Understanding Christianity

Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
Is your response listening again to voices in your head?

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:
  1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
  2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
  3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
  4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)
Noah's Flood—why? - creation.com

Clearly God admits a huge creation blunder. God murdered innocent animals too. What "wrong" did they do?

This is NOT a perfect God
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

It's more about belief in an intelligence and power greater (not bigger) than our own, coupled with the belief our total make-up consists of body, mind, and spirit. Paradoxically, early on in scripture God reveals that it's not the great and powerful events where we find Him--rather He is seen more clearly in the tiny whispering sounds. With Moses, God shows that He can be more clearly seen in hindsight than when He is directly in front of us.

Understanding Christianity/Christians begins with the above. Your invisible Big Guy who lives in the sky seems the closest non-believers can get from what we believers describe. Those of us who believe truly wish we could do better in sharing our own experiences and sincerely apologize for those shortcomings. On the other side of the coin, we really wish some of you would at least try a little harder.
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Stomp yer feet. It might help.
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Solid scientific proof would do it for me. You deal in the make believe. I want facts, not fiction.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
Just because your life sucks doesn't fit everyone. I'm living a fantastic life.

You got nothing do you? I accept your surrender.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
Is your response listening again to voices in your head?

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:
  1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
  2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
  3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
  4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)
Noah's Flood—why? - creation.com

Clearly God admits a huge creation blunder. God murdered innocent animals too. What "wrong" did they do?

This is NOT a perfect God
If God thought it was a blunder none of us would be here. God knew what would happen in the garden and what would result. God saved the best people available then hit the cleanse button.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
Just because your life sucks doesn't fit everyone. I'm living a fantastic life.

You got nothing do you? I accept your surrender.
Since your life sucks so bad you should find Jesus.
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Solid scientific proof would do it for me. You deal in the make believe. I want facts, not fiction.
Make believe is thinking an explosion results in Bach and Michelangelo.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

It's more about belief in an intelligence and power greater (not bigger) than our own, coupled with the belief our total make-up consists of body, mind, and spirit. Paradoxically, early on in scripture God reveals that it's not the great and powerful events where we find Him--rather He is seen more clearly in the tiny whispering sounds. With Moses, God shows that He can be more clearly seen in hindsight than when He is directly in front of us.

Understanding Christianity/Christians begins with the above. Your invisible Big Guy who lives in the sky seems the closest non-believers can get from what we believers describe. Those of us who believe truly wish we could do better in sharing our own experiences and sincerely apologize for those shortcomings. On the other side of the coin, we really wish some of you would at least try a little harder.
Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Noah's flood was a natural disaster--and a reflection of man looking back on his pre-flood behavior and judging it was not what it might have been. Mankind's conclusion: God got mad and started over. Mankind's conclusion wasn't necessarily the correct conclusion. God works with what is.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You are speaking of so-called Reformation teachings. Catholics and Orthodox (the greater Christian population) believe that Jesus' teachings of kingdom living/eternal life begins right here in the present. We turn and embrace obedience to God's will now in our present life. Obedience to God's will (as was portrayed by Christ) is what lead to eternal life.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"

The ideal needs to be defined in order for people to aim for it. People's idea of what is good leads to policies such as abortion, euthanasia. There is a better option to both, but the better option often requires courage and support. Without God, many (not all) shrug and choose what is easiest and most convenient.
This is the most non-answer to several points ever.

1) God caused the flood, dummy

2) Modern Christianity

3) Good was defined waaaay before God stole it and claimed it was his (he lied). Since when is worship a good? That is an admission of human failure. God does not need to be worshiped.
Philosophy doesn't have anything provable, so not valid for proving god, only good for musing about the possibilities...

I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
Is your response listening again to voices in your head?

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:
  1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
  2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
  3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
  4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)
Noah's Flood—why? - creation.com

Clearly God admits a huge creation blunder. God murdered innocent animals too. What "wrong" did they do?

This is NOT a perfect God
If God thought it was a blunder none of us would be here. God knew what would happen in the garden and what would result. God saved the best people available then hit the cleanse button.
So basically god fucked up and started over. I do that myself sometimes. I must be god-like!
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Solid scientific proof would do it for me. You deal in the make believe. I want facts, not fiction.
Make believe is thinking an explosion results in Bach and Michelangelo.
What's your proof that it doesn't?
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.

You are just embarrassing yourself.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

It's more about belief in an intelligence and power greater (not bigger) than our own, coupled with the belief our total make-up consists of body, mind, and spirit. Paradoxically, early on in scripture God reveals that it's not the great and powerful events where we find Him--rather He is seen more clearly in the tiny whispering sounds. With Moses, God shows that He can be more clearly seen in hindsight than when He is directly in front of us.

Understanding Christianity/Christians begins with the above. Your invisible Big Guy who lives in the sky seems the closest non-believers can get from what we believers describe. Those of us who believe truly wish we could do better in sharing our own experiences and sincerely apologize for those shortcomings. On the other side of the coin, we really wish some of you would at least try a little harder.
Brah, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get something real out of what you god people spout. But I'm stuck at ONE small point, you all have zero real, tangible proof. Cross that hurdle and I'm there, I always leave the door open for changing my mind faced with real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
And you have zero scientific evidense there is no God, so there.

