbelievable.
Who is "defending" it junior? Melania Trump isn't running for office. And since she doesn't rape women like Bill Clinton does, I could frankly care less what she does, what she says, or how she lives her life.

There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?

Hey -- Powerboss -- introduce yourself to page 1 of this thread so you can see your conservative jackass friends immediately running in to defend plagiarism. No wonder you didn't notice it, you yourself have no problem with it either.
I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!

I gotta say --- you've brought some posts here with good info.
This is not one of them.
They say Hillary shouldn't be president because she broke the law?

CLEVELAND ― The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

McIver does not appear to have any official role in the presidential campaign. Her letter acknowledging her role in the speech debacle appeared on corporate letterhead from the Trump Organization. And she is not listed as being paid by the Trump campaign on any available reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Corporations are banned from donating directly or through in-kind services to political campaigns. McIver could have volunteered her services, but her offer to resign from the Trump Organization suggests that she was acting within her job responsibilities. (Donald Trump rejected that offer.)

“Given the identification of McIver as an ‘in-house staff writer’ at the Trump Organization in both the statement and letter, and her resignation from the Trump Organization ― printed on Trump Organization stationary ― and not the campaign, it appears that corporate resources may have been used to prepare the speech,” said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for the campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “That would make the speech an illegal in-kind corporate contribution from the Trump Organization to the campaign.”

Larry Noble, counsel at the Campaign Legal Center and former counsel for the FEC, agreed that McIvers’ role “raises a lot of red flags.”

Melania Trump Speech Appears To Be An Illegal Campaign Contribution
I'm not clear on how she couldn't have volunteered her time but offered to quit her job for effing up. Can you explain?

Here, read it again.

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

McIver does not appear to have any official role in the presidential campaign. Her letter acknowledging her role in the speech debacle appeared on corporate letterhead from the Trump Organization. And she is not listed as being paid by the Trump campaign on any available reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Corporations are banned from donating directly or through in-kind services to political campaigns. McIver could have volunteered her services, but her offer to resign from the Trump Organization suggests that she was acting within her job responsibilities. (Donald Trump rejected that offer.)

“Given the identification of McIver as an ‘in-house staff writer’ at the Trump Organization in both the statement and letter, and her resignation from the Trump Organization ― printed on Trump Organization stationary ― and not the campaign, it appears that corporate resources may have been used to prepare the speech,” said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for the campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “That would make the speech an illegal in-kind corporate contribution from the Trump Organization to the campaign.”

Conservatives have no shame. Hilarious reading how many of you mental midgets straight up defended plagiarism. Unbelievable.
Who is "defending" it junior? Melania Trump isn't running for office. And since she doesn't rape women like Bill Clinton does, I could frankly care less what she does, what she says, or how she lives her life.

There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?

Hey -- Powerboss -- introduce yourself to page 1 of this thread so you can see your conservative jackass friends immediately running in to defend plagiarism. No wonder you didn't notice it, you yourself have no problem with it either.
There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?
Conservatives have no shame. Hilarious reading how many of you mental midgets straight up defended plagiarism. Unbelievable.
Who is "defending" it junior? Melania Trump isn't running for office. And since she doesn't rape women like Bill Clinton does, I could frankly care less what she does, what she says, or how she lives her life.

There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?

Hey -- Powerboss -- introduce yourself to page 1 of this thread so you can see your conservative jackass friends immediately running in to defend plagiarism. No wonder you didn't notice it, you yourself have no problem with it either.
There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?

Because I don't give a fuck. That's why. The thread is about Melania, as it's recent and topical. No one gives a shit about what some conservative nutjobs dredge up about Obama, Michelle or Hillary from the annals of conservative nutjoberry -- especially if those very same knuckledraggers are defending Melania's speechwriter.
Conservatives have no shame. Hilarious reading how many of you mental midgets straight up defended plagiarism. Unbelievable.
Who is "defending" it junior? Melania Trump isn't running for office. And since she doesn't rape women like Bill Clinton does, I could frankly care less what she does, what she says, or how she lives her life.

There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?


Bill Clinton isn't running for office either.
Conservatives have no shame. Hilarious reading how many of you mental midgets straight up defended plagiarism. Unbelievable.
Who is "defending" it junior? Melania Trump isn't running for office. And since she doesn't rape women like Bill Clinton does, I could frankly care less what she does, what she says, or how she lives her life.

