Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

Two points to remember: Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the Gospel he gave them because that is the way to the Kingdom of God. We have Christ's promise of that.

Jesus also said he had other flocks.

The Catholic Catechism notes that it can only assure people that it is teaching Christ's way into the Kingdom. It points out God also has an eternal covenant with the Jews. The Catechism mentions that the Church cannot assume just because it cannot teach all people to be Christian, and it cannot assume that the Spirit of God does not reach them in other ways. The Catholic Church leaves all of this in the hands of a merciful and loving God.

Basically the Church is saying that it cannot (for example) assure Buddhists that they will be in heaven because this was not handed down to them by Jesus during his time on earth. The Church cannot presume any further than to assure those who are not Christian that they are in the hands of a merciful and loving God. The Catechism also notes that the Catholic Church does not know who--if anyone--is not in heaven.

Two points to remember: Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the Gospel he gave them because that is the way to the Kingdom of God. We have Christ's promise of that.

Unfortunately, you didn't read what Jesus said, carefully enough. He told his disciples to make other disciples, teaching them EVERYTHING that he had taught them. That included communism, which you hate, and Torah. Jesus was a Torah-observant Jew, who in real life, might have believed he was the promised Messiah. He didn't come to establish a new religion called "Christianity". That came later, especially after 70ad. Christianity is really, Paulianity. The religion of Paul, not Jesus.

Jesus also said he had other flocks.

Yes, he supposedly said that. That can refer to the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, who had assimilated into the surrounding nations. The Mormons interpret that as the Native Americans who had descended from Israelites who migrated to the American continent. That might also refer to the Jews of the diaspora. It's an open question, who exactly Jesus was referring to? He might not have said anything about that, and those words were inserted in his mouth by the church. We simply don't know.

However, we do know based upon the NT text and extra-biblical sources, that Jesus and his 12 apostles were Torah observant Jews. All of the scholarship agrees with that.

The Catholic Catechism notes that it can only assure people that it is teaching Christ's way into the Kingdom. It points out God also has an eternal covenant with the Jews. The Catechism mentions that the Church cannot assume just because it cannot teach all people to be Christian, and it cannot assume that the Spirit of God does not reach them in other ways. The Catholic Church leaves all of this in the hands of a merciful and loving God.Basically, the Church is saying that it cannot (for example) assure Buddhists that they will be in heaven because this was not handed down to them by Jesus during his time on earth. The Church cannot presume any further than to assure those who are not Christian that they are in the hands of a merciful and loving God. The Catechism also notes that the Catholic Church does not know who--if anyone--is not in heaven.

I must admit, there are different opinions among Catholics on the state of non-Christians after death. What I've read and heard, varies, but in general, they seem to be more open to non-Christians being saved as well. Catholics seem a bit more open-minded and reasonable than Evangelicals with respect to salvation.

Any religion that teaches that the only way human beings can establish a relationship with their creator is by accepting a list of religious, unfalsifiable dogmas, based on faith, is evil. Maybe in the past when humanity was living in much harsher, more brutal conditions, such ideas actually contributed to a person's survival, strengthening and improving social cohesion, and organizing labor and materials for producing food..etc. People that see each other as brothers and sisters in God..etc. All of this in ancient times, might have given people an edge to survive through hard times.

However, in the modern age, with all of the knowledge that we have about the world, and the human condition, there are other ways to develop a sense of purpose, community, empathy..etc. Deal with our fears and suffering, other than self-deception, suspending our reason, in order to escape reality, in blissful ignorance. Karl Marx wrote:

" Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people [bold added].

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo."

Religion is the result of the present, mortal human condition. A way to cope with all of the suffering and insecurities that come with being alive in a universe that is trying to kill us. Being part of a humane, empathetic, civilized community of people cooperating together, to survive and thrive in an indifferent universe, can produce a sense of purpose and real happiness. We commit ourselves to genuinely pursuing the truth and coming to terms with our own mortality, we no longer need the religious "opium". The illusory happiness and the false sense of security that religion provides withers away and is replaced with true happiness and peace.

