Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

There are no black people in the justice system? Really, Paul! I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!
So what you have black people in the justice system ?

What is that meant to mean ?

They wouldn't have got to that position if they were going to challenge white supremacy. And if they're in that position they better maintain white supremacy or they will be taken care of. That's why cops who kill black people always walk. That's y blacks get the longest sentences. It's all about maintaining white supremacy.
There are no black people in the justice system? Really, Paul! I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!
So what you have black people in the justice system ?

What is that meant to mean ?

They wouldn't have got to that position if they were going to challenge white supremacy. And if they're in that position they better maintain white supremacy or they will be taken care of. That's why cops who kill black people always walk. That's y blacks get the longest sentences. It's all about maintaining white supremacy.

So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
Cops that kill black people with cause walk...cops that kill black people otherwise get crucified. Your problem is that you try and make the Michael Browns and Trayvon Martin's of the world into "victims" when reality is...they were thugs who were violently assaulting others.
There are no black people in the justice system? Really, Paul! I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!
So what you have black people in the justice system ?

What is that meant to mean ?

They wouldn't have got to that position if they were going to challenge white supremacy. And if they're in that position they better maintain white supremacy or they will be taken care of. That's why cops who kill black people always walk. That's y blacks get the longest sentences. It's all about maintaining white supremacy.

So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
If they are all Republicans they are aligned with the status quo. But municipalities aren't autonomous.,There is unusually a konservative governor lurking in the background, a.k.a Flint Michgan, doing all he/she can to help them fail.
Cops that kill black people with cause walk...cops that kill black people otherwise get crucified. Your problem is that you try and make the Michael Browns and Trayvon Martin's of the world into "victims" when reality is...they were thugs who were violently assaulting others.
Oh, we know how fair and blameless you right wing konservatives are. Your history is replete with honesty, fairness, and caring for others. Too bad you had to kill or enslave millions to make way for the angels among you to project a more benevolent side to your violence.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.

Show us your reliable source and link! You can't.


Google " black women most educated group in America" then take your pick
Of sources and links.
It's not our job to research your claims.
All of your posts categorizing, essentializing, denouncing, demeaning, generalizing, and prejudging people on the basis of race notwithstanding?
I know whites are individuals.

I live in a country that is mostly white. I have to deal with whites at work. I see the way people of all races suck up to them.

It makes my blood boil.
You should move to a negro-run country if white people in this white country make your blood boil.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.

Show us your reliable source and link! You can't.


Google " black women most educated group in America" then take your pick
Of sources and links.
It's not our job to research your claims.

Black women become most educated group in US
Oldstyle>>This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success.<<
Just what is your notion of Blacks mistreating each other on a scale broad enough to "hold them back?" Surely you aren't making a nexus between a relatively few homicides a year and some preconceived notion that progress in the larger Black population is unduly stymied as a result. It is clear that public embellishments of blacks by white curmudgeons as violent criminals and thugs has more to do with with your premise than anything else. Most blacks are not thugs and criminals but whenever one is killed by a white person, cop or otherwise, he automatically becomes a thug.

Oldstyle>>It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers<< But the African slavers weren't responsible for the brutal dehumanization and mental damage
forced upon Black slaves that persists
even today. White people are...and you don't want to step up and acknowledge that.

Oldstyle>>It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people<<<
A few thousand homey- cides a year
just doesn't make too much of an impact on the other 40 million Blacks;.
Most of whom rarely encounter violence except at the hands of cops.

Oldstyle>>>I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!<<
IF you harbor such disdain for black leadership you must have some basis
for your premise. What city was ruined by some specific action of Black leadership? I challenge you to deny that the economic downfall of any metropolitan area is due to the departure of an industry and a loss of the tax base. When that happens white flight occurs and so do the jobs. Black political aspirations usually occur in the wake of the white exodus because blacks are then suddenly the majority. But they aren't the cause of urban decay. They just6have far fewer resources left to deal with it... And a republican governor is not going to be of much help.
Funny how some people will try so hard to justify racism, but deny being racist.
I am racist

I already know.

But two things make it different: First, it goes in the opposite direction – I favour blacks, not whites. Second, I am honest about being racist.
  • I do not make fun of how whites talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I do not excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I do not make racist jokes about them.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
  • I do not claim that white people are less intelligent
Whenever I say bad things about whites it's pretty much always to do with there racism

Now matter what I think of whites.

You still get the job white man.
You still get the loan white man.
You still live in a place where there are very few blacks

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious, is pretty impotent.

