Understanding Christianity

You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
"Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia?"

Nowhere, of course, because the illiterate goat herders who made up that fantasy had no idea kangaroos even existed. What a silly question.
Nowhere, of course, because the illiterate goat herders who made up that fantasy had no idea kangaroos even existed. What a silly question.

Correct. It's modern Americans with their 21st century view of the world who think there were kangaroos on the ark. People in Biblical times were speaking of earth/land as far as the eye could see. They used another word for planet/world. Therefore, non-believers should stop suggesting there were kangaroos on the ark (as the person I responded to was doing).
Nowhere, of course, because the illiterate goat herders who made up that fantasy had no idea kangaroos even existed. What a silly question.

Correct. It's modern Americans with their 21st century view of the world who think there were kangaroos on the ark. People in Biblical times were speaking of earth/land as far as the eye could see. They used another word for planet/world. Therefore, non-believers should stop suggesting there were kangaroos on the ark (as the person I responded to was doing).
"People in Biblical times were speaking of earth/land as far as the eye could see."

Well, yeah, of course! And they were also inventing myths to explain other things they didn't understand. Seems like we are on the same page. Well, if we agree that the idea of the ark is either completely absurd, or just a huge exaggeration.
Well, yeah, of course! And they were also inventing myths to explain other things they didn't understand. Seems like we are on the same page. Well, if we agree that the idea of the ark is either completely absurd, or just a huge exaggeration.

What is the theme, purpose of the story? Originally, was it written or passed along by word of mouth? What do you learn from the account?
Well, yeah, of course! And they were also inventing myths to explain other things they didn't understand. Seems like we are on the same page. Well, if we agree that the idea of the ark is either completely absurd, or just a huge exaggeration.

What is the theme, purpose of the story? Originally, was it written or passed along by word of mouth? What do you learn from the account?
The purpose of the story is to fill out the ethos of a myth. The moral of the story is that god is powerful and is to be feared.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
"Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia?"

Nowhere, of course, because the illiterate goat herders who made up that fantasy had no idea kangaroos even existed. What a silly question.
"Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia?"

Nowhere, of course, because the illiterate goat herders who made up that fantasy had no idea kangaroos even existed. What a silly question.

it is disingenuous to focus a recusal on what is proven already to be a corrupt document, the parable itself through the spoken religion remains the fundamental religion of that time - The Triumph of Good vs Evil prescribed by the Almighty - irregardless the obvious corruption of all three desert religions by their adherents.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
"Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia?"

Nowhere, of course, because the illiterate goat herders who made up that fantasy had no idea kangaroos even existed. What a silly question.
"Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia?"

Nowhere, of course, because the illiterate goat herders who made up that fantasy had no idea kangaroos even existed. What a silly question.

it is disingenuous to focus a recusal on what is proven already to be a corrupt document, the parable itself through the spoken religion remains the fundamental religion of that time - The Triumph of Good vs Evil prescribed by the Almighty - irregardless the obvious corruption of all three desert religions by their adherents.
"Good vs evil prescribed by the almighty"

Ah, the common theme. Therefore, spirituality? No, therefore sentience, value of self, desperation, and ignorance.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?

Among all the floods in human records, none of them can bury a mountain as high as mount Ararat. It says that the 'flood' Noah saw may not be flood at all but a kind of catastrophe unknown to humans. God didn't ask Noah to keep the sea fished neither. God doesn't rely on Noah to keep the animals in order to re-populate the world. It's rather a test of Noah's faith.

Another possible explanation is that, God actually asked Noah to keep as many pairs of animals as possible such that they will be repopulated in the future world. So if Noah didn't keep the Kangaroos, it means there will be no Kangaroos in the New Earth. And the book of Revelation says that there will be no sea in the future earth, perhaps that's why God never asked Noah to keep the fishes. The story has prophetic meanings which may be beyond us to understand for the moment.
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?

Among all the floods in human records, none of them can bury a mountain as high as mount Ararat. It says that the 'flood' Noah saw may not be flood at all but a kind of catastrophe unknown to humans. God didn't ask Noah to keep the sea fished neither. God doesn't rely on Noah to keep the animals in order to re-populate the world. It's rather a test of Noah's faith.

