Under god

1. Because people like and Obama are so wrapped up in your Ideology, that you edit History.............Why is it so difficult for Obama just to say UNDER GOD which is on the monument at Gettysburg....................

2. I saw the first reference to this from my wife's facebook........Believe it is somewhere on Conserabuzz site...........Not sure, but who the hell cares............I heard about it from my wife and looked the issue up myself................

3. Typical Liberal Response when I question the integrity of Obama.


You did nt answer my question. Why do YOU think he did not sat " under god"?

I care about where dummies like you get shit. You could have just looked at the archives here as we had a long thread on this a few days ago. Sme other nutter beat you to it. And...if you looked it up yourself, you would have learned that there were several versions of the speech and the one Lincoln read was likely to NOT have the words "under god" in it.

And your proof...........I don't care about the other threads of the past, I'll look if you provide a link...................

Look at the picture at the memorial..................If it was never said that way, then why is it on the memorial.....................Shouldn't you and Obama be trying to have the memorial modified to make sure it's historically correct.

My motivation, I can't stand people like you who can't stand the two words UNDER GOD...................So I posted it, if you are offended that I question you Liberal Ideology, TAKE A NUMBER and get in line with the others.....................

Why do you think Obama omitted "under god"?
Why do you think Obama omitted "under god"?

Sells to a certain demographic.

I also think he is being petulant and reeling from the change of political wind of late.

What demographic? Is it the majority? If not, does that make sense?

Is he running for office?

Petulant? You think he is throwing a tantrum?

You are an idiot, aren't you?
You did nt answer my question. Why do YOU think he did not sat " under god"?

I care about where dummies like you get shit. You could have just looked at the archives here as we had a long thread on this a few days ago. Sme other nutter beat you to it. And...if you looked it up yourself, you would have learned that there were several versions of the speech and the one Lincoln read was likely to NOT have the words "under god" in it.

And your proof...........I don't care about the other threads of the past, I'll look if you provide a link...................

Look at the picture at the memorial..................If it was never said that way, then why is it on the memorial.....................Shouldn't you and Obama be trying to have the memorial modified to make sure it's historically correct.

My motivation, I can't stand people like you who can't stand the two words UNDER GOD...................So I posted it, if you are offended that I question you Liberal Ideology, TAKE A NUMBER and get in line with the others.....................

Why do you think Obama omitted "under god"?

You tell me, which is the OP..............I say he didn't...........I've given links to back up my claim...............

Other than being ticked off at me questioning your king, what have you shown here................

Nothing, and I again state that Obama purposely chose to omit UNDER GOD because of Liberal IDEOLOGY..................

Again, why is it So Damned difficult for you just to say UNDER GOD................

Which you have not answered.

Why do you think Obama omitted the words "under god" in his version of the speech?

That is 4 times that I have asked you to respond to the question you posed in the OP.

Please answer.

Liberal Ideology and Politcal Correctness....................

and again, why does your side have a PROBLEM WITH UNDER GOD................

Why does your glorified ACLU like to attack objects like a WWI memorial with a symbol of the cross....................

Again, your IDEOLOGY is at question here.................

The memorial has UNDER GOD ON IT, so why is it a damn problem to state it.
And your proof...........I don't care about the other threads of the past, I'll look if you provide a link...................

Look at the picture at the memorial..................If it was never said that way, then why is it on the memorial.....................Shouldn't you and Obama be trying to have the memorial modified to make sure it's historically correct.

My motivation, I can't stand people like you who can't stand the two words UNDER GOD...................So I posted it, if you are offended that I question you Liberal Ideology, TAKE A NUMBER and get in line with the others.....................

Why do you think Obama omitted "under god"?

You tell me, which is the OP..............I say he didn't...........I've given links to back up my claim...............

Other than being ticked off at me questioning your king, what have you shown here................

Nothing, and I again state that Obama purposely chose to omit UNDER GOD because of Liberal IDEOLOGY..................

Again, why is it So Damned difficult for you just to say UNDER GOD................

Which you have not answered.

It is not difficult for many liberals to say "under god". Obama says it OFTEN. Did you know that? He is a Christian. A liberal Christian.

I do not say it....as I don't believe in your fairy tale. I ain't under any god.
Why do you think Obama omitted "under god"?

