Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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I'm sure this will be forgotten about soon enough. Lol.

That's the weird part --- it could have blown over if they had just grabbed it right away, acknowledged it and moved on. But the refusal to take any kind of responsibility when it was indisputable, even blaming it on Hillary :lol: --- that's gonna leave a memory mark.

It strongly suggests a Rump administration would bring the same self-delusional blindness to whatever it's doing in the White House. In fact given his prior history it screams it from the rooftops.

You Communists are such a fucking hoot.

" The only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams!"

So, according you of the Khmer Rouge, Michelle was the firstist EVAH to use that line?

Right Huffer?

Well, no.. The line was an a 2004 Harvard Commencement speech and is utterly vapid. Tossing out platitudes should be punished, but to call it "plagiarism" is laughable.

But then you are a bunch of little Goebbels.

"Your word is your bond!"

Say stupid fuck, wasn't that in HAMLET? :lmao:

"May your tomorrows be brighter than your yesterdays!"

A GE Lightbulb commercial? :eek:

"From tiny acorns great oaks grow!"

Oh yes, no one EVAH said that before your beloved queen. :lol:

You fucking little scum and your manufactured outrage. :eusa_whistle:

When an issue runs its course to resolution like this you get to tell on the one hand the immorally unprincipled hacks who slink away quietly so they don't have to admit they were wrong, from, on the other hand, those too abjectly stupid to acknowledge reality at all, doubling down even after all the evidence has already proven them wrong. :lol:

MSDNC hosts have now finished examining the speech of Melania and have found the OUTRAGEOUS truth that her line "Good evening ladies and gentlemen" was brazenly lifted from Michelle Obama's (Allah smiles upon her) 2008 speech,

The MSDNC crew, led by Brian William are OUTRAGED at this blatant outrage and demand Trump drop out of the race for this outrage.
Yeah, but she's got better legs than Bubba Clinton...
Good thing it doesnt matter what kind of legs a FLOTUS has. She is probably a security risk. I wonder how much porn she has done that can be used to bribe Trump?

I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!
Melania is a Commie? Don't look now, but the old Warsaw Pact countries gave that up for Lent, decades ago...
She was raised to communist values not American values
So were half of present-day Europeans... and they were so sick of it, that they overthrew the Commies and never looked back...
Good thing it doesnt matter what kind of legs a FLOTUS has. She is probably a security risk. I wonder how much porn she has done that can be used to bribe Trump?

I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!
Melania is a Commie? Don't look now, but the old Warsaw Pact countries gave that up for Lent, decades ago...
She was raised to communist values not American values
So were half of present-day Europeans... and they were so sick of it, that they overthrew the Commies and never looked back...

Yeah um.. "communist" and "American" aren't contrasting comparators anyway. The point is moot.
I'm sure this will be forgotten about soon enough. Lol.

It is amazing that on day three of the convention that is supposed to energize the Republucan voters, all anyone is talking about is plagiarism
I'm sure this will be forgotten about soon enough. Lol.

That's the weird part --- it could have blown over if they had just grabbed it right away, acknowledged it and moved on. But the refusal to take any kind of responsibility when it was indisputable, even blaming it on Hillary :lol: --- that's gonna leave a memory mark.

It strongly suggests a Rump administration would bring the same self-delusional blindness to whatever it's doing in the White House. In fact given his prior history it screams it from the rooftops.

You Communists are such a fucking hoot.

" The only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams!"

So, according you of the Khmer Rouge, Michelle was the firstist EVAH to use that line?

Right Huffer?

Well, no.. The line was an a 2004 Harvard Commencement speech and is utterly vapid. Tossing out platitudes should be punished, but to call it "plagiarism" is laughable.

But then you are a bunch of little Goebbels.

"Your word is your bond!"

Say stupid fuck, wasn't that in HAMLET? :lmao:

"May your tomorrows be brighter than your yesterdays!"

A GE Lightbulb commercial? :eek:

"From tiny acorns great oaks grow!"

Oh yes, no one EVAH said that before your beloved queen. :lol:

You fucking little scum and your manufactured outrage. :eusa_whistle:
I guess the Trump staffer who admitted she stole from Michelle Obama must be a commie huffer, eh? :lol:

Of all the people to steal from... :lol:
Good thing it doesnt matter what kind of legs a FLOTUS has. She is probably a security risk. I wonder how much porn she has done that can be used to bribe Trump?

I agree! She's probably also banged Putin - which may explain why Adolf Trump and Putin are such buds.
In fact, Melania may be a go-between messenger - or even a spy. This is serious!