Even a blk man who hates white people (And I've always said most black and people of colour show whites too much love) and thinks whites should be killed.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

That’s not racism.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
Could it be that being denied a job could be based on qualifications? I don't know of anyone denied health care due to their race. Same as education. Physical freedom? Do explain.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.

Show us your reliable source and link! You can't.

Funny how some people will try so hard to justify racism, but deny being racist.

You still get the job white man.
You still get the loan white man.
You still live in a place where there are very few blacks

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious, is pretty impotent.
So living with other blacks is a disadvantage? Whose fault is that if not the negro's?
Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
So whitey needs to stop sending negroes to prison for rape, robbery, and murder or else he's racist? I have an idea, why don't we put blacks on an island somewhere and get rid of whitey's law enforcement and other bullshit like that? Then the negroes can murder each other all they want and there will be no racism. Oh wait, I think that's kind of like what they're doing in some parts of Africa. See how well that worked out?
Funny how some people will try so hard to justify racism, but deny being racist.
I am racist

I already know.

But two things make it different: First, it goes in the opposite direction – I favour blacks, not whites. Second, I am honest about being racist.
  • I do not make fun of how whites talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food they eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
  • I do not excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time..
  • I do not make racist jokes about them.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
  • I do not claim that white people are less intelligent
Whenever I say bad things about whites it's pretty much always to do with there racism

Now matter what I think of whites.

You still get the job white man.
You still get the loan white man.
You still live in a place where there are very few blacks

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious, is pretty impotent.

Even a blk man who hates white people (And I've always said most black and people of colour show whites too much love) and thinks whites should be killed.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

That’s not racism.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
Could it be that being denied a job could be based on qualifications? I don't know of anyone denied health care due to their race. Same as education. Physical freedom? Do explain.
It's racist because they don't treat a violent, murdering black the same as an innocent, hard-working white. Unless both go to prison or both stay free, it's racist!

They also don't hire violent, drunk black drug addicts to work as doctors and executives as often as smart, hard-working, sober whites so this causes a totally racist and unequal underrepresentation of blacks in high-paying positions.
There are no black people in the justice system? Really, Paul! I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!
So what you have black people in the justice system ?

What is that meant to mean ?

They wouldn't have got to that position if they were going to challenge white supremacy. And if they're in that position they better maintain white supremacy or they will be taken care of. That's why cops who kill black people always walk. That's y blacks get the longest sentences. It's all about maintaining white supremacy.

So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
If they are all Republicans they are aligned with the status quo. But municipalities aren't autonomous.,There is unusually a konservative governor lurking in the background, a.k.a Flint Michgan, doing all he/she can to help them fail.

Now THAT is total bullshit, JQ! If there is a "konservative" Governor in a normally liberal State it's usually because the citizens understand that they have some serious fiscal issues because of Democratic spending and they've voted in that conservative to FIX the problem! I'm from Massachusetts which is arguably one of the most liberal States in the United States and we have a long history of electing Republicans to fix budget problems.
Oldstyle>>This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success.<<
Just what is your notion of Blacks mistreating each other on a scale broad enough to "hold them back?" Surely you aren't making a nexus between a relatively few homicides a year and some preconceived notion that progress in the larger Black population is unduly stymied as a result. It is clear that public embellishments of blacks by white curmudgeons as violent criminals and thugs has more to do with with your premise than anything else. Most blacks are not thugs and criminals but whenever one is killed by a white person, cop or otherwise, he automatically becomes a thug.

Oldstyle>>It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers<< But the African slavers weren't responsible for the brutal dehumanization and mental damage
forced upon Black slaves that persists
even today. White people are...and you don't want to step up and acknowledge that.

Oldstyle>>It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people<<<
A few thousand homey- cides a year
just doesn't make too much of an impact on the other 40 million Blacks;.
Most of whom rarely encounter violence except at the hands of cops.

Oldstyle>>>I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!<<
IF you harbor such disdain for black leadership you must have some basis
for your premise. What city was ruined by some specific action of Black leadership? I challenge you to deny that the economic downfall of any metropolitan area is due to the departure of an industry and a loss of the tax base. When that happens white flight occurs and so do the jobs. Black political aspirations usually occur in the wake of the white exodus because blacks are then suddenly the majority. But they aren't the cause of urban decay. They just6have far fewer resources left to deal with it... And a republican governor is not going to be of much help.

So let me see if I understand your "logic" here, JQ! The black slave traders that raided African villages and enslaved thousands of innocent black men and women aren't responsible for what happened to those people once they were sold into slavery? That's what you're going with to excuse the role of blacks in the slave trade?