The two Nobel Prize winners for discovering the human genome both went into their work as atheists. Both today believe we are from an intelligent design.

So tell me the downside to Christianity.
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
So god had nothing to do with it, it was some Hebrew guy who wrote that.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.

You are just embarrassing yourself.
You validate my point, thanks.
You're childish games are boring. Leave the adults alone.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:
You simply validate the hate of those who refuse to accept truth.

And yes, refuse to acknowledge reality.

Question: Is there anything that would make you believe in God?

Answer: No.

Because you're closed minded and refuse to see the self evident.
Solid scientific proof would do it for me. You deal in the make believe. I want facts, not fiction.
Make believe is thinking an explosion results in Bach and Michelangelo.
What's your proof that it doesn't?
You have more faith than I believing an explosion created Beethoven's 5th.
But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

Noah's flood was a natural disaster--and a reflection of man looking back on his pre-flood behavior and judging it was not what it might have been. Mankind's conclusion: God got mad and started over. Mankind's conclusion wasn't necessarily the correct conclusion. God works with what is.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

You are speaking of so-called Reformation teachings. Catholics and Orthodox (the greater Christian population) believe that Jesus' teachings of kingdom living/eternal life begins right here in the present. We turn and embrace obedience to God's will now in our present life. Obedience to God's will (as was portrayed by Christ) is what lead to eternal life.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"

The ideal needs to be defined in order for people to aim for it. People's idea of what is good leads to policies such as abortion, euthanasia. There is a better option to both, but the better option often requires courage and support. Without God, many (not all) shrug and choose what is easiest and most convenient.
This is the most non-answer to several points ever.

1) God caused the flood, dummy

2) Modern Christianity

3) Good was defined waaaay before God stole it and claimed it was his (he lied). Since when is worship a good? That is an admission of human failure. God does not need to be worshiped.
Good was defined before God?

Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

It's more about belief in an intelligence and power greater (not bigger) than our own, coupled with the belief our total make-up consists of body, mind, and spirit. Paradoxically, early on in scripture God reveals that it's not the great and powerful events where we find Him--rather He is seen more clearly in the tiny whispering sounds. With Moses, God shows that He can be more clearly seen in hindsight than when He is directly in front of us.

Understanding Christianity/Christians begins with the above. Your invisible Big Guy who lives in the sky seems the closest non-believers can get from what we believers describe. Those of us who believe truly wish we could do better in sharing our own experiences and sincerely apologize for those shortcomings. On the other side of the coin, we really wish some of you would at least try a little harder.
I see no evidence of a greater intelligence nor power. I see fairy tales told to children he calls sheep. Are you a sheep and a little children as he calls you in the Bible?

We try. You don't.

Why has your great intelligence and power abandoned you? It's been 2000 years and he promised he was coming back SOON. Is your God afraid of science? We and especially the media have a lot of questions for the interview.
I wonder who first got it into their heads to "prove" God? Scientific proof requires physical data, so by definition, God cannot be "proved".

God is described as the perfect, or the ideal.

But the evidence shows God is far from perfect. Even the story of the Flood is an admission of God's complete failure. He admits creating man was a blunder, so he kills them all off in anger.

What good religions do is point to the perfect or ideal way of life.

Then that leaves out Christianity which is based on "Your life will suck, but your afterlife in heaven will be much better". Christianity also teaches that no matter how bad you are, if you believe, that is what matters.

It's about teaching the ideal Good...not the good enough.

You don't need a God to be good. As a matter of fact, religion has created a lot of war "My God is better than yours"
God did not make a mistake. The original Hebrew can mean “to experience emotional pain or weakness"
Is your response listening again to voices in your head?

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:
  1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
  2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
  3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
  4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)
Noah's Flood—why? - creation.com

Clearly God admits a huge creation blunder. God murdered innocent animals too. What "wrong" did they do?

This is NOT a perfect God
If God thought it was a blunder none of us would be here. God knew what would happen in the garden and what would result. God saved the best people available then hit the cleanse button.
So basically god fucked up and started over. I do that myself sometimes. I must be god-like!
No, God did not start over. There were no innocent people in a garden.

After the flood the same sinful people existed and 3 generations later the Tower of Babel was built to mock God.
Ya ok, because pretending that there's an invisible Big Guy who wants you to obey a book written by men without any proof whatsoever is really grown up. :lmao:

It's more about belief in an intelligence and power greater (not bigger) than our own, coupled with the belief our total make-up consists of body, mind, and spirit. Paradoxically, early on in scripture God reveals that it's not the great and powerful events where we find Him--rather He is seen more clearly in the tiny whispering sounds. With Moses, God shows that He can be more clearly seen in hindsight than when He is directly in front of us.

Understanding Christianity/Christians begins with the above. Your invisible Big Guy who lives in the sky seems the closest non-believers can get from what we believers describe. Those of us who believe truly wish we could do better in sharing our own experiences and sincerely apologize for those shortcomings. On the other side of the coin, we really wish some of you would at least try a little harder.
I see no evidence of a greater intelligence nor power. I see fairy tales told to children he calls sheep. Are you a sheep and a little children as he calls you in the Bible?

We try. You don't.

Why has your great intelligence and power abandoned you? It's been 2000 years and he promised he was coming back SOON. Is your God afraid of science? We and especially the media have a lot of questions for the interview.
Closed minded to the self evident.

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