Ukraine war

Big warning about missile strikes deep in Nazi Israel .

Warming up for the weekend .

With more details trickling out regarding Iran's surprise missile strikes on Iraq and Syria, it has now emerged that this might have been Iran's longest-range missile strike ever. For attacking ISIS targets in Syria, Iran possibly used the Kheibar Shekan missile which has a claimed range of 1,450 km. Iran chose the target to signal to Israel that its missiles can hit deep inside Israeli territory .
Iranese = The Stinging Bees
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Actually, from the Russian point of view, the pact addressed exactly for invasion in the Russian regions of Crimea and Novorossia, and genocide of Russian people in the South-Eastern regions of the former Ukraine and creating conditions for the possible NATO attack against Russian Federation.
Another accusation with no substantiation? Sorry, but I just don't believe you and certainly don't trust Russia. Excuse me if that is redundant.

It is missiles we gave to Ukraine to counter missiles and arms that Russia put INTO Ukraine. Reminds me of the old joke about the boy accused of murdering his parents who, when he comes before the judge, asks for mercy since he is an orphan.
Those German tanks might never have been in Russia if the Russians didn't sign a pact with Hitler so Russia could invade Poland and Finland. There are reasons that Poles don't particularly like Russia and why Finland wants to join NATO. Russian aggression is the reason.
Bollocks, if the Soviets had not signed that pact German forces would have invaded Russia much sooner, that pact was signed after Britain and France refused a pact with the Soviets against the German threat,the Poles are rancid, the Germans killed six million Poles but the Poles don't seem to have the same venom for Germans, also Finland sided with Hitler, after the war they signed a agreement with the Soviets that if they had good relations with them and were neutral they would get along just fine the Soviets could have occupied Finland but they didn't, and they did have good relations for almost 80 years, now the Finns have gone insane and decided to be an enemy of Russia.
Finland sided with Hitler, after the war they signed a agreement with the Soviets that if they had good relations with them and were neutral they would get along just fine the Soviets could have occupied Finland but they didn't, and they did have good relations for almost 80 years, now the Finns have gone insane and decided to be an enemy of Russia.
The actual history:

Russo-Finnish War, (November 30, 1939–March 12, 1940), war waged by the Soviet Union against Finland at the beginning of World War II, following the conclusion of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (August 23, 1939).
During the 1920s the Finnish government, wary of the threat posed by the Soviet Union, pursued a defense alliance with Estonia, Latvia, and Poland. However, that effort was squelched when the Finnish parliament chose not to ratify the agreement. The Finnish-Soviet nonaggression pact of 1932 was directed at the same concern but failed to quell Finnish fears of Soviet expansionism. Following the invasion, defeat, and partitioning of Poland by Germany and the Soviets in 1939, the Soviet Union sought to push its border with Finland on the Karelian Isthmus westward in an attempt to buttress the security of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) from potential German attack. To that end, the Soviets also endeavoured to gain possession of several Finnish islands in the Gulf of Finland and to secure a 30-year lease for a naval base at Hanko (Hangö). The Soviet proposals for those acquisitions included an offer to exchange Soviet land. When Finland refused, the Soviet Union launched an attack on November 30, 1939, beginning the Russo-Finnish War.​
Soviet troops totaling about one million men attacked Finland on several fronts. The heavily outnumbered Finns put up a skillful and effective defense that winter, and the Red Army made little progress. In February 1940, however, the Soviets used massive artillery bombardments to breach the Mannerheim Line (the Finns’ southern defensive barrier stretching across the Karelian Isthmus), after which they streamed northward across the isthmus to the Finnish city of Viipuri (Vyborg). Unable to secure help from Britain and France, the exhausted Finns made peace (the Treaty of Moscow) on Soviet terms on March 12, 1940, agreeing to the cession of western Karelia and to the construction of a Soviet naval base on the Hanko Peninsula.​
Having approached Germany without reaching a formal alliance, Finland allowed German troops transit through the country after the outbreak of war between Germany and the Soviet Union in June 1941. The Finns then joined the fight against the Soviets, undertaking the “War of Continuation.” An armistice signed on September 19, 1944, effectively concluded that conflict between the Soviet Union and Finland, contingent on Finnish recognition of the Treaty of Moscow and the evacuation of German troops (who refused to leave). The formal end of the Soviet-Finnish conflict came with the signing of a peace treaty in Paris on February 10, 1947.​
Another accusation with no substantiation? Sorry, but I just don't believe you and certainly don't trust Russia. Excuse me if that is redundant.
I don't blame anybody. I just explain you how the Russians see the situation. And from their point of view the situation is pretty clear - Western barbarians invaded Russia another time (that's what they do once or twice a century). They do what they usually do, and now they use local Quislings (Banderovci) to kill Russian people.
Big warning about missile strikes deep in Nazi Israel .

