Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Cops that kill black people with cause walk...cops that kill black people otherwise get crucified. Your problem is that you try and make the Michael Browns and Trayvon Martin's of the world into "victims" when reality is...they were thugs who were violently assaulting others.
Oh, we know how fair and blameless you right wing konservatives are. Your history is replete with honesty, fairness, and caring for others. Too bad you had to kill or enslave millions to make way for the angels among you to project a more benevolent side to your violence.

Oh, please...spare me the drama queen rants, JQ! My family history includes an ancestor that lost an arm leading black troops in the Civil War. My "history" is actually filled with people who believed strongly that slavery was a bad thing and that blacks should have equal rights.
Are you saying your ancestor was a liberal? The conservatives were on the other side of the battlefield during the Civil War.
And if you believe that blacks should have equal rights, you are an oddball among Republicans. GOP leadership is doing it's best to keep blacks from voting at all. That certainly doesn't speak to your belief in equal rights for Blacks if you align yourself with such scoundrels.

I'm saying my ancestor was an abolitionist not a liberal! I'm amused that you naively think that the Democratic Party has somehow "been there" for blacks over the past forty years, JQ! The truth is that Democrats have used the black vote to stay in power and have given little to nothing BACK to the black community in return! You want to whine about the enslavement of blacks? I've got news for you...LBJ put blacks on a "welfare plantation" way back in the 60's and they've been there ever since! That wasn't a Republican strategy...that was a Democrat making the statement: "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years"." You want to REALLY know why the black community is in the state they are in? It has very little to do with conservatives...it's because liberals like you have screwed them over for decades!
So let me see if I understand your "logic" here, JQ! The black slave traders that raided African villages and enslaved thousands of innocent black men and women aren't responsible for what happened to those people once they were sold into slavery?
Who told you that? You seem obsessed with the erroneous notion that Africans selling Africans into slavery was so widespread and pervasive that their guilt equals that of
White slavers. There is another side to that story and Louis Gates isn't a part of that discovery. African slavers, if that is what they were,could not possibly be jointly responsible for all of the millions of slaves that were stolen from Africa.
The numbers just don't add up. Some of that did go on but not on the scale you seem to think it did. Here is one good

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them

"The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people."

As for your notion that blacks have more to fear from the police than from other blacks? The number of blacks that are shot by cops is a tiny fraction of the number of blacks that are gunned down by other blacks!

There are relatively few black on black homicides when you consider the fact that there are more than 40 million Blacks in the USA and only several thousand murders in that community per year at most. And most of those occur in urban settings, I am told. Most blacks do not live in large metro areas, contrary to popular belief...millions live in small towns and rural areas. In those places...the cops are indeed frequently their worst enemies. The DOJ report on Ferguson exposed that perfectly.
Murder by cop is just the tip of the iceberg...cops are also instrumental in seizing assets without due process, profiling and making stops on black citizens to drain wealth fom that community through fines and fees.

Relatively few black on black homicides? Really, JQ? In 2005 alone there were nearly 8,000 black on black homicides...a number that is quite likely far lower than the actual number of blacks killed by blacks because it doesn't include unsolved homicides of blacks. Since statistically approximately 93% of black homicides were black on black homicides it's rather obvious that unsolved murders of blacks have a VERY high probability of having been done by a black person!

Conversely...FBI statistics show that Police kill an average of less than a hundred black men each year! So tell me again why blacks should fear the Police more than other blacks? Quite frankly...YOU'RE FULL OF CRAP!
There are no black people in the justice system? Really, Paul! I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!
So what you have black people in the justice system ?

What is that meant to mean ?

They wouldn't have got to that position if they were going to challenge white supremacy. And if they're in that position they better maintain white supremacy or they will be taken care of. That's why cops who kill black people always walk. That's y blacks get the longest sentences. It's all about maintaining white supremacy.

