Understanding Christianity

Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

I see no wish to try from you. Instead I see someone building walls that cannot be penetrated. God is spiritual, not physical. Before you believe, you insist God become a physical being. Perhaps you try becoming a spiritual being so that you can believe. (See what I mean about erecting impenetrable walls?) God.is.not.physical. Therefore, there never will be proof as proof is based on what is physical. You are saying you will never believe and nothing can make you. That's fine, but own it.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

It's more about belief in an intelligence and power greater (not bigger) than our own, coupled with the belief our total make-up consists of body, mind, and spirit. Paradoxically, early on in scripture God reveals that it's not the great and powerful events where we find Him--rather He is seen more clearly in the tiny whispering sounds. With Moses, God shows that He can be more clearly seen in hindsight than when He is directly in front of us.

Understanding Christianity/Christians begins with the above. Your invisible Big Guy who lives in the sky seems the closest non-believers can get from what we believers describe. Those of us who believe truly wish we could do better in sharing our own experiences and sincerely apologize for those shortcomings. On the other side of the coin, we really wish some of you would at least try a little harder.
Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
And you have zero scientific evidense there is no God, so there.

The two Nobel Prize winners for discovering the human genome both went into their work as atheists. Both today believe we are from an intelligent design.

So tell me the downside to Christianity.

cavities-------GOD should have made teeth out of titanium
This is the most non-answer to several points ever.

1) God caused the flood, dummy

2) Modern Christianity

3) Good was defined waaaay before God stole it and claimed it was his (he lied). Since when is worship a good? That is an admission of human failure. God does not need to be worshiped.

1. So, you believe in God.
2. Modern belief for some. Not early Christian belief or teaching.
3. So you believe in God.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

It's more about belief in an intelligence and power greater (not bigger) than our own, coupled with the belief our total make-up consists of body, mind, and spirit. Paradoxically, early on in scripture God reveals that it's not the great and powerful events where we find Him--rather He is seen more clearly in the tiny whispering sounds. With Moses, God shows that He can be more clearly seen in hindsight than when He is directly in front of us.

Understanding Christianity/Christians begins with the above. Your invisible Big Guy who lives in the sky seems the closest non-believers can get from what we believers describe. Those of us who believe truly wish we could do better in sharing our own experiences and sincerely apologize for those shortcomings. On the other side of the coin, we really wish some of you would at least try a little harder.
Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
And you have zero scientific evidense there is no God, so there.

The two Nobel Prize winners for discovering the human genome both went into their work as atheists. Both today believe we are from an intelligent design.

So tell me the downside to Christianity.
That's why I'm agnostic, because there's no actual proof either way for or against a god.

The downside to Christianity? People are living their lives based on fairy tales and it's led to war many, many times. It's kept women down since the start and treats them like second class citizens. And that's just for starters.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
Is your response listening again to voices in your head?

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:
  1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
  2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
  3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
  4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)
Noah's Flood—why? - creation.com

Clearly God admits a huge creation blunder. God murdered innocent animals too. What "wrong" did they do?

This is NOT a perfect God
If God thought it was a blunder none of us would be here. God knew what would happen in the garden and what would result. God saved the best people available then hit the cleanse button.

Why would God need an ark anyway. Is he not God? Too lazy to use his magic?

How did Noah get polar bears and kangaroos on the ark? Did he do magic too?

Dinosaurs were pretty big. Why is there no mention of them on the ark? Don't say they were left off, cuz this is NOT what the Bible sez.

Genesis 6:19King James Version (KJV)
19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 6:19 - King James Version

Why is there no chixalub asteroid impact Arc that killed off almost all life? That would have wiped out man easily.

Oh wait, since man created God and God only knows what man knew, there are no dinosaurs in the Bible.
I see no evidence of a greater intelligence nor power. I see fairy tales told to children he calls sheep. Are you a sheep and a little children as he calls you in the Bible?

We try. You don't.

Why has your great intelligence and power abandoned you? It's been 2000 years and he promised he was coming back SOON. Is your God afraid of science? We and especially the media have a lot of questions for the interview.

No, you don't try. Basically what you do is come up with middle-school level yucks to excuse not trying--i.e., invisible man, fairy tales. People have got to move beyond Santa, Invisible Man, and fairy tales before an adult comprehension of scripture can take hold. Try discussing faith, religion, and faith minus childish perspective.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Solid scientific proof would do it for me. You deal in the make believe. I want facts, not fiction.
Make believe is thinking an explosion results in Bach and Michelangelo.
What's your proof that it doesn't?
You have more faith than I believing an explosion created Beethoven's 5th.
It was the birth of the universe. And maybe the universe felt like being self aware and have music? Until there is real proof...
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
Is your response listening again to voices in your head?

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:
  1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
  2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
  3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
  4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)
Noah's Flood—why? - creation.com

Clearly God admits a huge creation blunder. God murdered innocent animals too. What "wrong" did they do?

