Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Bernie Madoff got caught stealing 50 000 000 000 dollars. That is 50 billion dollars.

Just one white guy.

These two examples beat all black street crime you could name for the past 10 years.

That's obscene. Total up all the costs of black crime, murders, vandalism, gang sales of drugs and you will easily surpass fifty billion dollars for a single year.
But blacks spend nearly 1.7 trillion a year in white owned businesses. Add the tax burden to that figure and whites are getting far more out of the black community than they put into it.
Where did the negroes get that money? Welfare and robberies? Affirmative action jobs?
Nah...that sounds more like the founding farthers and their armies. Just ask any Amerindian.
The American Indians gave the founding fathers and their soldiers jobs for being white?
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

Nonsense. That would fall to the Asians, as you well know.

Stating the high unwed birthrate is hardly a weapon, it is stating facts.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

Nonsense. That would fall to the Asians, as you well know.

Stating the high unwed birthrate is hardly a weapon, it is stating facts.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.
It wouldn't surprise me if negresses have lots of degrees. Too bad degrees don't equal intelligence.
Bernie Madoff got caught stealing 50 000 000 000 dollars. That is 50 billion dollars.

Just one white guy.

These two examples beat all black street crime you could name for the past 10 years.

That's obscene. Total up all the costs of black crime, murders, vandalism, gang sales of drugs and you will easily surpass fifty billion dollars for a single year.
But blacks spend nearly 1.7 trillion a year in white owned businesses. Add the tax burden to that figure and whites are getting far more out of the black community than they put into it.
Where did the negroes get that money? Welfare and robberies? Affirmative action jobs?
Nah...that sounds more like the founding farthers and their armies. Just ask any Amerindian.
The American Indians gave the founding fathers and their soldiers jobs for being white?
Hell yes. Genocide was hard work back then. But the pay was phenomenal: just look at all the land, gold silver and other natural resources whites acquired.
That's obscene. Total up all the costs of black crime, murders, vandalism, gang sales of drugs and you will easily surpass fifty billion dollars for a single year.
But blacks spend nearly 1.7 trillion a year in white owned businesses. Add the tax burden to that figure and whites are getting far more out of the black community than they put into it.
Where did the negroes get that money? Welfare and robberies? Affirmative action jobs?
Nah...that sounds more like the founding farthers and their armies. Just ask any Amerindian.
The American Indians gave the founding fathers and their soldiers jobs for being white?
Hell yes. Genocide was hard work back then. But the pay was phenomenal: just look at all the land, gold silver and other natural resources whites acquired.
So whites worked hard and work hard today, but negroes don't?
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

Nonsense. That would fall to the Asians, as you well know.

Stating the high unwed birthrate is hardly a weapon, it is stating facts.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.
It wouldn't surprise me if negresses have lots of degrees. Too bad degrees don't equal intelligence.
I think degrees are excellent markers of intelligence.
But blacks spend nearly 1.7 trillion a year in white owned businesses. Add the tax burden to that figure and whites are getting far more out of the black community than they put into it.
Where did the negroes get that money? Welfare and robberies? Affirmative action jobs?
Nah...that sounds more like the founding farthers and their armies. Just ask any Amerindian.
The American Indians gave the founding fathers and their soldiers jobs for being white?
Hell yes. Genocide was hard work back then. But the pay was phenomenal: just look at all the land, gold silver and other natural resources whites acquired.
So whites worked hard and work hard today, but negroes don't?
PWT like you were indentured servants
compelled to work hard to satisfy debt or criminal judgements against you. Then slaves were brought in, bought by the wealth stolen from the indians.

The nation builders never worked hard...they forced others to work for them..including your poor white ancestors.
Where did the negroes get that money? Welfare and robberies? Affirmative action jobs?
Nah...that sounds more like the founding farthers and their armies. Just ask any Amerindian.
The American Indians gave the founding fathers and their soldiers jobs for being white?
Hell yes. Genocide was hard work back then. But the pay was phenomenal: just look at all the land, gold silver and other natural resources whites acquired.
So whites worked hard and work hard today, but negroes don't?
PWT like you were indentured servants
compelled to work hard to satisfy debt or criminal judgements against you. Then slaves were brought in, bought by the wealth stolen from the indians.