So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
If they are all Republicans they are aligned with the status quo. But municipalities aren't autonomous.,There is unusually a konservative governor lurking in the background, a.k.a Flint Michgan, doing all he/she can to help them fail.

Now THAT is total bullshit, JQ! If there is a "konservative" Governor in a normally liberal State it's usually because the citizens understand that they have some serious fiscal issues because of Democratic spending and they've voted in that conservative to FIX the problem! I'm from Massachusetts which is arguably one of the most liberal States in the United States and we have a long history of electing Republicans to fix budget problems.
You may judge the Republicans in your state as an example of what all Republicans do but that's not the case. Nationally, Republican administrations have spent more than Democrats. Defense spending and tax breaks for the rich take a toll. The people then elect Democrats to come in and fix that economic crisis. Just saying. You do remember the mess the repub-lie-cons
Left for Obama to fix...dontcha? But to add insult to injury, they refused to help him fix it.

States have elected Democrats to fix budget problems? Really... So what States would those be, JQ? It sure hasn't been Massachusetts! Republicans like Mitt Romney, Jane Swift, Paul Celluci, William Weld and even going all the way back to Francis Sargent and John Volpe...liberal Massachusetts voters have time and time again turned to the GOP to get the States spending somewhat under control! They sent liberals to Washington to spend Federal money because we can just print as much of that as we want but they elected Republicans to balance the budget in the Bay State!
The truth is that Democrats have used the black vote to stay in power and have given little to nothing BACK to the black community in return!

Apparently it takes more than the Black vote to stay in power. However, unlike you, i give Blacks credit for recognizing the present republican party for what it is: a bastion of racial hatred and demogoguery.
The GOP has given political sanctuary to every white supremacist group in America. I can't blame Blacks for shifting to the Democrats individually or enmasse since there are really only two damn choices. The same kind of conservative racists that claimed the democratic party prior to the '60s are now ensconced in the GOP. Stop insulting the intelligence of blacks who chose the lesser of two evils.

You want to whine about the enslavement of blacks? I've got news for you...LBJ put blacks on a "welfare plantation" way back in the 60's and they've been there ever since!
It doesn't matter whose plantation they are on. Without autonomy blacks are subject to the whims of a generally racist nation. Indeed the new democrats have offered them hope with affirmative action and a series of civil rights bills. They were also the first to get behind and elect the first black president...twice. The value of that escapes you..but the election of Obama has done wonders for impressionable young black minds...We will reap the rewards in the near future from some kids whose lives were set on a positive course because of Obama.
That wasn't a Republican strategy...that was a Democrat making the statement: "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before,
I've heard that BS story countless times but only one person supposefly heard him say it. Fact checker dismisses it as questionable. I do too.

I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years"."
There is very scant evidence that LBJ actually said that.

You want to REALLY know why the black community is in the state they are in? It has very little to do with conservatives...it's because liberals like you have screwed them over for decades.
Blacks are in all 50 states:lol: But to deflect your insinuation that the black community is in economic distress or impoverished...you are sadly mistaken like so many of your cohorts. 75% of Blacks live above the poverty level. . About 23 million Whites live below it. You don't know what you are talking about.
Btw: Abolitionists were liberals. The Southern Democrats were the conservatives back then.
Me?. I'm apolitical ...neither liberal or conservative on all issues.
I'm amused that you naively think that the Democratic Party has somehow "been there" for blacks over the past forty years, JQ!
I never said that. But since you brought it up, Blacks have made some gains in terms of civil rights when Democrats were in power. When Johnson signed the civil rights bill into law that action was perceived as liberalism by southern democrat conservatives. As blacks moved into the now more tolerant Democratic Party the racist conservatives moved into the GOP.!
So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
And answer me this

Who put them in power ?

I'll give you a clue it wasn't black people.

No group that is in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power.