This is NOT a perfect God
If God thought it was a blunder none of us would be here. God knew what would happen in the garden and what would result. God saved the best people available then hit the cleanse button.
So basically god fucked up and started over. I do that myself sometimes. I must be god-like!
No, God did not start over. There were no innocent people in a garden.

After the flood the same sinful people existed and 3 generations later the Tower of Babel was built to mock God.
So god fucked up again if the same sinful people still existed after the flood?

And god kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden of eden for having sex, that's pretty gay imho.
Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

I see no wish to try from you. Instead I see someone building walls that cannot be penetrated. God is spiritual, not physical. Before you believe, you insist God become a physical being. Perhaps you try becoming a spiritual being so that you can believe. (See what I mean about erecting impenetrable walls?) God.is.not.physical. Therefore, there never will be proof as proof is based on what is physical. You are saying you will never believe and nothing can make you. That's fine, but own it.
So you're saying that you have no proof but will believe anyways. Kudos to you for being able to suspend reality in a core part of your life, I am unable to do so, I need something real to go on.
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
Is your response listening again to voices in your head?

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:
  1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
  2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
  3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
  4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)
Noah's Flood—why? - creation.com

Clearly God admits a huge creation blunder. God murdered innocent animals too. What "wrong" did they do?

This is NOT a perfect God
If God thought it was a blunder none of us would be here. God knew what would happen in the garden and what would result. God saved the best people available then hit the cleanse button.
So basically god fucked up and started over. I do that myself sometimes. I must be god-like!
No, God did not start over. There were no innocent people in a garden.

After the flood the same sinful people existed and 3 generations later the Tower of Babel was built to mock God.
So another blunder by your perfect God
Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

I see no wish to try from you. Instead I see someone building walls that cannot be penetrated. God is spiritual, not physical. Before you believe, you insist God become a physical being. Perhaps you try becoming a spiritual being so that you can believe. (See what I mean about erecting impenetrable walls?) God.is.not.physical. Therefore, there never will be proof as proof is based on what is physical. You are saying you will never believe and nothing can make you. That's fine, but own it.
Care to explain this?

Genesis 3:8New International Version (NIV)


Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 3:8-9 - New International Version

Not spirit, physical. You cannot hide from spirit. God didn't know where they were and that is why he asked. A spirit God would have known where they were.
I see no evidence of a greater intelligence nor power. I see fairy tales told to children he calls sheep. Are you a sheep and a little children as he calls you in the Bible?

We try. You don't.

Why has your great intelligence and power abandoned you? It's been 2000 years and he promised he was coming back SOON. Is your God afraid of science? We and especially the media have a lot of questions for the interview.

No, you don't try. Basically what you do is come up with middle-school level yucks to excuse not trying--i.e., invisible man, fairy tales. People have got to move beyond Santa, Invisible Man, and fairy tales before an adult comprehension of scripture can take hold. Try discussing faith, religion, and faith minus childish perspective.
Where are the facts in the Bible? Verifiable facts that men of the time did not now. Shirley God knew about the real universe and not the fairy tale he told in the Bible.

The world of the Bible is flat and tiny.

That is trying. None of you try.

those guys are dead ...

they live in their book, the same for yours, bookreader that is why the spoken religion existed not to be memorized but as a cumulative pathway over time. or for the 1st century to have written theirs which they could not is why there was the crucifixion. but then you are just a woman.

could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?
could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?

those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al ...

View attachment 147489

was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

your so funny, they are all dead ... was that written on your birthday cake.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.

^^^ your response to the below quote ...

were their atrocities ever through history corrected at the time there might be a discussion that is not the case each generation that follows, induced by the 4th century christian bible is led down the same path of evil by the books forgeries and underlying deliberate deceitfulness. you are one of them.

their book is written by the 1st century crucifiers, until they are brought to Justice christianity will remain a forsaken and false religion ...


you are no different than what you describe as happening over a few decades in response to unrelated matters of economics with the similarity in most cases in response against the veiled perpetrators that represented scriptural religious doctrine including christianity to commit their crimes.

the difference is those you have faulted no longer exist and their ways have been remedied that is not the case of the 4th century crucifiers that to this day have not been brought to Justice and who continue to covet the 1st century events they have never represented.

try again crucifier, reread your duplicitous book for its battle against Good and the Free Spirit from where you are there seems little in the way of your ever becoming anything else. christian.
So the people who were murdered were murderers?

This is hilarious. What looney website did you find to get this comedy from?
So the people who were murdered were murderers?

This is hilarious. What looney website did you find to get this comedy from?

So the people who were murdered were murderers?

speaking of Noah, that is correct and you are one of them, christian, Idolatry as well is forbidden ... is the only sense I could make of your response. -

and no the depiction in your 4th century book of deceit of other creatures being killed is a lie.
could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?
could you translate that ^^^^^ into the elegant language of the gutters of Brooklyn?

those guys are dead and Francis did----sorta apologize for the murder of Montezuma et al ...