Sells to a certain demographic.

I also think he is being petulant and reeling from the change of political wind of late.

What demographic? Is it the majority? If not, does that make sense?

Is he running for office?

Petulant? You think he is throwing a tantrum?

You are an idiot, aren't you?

You are the demographic.

He is certainly narcissistic enough to think taking liberty with Gettysburg Address is within his purview. I find his response actions vindictive more times than not.

Why do you think Obama omitted the words "under god" in his version of the speech?

That is 4 times that I have asked you to respond to the question you posed in the OP.

Please answer.

Liberal Ideology and Politcal Correctness....................

and again, why does your side have a PROBLEM WITH UNDER GOD................

Why does your glorified ACLU like to attack objects like a WWI memorial with a symbol of the cross....................

Again, your IDEOLOGY is at question here.................

The memorial has UNDER GOD ON IT, so why is it a damn problem to state it.

You have a hard time understanding things, don't you. You poor thing. I am beginning to feel guilty here. I shouldn't be so direct and harsh with a person of limited capacity.

My apologies.
Sells to a certain demographic.

I also think he is being petulant and reeling from the change of political wind of late.

What demographic? Is it the majority? If not, does that make sense?

Is he running for office?

Petulant? You think he is throwing a tantrum?

You are an idiot, aren't you?

You are the demographic.

He is certainly narcissistic enough to think taking liberty with Gettysburg Address is within his purview. I find his response actions vindictive more times than not.

You did not answer the two jest ions that were most important there. Why not?

Why do you think Obama omitted the words "under god" in his version of the speech?

That is 4 times that I have asked you to respond to the question you posed in the OP.

Please answer.

Liberal Ideology and Politcal Correctness....................

and again, why does your side have a PROBLEM WITH UNDER GOD................

Why does your glorified ACLU like to attack objects like a WWI memorial with a symbol of the cross....................

Again, your IDEOLOGY is at question here.................

The memorial has UNDER GOD ON IT, so why is it a damn problem to state it.

You have a hard time understanding things, don't you. You poor thing. I am beginning to feel guilty here. I shouldn't be so direct and harsh with a person of limited capacity.

My apologies.

Exactly you are so smart you have figured out "God" with certainty.

Why do you think Obama omitted the words "under god" in his version of the speech?

That is 4 times that I have asked you to respond to the question you posed in the OP.

Please answer.

Liberal Ideology and Politcal Correctness....................

and again, why does your side have a PROBLEM WITH UNDER GOD................

Why does your glorified ACLU like to attack objects like a WWI memorial with a symbol of the cross....................

Again, your IDEOLOGY is at question here.................

The memorial has UNDER GOD ON IT, so why is it a damn problem to state it.

You have a hard time understanding things, don't you. You poor thing. I am beginning to feel guilty here. I shouldn't be so direct and harsh with a person of limited capacity.

My apologies.

I understand perfectly well that Liberals are brain damaged...............

And again, you have not answered my question...........You dodge it, avoid it, and Divert from it............

No one is allowed to attack your IDEOLOGY..............

I believe he DELIBERATELY didn't use those words because...............

Lincoln, ?Gettysburg Address,? Speech Text |

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate-we can not consecrate-we can not hallow-this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion-that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

So why Mr. President, did you omit Under God while reading the words of Lincoln?

The Gettysburg Address happened in 1863. NONE of the versions that existed in 1863 has "under God." "Under God" was not added until 1864. The version you are quoting did not exist at the time of the Gettysburg Address.
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Liberal Ideology and Politcal Correctness....................

and again, why does your side have a PROBLEM WITH UNDER GOD................

Why does your glorified ACLU like to attack objects like a WWI memorial with a symbol of the cross....................

Again, your IDEOLOGY is at question here.................

The memorial has UNDER GOD ON IT, so why is it a damn problem to state it.

You have a hard time understanding things, don't you. You poor thing. I am beginning to feel guilty here. I shouldn't be so direct and harsh with a person of limited capacity.

My apologies.

Exactly you are so smart you have figured out "God" with certainty.

And you divert, the Bliss Copy..................At least do your homework...................

As shown Under God is on that copy..............Other versions are at wiki, 6 versions...............

