Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.
I get it you're a gun nut! Lol. What are you strapping?
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.
I get it you're a gun nut! Lol. What are you strapping?

I'm not a gun nut. I don't own a gun. I believe our rights are not to be given and taken by the government! WTF?
Good thing it doesnt matter what kind of legs a FLOTUS has. She is probably a security risk. I wonder how much porn she has done that can be used to bribe Trump?

I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!

I gotta say --- you've brought some posts here with good info.
This is not one of them.
They say Hillary shouldn't be president because she broke the law?

CLEVELAND ― The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

McIver does not appear to have any official role in the presidential campaign. Her letter acknowledging her role in the speech debacle appeared on corporate letterhead from the Trump Organization. And she is not listed as being paid by the Trump campaign on any available reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Corporations are banned from donating directly or through in-kind services to political campaigns. McIver could have volunteered her services, but her offer to resign from the Trump Organization suggests that she was acting within her job responsibilities. (Donald Trump rejected that offer.)

“Given the identification of McIver as an ‘in-house staff writer’ at the Trump Organization in both the statement and letter, and her resignation from the Trump Organization ― printed on Trump Organization stationary ― and not the campaign, it appears that corporate resources may have been used to prepare the speech,” said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for the campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “That would make the speech an illegal in-kind corporate contribution from the Trump Organization to the campaign.”

Larry Noble, counsel at the Campaign Legal Center and former counsel for the FEC, agreed that McIvers’ role “raises a lot of red flags.”

Melania Trump Speech Appears To Be An Illegal Campaign Contribution

Great observation!

Goes to show that the great "going to make America great again" Presidential candidate's campaign is definitely fucked up. The idiot Trumpf wants to be President and doesn't even know such minutia? Hmmmm......wonder how they are going to spin this one?

We should now have the FBI investigate her (Melania) ass, since she stood in front of the people and claimed she wrote it....not only are they dishonest but unqualified.
Chris Christie is such a corrupt governor trumps administration will be plagued with scandal after scandal. Obama's been scandal free
ChrisL, post: 14798465
I'm not voting for The Donald, but I really don't think this is THAT big of a deal. I really honestly don't care if Melania plagiarized a speech or not.

I don't care that Melania did it or read it. Its the snapshot we fortunately get of the lack of genuine character and lack of morality of the campaign team family versus the depth of character and morality of the President and his wife that the words about keeping one's word and honor and family, were deliberately lifted from.

(Pence is right now talking about Trump's devotion to his family) Trump cheated on his wife. He took a trophy wife to be his kid's stepmother.

Think about it. Michele said those exact words. They mean something in her and her husbands' heart. They are married. Made vows to each other and are raising a beautiful family together.

Look at all the white hypocrites hearing Melania saying what Michele said and call Michele Moochele or an ape and worse.

Screw then. Trump is incompetent but covered by wealth.

Did any Trump kid mention their birth mother on the stage? They don't gave the courage to do the decent thing.
ChrisL, post: 14798465
I'm not voting for The Donald, but I really don't think this is THAT big of a deal. I really honestly don't care if Melania plagiarized a speech or not.

I don't care that Melania did it or read it. Its the snapshot we fortunately get of the lack of genuine character and lack of morality of the campaign team family versus the depth of character and morality of the President and his wife that the words about keeping one's word and honor and family, were deliberately lifted from.

(Pence is right now talking about Trump's devotion to his family) Trump cheated on his wife. He took a trophy wife to be his kid's stepmother.

Think about it. Michele said those exact words. They mean something in her and her husbands' heart. They are married. Made vows to each other and are raising a beautiful family together.

Look at all the white hypocrites hearing Melania saying what Michele said and and call Michele Moochele or an ape and worse.

Screw then. Trump is incompetent but covered by wealth.

Did any Trump kid mention their birth mother on the stage? They don't gave the courage to do the decent thing.

Well, I don't think Michelle is an ape. I have nothing against her besides not agreeing with her husband's policies. I don't know WHY people have to be so juvenile about it. I feel the same about Melania. Neither she nor Michelle are running in this election.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized. Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans. You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Seriously SB....what in the hell are you talking about? How could I possibly be "cocky" about Trump's chances when I've never even made a prediction about who would win?!? :uhh:

Are liberals just incapable of keeping people straight? You guys can't tell the difference between me and other posters?!? :cuckoo:
Well, I don't like the Donald, and of course I have to type out the damn disclaimer that I'm not voting for The Donald, but I really don't think this is THAT big of a deal. I really honestly don't care if Melania plagiarized a speech or not. We have bigger fish to fry. This is small potatoes.