As for your notion that blacks have more to fear from the police than from other blacks? The number of blacks that are shot by cops is a tiny fraction of the number of blacks that are gunned down by other blacks!
Cops that kill black people with cause walk...cops that kill black people otherwise get crucified. Your problem is that you try and make the Michael Browns and Trayvon Martin's of the world into "victims" when reality is...they were thugs who were violently assaulting others.
Oh, we know how fair and blameless you right wing konservatives are. Your history is replete with honesty, fairness, and caring for others. Too bad you had to kill or enslave millions to make way for the angels among you to project a more benevolent side to your violence.

Oh, please...spare me the drama queen rants, JQ! My family history includes an ancestor that lost an arm leading black troops in the Civil War. My "history" is actually filled with people who believed strongly that slavery was a bad thing and that blacks should have equal rights.
There are no black people in the justice system? Really, Paul! I hate to point out the obvious here, Sparky but blacks control political power in many of our major cities. I also hate to point out how badly they tend to handle that political power!
So what you have black people in the justice system ?

What is that meant to mean ?

They wouldn't have got to that position if they were going to challenge white supremacy. And if they're in that position they better maintain white supremacy or they will be taken care of. That's why cops who kill black people always walk. That's y blacks get the longest sentences. It's all about maintaining white supremacy.

So when you've had a black President...a black Attorney General...black Mayors...black Police Chiefs...and black judges...you think blacks aren't represented in the justice system? Amusing concept...really...
If they are all Republicans they are aligned with the status quo. But municipalities aren't autonomous.,There is unusually a konservative governor lurking in the background, a.k.a Flint Michgan, doing all he/she can to help them fail.

Now THAT is total bullshit, JQ! If there is a "konservative" Governor in a normally liberal State it's usually because the citizens understand that they have some serious fiscal issues because of Democratic spending and they've voted in that conservative to FIX the problem! I'm from Massachusetts which is arguably one of the most liberal States in the United States and we have a long history of electing Republicans to fix budget problems.
You may judge the Republicans in your state as an example of what all Republicans do but that's not the case. Nationally, Republican administrations have spent more than Democrats. Defense spending and tax breaks for the rich take a toll. The people then elect Democrats to come in and fix that economic crisis. Just saying. You do remember the mess the repub-lie-cons
Left for Obama to fix...dontcha? But to add insult to injury, they refused to help him fix it.
So let me see if I understand your "logic" here, JQ! The black slave traders that raided African villages and enslaved thousands of innocent black men and women aren't responsible for what happened to those people once they were sold into slavery?
Who told you that? You seem obsessed with the erroneous notion that Africans selling Africans into slavery was so widespread and pervasive that their guilt equals that of
White slavers. There is another side to that story and Louis Gates isn't a part of that discovery. African slavers, if that is what they were,could not possibly be jointly responsible for all of the millions of slaves that were stolen from Africa.
The numbers just don't add up. Some of that did go on but not on the scale you seem to think it did. Here is one good

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them

"The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people."

As for your notion that blacks have more to fear from the police than from other blacks? The number of blacks that are shot by cops is a tiny fraction of the number of blacks that are gunned down by other blacks!

There are relatively few black on black homicides when you consider the fact that there are more than 40 million Blacks in the USA and only several thousand murders in that community per year at most. And most of those occur in urban settings, I am told. Most blacks do not live in large metro areas, contrary to popular belief...millions live in small towns and rural areas. In those places...the cops are indeed frequently their worst enemies. The DOJ report on Ferguson exposed that perfectly.
Murder by cop is just the tip of the iceberg...cops are also instrumental in seizing assets without due process, profiling and making stops on black citizens to drain wealth fom that community through fines and fees.
Cops that kill black people with cause walk...cops that kill black people otherwise get crucified. Your problem is that you try and make the Michael Browns and Trayvon Martin's of the world into "victims" when reality is...they were thugs who were violently assaulting others.
Oh, we know how fair and blameless you right wing konservatives are. Your history is replete with honesty, fairness, and caring for others. Too bad you had to kill or enslave millions to make way for the angels among you to project a more benevolent side to your violence.

Oh, please...spare me the drama queen rants, JQ! My family history includes an ancestor that lost an arm leading black troops in the Civil War. My "history" is actually filled with people who believed strongly that slavery was a bad thing and that blacks should have equal rights.
Are you saying your ancestor was a liberal? The conservatives were on the other side of the battlefield during the Civil War.
And if you believe that blacks should have equal rights, you are an oddball among Republicans. GOP leadership is doing it's best to keep blacks from voting at all. That certainly doesn't speak to your belief in equal rights for Blacks if you align yourself with such scoundrels.

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