It's better to have many questions that you can't answer, than answers you can't question. Your relationship with your deity is based on fear if not terror. It's a mythological virus or bug that your mind is enslaved by. Question everything and reason, and you will be much more content than having to lie to yourself. Being an intelligent person like you, who believes in all of the religious nonsense, must be quite exhausting.

This is part of reality:

I confirmed the existence of these entities myself. But we don't know who or what they are. The fact that paranormal phenomena exist, doesn't verify Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu..etc, dogma. I've communicated with these entities using radio-sweepers and when I was conducting the research in my apartment in Tucson, Arizona, a few years ago. I had A LOT of poltergeist activity.

Computer headphones, moving across the desk on their own. Kitchen cabinets opening and closing, a spatula flew off the kitchen counter in front of me and my family. A bottle of Scope mouthwash, on the bathroom cabinet above the sink, with a loose top, moving up and down, "click click click click click", in front of me. The paranormal is real. We just don't know exactly what it is. There is a UFO connection to this phenomenon, which investigators are beginning to discover.

Take a look at the Scole Experiments, and all of the phenomena that appeared there, with scientists in the room.

They had little UFOs flying around the seance room. An ET appeared to them. I believe it, based on my personal experience (what I've witnessed empirically) and all of the evidence supported by witnesses.

My spirituality has to be rational and based on evidence, or I will reject it. I'm an agnostic atheist, not out of spite or hatred, but out of respect for the unknown. If a personal God exists, I don't want to believe lies about Him. Slander Him. Better to step back and not affirm anything, and continue asking questions.
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I am not going to spend my time debating anyone who will change their position AGAIN next week, and then again, their username and avatar.

At 50 years old. If you want to talk about your real life issues, start a topic on that.
How disingenuous and pathetic. Is that the Holy Spirit speaking through you? I doubt it. It's pure flesh. Aren't you supposed to be the salt of the Earth? A born-again disciple of Jesus?

I changed my nickname once this year. I was originally, "Communist Front" and I'm now Red Front. The same subject, I haven't changed at all. I didn't go from being a communist to being a capitalist. Weekly, hardly, that's a lie. The Holy Spirit according to the bible, wouldn't be inspiring you to resort to ad hominem attacks and gaslighting. Apparently, that's all you have. Nasty behavior.
How disingenuous and pathetic. Is that the Holy Spirit speaking through you? I doubt it. It's pure flesh. Aren't you supposed to be the salt of the Earth? A born-again disciple of Jesus?

I changed my nickname once this year. I was originally, "Communist Front" and I'm now Red Front. The same subject, I haven't changed at all. I didn't go from being a communist to being a capitalist. Weekly, hardly, that's a lie. The Holy Spirit according to the bible, wouldn't be inspiring you to resort to ad hominem attacks and gaslighting. Apparently, that's all you have. Nasty behavior.

Being a Christian does not make me indebted to engage with you. "Wipe the dust from your feet and move on". --Matthew 10:14
Being a Christian does not make me indebted to engage with you. "Wipe the dust from your feet and move on". --Matthew 10:14
I never claimed you were obligated to engage with me or anyone. Learn to comprehend what you read. I will continue to respond to your bad arguments, if not for your sake, for the sake of others. Do you actually think I respond to people with your nasty attitude to convince them of anything? I do it for others, not you.
I never claimed you were obligated to engage with me or anyone. Learn to comprehend what you read. I will continue to respond to your bad arguments, if not for your sake, for the sake of others. Do you actually think I respond to people with your nasty attitude to convince them of anything? I do it for others, not you.

You seem to think the truth is nasty, while you were the one throwing invective at me. It is simply true that in a short span of time, you have changed your ideology more than once. You have the right to do that, of course. And I have the right to decide I'm not going to engage with it.

Have a nice day.
You seem to think the truth is nasty, while you were the one throwing invective at me. It is simply true that in a short span of time, you have changed your ideology more than once. You have the right to do that, of course. And I have the right to decide I'm not going to engage with it.