View attachment 147489

was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

your so funny, they are all dead ... was that written on your birthday cake.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.
Every been to the torture rooms of the God hating KGB, Pol Pot and Hitler?

I have. Atheists have murdered over 65 million of their own citizens in the last century.

^^^ your response to the below quote ...

were their atrocities ever through history corrected at the time there might be a discussion that is not the case each generation that follows, induced by the 4th century christian bible is led down the same path of evil by the books forgeries and underlying deliberate deceitfulness. you are one of them.

their book is written by the 1st century crucifiers, until they are brought to Justice christianity will remain a forsaken and false religion ...


you are no different than what you describe as happening over a few decades in response to unrelated matters of economics with the similarity in most cases in response against the veiled perpetrators that represented scriptural religious doctrine including christianity to commit their crimes.

the difference is those you have faulted no longer exist and their ways have been remedied that is not the case of the 4th century crucifiers that to this day have not been brought to Justice and who continue to covet the 1st century events they have never represented.

try again crucifier, reread your duplicitous book for its battle against Good and the Free Spirit from where you are there seems little in the way of your ever becoming anything else. christian.
So the people who were murdered were murderers?

This is hilarious. What looney website did you find to get this comedy from?
So the people who were murdered were murderers?

This is hilarious. What looney website did you find to get this comedy from?

So the people who were murdered were murderers?

speaking of Noah, that is correct and you are one of them, christian, Idolatry as well is forbidden ... is the only sense I could make of your response. -

and no the depiction in your 4th century book of deceit of other creatures being killed is a lie.
Ah, and what else did the voices in your head tell you?
I see no evidence of a greater intelligence nor power. I see fairy tales told to children he calls sheep. Are you a sheep and a little children as he calls you in the Bible?

We try. You don't.

Why has your great intelligence and power abandoned you? It's been 2000 years and he promised he was coming back SOON. Is your God afraid of science? We and especially the media have a lot of questions for the interview.

No, you don't try. Basically what you do is come up with middle-school level yucks to excuse not trying--i.e., invisible man, fairy tales. People have got to move beyond Santa, Invisible Man, and fairy tales before an adult comprehension of scripture can take hold. Try discussing faith, religion, and faith minus childish perspective.
Where are the facts in the Bible? Verifiable facts that men of the time did not now. Shirley God knew about the real universe and not the fairy tale he told in the Bible.

The world of the Bible is flat and tiny.

That is trying. None of you try.
By saying the Bible says the earth is flat you just validated you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

I see no wish to try from you. Instead I see someone building walls that cannot be penetrated. God is spiritual, not physical. Before you believe, you insist God become a physical being. Perhaps you try becoming a spiritual being so that you can believe. (See what I mean about erecting impenetrable walls?) God.is.not.physical. Therefore, there never will be proof as proof is based on what is physical. You are saying you will never believe and nothing can make you. That's fine, but own it.
Care to explain this?

Genesis 3:8New International Version (NIV)

View attachment 147682

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 3:8-9 - New International Version

Not spirit, physical. You cannot hide from spirit. God didn't know where they were and that is why he asked. A spirit God would have known where they were.
Dumb diddly Dumb. Use your brain. God asked where are you because God was talking about their spirituality.

It's like walking into a room where your 5 year old just drew pictures on all of the walls with crayon and you saying "What are you doing?" to the child. You're not asking the question, you are making a statement.
I am fascinated boys-----can someone clear this up for me. WHO ARE THE "CRUCIFIERS"
and who are the murderers and who are the murdered of the fourth century? Who are the
fourth century crucifiers who must be brought to justice (now??) etc. Please define your
terms ------I lost it somewhere
I am fascinated boys-----can someone clear this up for me. WHO ARE THE "CRUCIFIERS"
and who are the murderers and who are the murdered of the fourth century? Who are the
fourth century crucifiers who must be brought to justice (now??) etc. Please define your
terms ------I lost it somewhere

weather-----IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY? you agree and its FUNNY? -----WHO ARE THESE
MYSTERY MEN? I tried google but nothing happened
So you're saying that you have no proof but will believe anyways. Kudos to you for being able to suspend reality in a core part of your life, I am unable to do so, I need something real to go on.

I have several personal experiences that cannot be proven, but are true none-the-less. All I can do is testify to the reality of God. I cannot "prove" it. Anyway, my experiences, while of great value to me, are useless to you. Seek. Knock. The promises are true.
So you're saying that you have no proof but will believe anyways. Kudos to you for being able to suspend reality in a core part of your life, I am unable to do so, I need something real to go on.

I have several personal experiences that cannot be proven, but are true none-the-less. All I can do is testify to the reality of God. I cannot "prove" it. Anyway, my experiences, while of great value to me, are useless to you. Seek. Knock. The promises are true.

I have had personal experiences too and LOVE to discuss them. I have a hard time FINDING
people who were interested in my personal experiences-----people----even relatives have been
known to roll their eyes and even WALK AWAY---when I begin to RELATE..........

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