Yeah it is --- but the reason it hangs on is that the guilty parties cannot and will not take responsibility for themselves. Rump's campaign runs on abject denial of reality. Until they acknowledge that's what they do and fix it that fact will follow them around like a puppy, which it should, whatever the latest example of it is.
Well, I don't like the Donald, and of course I have to type out the damn disclaimer that I'm not voting for The Donald, but I really don't think this is THAT big of a deal. I really honestly don't care if Melania plagiarized a speech or not. We have bigger fish to fry. This is small potatoes.

Yeah it is --- but the reason it hangs on is that the guilty parties cannot and will not take responsibility for themselves. Rump's campaign runs on abject denial of reality. Until they acknowledge that's what they do and fix it that fact will follow them around like a puppy, which it should, whatever the latest example of it is.

Lol. I predict this will be almost completely forgotten about within the next few weeks.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.

^^ Plagiarism!! That's a song by, I believe it was Rick Roll.

Whatever the perceived reality of that, Rump is waaaaaay ahead, already having taken positions against the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments, not to mention The Big One, the cornerstone on which all else follows ----

which is simply not going away, because again, retracting it would mean backing down and admitting he was wrong, which he no can do.

Honestly I'm not sure he's out to shred the Constitution for the sake of shredding the Constitution. I think he just has no fucking clue how it works.

1A is absolutely positively non-negotiable. Without it --- there ARE NO other Amendments and no Bill of Rights. Without it there is no United States of America. Literally.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.

^^ Plagiarism!! That's a song by, I believe it was Rick Roll.

Whatever the perceived reality of that, Rump is waaaaaay ahead, already having taken positions against the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments, not to mention The Big One, the cornerstone on which all else follows ----

which is simply not going away, because again, retracting it would mean backing down and admitting he was wrong, which he no can do.

Honestly I'm not sure he's out to shred the Constitution for the sake of shredding the Constitution. I think he just has no fucking clue how it works.

1A is absolutely positively non-negotiable. Without it --- there ARE NO other Amendments and no Bill of Rights. Without it there is no United States of America. Literally.

Well, he has a point in that the media is nothing but a government tool. ALL of our rights are precious.

IF the media prints falsehoods, they should be held accountable! That's NOT supposed to be part of the 1st A. The media and the government should be ASHAMED of how they conduct themselves. It's terrible.
He admitted he was smoking Michigan ditch weed... He may be suffering from one to many bongs...
You know it's legal here now right? So we no longer get stuck with Mexican dirt weed anymore. No need to when I know 5 growers. And they all sell their stuff to dispensories so can't be bad.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.

^^ Plagiarism!! That's a song by, I believe it was Rick Roll.

Whatever the perceived reality of that, Rump is waaaaaay ahead, already having taken positions against the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments, not to mention The Big One, the cornerstone on which all else follows ----

which is simply not going away, because again, retracting it would mean backing down and admitting he was wrong, which he no can do.

Honestly I'm not sure he's out to shred the Constitution for the sake of shredding the Constitution. I think he just has no fucking clue how it works.

1A is absolutely positively non-negotiable. Without it --- there ARE NO other Amendments and no Bill of Rights. Without it there is no United States of America. Literally.

If she is certain hillary wants to and will try to take our guns away and that's her hot button one wedge issue, there's nothing that will convince her otherwise. Even if it means voting against her own financial interests.

My bro said it best when I asked, "don't women want to see a woman president?" He said no. Women are meaner to women than men are.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.

^^ Plagiarism!! That's a song by, I believe it was Rick Roll.

Whatever the perceived reality of that, Rump is waaaaaay ahead, already having taken positions against the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments, not to mention The Big One, the cornerstone on which all else follows ----

which is simply not going away, because again, retracting it would mean backing down and admitting he was wrong, which he no can do.

Honestly I'm not sure he's out to shred the Constitution for the sake of shredding the Constitution. I think he just has no fucking clue how it works.

1A is absolutely positively non-negotiable. Without it --- there ARE NO other Amendments and no Bill of Rights. Without it there is no United States of America. Literally.

If she is certain hillary wants to and will try to take our guns away and that's her hot button one wedge issue, there's nothing that will convince her otherwise. Even if it means voting against her own financial interests.

My bro said it best when I asked, "don't women want to see a woman president?" He said no. Women are meaner to women than men are.