Power isn’t given, it must be taken. So knowing that we also know all those silly titles (a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges and black president) were given a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually means they have NO POWER AT ALL

The lack of respect Obama received from people with less powerful positions, like the white male federal judge who said publicly that President Obama’s mother had sex with a dog and that’s how he was born and the white female Jan Brewer, Arizona governor, who wagged her finger in his face in full view of TV cameras.


YET when Vice-Prez Cheney (a white male) shot a man in the face in a hunting accident, the man (with less power) apologized to Cheney forcausing his family so much trouble

That’s what REAL power looks like.

We KNOW that President Obama didn’t come from us and wasn’t raised by us, which means the first thing we should have asked is who sent him to represent us?

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X came from the streets, from the BLACK grassroots and were selected BY black people (and who were ultimately punished murdered) NOT rewarded with cushy book deals, Harvard degrees and high political offices.

Two thoughts that should be axioms in the minds of all black people:

#1 — No one rewards their enemies

#2 — Any oppressed people that allow their oppressors to choose their leaders will remain oppressed

We also KNOW that no black person in the U.S. is giving orders to the most powerful whites. I know this is true where I work and live so why would the WHITE HOUSE be an exception??

“First black” symbols hide the reality of the so-called civil rights clock turning backwards in the form of

sky-high black unemployment

“gentrification” (racial dislocation) to move blacks out of prime inner-city areas

more black schools closing

more black people incarcerated

increasing racism in the workplace, and in the media
Cops that kill black people with cause walk...cops that kill black people otherwise get crucified. Your problem is that you try and make the Michael Browns and Trayvon Martin's of the world into "victims" when reality is...they were thugs who were violently assaulting others.
How about Justine Diamond ?


This white Australian woman got killed by a black cop last month.


All of a sudden it was


All I say is RIP. Bless her unsuspecting Aussie heart.

Where was the #bluelivesmatter brigade ?

Let Milo and ’em March 4 her. I have no black tears 2 shed 4 Becky because I ave 2 conserve them 4 the blacks that ave been n will b killed by white pigs.

Let this b a lesson. U just can’t sneak up on certain Negros in a dark alley at midnight with loud noises and fireworks goin off in the background. Especially ones who come from war torn areas.

As we know the police officer is a blk man n Muslim? Yeah he’s f*cked. They’re already setting the cop up 2 get deep fried. Beta believe those Somali applications r goin straight 2 the bottom of the pile.

They released his name, pic, life story and blood type with quickness.

But it’ll take cops killin more whites 4 true legislative changes 2 occur.

The War on Drugs ?

It was okay 2 giv long sentences to blk people. But now whites r ODing at astronomical proportions, they want 2 change legislation.

But I can’t recall a time where white ppl protested against the police, even if the victim was 1 of their own.

N I’d bet anything when they got the call, they assumed sum blk guy had broken in. It’s dark. They c sum1 fumbling around the garage assuming it’s a blk guy n shoot 1st b4 assessing anything.
You should move to a negro-run country if white people in this white country make your blood boil.
There is no place you can go and escape white supremacy. Every country on this planet is subject to white supremacy

And if I'm wrong. Name me one. Just one. Not two. Is this where you say "China" ?
Are you saying your ancestor was a liberal? .....

It seems he is saying his ancestor was not a democrat.

If JQ actually knew his US history he'd know that the Republican Party formed in the North around the Civil War and was mainly ex Democrats who opposed slavery. My ancestor was one of those!
Don't take this personally but your anecdote has little relevance to the op. If Indeed you had such an ancestor, he could have fought on the Union side for many different reasons.

As for your allusion to my knowledge of History, I assure you that it's just as good as or better than yours.
If you don't know that the Democratic and Republican parties are much different today than they were back then, I can rest assured that my history knowledge is greater than yours
Relatively few black on black homicides? Really, JQ? In 2005 alone there were nearly 8,000 black on black homicides...a number that is quite likely far lower than the actual number of blacks killed by blacks because it doesn't include unsolved homicides of blacks.
Glad you insisted I repeat myself. The last post I posted on this subject stands on its own merits. Go read it again if you did not understand it the first time.
And use a more recent FBI UCR... While The 8000 figure is measley even though you added the unknowns to get that total.. But table three is more accurate with a perp total of around 5000 on the 2013 report. I suspect it was the similar in 2005. Unknowns could have been victims of murder by any race...including cops.
BTW statistics on people murdered by cops aren't included in the FBI data..and many police agencies don't bother to report anything to the FBI. Wait!

