Under Democratic Policies The Rich Get Richer

Let me get this straight, if the goal is to help the middle class we should keep the wages they are paid, low? Not sure I follow the logic here.
We should keep ALL wages low so the poorer can afford things better. Let the market decide what the wages are. For example, the federal minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour for many years now and yet even in states and localities which have that minimum wage, very few employers actually pay that.
We should keep ALL wages low so the poorer can afford things better. Let the market decide what the wages are. For example, the federal minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour for many years now and yet even in states and localities which have that minimum wage, very few employers actually pay that.
So we need less people in the middle class. Perfect.
We should keep ALL wages low so the poorer can afford things better.
Wouldn't they afford things better if they earned more?

Let the market decide what the wages are. For example, the federal minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour for many years now and yet even in states and localities which have that minimum wage, very few employers actually pay that.
Unfortunately that is not the world we live in. If you work in a town with one factory you have little leverage unless you can unionize, something the GOP are generally opposed to. The job market has be open and free.

Technology is making a dent here, with remote work you can live anywhere. One issue, unique to the US among Western nations, is that we generally get our benefits, healthcare, etc., from our job. No job, no benefits, and that makes a free job market very difficult. I'm at a point where I don't need ANY benefits from my job so I've changed companies every 1-2 years for almost a decade now and my salary jumps each time.
Wouldn't they afford things better if they earned more?

Unfortunately that is not the world we live in. If you work in a town with one factory you have little leverage unless you can unionize, something the GOP are generally opposed to. The job market has be open and free.

Technology is making a dent here, with remote work you can live anywhere. One issue, unique to the US among Western nations, is that we generally get our benefits, healthcare, etc., from our job. No job, no benefits, and that makes a free job market very difficult. I'm at a point where I don't need ANY benefits from my job so I've changed companies every 1-2 years for almost a decade now and my salary jumps each time.
Increased wages lead to increased prices so, no, higher wages do not help people afford things more. In fact, a huge majority of Americans can't afford things now and Biden and the left are out there telling them that they're wrong.

The job market is not open and free when unions have all the power. There should be a 50/50 split between union power and employer power.

Remote work was a thing during the pandemic, which has actually caused several cities into a doom spiral.

When you want to earn more and have better benefits, you quit and go to a better job, which is what you have done. You don't sit there on your ass and demand your employer pay you more and give you better benefits and, in return, you give them nothing more than you were before.

Many on the left believe you should be able to sit on your ass working at McDonalds and get better pay and benefits while doing nothing more than flip the burgers you were flipping before. If you want more then you become a shift supervisor, assistant manager, manager, and use that to move onto better jobs like you have been doing.
I don't vote democrat. I also don't think lower wages helps anything. They kill an economy.

No. 1: Thousands of Californians have already lost jobs because some restaurants closed. Others lost income because their employer cut worker hours. The chain El Pollo Loco cut employees' hours by 10 percent.

Pizza Hut announced that they will lay off more than a thousand delivery drivers. One, Michael Ojeda—a delivery driver who was laid off by the company—understandably asked, "What's the point of a raise if you don't have a job?"

No. 2: Workers who still have jobs will lose them because now their employers have more incentive to automate. Chipotle just created a robot that makes burrito bowls. Even CNN acknowledged, "Some restaurants are replacing [fast food workers] with kiosks."

No. 3: Prices go up.

The day Newsom signed the bill, he was asked, "Can Californians expect the prices of their McDonald's and Starbucks to go up?"

Newsom deceitfully replied, "I've heard that rhetoric before. And it didn't happen!"

Nonsense. It did happen. It always happens when government forces wage increases. In this case, Starbucks prices have increased as much as 15 percent. Customers will pay about $200 per year more for their coffee. A chicken burrito at Chipotle will cost up to 8 percent more.

No. 4: Perhaps the worst unseen harm from minimum wage laws is that young and unskilled people won't even be hired. They won't gain valuable experience from a first job at a fast food restaurant.

There are consequences to paying a higher wage.
again, rich get richer because they're smarter than those who don't have any.
What the left are too stupid to know or acknowledge is that the pie never stays the same size. It is not finite. It is not a case of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. That's just a myth. The pie is always growing so the rich get richer and the poor also get richer, even if the rich get richer at a faster rate than the poor get richer. Yes, wealth inequality does grow as the pie grows but it doesn't change the fact that the poor get richer. If you compare the poor to the poor 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago, the poor are ALWAYS getting richer. It is irrelevant that the rich also get richer or that they are getting richer at a faster rate than the poorer do.
it is funny what you all believe. Where's all the gas then?
It's in the US reserves. Oh, wait a minute, guess not. They're empty, just when the country is on the brink of WWIII. But at least gas prices are low. Oh, wait a minute, guess not.
It's in the US reserves. Oh, wait a minute, guess not. They're empty, just when the country is on the brink of WWIII. But at least gas prices are low. Oh, wait a minute, guess not.
Right!! they say he's producing gas, yet there ain't any!! And all I want these geniuses to tell us where is the gas?

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