Have a nice day.

The unbelievers, are those in the church who claim to be Christians but do not follow Christ's teachings.....the abominable, the fornicators, etc

they are the unbelievers, the false prophets, the ones who say Lord, Lord, when did we deny you? And Christ says when you didn't feed the poor, you didn't welcome the stranger, you didn't visit those imprisoned etc...etc...etc.

they are the, ALL LIARS that Christ casts in to the Lake of fire, along with the antichrist.

Unbelievers who never knew the Word, are not who Christ ever reprimands....

Who He/the Bible reprimands as unbelievers are the liars, who claim to be Christian, while not following What Christ love, not hate, fellow man....God's creation.

If you can not love, all you can see, how can you possibly love God as claimed, that you do not see...was the biblical lesson.

Those who hate others, while claiming to follow Christ, are the unbelievers and liars claiming they are Christians.
The unbelievers, are those in the church who claim to be Christians but do not follow Christ's teachings.....the abominable, the fornicators, etc

they are the unbelievers, the false prophets, the ones who say Lord, Lord, when did we deny you? And Christ says when you didn't feed the poor, you didn't welcome the stranger, you didn't visit those imprisoned etc...etc...etc.

they are the, ALL LIARS that Christ casts in to the Lake of fire, along with the antichrist.

Unbelievers who never knew the Word, are not who Christ ever reprimands....

Who He/the Bible reprimands as unbelievers are the liars, who claim to be Christian, while not following What Christ love, not hate, fellow man....God's creation.

If you can not love, all you can see, how can you possibly love God as claimed, that you do not see...was the biblical lesson.

Those who hate others, while claiming to follow Christ, are the unbelievers and liars claiming they are Christians.
The unbelievers, are those in the church who claim to be Christians but do not follow Christ's teachings.....the abominable, the fornicators, etc

they are the unbelievers, the false prophets, the ones who say Lord, Lord, when did we deny you? And Christ says when you didn't feed the poor, you didn't welcome the stranger, you didn't visit those imprisoned etc...etc...etc.

they are the, ALL LIARS that Christ casts in to the Lake of fire, along with the antichrist.

Unbelievers who never knew the Word, are not who Christ ever reprimands....

Who He/the Bible reprimands as unbelievers are the liars, who claim to be Christian, while not following What Christ love, not hate, fellow man....God's creation.

If you can not love, all you can see, how can you possibly love God as claimed, that you do not see...was the biblical lesson.

Those who hate others, while claiming to follow Christ, are the unbelievers and liars claiming they are Christians.

You gonna go visit the J6 prisoners then?
The unbelievers, are those in the church who claim to be Christians but do not follow Christ's teachings.....the abominable, the fornicators, etc

they are the unbelievers, the false prophets, the ones who say Lord, Lord, when did we deny you? And Christ says when you didn't feed the poor, you didn't welcome the stranger, you didn't visit those imprisoned etc...etc...etc.

they are the, ALL LIARS that Christ casts in to the Lake of fire, along with the antichrist.

Unbelievers who never knew the Word, are not who Christ ever reprimands....

Who He/the Bible reprimands as unbelievers are the liars, who claim to be Christian, while not following What Christ love, not hate, fellow man....God's creation.

If you can not love, all you can see, how can you possibly love God as claimed, that you do not see...was the biblical lesson.

Those who hate others, while claiming to follow Christ, are the unbelievers and liars claiming they are Christians.

This you?

This is what you all have reduced yourselves to?

Making up shit, lies, and instigating trouble and argument out of thin air, so you can fight with who you have deep seeded ungodly hatred for....?

Or to try to compare a woman who simply suggested that people can help (civil disobedience) protesters by donating to a charity that makes bail funds available, to anyone qualifying for a bail release, if they don't have the ability to raise their bail money....Comparing that comment with Donald Trumps rebel rousing speech at the ellipse???? Sheesh!

