Unemployment down to 3.9%

Are they still counting "Unemployment" as people drawing unemployment benefits? Because that's kind of dishonest and wacky.
The unemployment rate has never ever been based on people collecting unemployment insurance. The definition has always been not working, available to start working, and actively looking.

Was Jack Welch right? Jobs numbers under fire


"Since 1994, however, the long-term discouraged workers, those who have been discouraged for more than one year, have been excluded from all government data.

First link is extra info, because with USMB, once you post a link, you can't post another after it. :rock:
Was Jack Welch right? Jobs numbers under fire
Here’s the real unemployment rate
Nothing in your link claims that the unemployment rate is or ever was based on unemployment insurance claims. Because it never has been.

The article is also factually in error by claiming Census collects the non-farm payroll data (BLS does that directly). Census does conduct the household survey used for the unemployment rate, and the Commerce IG report on the NY Post’s claims showed no attempts to manipulate the data for any purpose and that the fake interviews (for which the individual responsible was fired) had no actual effect.

As for the “long term discouraged” no discouraged workers (those who quit looking for work because they thought they’d be unsuccessful) have been included since 1966, and even when some were, it was only under specific conditions (such as areas with only one major industry such as a plant or mine that has closed down). Information on discouraged workers was still collected but not included in the unemployment rate.

The 1994 change simply eliminated people who hadn’t looked for work in over a year from the classification of discouraged on the grounds that they were no more likely to start looking for work than those who said they currently didn’t want a job at all.
With full employment there is absolutely no need to have welfare any more.
3.9% unemployment. Dropped .2. Yet people want you to believe it is weak.

Yeah lowest unemployment rate since the 70's and the jobs report is weak........go figure :rolleyes:
Stop being stupid. A weaker than expected month doesn't mean unemployment hasn't decreased in the last several months. IDIOT.

I'm not the one being stupid by falling for this line of crap. I wouldn't even believe the lowest unemployment rate.......if I didn't see so damn many help wanted signs or constant 'we're hiring' ads

Right now......atleast here in the Puget Sound area, jobs are a dime a dozen and employers are having a hard time filling positions at all levels, from minimum wage/entry level to the top brass. Couple that with a hot real estate market, and that tells me things are in pretty good standing overall........idiot
3.9% unemployment. Dropped .2. Yet people want you to believe it is weak.
How many jobs were expected? Tell us.
U.S. Payrolls Rise 164,000 While Jobless Rate Falls to 3.9%
The median estimate of analysts was for a gain of 193,000 jobs, with projections ranging from 145,000 to 255,000. Revisions to prior reports added a total of 30,000 jobs to payrolls in the previous two months, according to the figures, resulting in a three-month average of 208,000.

April Jobs Report: Everything You Need to Know

The pace of hiring picked up again in April and the unemployment rate fell to the lowest level in nearly a decade, providing reassurance the broader economy is poised for a strong spring after a lackluster start to the year. With the jobs report safely out of the way, investor attention now turns to ...
U.S. Jobless Rate Falls Below 4% For First Time Since Late 2000

US economy adds 164K jobs in April
Bloomberg on MSN.com · 1h
U.S. hiring rebounded in April and the unemployment rate dropped below 4 percent for the first time since 2000, Labor Department data showed Friday
Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft
New jobs 164K, a little soft

Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
If the fucking builders would make some new construction permits we could increase that! In my area demand is so far over supply listing times are less than thirty days. Since I have been alive that would have ment more new construction permits. It is not happening in Ohio. No one is reporting a significant increase in permit application. I do not get it! What are the builders afaid of?
3.9% is a great #, but remember more people are dropping out of the labor force.

The economy better boom by Fall, or Trump and the GOP will pay.
Boy, rough day for Democrats and their Fake Newsters. How they gonna spin this great news for America? Trump's on a roll. It's gotta sting. :)

US jobs report: Unemployment falls to 3.9%

Job growth accelerated in April, cutting the nation's jobless rate as U.S. employers added 164,000 jobs compared to the revised 135,000 in March.

While cold weather in March and April probably held back job growth, hiring is moderating as the labor market hits full employment.

The drop of two-tenths of a percentage point in the unemployment rate from 4.1 percent in March pushed it to a level last seen in December 2000.

For the April report, the unemployment rate came in at 3.9%, down from the prior month’s 4.1%, lower than expectations.

US jobs report: Unemployment falls to 3.9%
Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft New jobs 164K, a little soft Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
Ticking for what?
For both the GOP politically and the stock market.

The tax cuts were a big bet, and the deficit has exploded. If growth doesn't start paying for it soon, it won't be good news for Trump or his party.

The numbers need to improve by late summer, early fall. The market won't go sideways forever.

Ticking for that.

Prediction: Growth will trail the deficit. A lot of Reagan policies worked the same way, benefits weren't realized until he was out of office.
The question will be how long the electorate will wait. They're not terribly patient.
Got it, thank you Mac.
Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft New jobs 164K, a little soft Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
Ticking for what?
For both the GOP politically and the stock market.

The tax cuts were a big bet, and the deficit has exploded. If growth doesn't start paying for it soon, it won't be good news for Trump or his party.

The numbers need to improve by late summer, early fall. The market won't go sideways forever.

Ticking for that.
National debt is up just $100B since Trump was sworn in.

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