The nation builders never worked hard...they forced others to work for them..including your poor white ancestors.
Did I say negroes did not work back then? I only commented on their CURRENT work ethic. They certainly did rise to the level of obsolete farm equipment back then.
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

Nonsense. That would fall to the Asians, as you well know.

Stating the high unwed birthrate is hardly a weapon, it is stating facts.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.
It wouldn't surprise me if negresses have lots of degrees. Too bad degrees don't equal intelligence.
I think degrees are excellent markers of intelligence.
That's silly. There are plenty of degrees and different ones in different colleges require vastly different levels of intelligence to acquire. But at the end of the day, degrees are just tools. A dumbass with a scalpel is no better as a doctor if he's a retard and this seems to be the trouble with negroes with degrees: they think the tool makes the worker (and apparently you do, too). Plus there's affirmative action and liberals' love of negro colleges so apparently there are lots of dumb negroes, no better than obsolete farm equipment, picking up degrees they don't deserve or need in hopes of making the negro into something it cannot become.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.

According to your thread title, a White applicant (Jared Kushner) was selected over more qualified Black applicants; however, there is nothing in the article you posted that supports this assertion. The article alluded to an unnamed high school official who commented “Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not....” Even if your sources were credible – and there is no evidence they are - there was no mention of the race of those who were allegedly passed over; therefore, I find your suggestion that Blacks were passed over to be disingenuous.

There is no doubt that sometimes more qualified students get passed over by legacy candidates (family members of alumni) and major financial contributors. My own research shows this is rather common. However, it is highly unlikely that qualified Blacks are passed over in favor of less qualified Whites with influential parents. There is a reason for this and the following example explains it all.

Assume for the moment that you were the dean of admissions at USMB College of Law. Your enrollment is capped at 800 students and you will loose your position if you accept more than that. You pride yourself on the diversity of your student body and this year you accepted every Black applicant. You have 800 acceptance letters on your desk, ready to mail when an old friend comes into your office. He wants his White son enrolled in your college but has a problem: his son is not as qualified as those already accepted. He then offers to donate $2 million to your school. What do you do? If you wanted the college to benefit from his largess there is only one way to do it without getting into a legal quagmire: You must take one of the acceptance letters and tear it up, replacing it with an acceptance letter for your friend's son. That will keep you within the 800 student limit. But you better be careful which letter you tear up. If you tear up the letter of a Black applicant you will be faced with a lawsuit against which you will have no defense; however, if you tear up the acceptance letter of a White applicant, you are home free. A White applicant passed over in favor a less qualified White applicant has no standing to sue.

I am not saying that a Black applicant was never passed over in favor of a less qualified White because the White man's daddy gave a large donation to the university. I am saying that if it occurs at all it is very rare and easily remedied. It will be interesting to see if Harvard is sued. If they accepted Kushner over a more qualified Black, I would expect a lawsuit. In the absence of a legal challenge I will assume that no Black applicant was adversely affected.

One last thought. If you were trying to show that Blacks were being discriminated against regarding college admissions, you failed miserably. Discrimination against Blacks is almost non-existent, but discrimination against Whites and Asians is rampant. Under the banner of affirmative actions, Blacks have an advantage over other races. Admission to my law school was based upon the weighted average of an applicant's undergraduate GPA and scores on the LSAT. Special consideration was given to those who, like me, had an advanced degree. However, 10 percent of its seats were reserved for minorities. This means that as long as the minority applicant met the very basic requirements for admissions (they had a 4-year degree and took the LSAT) they would be admitted even if their undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores were less than every White applicant. To put it bluntly, they were admitted solely because they were Black. This is commonplace.

The very idea that Blacks are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions is laughable.
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I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

Nonsense. That would fall to the Asians, as you well know.