Conversely...FBI statistics show that Police kill an average of less than a hundred black men each year! So tell me again why blacks should fear the Police more than other blacks?
Because rabid racist murdering cops are killing UNARMED blacks at a much higher rate than they kill unarmed White people. The key word is UNARMED. Black on black homicide is generally assumed to be gang related where armed gangsters kill each other... Good riddance. But when officers of the law
kill unarmed blacks with impunity on camera and walk...something is wrong with the system.... And even when charged and brought before a jury of his/her peers, it takes only one racist sympathizer to disrupt justice and produce a hung jury.
So what you have black people in the justice system ?

What is that meant to mean ?

They wouldn't have got to that position if they were going to challenge white supremacy. And if they're in that position they better maintain white supremacy or they will be taken care of. That's why cops who kill black people always walk. That's y blacks get the longest sentences. It's all about maintaining white supremacy.

So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
If they are all Republicans they are aligned with the status quo. But municipalities aren't autonomous.,There is unusually a konservative governor lurking in the background, a.k.a Flint Michgan, doing all he/she can to help them fail.

Now THAT is total bullshit, JQ! If there is a "konservative" Governor in a normally liberal State it's usually because the citizens understand that they have some serious fiscal issues because of Democratic spending and they've voted in that conservative to FIX the problem! I'm from Massachusetts which is arguably one of the most liberal States in the United States and we have a long history of electing Republicans to fix budget problems.
You may judge the Republicans in your state as an example of what all Republicans do but that's not the case. Nationally, Republican administrations have spent more than Democrats. Defense spending and tax breaks for the rich take a toll. The people then elect Democrats to come in and fix that economic crisis. Just saying. You do remember the mess the repub-lie-cons
Left for Obama to fix...dontcha? But to add insult to injury, they refused to help him fix it.

States have elected Democrats to fix budget problems? Really... So what States would those be, JQ? It sure hasn't been Massachusetts! Republicans like Mitt Romney, Jane Swift, Paul Celluci, William Weld and even going all the way back to Francis Sargent and John Volpe...liberal Massachusetts voters have time and time again turned to the GOP to get the States spending somewhat under control! They sent liberals to Washington to spend Federal money because we can just print as much of that as we want but they elected Republicans to balance the budget in the Bay State!
Now you're dragging your feet and trying to divert. Does the word "national" mean anything to you? I was speaking about the far more important national economic diasters left in the wake of republican administrations for incoming democrats to clean up time and time again.
Relatively few black on black homicides? Really, JQ? In 2005 alone there were nearly 8,000 black on black homicides...a number that is quite likely far lower than the actual number of blacks killed by blacks because it doesn't include unsolved homicides of blacks. Since statistically approximately 93% of black homicides were black on black homicides it's rather obvious that unsolved murders of blacks have a VERY high probability of having been done by a black person!

Conversely...FBI statistics show that Police kill an average of less than a hundred black men each year! So tell me again why blacks should fear the Police more than other blacks? Quite frankly...YOU'RE FULL OF CRAP!
Are more black people killed by black people than by the Police ?

Yes. You're correct. Happy now ?

But guess what ?

That would have been true 100 years ago.

That would have been true under apartheid in South Africa. That would have been true under Jim Crow segregation in the USA.

But would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse for the KKK hangings of black men ? Would the black on black crime argument been a good reason to excuse the kilings of black people by Police 100 years ago ?

No. So why is it now ?

The police are held to a higher standard. That's why police killings of black people cause the commotion that they do. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility, themz the rules.

