Ukraine heating up? American Troop Escalation?

God forbid we think that way anymore.
The thinking amongst most of the more sober minded folks is. . . the Russians aren't just going to roll over and have their divisions nuked, and wiped out on the battle field with tactical nukes, without then responding in kind.

Once you unleash the tactical nukes on the battle field. . . that genie is out of the bottle.


WAIT A MINUTE--- What do you mean according to OAN, and Biden reportedly approves---- since when do we move against another foreign country, one not even bothering ourselves, without a public announcement straight from the Fed? And I thought Nancy said when Trump was in office that he had to check with her and get congress' approval before launching war! So how is it now that Biden is acting on his own?

What a US Trap for Russia in Ukraine Might Look Like​

The U.S. and NATO are pouring weapons into Ukraine. Kiev says it plans no offensive against Donbass, but if Washington forced one, Moscow would have a major decision to make, writes Joe Lauria.

". . . Joe Biden has said a Russian invasion will come in February, when the ground freezes. But it could also be the time for a Kiev offensive to recover the two Donbass provinces. NATO nations are pouring weapons into Ukraine supposedly to defend it against the “invasion.” But the weapons transfers could instead be preparation for an offensive, on orders from Washington. Since the 2014 U.S.-backed coup the U.S. essentially runs the country and all Ukrainian leaders, including Zelensky, serve at the pleasure of the U.S. president.

The ground will also be frozen for Kiev’s forces in February, which was the month of the 2014 coup, while Putin was in Sochi for the Winter Olympics. He is now in Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympics, away from the command center in Moscow. (The 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing was also the time Georgia instigated its war with Russia against its renegade provinces at the behest of the United States.)

When Kiev stepped up attacks against Donbass in March and October 2021, Russia both time increased its troop deployments near the Ukraine border, which this time is being interpreted by Washington as plans for an “imminent” invasion.

It is an invasion the U.S. absolutely needs to implement its plans to weaken Russia (and ultimately to replace Putin with a pliable leader in the mold of Boris Yeltsin.) As Moscow has never openly threatened such an invasion, the U.S. appears to be devising ways to get it.

The Russian ‘Plot’

On Thursday U.S. intelligence leaked what it says is a diabolical scheme by Russia to stage a provocation in Donbass or even on Russian territory itself to provide a pretext for an invasion. The New York Times reported the lurid details of this supposed plot:

Of course unsaid is that the U.S. can get Kiev to launch an actual attack, even inside Russia, and then say it was the false flag event, to try to prompt the Russian intervention.

As usual, the U.S. “intelligence officials” refused to provide any evidence for such a plot. “Officials would not release any direct evidence of the Russian plan or specify how they learned of it, saying to do so would compromise their sources and methods,” the Times reported.

That prompted AP State Department correspondent Matt Lee to have this exchange with spokesman Ned Price on Thursday. Because Price was unable to produce any evidence he resorted to smearing Lee as taking “solace” in Russian information. . . . "

In the West, we are told that Putin is a dictator. I am not certain that is necessarily so.

From this report?

Kremlin reacts lukewarmly to State Duma’s initiative​


January 21, 2022

The Kremlin on Friday reacted lukewarmly to an initiative by the State Duma to recognise two pro-Russian breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as independent states, saying it was important to avoid actions that could increase tensions.
The State Duma spokesman said Friday it would hold discussions next week on the idea of recognising the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic.
Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, speaking ahead of talks in Geneva between senior US and Russian diplomats for spokesmen, said not to try to score political points in such a fragile situation.
Peskov added that the Kremlin did not expect a written answer from U.S. Secretary of State Blinken on Russia’s broad security guarantee demands.



That article from Consortium News? Seems to be right on the money. I remember learning way way back in Junior High, then in High School, and at University, that the whole point of WWI, was to give free people everywhere, the right to self determination. I am tired of western propaganda trying to tell us that the people of Crimea ARE NOT ethnically Russian, or that the people in Donetsk and Luhansk aren't either. If the government in Kiev were not a puppet of Washington, I am not sure it would matter to these people. . . .

But we really are playing with fire here. Russia is not going to let these areas of Europe, which have Russian nationals living in them, be dominiated, and controlled by Washington. And I don't think Putin or Lavrov want to make an issue of it, but I don't really think they are going to be given a choice, other Russians have family and friends that they are connected to. . .

We would accept a Chinese take over of Japan, or the Philippians?