Stating the high unwed birthrate is hardly a weapon, it is stating facts.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.
It wouldn't surprise me if negresses have lots of degrees. Too bad degrees don't equal intelligence.
I think degrees are excellent markers of intelligence.
That's silly. There are plenty of degrees and different ones in different colleges require vastly different levels of intelligence to acquire. But at the end of the day, degrees are just tools. A dumbass with a scalpel is no better as a doctor if he's a retard and this seems to be the trouble with negroes with degrees: they think the tool makes the worker (and apparently you do, too). Plus there's affirmative action and liberals' love of negro colleges so apparently there are lots of dumb negroes, no better than obsolete farm equipment, picking up degrees they don't deserve or need in hopes of making the negro into something it cannot become.
A real tragedy of American life, is that supremacist morons like you think there is an entity called "The Negro." there's no such thing as "the negro." Black Americans come in a diverse assortment of sizes, colors, intelligence and abilities just like white people do. Some have made amazing medical breakthroughs that changed the world. Others have excelled in science and astrophysics.
In many cases those contributions might have been lost to the world without affirmative action or some other program to fight the rampant discrimination and prejudice, such as you are exhibiting, that marred this country for so long.
Perhaps you are blind to great things blacks have done because you just aren't interested in focusing on anything but the negative. Frankly, I see no need to continue talking to you. There's no benefit in it for anything more than giving you a platform to feed your supremacist ego.
You are a racist POS and unworthy of meaningful doalogue.
Nonsense. That would fall to the Asians, as you well know.

Stating the high unwed birthrate is hardly a weapon, it is stating facts.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.
It wouldn't surprise me if negresses have lots of degrees. Too bad degrees don't equal intelligence.
I think degrees are excellent markers of intelligence.
That's silly. There are plenty of degrees and different ones in different colleges require vastly different levels of intelligence to acquire. But at the end of the day, degrees are just tools. A dumbass with a scalpel is no better as a doctor if he's a retard and this seems to be the trouble with negroes with degrees: they think the tool makes the worker (and apparently you do, too). Plus there's affirmative action and liberals' love of negro colleges so apparently there are lots of dumb negroes, no better than obsolete farm equipment, picking up degrees they don't deserve or need in hopes of making the negro into something it cannot become.
A real tragedy of American life, is that supremacist morons like you think there is an entity called "The Negro." there's no such thing as "the negro." Black Americans come in a diverse assortment of sizes, colors, intelligence and abilities just like white people do. Some have made amazing medical breakthroughs that changed the world. Others have excelled in science and astrophysics.
In many cases those contributions might have been lost to the world without affirmative action or some other program to fight the rampant discrimination and prejudice, such as you are exhibiting, that marred this country for so long.
Perhaps you are blind to great things blacks have done because you just aren't interested in focusing on anything but the negative. Frankly, I see no need to continue talking to you. There's no benefit in it for anything more than giving you a platform to feed your supremacist ego.
You are a racist POS and unworthy of meaningful doalogue.
Yes, just ignore what I said and bitch and moan about racism instead.
The very idea that Blacks are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions is laughable.
Why is that so laughable? That's the way it was prior to the mid ' 60s. Consider the story of Vivian Thomas..
"Without any education past high school, Thomas rose above poverty and racism to become a cardiac surgery pioneer and a teacher of operative techniques to many of the country's most prominent surgeons."
We are left to wonder just how many brilliant black minds were wasted during that era. And obviously Thomas was far more qualified and gifted than any of the white surgeons and doctors who had lofty credentials. Thomas never attended medical school even though he applied. There were too many lesser qualified white guys ahead of him...and he was the wrong color.
Nope...check again. Black women as a group, proportionally, have more baccalaureate and post graduate degrees than any other group in America.
So...that makes me a bit skeptical as to claims from white statisticians that may be fudged to give people like you fuel to feed the fires of hate and prejudice.
It wouldn't surprise me if negresses have lots of degrees. Too bad degrees don't equal intelligence.
I think degrees are excellent markers of intelligence.
That's silly. There are plenty of degrees and different ones in different colleges require vastly different levels of intelligence to acquire. But at the end of the day, degrees are just tools. A dumbass with a scalpel is no better as a doctor if he's a retard and this seems to be the trouble with negroes with degrees: they think the tool makes the worker (and apparently you do, too). Plus there's affirmative action and liberals' love of negro colleges so apparently there are lots of dumb negroes, no better than obsolete farm equipment, picking up degrees they don't deserve or need in hopes of making the negro into something it cannot become.
A real tragedy of American life, is that supremacist morons like you think there is an entity called "The Negro." there's no such thing as "the negro." Black Americans come in a diverse assortment of sizes, colors, intelligence and abilities just like white people do. Some have made amazing medical breakthroughs that changed the world. Others have excelled in science and astrophysics.
In many cases those contributions might have been lost to the world without affirmative action or some other program to fight the rampant discrimination and prejudice, such as you are exhibiting, that marred this country for so long.
Perhaps you are blind to great things blacks have done because you just aren't interested in focusing on anything but the negative. Frankly, I see no need to continue talking to you. There's no benefit in it for anything more than giving you a platform to feed your supremacist ego.
You are a racist POS and unworthy of meaningful doalogue.
Yes, just ignore what I said and bitch and moan about racism instead.
You are now on IGNORE....BYE.
The very idea that Blacks are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions is laughable.
Why is that so laughable? That's the way it was prior to the mid ' 60s. Consider the story of Vivian Thomas..
"Without any education past high school, Thomas rose above poverty and racism to become a cardiac surgery pioneer and a teacher of operative techniques to many of the country's most prominent surgeons."
Surely a highly education, non-racist such as yourself can understand the difference between the present and 50 years ago. I don't have a problem with negroes going to school. They just need to pull all government support for colleges, black or white.
However, 10 percent of its seats were reserved for minorities.
If true you should have filed a lawsuit.
Quotas were forbidden in 2003.