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around. The same way the white on white killings will be higher than black on white.

Your argument is like telling Breast Cancer Support Groups not to bother with that cancer and focus on Lung Cancer because that is the biggest cancer killer.

When ISIS killed whites in Paris or 9-11 Twin Towers you did not hear people say "Well,more white people kill white people, than muslims"" But that would have been just as true.
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and you can't answer because you know real evidence of anti-white bias in education is extraordinarily rare.
Anti-White bias most certainly is rare ... But PRO-Black bias is not. When you give preferential treatment to one group over another, than the group that wasn't given preferential treatment has been discriminated against.
So you don't count women descended from Europeans as white? Geeee! Now i undetstand... If you take can make the largest group of affirmative action beneficiaries( white women) invisible , then you can demonize everybody else, especially blacks, who took advantage of affirmative action.
Frankly, I'd rather not deal with people like you who know something I've said to be true but ignore it and create your own alternative reality. How can anyone expect to have a meaningful debate or fruitful conversation with a person like you?

JQ - If I wanted to hear from an a*hole I'd fart....

Re: "something I've said to be true but ignore it and create your own alternative reality. "

OH I SEE you SAID IT TO BE TRUE - SO THAT MAKES IT SO ??? Unfortunately your claim is FALSE it is a bogus myth perpetrated by advocates of racial preferences.

"The logic goes that the standards of living, wages, and number of white women in positions of power has grown significantly since the advent of affirmative action in 1960’s, and therefore white women are the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action." Almost Black - The True Story Of An Indian American Who Got Into Medical School Pretending To Be An African American

Libtarded Logic - There are multiple socio economic factors that have contributed to the elevation of white women in the workforce and affirmative action is only one small cog on a bigger wheel.
Besides anyone who answer a question with a question, is pretty much doing an internet tap-out and you can't answer because you know real evidence of anti-white bias in education is extraordinarily rare.
Come back to when you can answer my question. You make the claim. You prove the claim. The fact that you can't makes your argument weak

Easy, but you're going to make a fuss. The white score is set to 100 for easier comparison.

IQs of Races in the United States
April 15, 2016 Ryan Faulk


Which is what we see here.

The B-W Gap over time

The SAT, NAEP and IQ studies all show a similar pattern: a narrowing of black-white IQ scores from 1973 to 1986, and then flatlining from that point. In fact there is IQ data that goes back to 1917 where the US Army issued a nation-wide standardized test, and found a black IQ of 83 to the white 100.

The NAEP only deviates from the SAT and IQ studies in its “final resting place” for black IQ, which is roughly 89, whereas the IQ studies and SAT put it at 85.

The IQs of racial groups in the United States based on all of the data presented here:

IQs of Races in the United States
That's your opinion for what its worth - however the powers that be would beg to differ particularly when it comes to Jews. Jews are generally born Jews and there are genetic markers that distinguish a Jewish lineage from that of a Gentile. Then of course there are sephardic Jews who are black but still have these genetic markers. CAN'T JUDGE EVERYTHING IN BLACK AND WHITE ... right litte fella ? THE POINT BEING THAT JEWISH IS NOT JUST A RELIGION

Jewish is a religion, period. NOT a race. If it was a race, how would one convert to being a Jew? Your nonsense would mean that I, with all four grandparents having immigrated to the U.S. from Norway and Denmark could convert to being an Asian, black or Native American.
Judaism is unique among world religions in that it does not seek converts - although some people do convert to the religious aspect they represent a statistically irrelevant percentage.

Words will also have different meanings when applied in different contexts - the word RUN for instance has over 300 meanings dep. upon the context in which it is used.

According to dictionary.com the word Jewish has only 5 meanings ..and only three of them are nouns.

one of a scattered group of people that traces itsdescent from the Biblical Hebrews or from postexilicadherents of Judaism; Israelite.
a person whose religion is Judaism.
a subject of the ancient kingdom of Judah.
Offensive. of Jews; Jewish.
verb (used with object)
(lowercase) Offensive. to bargain sharply with; beatdown in price (often followed by down).

the definition of Jew
Are you saying your ancestor was a liberal? .....

