Under Democratic Policies The Rich Get Richer

Yep, that is why we need real change and not another Democrat or Republican, they have been in charge and have ruined a great nation. We need real change and get rid of the two party monopoly.
Or..we just need to start holding politicians we elect accountable to us...not to the corporations and lobbyists.
Dude, do you want the inflation to go down or not? That's what the higher rates are about.

Why do all you kids with "thinker" in your name seem to completely fail at it?
I want 2.50 gas prices and inflation will take care of itself.
Tax cuts went to many. Of course the more taxes you pay and you get a tax cut, it is bigger than those who pay less taxes. That's just how it works. But, under Trump, more people pay zero federal taxes than they did before. And, tax revenues increased under the tax cuts so lefties claiming they didn't is a complete lie.
I think you're right. So if the paid a smaller percent of the total taxes raised, and poor people paid less taxes than they did before, where did the difference in the tax revenue come from?
Hint: The middle class is seeing slower income growth than both the rich and the poor
Except this whole "rich getting richer" has been going on since Reagan was elected.
What is it you think Trump is going to do for the poor and downtrodden....answer...same as everyone else before him did. :)
The rich have gotten richer since the caveman days.
No. Republican and Democrat governors, mayors and business leaders had to make the tough calls in the wake of no leadership out of Trump and his crew. You do remember that Trump added more than 3T to our deficit when he was king...erm..President. :)...right?
Mostly democrats are responsible for the tough calls.
No..they didn't. My how quickly the alt-right forgets...convenient. :) Just in time for Skippy to make another run at the White House and have a chance to fuck this country over again.
Ummmmmmmmm, Skippy has been fucking this country over for the past four years and voters want to put an end to it.
I think you're right. So if the paid a smaller percent of the total taxes raised, and poor people paid less taxes than they did before, where did the difference in the tax revenue come from?
Hint: The middle class is seeing slower income growth than both the rich and the poor
Most democratic policies actually hurt the middle class. Democrats have been attacking the middle class for decades. A lot of it has to do with attacking businesses. When attacking businesses, the super rich take a hit but it is the small businesses owned by the middle class who are ravaged by Democratic policies. They have a socialist goal of wiping out small businesses so that only the mega corporations are left, of which they want to dictate to those remaining mega corporations with the policies they want. The left can't do this with all those damned mom and pop businesses in the way so just get rid of them. You should refer back to post #1.
and you have no clue as to the cause of the problem. Anyone can access Friedman on youtube, and purchase a fairly inexpensive used copy via amazon or some other vender.
Anyone can link to wikipedia, links are not an argument or discussion.

Links without a quote and commentary on the quote just proves you dont know anything about economics.

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