University of Missouri resigns amid racial tensions

Here you go, Redfish. Yet again you are wrong.

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Stupid rednecks were roaming campus "trying to keep the negroes in their place"

The student body grew tired of it and did something about it

Looks like a win...except for the racists

A bunch of whiners didn't like what someone else was doing and used race. Typical when they have no real argument.

They were not satisfied with the campus environment and they dis something about it through peaceful protest

A fine example of the American way

they held the university hostage using the threat of lost football revenue as bait.

Mob rule?

Peaceful protest leading to positive change
It should make you proud to be an American

Would you have been happier if they had resorted to second amendment remedies?

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What a pathetic bunch of pussies. The police have now told student to report "hurtful speech" to them. Really? Somebody calls you a name and you should report it to the police?

University of Missouri Police Ask Students to Report ‘Hurtful Speech’

Connecting dots. The Labor Force Participation Rate for people 55 and older is increasing while the one for young people is decreasing. No wonder. Older people weren't raised to be such Pathetic Whinging Pussies. The next time I need to hire somebody, Millenials Need Not Apply.
The racists were given too much of a free hand at Mizzou

Just a bunch of "good ole boys" having a good time. They don't mean no harm

The students were saying enough is enough and the administration answered in platitudes

Nothing excites a stupid Left Wing shithead like walking around with a placard accusing everybody of being racist and demanding "social justice".

Nothing excites a conservative as pretending racism does not exist as they scream ....Race Card! Race Card!

And nothing excites a liberal like actually playing the race card... sure beats substantive arguments I suppose.

Tell me, what have your heard about race regarding the two cops that shot the six year-old in Marksville? You know, the two black cops that shot the white child?

Yeah... crickets.

Actually, I never even knew their race before you brought it fucking race baiter

of course not, because the media just said it was "two cops". If the races were reversed it would be "two white cops kill black child in cold blood".

Why can't you admit that the media is terribly biased?
Why can't you just admit you are a drama queen? I heard last weekend on the network news, probably Fox, that it was black officers on a white man and his child. And you think you are mainstream.
Mobs are normally a step Americans take (like the Tea Party riot before the War of Independence) when the powers are denying civil rights.
Too many Blacks on the Football team. Blacks are only 12 percent of the State Population so therefore they should only be 12 percent of the Football team.

Minus the Gays.
"The Labor Force Participation Rate for people 55 and older is increasing while the one for young people is decreasing." It's the opposite for full time work; look again.
Stupid rednecks were roaming campus "trying to keep the negroes in their place"

The student body grew tired of it and did something about it

Looks like a win...except for the racists

A bunch of whiners didn't like what someone else was doing and used race. Typical when they have no real argument.

They were not satisfied with the campus environment and they dis something about it through peaceful protest

A fine example of the American way

they held the university hostage using the threat of lost football revenue as bait.

Mob rule?

Peaceful protest leading to positive change
It should make you proud to be an American

Would you have been happier if they had resorted to second amendment remedies?

you do not know the difference between a peaceful protest and blackmail.

It was a peaceful protest until the football players decided to use their ability to create financial loss to the university to get their way.

Funny thing...they had no issue taking their free education from a university that had a reputation of racial biases.....but why look at that angle.
Stupid rednecks were roaming campus "trying to keep the negroes in their place"

The student body grew tired of it and did something about it

Looks like a win...except for the racists

A bunch of whiners didn't like what someone else was doing and used race. Typical when they have no real argument.

They were not satisfied with the campus environment and they dis something about it through peaceful protest

A fine example of the American way

they held the university hostage using the threat of lost football revenue as bait.

Mob rule?

Peaceful protest leading to positive change
It should make you proud to be an American

Would you have been happier if they had resorted to second amendment remedies?

you do not know the difference between a peaceful protest and blackmail.

It was a peaceful protest until the football players decided to use their ability to create financial loss to the university to get their way.

Funny thing...they had no issue taking their free education from a university that had a reputation of racial biases.....but why look at that angle.

Those brave football players risked their scholarships for a cause they believed in. They will see no monetary gain from this action but they risked great loss

It also highlights the great financial windfall the university gets from these unpaid players and what the university truly values

They did not give a shit before the football players got involved
A bunch of whiners didn't like what someone else was doing and used race. Typical when they have no real argument.

They were not satisfied with the campus environment and they dis something about it through peaceful protest

A fine example of the American way

they held the university hostage using the threat of lost football revenue as bait.

Mob rule?

Peaceful protest leading to positive change
It should make you proud to be an American

Would you have been happier if they had resorted to second amendment remedies?

you do not know the difference between a peaceful protest and blackmail.

It was a peaceful protest until the football players decided to use their ability to create financial loss to the university to get their way.

Funny thing...they had no issue taking their free education from a university that had a reputation of racial biases.....but why look at that angle.

Those brave football players risked their scholarships for a cause they believed in. They will see no monetary gain from this action but they risked great loss

It also highlights the great financial windfall the university gets from these unpaid players and what the university truly values

They did not give a shit before the football players got involved
I don't disagree with you. The football players did what they believed they needed to do. I get it and I commend them for it. However, it is not necessarily the direction I may have gone. I believe in peaceful protests with numbers to create change.....not using pure strength without numbers to create change.

But once they did it, it was no longer a peaceful protest. It was strong arming and blackmail.
You can not call it peaceful protest.
The far righty reactionaries do their fair share of race baiting.

Race baiting? Is that like when President Shit for Brains and that jackass Eric Holder gets the Negroes all jungle crazy by telling the that the police in America are racist?
The players' "union strike" broke management.
and a union member strike is not considered a peaceful protest. It is not considered a protest at all. It is an action designed to use strength to win a cause

I simply criticized RW's use of the term "peaceful protest" as he described the action.
The players' "union strike" broke management.

"Management" is a bunch of Libtard pussies with no backbone to stand up to a bunch of crazy ass Libtard shitheads.

It is appropriate to repost this picture because it visually describes what Management did.

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Those brave football players risked their scholarships for a cause they believed in. They will see no monetary gain from this action but they risked great loss

It also highlights the great financial windfall the university gets from these unpaid players

Brave or not, they should all be EXPELLED from the University, with no trespass warnings issued, so if they set foot on the university property, they'll be immediately arrested. Same thing should go for the faculty members who walked off their job. Some people get fired from jobs just for being absent with good reason, let alone these guys not having any reason at all.

The students in their classes not being taught, should be the priority, not some delinquent jerks who treat education a bit too lightly. Also neglected here are those guys who would like to be on the football team and didn't get chosen, and who will treat the privilege with the respect it deserves. Likewise, are all the prospective teachers who would love to have those teaching jobs, and under the current circumstances, would properly remain in their classrooms teaching where they belong.

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