It seems he is saying his ancestor was not a democrat.

If JQ actually knew his US history he'd know that the Republican Party formed in the North around the Civil War and was mainly ex Democrats who opposed slavery. My ancestor was one of those!
Don't take this personally but your anecdote has little relevance to the op. If Indeed you had such an ancestor, he could have fought on the Union side for many different reasons.

As for your allusion to my knowledge of History, I assure you that it's just as good as or better than yours.
If you don't know that the Democratic and Republican parties are much different today than they were back then, I can rest assured that my history knowledge is greater than yours

I graduated with a degree in history from the University of Massachusetts. Where is your history degree from?

As for my ancestor? He was an outspoken abolitionist. He was a white officer leading black troops in a conflict in which white officers leading blacks were told that they would be hung by the Confederacy if captured yet he led those men into battle in the South. I related that "little anecdote" because you assumed things about my ancestors that were based on nothing more than your own beliefs of what a conservative has to be.
Relatively few black on black homicides? Really, JQ? In 2005 alone there were nearly 8,000 black on black homicides...a number that is quite likely far lower than the actual number of blacks killed by blacks because it doesn't include unsolved homicides of blacks.
Glad you insisted I repeat myself. The last post I posted on this subject stands on its own merits. Go read it again if you did not understand it the first time.
And use a more recent FBI UCR... While The 8000 figure is measley even though you added the unknowns to get that total.. But table three is more accurate with a perp total of around 5000 on the 2013 report. I suspect it was the similar in 2005. Unknowns could have been victims of murder by any race...including cops.
BTW statistics on people murdered by cops aren't included in the FBI data..and many police agencies don't bother to report anything to the FBI. Wait!

Conversely...FBI statistics show that Police kill an average of less than a hundred black men each year! So tell me again why blacks should fear the Police more than other blacks?
Because rabid racist murdering cops are killing UNARMED blacks at a much higher rate than they kill unarmed White people. The key word is UNARMED. Black on black homicide is generally assumed to be gang related where armed gangsters kill each other... Good riddance. But when officers of the law
kill unarmed blacks with impunity on camera and walk...something is wrong with the system.... And even when charged and brought before a jury of his/her peers, it takes only one racist sympathizer to disrupt justice and produce a hung jury.

Now your argument has gone from the absurd to outright farce! How many "unarmed" black men are killed by Police each year? That number becomes so tiny as to be laughable when compared to how many blacks kill other blacks! How many gang related killings of blacks by other blacks aren't counted because the crime goes unsolved? The facts are that blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime in this country in relation to the size of the black population! Police shoot higher numbers of blacks in relation to the population because they are confronting higher numbers of blacks committing violent crimes. That isn't "racism"! It's simple common sense. Black police are three times more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation than white police. Does that make them "rabid"? No, it means that they are more likely policing in neighborhoods that are beset with high levels of black on black crime.
So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
And answer me this

Who put them in power ?

I'll give you a clue it wasn't black people.

No group that is in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power.

Power isn’t given, it must be taken. So knowing that we also know all those silly titles (a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges and black president) were given a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually means they have NO POWER AT ALL

The lack of respect Obama received from people with less powerful positions, like the white male federal judge who said publicly that President Obama’s mother had sex with a dog and that’s how he was born and the white female Jan Brewer, Arizona governor, who wagged her finger in his face in full view of TV cameras.


YET when Vice-Prez Cheney (a white male) shot a man in the face in a hunting accident, the man (with less power) apologized to Cheney forcausing his family so much trouble

That’s what REAL power looks like.

We KNOW that President Obama didn’t come from us and wasn’t raised by us, which means the first thing we should have asked is who sent him to represent us?