Another possible explanation is that, God actually asked Noah to keep as many pairs of animals as possible such that they will be repopulated in the future world. So if Noah didn't keep the Kangaroos, it means there will be no Kangaroos in the New Earth. And the book of Revelation says that there will be no sea in the future earth, perhaps that's why God never asked Noah to keep the fishes. The story has prophetic meanings which may be beyond us to understand for the moment.
You could say that about every fairy tale. :biggrin:
Among all the floods in human records, none of them can bury a mountain as high as mount Ararat. It says that the 'flood' Noah saw may not be flood at all but a kind of catastrophe unknown to humans.

There is an impact crater on the bottom of the indian ocean that is 25 times larger than meteor crater in Arizona that dates to the approximate time of the many hundred worldwide flood stories. This would have instantly vaporized billions of metric tons of water into the atmosphere, causing a mega tsunami and a worldwide deluge of torrential rain and superstorms that would have lasted weeks and washed away every city near the shore and every inland settlement situated near rivers, streams and even dry washes in the deserts all over the earth.

Water covering the tops of mountains is just a little hyperbole that tries to convey the magnitude of the partial extinction event. In scripture "the mountains of Israel" also refers to the big shots of the community. Therefore, water covering their highest mountain could also indicate that all the well heeled big shots drowned. 10 feet of water would have done the trick, especially among desert dwellers who probably couldn't swim for a minute much less a month.. They really didn't need to exaggerate much.

Another possible explanation is that, God actually asked Noah to keep as many pairs of animals as possible such that they will be repopulated in the future world.
In the bible people are compared to lower beasts from the very first book to the very last.

If Noah took along a few pairs of lowlifes that would explain why there are still so may out there that weren't killed off in the flood.

Kangaroos are irrelevant. No one calls another person a kangaroo in any language , but they did call each other snakes, pigs, dogs, wolves, sheep, goats, rats, vultures, worms, maggots, etc., before the flood and after the flood in every language to this day..

And the book of Revelation says that there will be no sea in the future earth, perhaps that's why God never asked Noah to keep the fishes. The story has prophetic meanings which may be beyond us to understand for the moment.

The prophecy, " and there was no longer any sea" indicates that in the future world people will learn all the truth, nothing will be hidden by the mysterious deep.

This relates to the verse in Genesis that says that before there was light, the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, meaning that no one knew anything about right or wrong much less the mysteries of life.

In the fullness of time, all will be revealed.
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Fireman friend of mine went to a late night fire at a strip mall. One man goes on the roof to cut a hole so heat can escape. He and two others go inside the burning building to make sure no one is inside. My buddy radios the guy on the roof asking if he is done yet, it is still really hot in there. He gets the affirmative, hole has been cut in the roof. (As it turned out a hole was cut in the business next door, the wrong roof.) So my friend continues to go in with a buddy on each side of him.
All of a sudden my buddy hears a voice. STOP. My buddy instinctively stops. The firemen at his side didn't hear anything but see him freeze so they stop too. Just then right in front of them a 5 ton air conditioning unit crashes down from the roof. Right where they would have been if he had not stopped.
God is always watching out for us. Sometimes it is time to go home, sometimes it is not.

Nice story.

Once the family of a dying elderly woman all came to visit her to pray for her recovery telling her that if she had the faith asked for forgiveness and just believed that God would heal her she would get better because sin was what made her sick. When she didn't get better they told her that her faith must be lacking. Then she died.

I sure hope God was watching those bastards make an old woman feel bad about herself in her dying days.
According to Weather, god should have stopped those nuts from doing that.

He could have fit right in with them.

God didn't stop them but he also didn't stop me from giving them a piece of my mind.
So god's just a spectator?

No, your eyes have not yet been opened to see how God has been intimately involved in your development for your entire life.

The all knowing religious folks. Lol. They aren't arrogant at ALL. ;)
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?
First, I never called you an idiot, that's not something I do to individuals. I don't think you are an idiot, and my apologies for phrasing anything in a way that gave you that impression. I do stand by my position that we, as a culture, need to get past the mindset that everything written in history was directed at 21st Century American culture. We have to understand different eras and different cultures have different mindsets. We cannot interpret everything written via 21st American culture.