"the use of racial or gender quotas for college admissions was concurrently ruled unconstitutional by the Court in Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)." Targeted groups were the focus of searches for qualified minorities and white women but there was no obligation to hire imbeciles or to accept unqualified applicants to universities.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
Is Harvard public or private? It makes a difference. If they are private they can do whatever they want.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
So what blacks, who were more qualified, applied to this school and were denied admission?

Furthermore, why should we care what some "former school official" from what appears to be a different school has to say regarding Harvard admissions standards?
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.

According to your thread title, a White applicant (Jared Kushner) was selected over more qualified Black applicants; however, there is nothing in the article you posted that supports this assertion. The article alluded to an unnamed high school official who commented “Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not....” Even if your sources were credible – and there is no evidence they are - there was no mention of the race of those who were allegedly passed over; therefore, I find your suggestion that Blacks were passed over to be disingenuous.

There is no doubt that sometimes more qualified students get passed over by legacy candidates (family members of alumni) and major financial contributors. My own research shows this is rather common. However, it is highly unlikely that qualified Blacks are passed over in favor of less qualified Whites with influential parents. There is a reason for this and the following example explains it all.

Assume for the moment that you were the dean of admissions at USMB College of Law. Your enrollment is capped at 800 students and you will loose your position if you accept more than that. You pride yourself on the diversity of your student body and this year you accepted every Black applicant. You have 800 acceptance letters on your desk, ready to mail when an old friend comes into your office. He wants his White son enrolled in your college but has a problem: his son is not as qualified as those already accepted. He then offers to donate $2 million to your school. What do you do? If you wanted the college to benefit from his largess there is only one way to do it without getting into a legal quagmire: You must take one of the acceptance letters and tear it up, replacing it with an acceptance letter for your friend's son. That will keep you within the 800 student limit. But you better be careful which letter you tear up. If you tear up the letter of a Black applicant you will be faced with a lawsuit against which you will have no defense; however, if you tear up the acceptance letter of a White applicant, you are home free. A White applicant passed over in favor a less qualified White applicant has no standing to sue.

I am not saying that a Black applicant was never passed over in favor of a less qualified White because the White man's daddy gave a large donation to the university. I am saying that if it occurs at all it is very rare and easily remedied. It will be interesting to see if Harvard is sued. If they accepted Kushner over a more qualified Black, I would expect a lawsuit. In the absence of a legal challenge I will assume that no Black applicant was adversely affected.

One last thought. If you were trying to show that Blacks were being discriminated against regarding college admissions, you failed miserably. Discrimination against Blacks is almost non-existent, but discrimination against Whites and Asians is rampant. Under the banner of affirmative actions, Blacks have an advantage over other races. Admission to my law school was based upon the weighted average of an applicant's undergraduate GPA and scores on the LSAT. Special consideration was given to those who, like me, had an advanced degree. However, 10 percent of its seats were reserved for minorities. This means that as long as the minority applicant met the very basic requirements for admissions (they had a 4-year degree and took the LSAT) they would be admitted even if their undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores were less than every White applicant. To put it bluntly, they were admitted solely because they were Black. This is commonplace.

The very idea that Blacks are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions is laughable.

I'm amused by naive types that don't have a problem with institutions like Harvard giving scholarships to needy students but have a huge problem with them allowing a relative of the wealthy people who endow those scholarships to attend school there! Gee, how do you think it would go over if you told those wealthy folks that you're happy to take their money but their kids will have to go somewhere else? One more example of silly people who don't understand how the world works!

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