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X came from the streets, from the BLACK grassroots and were selected BY black people (and who were ultimately punished murdered) NOT rewarded with cushy book deals, Harvard degrees and high political offices.

Two thoughts that should be axioms in the minds of all black people:

#1 — No one rewards their enemies

#2 — Any oppressed people that allow their oppressors to choose their leaders will remain oppressed

We also KNOW that no black person in the U.S. is giving orders to the most powerful whites. I know this is true where I work and live so why would the WHITE HOUSE be an exception??

“First black” symbols hide the reality of the so-called civil rights clock turning backwards in the form of

sky-high black unemployment

“gentrification” (racial dislocation) to move blacks out of prime inner-city areas

more black schools closing

more black people incarcerated

increasing racism in the workplace, and in the media

So now you're claiming that President of the United States and Attorney General of the United States are nothing more than "silly titles" and those positions held no real power? I hate to point out the obvious here, Paul...but you're an idiot!
How many "unarmed" black men are killed by Police each year? That number becomes so tiny as to be laughable when compared to how many blacks kill other blacks! How many gang related killings of blacks by other blacks aren't counted because the crime goes unsolved? The facts are that blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime in this country in relation to the size of the black population! Police shoot higher numbers of blacks in relation to the population because they are confronting higher numbers of blacks committing violent crimes. That isn't "racism"! It's simple common sense. Black police are three times more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation than white police. Does that make them "rabid"? No, it means that they are more likely policing in neighborhoods that are beset with high levels of black on black crime.
Let's take Chicago. Because when white supremacists try to prove how violent and savage black people are. They always start with Chicago. The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can the f**k can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

All the shit going on in Chicago is done to drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing.

Finally it's good to remember that it was white people who got this ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime.
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So now you're claiming that President of the United States and Attorney General of the United States are nothing more than "silly titles" and those positions held no real power? I hate to point out the obvious here, Paul...but you're an idiot!
Obama had no power. To get his attention Black people had to protest and riot in the streets. He remained silent about race. He never disagreed with white liberal opinion.
  • He done nothing about the War on Drugs
  • He done nothing about the mass incarceration of black men
  • He done nothing about the racial profiling of black men
  • He done nothing about the police brutality on black men
  • He done nothing about poverty in black areas
  • He done nothing about unsafe neighbourhoods in black areas
  • He done nothing about high black unemployment
  • He done nothing about the high rates of infant mortality for black people
  • He done nothing about the segregation in housing and education for black people
  • He done nothing about the environmental racism black ppl face,
  • He done nothing about the growing wealth gap
  • He done nothing about about gun control until white children were gunned down.
In his first 100 days Trumps is signed bills like it's nothing. Why ? Because he is allowed to because he speaks the language of the white supremacists


Even George W. Bush had more blacks in his cabinet. He had four, Obama has only one.

Yeah Obama was limited by Congress, but he did not let that stop him from taking a stand on gay rights, becoming the first president to support same-sex marriage, the first to allow gays to serve openly in the military.

All that blacks get are public scoldings about bad parenting. like Obamacare. In his hometown of Chicago where more than 500 deaths due to gun violence, did he acknowledge that ? But when the Sandy Hook elementary incident took place we saw him weeping.

There is not going to be a Black activist President who sets his own agenda to correct Black racial grievances. The whites created the illusion of progress without giving up any real power or privilege. For black people to believe any black person — even a black president — can be ‘given” real power in a white supremacy system where whites control ALL the institutions of power — is pure escapism.

He was NOT selected to help black people because we are NOT HIS BOSSES because we did not finance him, nominate him or elect him because black votes do NOT decide a presidential election. The evidence of WHO his bosses are is evidenced by President Obama extending EVERY single piece of legislation passed during the Bush-era. I do not, however, blame him for what the puppeteers are doing in his name. Why? Because I know he is NOT in charge and is making NO decision.

What dealing with his white supremacist bosses did to him

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