There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?

Hey -- Powerboss -- introduce yourself to page 1 of this thread so you can see your conservative jackass friends immediately running in to defend plagiarism. No wonder you didn't notice it, you yourself have no problem with it either.
There have been dozens of links right here in this thread to stories that prove Hitlery Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Barack Obama stole speeches and plagiarized. Why aren't you up in arms about that? Where are your responses to those posts denouncing Hitlery and the Obama's?

There may be a few accusing them of it. Unfortunately, they've all been soundly debunked.
I'm wondering why Trump didn't fire the speechwriter when she finally admitted that she'd lifted parts of Mrs. Trumps speech from Mrs. Obama's?

She said she did it, she admitted it, yet Trumps campaign is going to keep her on.

I thought he was pissed about the whole thing, and I thought his most famous attribute was firing people that didn't help out his causes.
No, WE don't accept that it's over. Liz LIED to get special privileges.

As usual.....conservatives post their wanna-be scandals without proof. Just because Trumpf says it doesn't make it true.

And like Benghazi....they will continue to repeat the non-issue long after it has been debunked even by their own party!

She's trying the same thing Buttsoiler's trying ----- deflect the topic, pry the attention away from a major embarrassment, not the least of which is the duplicitous hole he's dug himself into claiming first to be anti-Rump and then slobbering all over him.

Which is a disgusting thing to do. It makes that orange makeup run. Not pretty.

Yep....it's painfully obvious! They denied that it was plagiarized, and now that it has been admitted they don't know where to hide.....too funny!

So far, just from what I've seen, they've tried to deflect this thread to:
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton
  • O'bama and Patrick, 10 years old
  • Joe Biden, circa 1882
  • Body parts as criteria for voting
  • Body parts --- "liberal" vs "conservative" (Buttsoiler was digging here)
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • George Bush
  • and now, misogyny and personal attacks

I'm sure I forgot a few.

Must suck to feel this desperate. :(

the desperation is coming from you libtardians who are trying to delude yourselves into thinking that this bullshit will cause anyone to vote for the hildabitch.

Sorry, it won't, your candidate is a loser and a terrible human being.

But it was "her turn" because the black guy stole it from her in 08. You dems are pathetic losers.
So far THIS crap is the biggest story coming out of the GOP convention

Trump is doomed
Of all the people to steal from...

Trump's wife is the laughingstock of the world.

That's gotta sting.
Of all the people to steal from...

Trump's wife is the laughingstock of the world.

That's gotta sting.

I find it funny as hell myself. The only person she could have quoted that would have been worst to Trump's campaign is if she'd used Hillary's speech when Bill started running for president.

But to have your own wife use the words of your most hated rival? Priceless.
Of all the people to steal from...

Trump's wife is the laughingstock of the world.

That's gotta sting.

On a normal human being it would. Rump is so drowning in his own self-delusion though, it's a fair bet he's actually convinced himself that it never happened, even after his own longtime staffer came out and admitted it. The Rumpbots in this thread certainly seem able to accomplish that feat.

I suspect Megyn Kelly stung more, just because he stayed up all nite whining about it on Twitter. I don't know how many tweets he did on this one but that's prolly a fairly accurate measure of how much he fails to sell himself his own bullshit.
I'm sure this will be forgotten about soon enough. Lol.

That's the weird part --- it could have blown over if they had just grabbed it right away, acknowledged it and moved on. But the refusal to take any kind of responsibility when it was indisputable, even blaming it on Hillary :lol: --- that's gonna leave a memory mark.

It strongly suggests a Rump administration would bring the same self-delusional blindness to whatever it's doing in the White House. In fact given his prior history it screams it from the rooftops.
I'm sure this will be forgotten about soon enough. Lol.

That's the weird part --- it could have blown over if they had just grabbed it right away, acknowledged it and moved on. But the refusal to take any kind of responsibility when it was indisputable, even blaming it on Hillary :lol: --- that's gonna leave a memory mark.

It strongly suggests a Rump administration would bring the same self-delusional blindness to whatever it's doing in the White House. In fact given his prior history it screams it from the rooftops.

There are going to be plenty of more clown shows from BOTH sides before all is said and done. :D
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