You damn right that rights are my "wedge" issue! I couldn't care less about the gender of POTUS! What the hell???!!!
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.

^^ Plagiarism!! That's a song by, I believe it was Rick Roll.

Whatever the perceived reality of that, Rump is waaaaaay ahead, already having taken positions against the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments, not to mention The Big One, the cornerstone on which all else follows ----

which is simply not going away, because again, retracting it would mean backing down and admitting he was wrong, which he no can do.

Honestly I'm not sure he's out to shred the Constitution for the sake of shredding the Constitution. I think he just has no fucking clue how it works.

1A is absolutely positively non-negotiable. Without it --- there ARE NO other Amendments and no Bill of Rights. Without it there is no United States of America. Literally.

Well, he has a point in that the media is nothing but a government tool. ALL of our rights are precious.

IF the media prints falsehoods, they should be held accountable! That's NOT supposed to be part of the 1st A. The media and the government should be ASHAMED of how they conduct themselves. It's terrible.

He's not talking about "falsehoods" unfortunately. He's talking about when somebody "writes a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's his own description. Obviously that can literally mean ANYTHING.

He's completely and irretrievably Full of Shit. Libel (and slander) laws already exist and have for eons. You already can't slander somebody with a fake story. That's not new at all. What he wants here is when, say, Megyn Kelly asks him a question about his own behavior he can call her "disgusting" and "sue her like she's never been sued before". Again--- HIS OWN WORDS. It's right there in the video.

I'm at a loss to imagine how that is not cause for immediate and unequivocal rejection. This orange clown can't even take the oath of office. The first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution. He can't do that. He's already on record against all three of those. It can't possibly be clearer.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.

^^ Plagiarism!! That's a song by, I believe it was Rick Roll.

Whatever the perceived reality of that, Rump is waaaaaay ahead, already having taken positions against the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments, not to mention The Big One, the cornerstone on which all else follows ----

which is simply not going away, because again, retracting it would mean backing down and admitting he was wrong, which he no can do.

Honestly I'm not sure he's out to shred the Constitution for the sake of shredding the Constitution. I think he just has no fucking clue how it works.

1A is absolutely positively non-negotiable. Without it --- there ARE NO other Amendments and no Bill of Rights. Without it there is no United States of America. Literally.

If she is certain hillary wants to and will try to take our guns away and that's her hot button one wedge issue, there's nothing that will convince her otherwise. Even if it means voting against her own financial interests.

My bro said it best when I asked, "don't women want to see a woman president?" He said no. Women are meaner to women than men are.

Yeah, thing is, there is no Second Amendment without a First. Because without 1A the gummint can do whatever it wants, and if it deems what you want "disgusting", simply get you out of the way, and it's all legal.

Over my dead body. And a lot of others.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.

^^ Plagiarism!! That's a song by, I believe it was Rick Roll.

Whatever the perceived reality of that, Rump is waaaaaay ahead, already having taken positions against the Fourth, Fifth and Eighth Amendments, not to mention The Big One, the cornerstone on which all else follows ----

which is simply not going away, because again, retracting it would mean backing down and admitting he was wrong, which he no can do.

Honestly I'm not sure he's out to shred the Constitution for the sake of shredding the Constitution. I think he just has no fucking clue how it works.

1A is absolutely positively non-negotiable. Without it --- there ARE NO other Amendments and no Bill of Rights. Without it there is no United States of America. Literally.

If she is certain hillary wants to and will try to take our guns away and that's her hot button one wedge issue, there's nothing that will convince her otherwise. Even if it means voting against her own financial interests.

My bro said it best when I asked, "don't women want to see a woman president?" He said no. Women are meaner to women than men are.

Yeah, thing is, there is no Second Amendment without a First. Because without 1A the gummint can do whatever it wants, and if it deems what you want "disgusting", simply get you out of the way, and it's all legal.

Over my dead body. And a lot of others.

I believe he said IF they were caught saying false things??? I would tend to think that is NOT a part of the first amendment when it comes to something like news. They need to be held accountable for any "tall tales" they might tell. Or other organizations who set themselves up to look like valid news sources when it's a crackpot site or something. WTH? You don't think they should be accountable? Or what about news organizations who take sides during elections? Is that right? I don't ever watch Fox News or MSNBC or any of those types of "news" outlets. I stick with my local news stations because they are not biased and they just report the news. REAL news, not crap they made up and not their personal "feelings" about things either.
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