You all are being VERY DISHONEST, and lack moral compass,
shame on you!

This is all that Kamala tweeted,

Kamala Harris
If you’re able to, chip in now to the
to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.
Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund
Your support will help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

4:34 PM · Jun 1, 2020

And it became a firestorm in dishonest right wing circles of propaganda and hatred, and your rightwing fake news.

How did this even become something to even debate and discuss....and start silly threads on?

You call her a liar, as you all make claims about her wanting violent rioters to continue their violence, that she never once mentioned or hinted or said?

And for what reason is this being brought up and made up?

Your souls have rotted...... :(
I fear that your instruction reduces Him to a "good teacher"
If you see him as a "good teacher" then you are missing the majority of what I said--or simply don't understand what it is I am saying. If you are a parent with many children, would you kill one child in a horrible way and then announce the sins all your other children committed are now forgiven?
Unfortunately, you didn't read what Jesus said, carefully enough. He told his disciples to make other disciples, teaching them EVERYTHING that he had taught them. That included communism, which you hate,
I hate communism? Tell me more about myself. I missed that part.
If you see him as a "good teacher" then you are missing the majority of what I said--or simply don't understand what it is I am saying. If you are a parent with many children, would you kill one child in a horrible way and then announce the sins all your other children committed are now forgiven?

Give me a moment to be stunned again---

You are again denying the very heart of the Gospel.
He told his disciples to make other disciples, teaching them EVERYTHING that he had taught them.
Matthew: Jesus said for them to teach all he commanded them to teach. Nothing about the Torah is mentioned. Nothing about "everything." Does Matthew's Gospel teach the Torah? (It does teach repentance for the forgiveness of sins.)

Mark: Preach the Gospel (Good News) The good news was repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

Luke: "This is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead...and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations beginning in Jerusalem."
He didn't come to establish a new religion called "Christianity". That came later, especially after 70ad. Christianity is really, Paulianity. The religion of Paul, not Jesus.
Jesus came to teach a new way of life. He even noted this would cause division. Anything that divides from something else is usually given a new name to distinguish it from the old. Paul became a disciple. And as was already mentioned by us both, disciples were to preach all Christ commanded. Specifically, what do you believe Paul taught that the other disciples were not teaching? Paul himself said he preached Christ--and Christ crucified at that. He doesn't appear to be preaching about himself.
However, we do know based upon the NT text and extra-biblical sources, that Jesus and his 12 apostles were Torah observant Jews. All of the scholarship agrees with that.
I didn't realize anyone debated that. Who else would they have been?
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people [bold added].
Then someone has no--or very little understanding--of religion. And most likely never developed any kind of relationship with God. Religion is the antithesis of "the opium".
How disingenuous and pathetic. Is that the Holy Spirit speaking through you? I doubt it. It's pure flesh. Aren't you supposed to be the salt of the Earth? A born-again disciple of Jesus?

I changed my nickname once this year. I was originally, "Communist Front" and I'm now Red Front. The same subject, I haven't changed at all. I didn't go from being a communist to being a capitalist. Weekly, hardly, that's a lie. The Holy Spirit according to the bible, wouldn't be inspiring you to resort to ad hominem attacks and gaslighting. Apparently, that's all you have. Nasty behavior.
the call recovering Christians non believers Red

nothing could be further from the truth......

they've simply come to terms with the fact that terrestrial interpretation of things celestial is sadly inversely proportional

Give me a moment to be stunned again---

You are again denying the very heart of the Gospel.
Once more I ask you to quote the verse where Jesus himself says, "God sent me so that he could punish me terribly so that he could forgive the sins of the world." This is not the "heart" of the Gospel and never was. If it were, Jesus would have spoke of this. Since he never did, perhaps you can at least point me to the verse(s) where you think he did?

The heart of the Gospel is repentance (turning away) for the forgiveness of sins, and to discern the will of God and follow it on earth as it is in heaven. And of course, love of God and love of one's fellowman.

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