So why did the Museum choose the copy with UNDER GOD on it in Gettysburg.........................

And again, why does my questioning Obama on this make your so angry...........

Perhaps that is an overstatement on you, but laughter appears to come unglued if I question this.

So, just to tick him off, is amusing to me................
You have a hard time understanding things, don't you. You poor thing. I am beginning to feel guilty here. I shouldn't be so direct and harsh with a person of limited capacity.

My apologies.

Exactly you are so smart you have figured out "God" with certainty.

And you divert, the Bliss Copy..................At least do your homework...................

As shown Under God is on that copy..............Other versions are at wiki, 6 versions...............

So why did the Museum choose the copy with UNDER GOD on it in Gettysburg.........................

And again, why does my questioning Obama on this make your so angry...........

Perhaps that is an overstatement on you, but laughter appears to come unglued if I question this.

So, just to tick him off, is amusing to me................

I said Under God is on the Bliss copy.

Look. Then leap.
"So help me God" removed from the Air Force Oath - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

The unceremonious demise of “so help me God” in the Air Force’s oath was the result of a challenge filed by an atheist advocacy group that recruited an officer candidate who was willing to object to saying these four words. Rather than just waive the requirement for the one lone dissenter who objected, Air Force officials—I refuse to call them leaders—over reacted and took immediate steps to protect themselves and their careers from the slightest hint of controversy. Rather than risk standing up to the small but vocal squadron of atheists that is always trying to chip away at America’s religious freedom, Pentagon officials quickly abandoned a military tradition that dates back to the founding of the Air Force. What is even more frightening than the attack this situation represents on religious freedom in the military is the fact that these same weak-kneed Air Force officials are the officers we expect to lead our nation in a time of war. God help us. Although why He would help us when we refuse to include His name in our oaths is beyond me.

I fully understand that it has become common practice to give people who are taking an oath in a court of law or when applying for a passport the option of swearing to God or just affirming their commitment with no mention of God. I don’t care for this practice, but in today’s age of anti-Christian activism it is a fact of life. But the Air Force is not even giving its personnel the option of swearing to God. The words “so help me God” have been removed from the Air Force’s oath altogether. This action is not just an affront to the thousands of Christians who serve in the Air Force it is evidence of cowardice in the Pentagon. The top brass in the Air Force who removed “so help me God” from their oath have pleased a few advocates of atheism, but they have let down thousands of Christian men and women who serve in the Air Force and hundreds of thousands of civilians outside the military who support them. In so doing, they have shown themselves to be politically-correct careerists who are more concerned with avoiding the risk of a confrontation with an advocacy group than with standing up for what is right.

Another example of "SO HELP ME GOD"

Ummmmmmmm ummmmmmmmm good..................

Am I noticing a trend here Liberals.
Exactly you are so smart you have figured out "God" with certainty.

And you divert, the Bliss Copy..................At least do your homework...................

As shown Under God is on that copy..............Other versions are at wiki, 6 versions...............

So why did the Museum choose the copy with UNDER GOD on it in Gettysburg.........................

And again, why does my questioning Obama on this make your so angry...........

Perhaps that is an overstatement on you, but laughter appears to come unglued if I question this.

So, just to tick him off, is amusing to me................

I said Under God is on the Bliss copy.

Look. Then leap.

I looked back and I see my error on that one..........

You are quite correct there.
You have a hard time understanding things, don't you. You poor thing. I am beginning to feel guilty here. I shouldn't be so direct and harsh with a person of limited capacity.

My apologies.

Exactly you are so smart you have figured out "God" with certainty.

And you divert, the Bliss Copy..................At least do your homework...................

As shown Under God is on that copy..............Other versions are at wiki, 6 versions...............

So why did the Museum choose the copy with UNDER GOD on it in Gettysburg.........................

And again, why does my questioning Obama on this make your so angry...........

Perhaps that is an overstatement on you, but laughter appears to come unglued if I question this.

So, just to tick him off, is amusing to me................

I love it when nutters misunderstand other nutters. So eager to be argumentative, you argue with people who agree with you. Such fun!

I am not angry, friend. I think an impartial analysis of this thread would reveal that it is you who is angry.
This is Liberal Ideology at work................

Especially the ACLU.............

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