Unemployment down to 3.9%

164,000 new burger flipping jobs is nothing to brag about
Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft
New jobs 164K, a little soft

Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Those are the liberal welfare queens that will never look for a job. Take the welfare away, FORCE them to get a job, see how the lib fucks would like that?
Nothing but socialism on a national basis is all the right wing has. Capitalism is about voluntary social transactions that involve, mutually beneficial trade.
...Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft...
The reason wages may not seem what they used to be is because they're not. These days wages are heavily taxed so employees are much better off increasing other areas in total employee compensation (benefits etc.) that are not taxed as heavily--


--and now that the U.S. economy is finally getting back on its feet total comp is soaring:

Average Growth Employee Compensation

2009 to 2016: 1.9%

2017 to present: 2.8%
Are they still counting "Unemployment" as people drawing unemployment benefits? Because that's kind of dishonest and wacky.
Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft New jobs 164K, a little soft Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
Ticking for what?
For both the GOP politically and the stock market.

The tax cuts were a big bet, and the deficit has exploded. If growth doesn't start paying for it soon, it won't be good news for Trump or his party.

The numbers need to improve by late summer, early fall. The market won't go sideways forever.

Ticking for that.

Prediction: Growth will trail the debt. A lot of Reagan policies worked the same way, benefits weren't realized until he was out of office.
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Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft New jobs 164K, a little soft Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
Ticking for what?
For both the GOP politically and the stock market.

The tax cuts were a big bet, and the deficit has exploded. If growth doesn't start paying for it soon, it won't be good news for Trump or his party.

The numbers need to improve by late summer, early fall. The market won't go sideways forever.

Ticking for that.

Prediction: Growth will trail the deficit. A lot of Reagan policies worked the same way, benefits weren't realized until he was out of office.

You mean debt?
New jobs 164K, a little soft
When Obama was president that would have been a LOT soft!!! June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!
Yes, the employment growth rate will slow as the job market tightens.

Economics 101. Common sense 101.
Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft New jobs 164K, a little soft Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
Ticking for what?
For both the GOP politically and the stock market.

The tax cuts were a big bet, and the deficit has exploded. If growth doesn't start paying for it soon, it won't be good news for Trump or his party.

The numbers need to improve by late summer, early fall. The market won't go sideways forever.

Ticking for that.

Prediction: Growth will trail the deficit. A lot of Reagan policies worked the same way, benefits weren't realized until he was out of office.
The question will be how long the electorate will wait. They're not terribly patient.
Are they still counting "Unemployment" as people drawing unemployment benefits? Because that's kind of dishonest and wacky.
The unemployment rate has never ever been based on people collecting unemployment insurance. The definition has always been not working, available to start working, and actively looking.
Are they still counting "Unemployment" as people drawing unemployment benefits? Because that's kind of dishonest and wacky.
The unemployment rate has never ever been based on people collecting unemployment insurance. The definition has always been not working, available to start working, and actively looking.

Was Jack Welch right? Jobs numbers under fire


"Since 1994, however, the long-term discouraged workers, those who have been discouraged for more than one year, have been excluded from all government data.

First link is extra info, because with USMB, once you post a link, you can't post another after it. :rock:
Was Jack Welch right? Jobs numbers under fire
Here’s the real unemployment rate
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Unemployment down to 3.9%, good
Wage growth 2.6%, a little soft New jobs 164K, a little soft Humming along, but we need better numbers. The clock is ticking.
Ticking for what?
For both the GOP politically and the stock market.

The tax cuts were a big bet, and the deficit has exploded. If growth doesn't start paying for it soon, it won't be good news for Trump or his party.

The numbers need to improve by late summer, early fall. The market won't go sideways forever.

Ticking for that.

Prediction: Growth will trail the deficit. A lot of Reagan policies worked the same way, benefits weren't realized until he was out of office.

You mean debt?

...The labor market will reach a point where each additional job added does not create enough productivity to cover its cost, making every successive job after that point inefficient; this is the output gap, often called the slack in the labor market...
That's the traditional understanding that used to work just fine for generations, but over the past decade or so things have changed radically. Namely, from 2009 to 2016 we had both millions losing their jobs and a huge drop in productivity:

We can all guess what caused this, my money's on the vicious anti-business culture that took over much of our entire culture. The good news is that there's good reason to hope that since Jan. 2017 America's getting over it and we'll be returning to our former greatness.
Good news for America. Lowest since 2000.

160k new jobs. Good news.

Happy Friday!

No, it's not good news actually.

1) Trump said many times on the campaign trail that the U-3 (the official unemployment rate) is 'bogus'. And he was dead right (and 'yes'...it was still 'bogus' under Obama - I am not a Dem or a Rep).

Trump Says the Unemployment Rate Is Bogus -- and His Labor Pick Puzder Agrees

So the drop in the U-3 means nothing.

2) Plus, even if you do care about the U-3? It is NOT based on the Establishment Survey (the number in the OP). The U-3 is based on the Household Survey. And that survey showed only 3,000 more people employed in April.

The only reason the U-3 dropped was because 236,000 people left the labor force in April.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

3) A FAR better measurement of the employment situation is the Employment-Population ratio. And that went down last month (down is bad).

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

So, the employment picture for April actually got a little worse...not better.

ALWAYS look beyond the headlines.
Employment–population ratios increased in 12 states in 2017 : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Tells one a whole lot more, also how many civilians are looking for work is also interesting , since baby boomers are going to retire.
...The labor market will reach a point where each additional job added does not create enough productivity to cover its cost, making every successive job after that point inefficient; this is the output gap, often called the slack in the labor market...
That's the traditional understanding that used to work just fine for generations, but over the past decade or so things have changed radically. Namely, from 2009 to 2016 we had both millions losing their jobs and a huge drop in productivity:

We can all guess what caused this, my money's on the vicious anti-business culture that took over much of our entire culture. The good news is that there's good reason to hope that since Jan. 2017 America's getting over it and we'll be returning to our former greatness.
2009 to 2016 we had both millions losing their jobs and a huge drop in productivity, I think you are referring to the recession Obama inherited.

Just what what laws were passed by the vicious anti-business culture that took over much of our entire culture? When were they passed?

Just to refresh your memory, President Obama was sworn into office on January 20, 2009. Let’s look at Congress for the 8 years that President Obama was in office:

From January 3, 2009 to January 3, 2011, Democrats controlled both the Senate and the House.

From January 3, 2011 to January 3, 2013, Democrats controlled the Senate and Republicans controlled the House.

From January 3, 2013 to January 3, 2015, Democrats controlled the Senate and Republicans controlled the House.

From January 3, 2015 to January 3, 2017, Republicans controlled both the Senate and the House.
3.9% unemployment. Dropped .2. Yet people want you to believe it is weak.

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