Understanding Christianity

Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal. What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life. It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.
No, religion is about teaching to follow an invisible being as they pass around the collection plate.
That is not the history of Christianity. It is the history of evil men claiming to be Christians. Do you comprehend the difference?
That is not the history of Christianity. It is the history of evil men claiming to be Christians. Do you comprehend the difference?

Do you comprehend the difference?

history bears witness they are one in the same.

were their atrocities ever through history corrected at the time there might be a discussion that is not the case each generation that follows, induced by the 4th century christian bible is led down the same path of evil by the books forgeries and underlying deliberate deceitfulness. you are one of them.

their book is written by the 1st century crucifiers, until they are brought to Justice christianity will remain a forsaken and false religion ...

sheeeesh----those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al
sheeeesh----those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al

those guys are dead ...

they live in their book, the same for yours, bookreader that is why the spoken religion existed not to be memorized but as a cumulative pathway over time. or for the 1st century to have written theirs which they could not is why there was the crucifixion. but then you are just a woman.

could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?
could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?

those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al ...

View attachment 147489

was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

your so funny, they are all dead ... was that written on your birthday cake.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal. What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life. It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.
No, religion is about teaching to follow an invisible being as they pass around the collection plate.
Is that why the Bible says to only give what you want joyfully?

Narrative Fail.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal. What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life. It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.
I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God?

Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
Go therefore and make disciples...etc

This is the job of Christians as stated by Jesus, so, if you wonder why many Christians are "pushing" their agenda, this is one reason why

The other reason is the 2nd greatest commandment, to love others. Realize, to a Christian, the best way to show love to their fellow man is to tell them the "Good News", as they believe the life that really matters is the afterlife.. not this one on Earth
There are some proselyting groups in Christianity, but not all.

Catholics don't really proselyte and certainly not among other Christians.

Most Protestants don't either.


Your mission as a Christian is to spread the Good News. Jesus assigned the Disciples to spread the word.

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Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
Just because your life sucks doesn't fit everyone. I'm living a fantastic life.
Go therefore and make disciples...etc

This is the job of Christians as stated by Jesus, so, if you wonder why many Christians are "pushing" their agenda, this is one reason why

The other reason is the 2nd greatest commandment, to love others. Realize, to a Christian, the best way to show love to their fellow man is to tell them the "Good News", as they believe the life that really matters is the afterlife.. not this one on Earth
There are some proselyting groups in Christianity, but not all.

Catholics don't really proselyte and certainly not among other Christians.

Most Protestants don't either.

not true------catholics PROSELYTIZE vigorously-------historically and in ------the third world.
Tell an INDIAN HINDU that catholics do not proselytize. In RECENT history they did it
VIGOROUSLY upon jews in Europe and the USA ------In the USA upon native americans.
SHEEEESH how long have you lived under a rock. Of course in London----OLIVER CROMWELL knocked that idea out of their heads in reference to ANGLICANS
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
No, religion is about teaching to follow an invisible being as they pass around the collection plate.

Grin. I'll bet you told your parents the only reason they had children was because they wanted someone to do chores.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
Go therefore and make disciples...etc

This is the job of Christians as stated by Jesus, so, if you wonder why many Christians are "pushing" their agenda, this is one reason why

The other reason is the 2nd greatest commandment, to love others. Realize, to a Christian, the best way to show love to their fellow man is to tell them the "Good News", as they believe the life that really matters is the afterlife.. not this one on Earth

and the rest of us want you to leave us alone.

and you don't get to use THIS government at least to make your decibels.... nutters.

mostly, reading the posts from the pretend christians on this board, I don't see anything like "love". I see lots of bigotry though.