No, I don't move the goal posts to make the story work for me. I return the goal posts to where they were originally to understand the story in the context of those time. For example, forty days and forty nights is more an idiom for no one knows how long it was, but it was a long time.

If you study the scripture about covering mountains, you will find it interesting to know that a few verse on they could see the mountains. Had falling rain obstruct their vision? Its an interesting story.
Among all the floods in human records, none of them can bury a mountain as high as mount Ararat. It says that the 'flood' Noah saw may not be flood at all but a kind of catastrophe unknown to humans.

There is an impact crater on the bottom of the indian ocean that is 25 times larger than meteor crater in Arizona that dates to the approximate time of the many hundred worldwide flood stories. This would have instantly vaporized billions of metric tons of water into the atmosphere, causing a mega tsunami and a worldwide deluge of torrential rain and superstorms that would have lasted weeks and washed away every city near the shore and every inland settlement situated near rivers, streams and even dry washes in the deserts all over the earth.

Water covering the tops of mountains is just a little hyperbole that tries to convey the magnitude of the partial extinction event. In scripture "the mountains of Israel" also refers to the big shots of the community. Therefore, water covering their highest mountain could also indicate that all the well heeled big shots drowned. 10 feet of water would have done the trick, especially among desert dwellers who probably couldn't swim for a minute much less a month.. They really didn't need to exaggerate much.

Another possible explanation is that, God actually asked Noah to keep as many pairs of animals as possible such that they will be repopulated in the future world.
In the bible people are compared to lower beasts from the very first book to the very last.

If Noah took along a few pairs of lowlifes that would explain why there are still so may out there that weren't killed off in the flood.

Kangaroos are irrelevant. No one calls another person a kangaroo in any language , but they did call each other snakes, pigs, dogs, wolves, sheep, goats, rats, vultures, worms, maggots, etc., before the flood and after the flood in every language to this day..

And the book of Revelation says that there will be no sea in the future earth, perhaps that's why God never asked Noah to keep the fishes. The story has prophetic meanings which may be beyond us to understand for the moment.

The prophecy, " and there was no longer any sea" indicates that in the future world people will learn all the truth, nothing will be hidden by the mysterious deep.

This relates to the verse in Genesis that says that before there was light, the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, meaning that no one knew anything about right or wrong much less the mysteries of life.

In the fullness of time, all will be revealed.
I love how the deniers always try to come up with wild lame reasons for denying Biblical accounts.

The Burckle impact crater would have had no impact (pun?) on the story given.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?
Dude, give up on the tidbits of garbage hearsay you have accepted as fact and educate yourself and go read what it says.

The flood didn't last 40 days, the rising waters did. Most species had more than two, we all know the land masses of the earth were once one, we all know when the land broke up it caused mountains to rise, we all know those mountains have Dead Sea creatures, we all know the species would have fitted in the ark, we all know the earth was once always covered in mist, etc etc.

Was every species on the Ark? No. Species is a term used in the modern classification system. The Bible uses the term “kind.” The created kind was a much broader category than the modern term of classification, species.

Recent studies estimate the total number of living and extinct kinds of land animals and flying creatures to be about 1,500. With our “worst-case” scenario approach to calculating the number of animals on the Ark, this would mean that Noah cared for approximately 7,000 animals.

If you want to know, ask. Don't go making mocking statements and act like they're Fact.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?
Dude, give up on the tidbits of garbage hearsay you have accepted as fact and educate yourself and go read what it says.

The flood didn't last 40 days, the rising waters did. Most species had more than two, we all know the land masses of the earth were once one, we all know when the land broke up it caused mountains to rise, we all know those mountains have Dead Sea creatures, we all know the species would have fitted in the ark, we all know the earth was once always covered in mist, etc etc.

Was every species on the Ark? No. Species is a term used in the modern classification system. The Bible uses the term “kind.” The created kind was a much broader category than the modern term of classification, species.

Recent studies estimate the total number of living and extinct kinds of land animals and flying creatures to be about 1,500. With our “worst-case” scenario approach to calculating the number of animals on the Ark, this would mean that Noah cared for approximately 7,000 animals.