. . or Australia?


Even if Biden, as weak as he is, WANTED to roll over for Chinese, does anyone believe for an instant that the public would allow that? Of course not. There is no way we would ever allow the Chinese to just take Japan or the Philippians. :rolleyes:

So, we need to ask the question, if the Americans FORCE Ukraine to crack down on Donbas, and the Russian State Duma, forces the issue on Putin and Lavrov, by overwhelming majority. . . it could cost him that head of the government if he does not acquiesce.
WAIT A MINUTE--- What do you mean according to OAN, and Biden reportedly approves---- since when do we move against another foreign country, one not even bothering ourselves, without a public announcement straight from the Fed? And I thought Nancy said when Trump was in office that he had to check with her and get congress' approval before launching war! So how is it now that Biden is acting on his own?
If OAN has an accurate source, it looks like the Dims have different rules for when they are in power.
Again, for you, ya moron:

The claim, then, wasn’t that he did. You have no hope of ever being intelligent. None.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend they say but how come seeing you trash each other makes me hate you both?😄
This is so much fun! When Biden said he would not do anything you all called him a pussy bowing down to Putin, now that he sends a few troops he is a warmonger trying to start WWIII.

How do you people even look in the mirror?
This is so much fun! When Biden said he would not do anything you all called him a pussy bowing down to Putin, now that he sends a few troops he is a warmonger trying to start WWIII.

How do you people even look in the mirror?
I think it's entertaining as long as none of our troops are hurt. The leader of Ukraine has dirt on Biden from Hunter's dealings there and Putin owns Biden. There is no good outcome for Biden personally. So get the popcorn.
I think it's entertaining as long as none of our troops are hurt. The leader of Ukraine has dirt on Biden from Hunter's dealings there and Putin owns Biden. There is no good outcome for Biden personally. So get the popcorn.

The entertainment comes forum this forum watching the BDS folks take both sides of this, often on the same day.
. . . btw, I heard on the radio, the number of troops? :auiqs.jpg:

Biden approves deployment of additional U.S. troops to Eastern Europe​

"President Biden has approved the deployment of additional U.S. troops to Eastern Europe where 2,000 troops will be deployed to Germany and Poland, and 1,000 U.S. troops currently based in Europe will move into Romania."

To what? Russia's 100,000?


. . . sure. . . as if the US intends to really do anything if Russia really did make a move. :rolleyes:

What complete bullshit.
He has to pretend he is doing something. In reality he ain’t going to do shit, Russia and China now have a pact.
The way you all are so easily manipulated is pathetic. Russia doesn't want to invade Ukraine, they want to keep it out of NATO. Biden will play Mr. Tough Guy to boost his ratings and then give Putin everything he wants. Exactly the same as during the 1962 Cuban Missile "Crisis."
This is so much fun! When Biden said he would not do anything you all called him a pussy bowing down to Putin, now that he sends a few troops he is a warmonger trying to start WWIII.

How do you people even look in the mirror?
Actually, the commentary was a bit more nuanced. What we pointed out was that he projected weakness and such behavior emboldened his pal, Putin. There was a good deal of questioning about what course should be followed.

Further, the claim now is not that he is a warmonger. My OP in fact asked a question about “escalation.” I’ve even noted that sometimes escalation is needed (I think of World War 2).

The concern now is doing what makes sense. Projecting weakness with an explicit “hands off” policy was clearly the kind of policy communication that would only embolden Putin. But sending in troops puts them at risk. So a haphazard saber rattle isn’t necessarily sound policy, either.

I will question our demented Commander in Chief’s every decision and move; and I’ll do so publicly any time I wish.
You remain an idiot. Support for fighting against the Islamofascist asshole isn’t war lust in the first place. And support for a particular fight doesn’t suggest for support for all fights.

Synthia, your moronic false dichotomy shows your inability to think clearly or it reveals your basic dishonesty. One or the other.
He has to pretend he is doing something. In reality he ain’t going to do shit, Russia and China now have a pact.
It's not really a pact, it is just "cooperation."

They no longer are positioning scads of divisions ready to invade one another along each others borders . . . :heehee:

The really odd thing here? Russia HAS actually made a defense pact with a US ally? And a Chinese adversary. . . which, I have no idea how this complicates the Geo-strategic picture? It makes things a bit queer in my estimation. . .


India, Russia Ink Four Defence Pacts; Resolve To Expand Military Ties​


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