Warming up for the weekend .

With more details trickling out regarding Iran's surprise missile strikes on Iraq and Syria, it has now emerged that this might have been Iran's longest-range missile strike ever. For attacking ISIS targets in Syria, Iran possibly used the Kheibar Shekan missile which has a claimed range of 1,450 km. Iran chose the target to signal to Israel that its missiles can hit deep inside Israeli territory .
Iranese = The Stinging Bees

If they chose they could blast every City in Israel off the map, even Hezbollah could do a lot of damage.
any insight to this turnabout Dead stick ?

Only thing i can think of is they want to be on what they see as the winning side,like the toadies we all knew at School who latched onto the school Bully, strange how these Countries never had a referendum on joining Nato so we don't really know what joe public thinks.
I don't blame anybody. I just explain you how the Russians see the situation. And from their point of view the situation is pretty clear - Western barbarians invaded Russia another time (that's what they do once or twice a century). They do what they usually do, and now they use local Quislings (Banderovci) to kill Russian people.
You mean the Russian people who invaded Ukraine?
You mean the Russian people who invaded Ukraine?
Yes. Both the Russian people who live in Ukraine, discriminated, abused and genocided by pro-European Kievan Junta, Russian people who declared their independence in DPR and LPR (and who were invaded by Ukraine), and the Russian people in the Russian Federation itself, who decided to defend their own kind. All of them are Russian people. Actually, many believe that Ukrainians are Russians too. Like Californians are Americans.
Yes. Both the Russian people who live in Ukraine, discriminated, abused and genocided by pro-European Kievan Junta, Russian people who declared their independence in DPR and LPR (and who were invaded by Ukraine), and the Russian people in the Russian Federation itself, who decided to defend their own kind. All of them are Russian people.
The exact same justification Hitler used to annex the Sudetenland. Putin's role model?

Actually, many believe that Ukrainians are Russians too. Like Californians are Americans.
Hollywood movies aside, Californians speak the same language as the rest of Americans do.
The exact same justification Hitler used to annex the Sudetenland. Putin's role model?

Hollywood movies aside, Californians speak the same language as the rest of Americans do.
You have about 42 million people in the US who speak Spanish as their first language.
You have about 42 million people in the US who speak Spanish as their first language.
True but if Mexico invaded Texas or California I don't think the US would negotiate peace with Mexican troops still on (what was) US territory.
True but if Mexico invaded Texas or California I don't think the US would negotiate peace with Mexican troops still on (what was) US territory.
Well it6 was Mexican territory at one time, so they would have a claim.
Well it6 was Mexican territory at one time, so they would have a claim.
How long before a people lose a claim to lost land? A generation or two? A thousand years or two? Should we return Texas to the Native American tribes that lived there before Europeans? Should Russia return most of Asia to the Mongols?
How long before a people lose a claim to lost land? A generation or two?
Okay, I was born in the USSR, should all the land that was taken away from the USSR be given back? Or is that completely different?
The exact same justification Hitler used to annex the Sudetenland. Putin's role model?
Or, American annexation of Texas (and two thirds of Mexico). Or Greek's support of Ionian revolt in Persia. "We vs them". "They want to abuse, discriminate and kill us, so we should defend ourselves, even if that group of us is, formally, a part of another realm". Looks like one of the most ancient scenarios.

Hollywood movies aside, Californians speak the same language as the rest of Americans do.
Yes. So are Russians living in Ukraine (even if we count Ukrainian as a different language). Actually, linguistical and cultural differences between a well educated english-speaking Jew from New-York and poor Spanish-speaking handyman from Californian hinterland are much more significant that the difference between a well educated Russian-speaking Jew from Moscow and poor Polish-speaking handyman from Galician hinterland.

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