I don't blame that on christ... I blame it on the misuse of religion by hucksters
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Noah's flood was a natural disaster--and a reflection of man looking back on his pre-flood behavior and judging it was not what it might have been. Mankind's conclusion: God got mad and started over. Mankind's conclusion wasn't necessarily the correct conclusion. God works with what is.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You are speaking of so-called Reformation teachings. Catholics and Orthodox (the greater Christian population) believe that Jesus' teachings of kingdom living/eternal life begins right here in the present. We turn and embrace obedience to God's will now in our present life. Obedience to God's will (as was portrayed by Christ) is what lead to eternal life.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"

The ideal needs to be defined in order for people to aim for it. People's idea of what is good leads to policies such as abortion, euthanasia. There is a better option to both, but the better option often requires courage and support. Without God, many (not all) shrug and choose what is easiest and most convenient.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Go therefore and make disciples...etc

This is the job of Christians as stated by Jesus, so, if you wonder why many Christians are "pushing" their agenda, this is one reason why

The other reason is the 2nd greatest commandment, to love others. Realize, to a Christian, the best way to show love to their fellow man is to tell them the "Good News", as they believe the life that really matters is the afterlife.. not this one on Earth

and the rest of us want you to leave us alone.

and you don't get to use THIS government at least to make your decibels.... nutters.

mostly, reading the posts from the pretend christians on this board, I don't see anything like "love". I see lots of bigotry though.

I don't blame that on christ... I blame it on the misuse of religion by hucksters
It's a shame if Christians are not portraying real Christian love. Of course, in some cases people just don't understand because the don't want to know
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

Do you comprehend the difference?

history bears witness they are one in the same.

were their atrocities ever through history corrected at the time there might be a discussion that is not the case each generation that follows, induced by the 4th century christian bible is led down the same path of evil by the books forgeries and underlying deliberate deceitfulness. you are one of them.

their book is written by the 1st century crucifiers, until they are brought to Justice christianity will remain a forsaken and false religion ...

sheeeesh----those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al
sheeeesh----those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al

those guys are dead ...

they live in their book, the same for yours, bookreader that is why the spoken religion existed not to be memorized but as a cumulative pathway over time. or for the 1st century to have written theirs which they could not is why there was the crucifixion. but then you are just a woman.

could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?
could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?

those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al ...

View attachment 147489

was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

your so funny, they are all dead ... was that written on your birthday cake.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.

^^^ your response to the below quote ...

were their atrocities ever through history corrected at the time there might be a discussion that is not the case each generation that follows, induced by the 4th century christian bible is led down the same path of evil by the books forgeries and underlying deliberate deceitfulness. you are one of them.

their book is written by the 1st century crucifiers, until they are brought to Justice christianity will remain a forsaken and false religion ...


you are no different than what you describe as happening over a few decades in response to unrelated matters of economics with the similarity in most cases in response against the veiled perpetrators that represented scriptural religious doctrine including christianity to commit their crimes.

the difference is those you have faulted no longer exist and their ways have been remedied that is not the case of the 4th century crucifiers that to this day have not been brought to Justice and who continue to covet the 1st century events they have never represented.

try again crucifier, reread your duplicitous book for its battle against Good and the Free Spirit from where you are there seems little in the way of your ever becoming anything else. christian.
I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
sheeeesh----those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al
sheeeesh----those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al

those guys are dead ...

they live in their book, the same for yours, bookreader that is why the spoken religion existed not to be memorized but as a cumulative pathway over time. or for the 1st century to have written theirs which they could not is why there was the crucifixion. but then you are just a woman.

could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?
could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?

those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al ...

View attachment 147489

was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

your so funny, they are all dead ... was that written on your birthday cake.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.

^^^ your response to the below quote ...

were their atrocities ever through history corrected at the time there might be a discussion that is not the case each generation that follows, induced by the 4th century christian bible is led down the same path of evil by the books forgeries and underlying deliberate deceitfulness. you are one of them.

their book is written by the 1st century crucifiers, until they are brought to Justice christianity will remain a forsaken and false religion ...


you are no different than what you describe as happening over a few decades in response to unrelated matters of economics with the similarity in most cases in response against the veiled perpetrators that represented scriptural religious doctrine including christianity to commit their crimes.

the difference is those you have faulted no longer exist and their ways have been remedied that is not the case of the 4th century crucifiers that to this day have not been brought to Justice and who continue to covet the 1st century events they have never represented.

try again crucifier, reread your duplicitous book for its battle against Good and the Free Spirit from where you are there seems little in the way of your ever becoming anything else. christian.
So the people who were murdered were murderers?

This is hilarious. What looney website did you find to get this comedy from?

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