Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
Is Harvard public or private? It makes a difference. If they are private they can do whatever they want.

Not if they get government money. And Harvard does receive government research grants.
The very idea that Blacks are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions is laughable.
Why is that so laughable? That's the way it was prior to the mid ' 60s. Consider the story of Vivian Thomas..
"Without any education past high school, Thomas rose above poverty and racism to become a cardiac surgery pioneer and a teacher of operative techniques to many of the country's most prominent surgeons."
Surely a highly education, non-racist such as yourself can understand the difference between the present and 50 years ago. I don't have a problem with negroes going to school. They just need to pull all government support for colleges, black or white.

Stupid. The same racism exists now as in 1967. That was 50 years ago, 2 years after the civil rights act. 13 years after Brown v Topeka.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
So what blacks, who were more qualified, applied to this school and were denied admission?

Furthermore, why should we care what some "former school official" from what appears to be a different school has to say regarding Harvard admissions standards?

So what whites do you assume were more qualified who were denied to let unqualified blacks into Harvard?

This is the major problem with you whites and your punk ass arguments. I am supposed to give you names of blacks who were more qualified but you can just say whites are passed over for less qualified blacks and that's enough. Fuck that.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
So what blacks, who were more qualified, applied to this school and were denied admission?

Furthermore, why should we care what some "former school official" from what appears to be a different school has to say regarding Harvard admissions standards?

So what whites do you assume were more qualified who were denied to let unqualified blacks into Harvard?
Did I make that claim? I'm asking you to back up something you said. Is that too much for you?
This is the major problem with you whites and your punk ass arguments. I am supposed to give you names of blacks who were more qualified but you can just say whites are passed over for less qualified blacks and that's enough. Fuck that.
So you admit the title of your thread is based on a totally unsubstantiated premise.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.

Show us your reliable source and link! You can't.

Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.

Show us your reliable source and link! You can't.


Google " black women most educated group in America" then take your pick
Of sources and links.
"Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks"

And so it goes in Trump’s America.
All of your posts categorizing, essentializing, denouncing, demeaning, generalizing, and prejudging people on the basis of race notwithstanding?
I know whites are individuals.

I live in a country that is mostly white. I have to deal with whites at work. I see the way people of all races suck up to them.

It makes my blood boil.

I watch film and television where whites are given whole story lines complete with a love life, where they are almost never reduced to stereotypes as whites.

A big reason whites stuff like like u said "you can't generalise about whites like that" is they don’t think that their being white has much of anything to do with who and what they are.

They think it’s just something coincidental about themselves, like having red hair or hazel eyes or a birthmark. They don’t see that being in that racial group has a lot to do with their life chances, their psychology, their emotions, their reactions to others, and more.

And so if me or IM2 suggests that their being white MIGHT have some relevance in their lives and thinking and behavior by pointing out that white people do this or that, you're not used to thinking about yourself that way, and so you reject observations about “white people.”

Hey, I’M not like that!” they’re thinking, or feeling, “I’m a good person! Okay, I’m white, but just because I’m white doesn’t mean I do any of the bad things you’re claiming white people do. Look at me, I’m white, and I don’t do that!” And so on.
If your blood is boiling, that's a problem with your inside not your outside.
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.
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Funny how some people will try so hard to justify racism, but deny being racist.
Funny how some people will try so hard to justify racism, but deny being racist.
I am racist

I already know.

But two things make it different: First, it goes in the opposite direction – I favour blacks, not whites. Second, I am honest about being racist.
  • I do not make fun of how whites talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I do not excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I do not make racist jokes about them.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
  • I do not claim that white people are less intelligent
Whenever I say bad things about whites it's pretty much always to do with there racism

Now matter what I think of whites.

You still get the job white man.
You still get the loan white man.
You still live in a place where there are very few blacks

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious, is pretty impotent.

Even a blk man who hates white people (And I've always said most black and people of colour show whites too much love) and thinks whites should be killed.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

That’s not racism.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
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If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
Funny how some people will try so hard to justify racism, but deny being racist.
I am racist

I already know.

But two things make it different: First, it goes in the opposite direction – I favour blacks, not whites. Second, I am honest about being racist.
  • I do not make fun of how whites talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I do not excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I do not make racist jokes about them.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
  • I do not claim that white people are less intelligent
Whenever I say bad things about whites it's pretty much always to do with there racism

Now matter what I think of whites.

You still get the job white man.
You still get the loan white man.
You still live in a place where there are very few blacks

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious, is pretty impotent.

Even a blk man who hates white people (And I've always said most black and people of colour show whites too much love) and thinks whites should be killed.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

That’s not racism.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.

There are no black people in the justice system? Really, Paul! I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!
Why is that so laughable? That's the way it was prior to the mid ' 60s.

What is so laughable? This is at least three generations later, that's what's laughable!
And it is sad that so little progress has been made since then. Here is what I was responding to:
The professor said:
"The very idea that Blacks are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions is laughable."
That statement suggests that blacks no longer face discrimination in college admissions...or that every black admitted is taking the place of some more" qualified" white petson.
I' merely drew upon past case history to illustrate my point that black people like Vivien Thomas still exist who may never reach their full academic potential because of racisn or discrimination.
My primary agenda here was to use Vivien Thomas as a cornerstone from which to launch the reality of untapped genius lurking in the black community amidst a firestorm of putdowns and foul pejoratives.

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