The Real Winner At The GOP Convention Is Vladimir Putin

Please note you heard it from me first. About a hundred pages ago I pointed out that Melania's career and schooling were financed by none other than The KGB - headed by Vladimir Pootin.

It's not one of those Cinderella stories of poor little commie girl makes the big time against all odds...her Daddy was a card carrying member of the Communist party.

I do hope Sophia Vergara gets to play her in the TV movie, though!
Melania is a Commie? Don't look now, but the old Warsaw Pact countries gave that up for Lent, decades ago...
She was raised to communist values not American values
So were half of present-day Europeans... and they were so sick of it, that they overthrew the Commies and never looked back...
Those commies are not trying to move into the White House
you need to go back and look at Liz Dole's speech when Bob Dole was running. She said it first, Mooshelle copied it and then Melania copied it. BFD. Who cares?

If no one cares you wouldn't be making crap up about Liz Dole.
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you need to go back and look at Liz Dole's speech when Bob Dole was running. She said it first, Mooshelle copied it and then Melania copied it. BFD. Who cares?

If no one cares you wouldn't be making crap up about slid Dole.

Libby Dole used to be a Senator here. Based on that I don't think she could form a coherent sentence at all.
I understand the troller was just making up a stupid point but --- bad example.

Yet another attempted deflection. This one doesn't even bother to describe itself but from the URL it's obviously 8 years old.

Let's see so far we've had attempts to derail to:
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Obama/Patrick, ten years ago
  • Joe Biden, 146 years ago
  • Bo Belinsky
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Elizabeth Dole
  • George Bush
  • George Bush
  • body parts as criteria for voting
  • body parts as criteria for posters' points
  • body parts as manifestation of political philosophy
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Eurasia

None stuck.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible
Well, I don't like the Donald, and of course I have to type out the damn disclaimer that I'm not voting for The Donald, but I really don't think this is THAT big of a deal. I really honestly don't care if Melania plagiarized a speech or not. We have bigger fish to fry. This is small potatoes.
You hate Trump as much as all the other conservatives who called him everything from "cancer to society" to "unqualified" and are now sucking up to him and praising him.

You lemmings will vote for the buffoon on the hopes that he will win, regardless of how he dumbs down the country, but even after all your made-up shit about Hillary....she's still ahead of him in swing states....so keep drinking the KoolAid.
Please show me a post where I "sucked up to Trump" or a post where I "praised him". You really are a pathological liar.

And yes - I will cast a vote for Trump only because Hitlery will dumb this nation down a thousand times more than Trump ever would on his worst day. She's a career criminal, she has serious impulse control issues, she's irrational and emotional, she's desperate hungry for power (though, admittedly, so is Trump), and she's desperately hungry for money. She's the worst form of the selfish liberal and she literally has nothing to provide to America. She has no leadership capabilities. No integrity. No respect of the U.S. Constitution (though, again, neither does Donald Trump). And no idea how to run the executive branch.
Then don't be cocky thinking he's going to win when you don't even like him. How do you think people who aren't right wing loons think about him?

Now add on top of all that us liberals are energized.

Then consider the anyone but trump Republicans.

You got a big challenge but anything's possible

Heck, those "anyone but Trump" people are even more scary in a way. A lot of them think he's not conservative ENOUGH. I don't have a problem with most of his views on the issues. I simply don't trust him to tell us the truth, and I think he's incredibly shady, so I can't vote for him. HOWEVER, if I had to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would vote for Trump because I cannot abide by anti-rights candidates (specifically the 2A). Dems make a concerted effort to use incremental steps to ban the right to bear arms, or restrict it to such a degree that it's not really a right any longer but a privilege. Nope, I can't go for that. No can do.
Here, read it again.

The revelation that Donald Trump’s business staff writer Meredith McIver wrote the partly plagiarized speech given by Melania Trump on Mondaynight raises questions about whether his campaign is illegally commingling corporate and campaign resources.

Well one thing is certain - we know Hitlery has been doing that for decades now. Would be interesting to see if Donald is doing it as well. While I don't approve...at least he would be leveling the playing field with Hitlery.
That's why we don't care about Hillary's emails.

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missing White House Emails


I'm not sure I follow your irrational thought process here. Because the Bush White House "lost" e-mails it's ok for other Administrations to likewise fuck over the American people? Isn't the fact that it has been done by other Administrations more reason to care? Wouldn't a rational person want to put a stop to it?

You have to loooooove liberal "logic". Oh don't worry about that child that was molested in Manhattan. We have children molested over here in the Bronx. :bang3:

Trump has already broken the law. He had trump Corp working for the trump campaign. And he has bridgegate Christie working for him.

Instead of don trump better don Corleone
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