If you want to know, ask. Don't go making mocking statements and act like they're Fact.
It rained 40 days and forty nights. And the fountains of the deep opened up. This is important because these underground fountains actually exist. There are vast resovoirs under the Earths crust. They are under immense pressure. The people of Noah's time had no way of knowing about these fountains. Once released it is theorised that the velocity would exceed the sound barrier, sending the water into low Earth orbit to fall as rain. Some of it even achieved escape velocity and formed comets.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?
Dude, give up on the tidbits of garbage hearsay you have accepted as fact and educate yourself and go read what it says.

The flood didn't last 40 days, the rising waters did. Most species had more than two, we all know the land masses of the earth were once one, we all know when the land broke up it caused mountains to rise, we all know those mountains have Dead Sea creatures, we all know the species would have fitted in the ark, we all know the earth was once always covered in mist, etc etc.

Was every species on the Ark? No. Species is a term used in the modern classification system. The Bible uses the term “kind.” The created kind was a much broader category than the modern term of classification, species.

Recent studies estimate the total number of living and extinct kinds of land animals and flying creatures to be about 1,500. With our “worst-case” scenario approach to calculating the number of animals on the Ark, this would mean that Noah cared for approximately 7,000 animals.

If you want to know, ask. Don't go making mocking statements and act like they're Fact.
It rained 40 days and forty nights. And the fountains of the deep opened up. This is important because these underground fountains actually exist. There are vast resovoirs under the Earths crust. They are under immense pressure. The people of Noah's time had no way of knowing about these fountains. Once released it is theorised that the velocity would exceed the sound barrier, sending the water into low Earth orbit to fall as rain. Some of it even achieved escape velocity and formed comets.
I've got a river under my home, great well water.
You have nothing except personal fantasies. The bible is a load of made up stuff, otherwise, how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards?
I, unlike you, are on an actual quest to find god. And personal delusions aren't valid, just the real thing. Good luck in your fantasy world, if I ever find the real thing I'll be happy to let you know what god actually is about.

No need to go into the micro-aggression mode. (Fantasies and delusions)

Where, in the Bible, does it say Noah got kangaroos from Australia? This is what I mean about only being able to see ancient writings through the lens of modern English and a 21st century American mind set. Truly, if ancient man thought we modern descendants were going to be such idiots, they would have been easier on their own culture and despaired of ours.

Thanks. I already know (a minuscule amount) what God is about. And, (speaking of delusions and fantasies) He isn't about putting Australian animals on a Middle Eastern ark. Study Noah's culture, study the language and learn that the language did not say the planet was covered, it said earth (dirt) was covered.

And, I wish you well on your quest. Maybe someday you will be thinking, "Ah this is what that thread was talking about." In the meantime, I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
So you have to move the goalposts to make Noah's story work for you. So what about the 40 days and nights that the flood lasted? If it was a regional flood it couldn't have had high water covering all the mountains, and for 40 days no less!
So 2 of every animal is bullshit, and here I was being constantly told that the bible is inspired by god. So I guess god didn't know about kangaroos... Is that your position?
And is calling me an idiot passive aggressive or just an outright schoolyard insult?
Dude, give up on the tidbits of garbage hearsay you have accepted as fact and educate yourself and go read what it says.

The flood didn't last 40 days, the rising waters did. Most species had more than two, we all know the land masses of the earth were once one, we all know when the land broke up it caused mountains to rise, we all know those mountains have Dead Sea creatures, we all know the species would have fitted in the ark, we all know the earth was once always covered in mist, etc etc.

Was every species on the Ark? No. Species is a term used in the modern classification system. The Bible uses the term “kind.” The created kind was a much broader category than the modern term of classification, species.

Recent studies estimate the total number of living and extinct kinds of land animals and flying creatures to be about 1,500. With our “worst-case” scenario approach to calculating the number of animals on the Ark, this would mean that Noah cared for approximately 7,000 animals.

If you want to know, ask. Don't go making mocking statements and act like they're Fact.
Ok, I'll ask, where do kangaroos come from?

How did Noah get food on a boat for and with 7000 animals? And he didn't lose one? Cann a handfull of people feed and shovel the shit of 7000 animals for 40 days? How did the ark land on top of a mountain if the flood was only regional?

Where the land masses all one during Noah's day? If not, why bring it up?

When did dinosaurs live? And how old is the earth?

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