Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Are you saying your ancestor was a liberal? .....

It seems he is saying his ancestor was not a democrat.

If JQ actually knew his US history he'd know that the Republican Party formed in the North around the Civil War and was mainly ex Democrats who opposed slavery. My ancestor was one of those!
Don't take this personally but your anecdote has little relevance to the op. If Indeed you had such an ancestor, he could have fought on the Union side for many different reasons.

As for your allusion to my knowledge of History, I assure you that it's just as good as or better than yours.
If you don't know that the Democratic and Republican parties are much different today than they were back then, I can rest assured that my history knowledge is greater than yours

I graduated with a degree in history from the University of Massachusetts. ....

Amherst? Lowell? Boston?
Are you saying your ancestor was a liberal? .....

It seems he is saying his ancestor was not a democrat.

If JQ actually knew his US history he'd know that the Republican Party formed in the North around the Civil War and was mainly ex Democrats who opposed slavery. My ancestor was one of those!
Don't take this personally but your anecdote has little relevance to the op. If Indeed you had such an ancestor, he could have fought on the Union side for many different reasons.

As for your allusion to my knowledge of History, I assure you that it's just as good as or better than yours.
If you don't know that the Democratic and Republican parties are much different today than they were back then, I can rest assured that my history knowledge is greater than yours

I graduated with a degree in history from the University of Massachusetts. Where is your history degree from?

As for my ancestor? He was an outspoken abolitionist. He was a white officer leading black troops in a conflict in which white officers leading blacks were told that they would be hung by the Confederacy if captured yet he led those men into battle in the South. I related that "little anecdote" because you assumed things about my ancestors that were based on nothing more than your own beliefs of what a conservative has to be.
On the internet you can have as many degrees as you like in any subject. No one can prove you don't any more than you can prove you do. I prefer to let words in my post speak for me in regards to my knowledge of History rather than to boast about what degree I have.. Beyond that, I do have degrees in other disciplines so I know how to research any subject and tap into the minds of experts who write history books.
Last edited:
How many "unarmed" black men are killed by Police each year? That number becomes so tiny as to be laughable when compared to how many blacks kill other blacks! How many gang related killings of blacks by other blacks aren't counted because the crime goes unsolved? The facts are that blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime in this country in relation to the size of the black population! Police shoot higher numbers of blacks in relation to the population because they are confronting higher numbers of blacks committing violent crimes. That isn't "racism"! It's simple common sense. Black police are three times more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation than white police. Does that make them "rabid"? No, it means that they are more likely policing in neighborhoods that are beset with high levels of black on black crime.
Let's take Chicago. Because when white supremacists try to prove how violent and savage black people are. They always start with Chicago. The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can the f**k can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

All the shit going on in Chicago is done to drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing.

Finally it's good to remember that it was white people who got this ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime.

There is a whole forum for conspiracy theories. You should take this material where it belongs.
How many "unarmed" black men are killed by Police each year? That number becomes so tiny as to be laughable when compared to how many blacks kill other blacks! How many gang related killings of blacks by other blacks aren't counted because the crime goes unsolved? The facts are that blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime in this country in relation to the size of the black population! Police shoot higher numbers of blacks in relation to the population because they are confronting higher numbers of blacks committing violent crimes. That isn't "racism"! It's simple common sense. Black police are three times more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation than white police. Does that make them "rabid"? No, it means that they are more likely policing in neighborhoods that are beset with high levels of black on black crime.
Let's take Chicago. Because when white supremacists try to prove how violent and savage black people are. They always start with Chicago. The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can the f**k can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

All the shit going on in Chicago is done to drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing.

Finally it's good to remember that it was white people who got this ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime.
RE: "The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago."

I liked some of your previous posts you are obviously a man who knows what he is talking about and does his due diligence before sticking his foot in his mouth. BUT you really dropped the ball on this one - did you even think about what you were saying in this sentence ?
  • He done nothing about the mass incarceration of black men
  • He done nothing about the racial profiling of black men
  • He done nothing about the police brutality on black men
  • He done nothing about poverty in black areas
  • He done nothing about unsafe neighbourhoods in black areas
  • He done nothing about high black unemployment
  • He done nothing about the high rates of infant mortality for black people
  • He done nothing about the segregation in housing and education for black people
  • He done nothing about the environmental racism black ppl face,
  • He done nothing about the growing wealth gap
  • He done nothing about about gun control until white children were gunned down.
I disagree with your "He done nothing" comments - He done a whole hell of a lot - all of it designed to pit us against one another. He did more to enhance racial divisions than any President in American History.
Now your argument has gone from the absurd to outright farce! How many "unarmed" black men are killed by Police each year? That number becomes so tiny as to be laughable when compared to how many blacks kill other blacks! How
Sounds like you're getting really desperate. Obviously you don't know how many unarmed black men are
killed by police each year or you would have posted it. But if we are to judge by televised accounts of cops shooting unarmed black men there seems to be
Virtually no accountability and we are left with shabby excuses and a lot of buddy ass covering. But the known black on black homicide perps are caught, tried and either convicted or exonerated. The statistics you cite are of arrests for murder...but that does not
show how many suspects were actually convicted. That's a flaw in the reporting system that seems to have been intentionally left there for effect. The stats are really useless in assessing the number of blacks who actually killed someone because all those numbers represent are arrests...before trial...or other evidence clearing the suspect.
Now don't you feel silly? You have been given knowledge that will amaze your friends.

How many gang related killings of blacks by other blacks aren't counted because the crime goes unsolved?

Good question...I thought you knew.
While you are searching..find out how many killings of blacks by " others" go unsolved.

The facts are that blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime in this country in relation to the size of the black population!
So now you are shifting the narrative to violent crime instead of homicide? If you want to go there you should take a gander at the white violent crime stats...
those are astronomical too. And it is common knowledge that police brutality is rampant also...

Police shoot higher numbers of blacks in relation to the population because they are confronting higher numbers of blacks committing violent crimes.

Not according to the televised assassinations by cops I've seen.

That isn't "racism"! It's simple common sense.
When I see video of armed white people actually pointing guns at cops
or other people get taken alive, i wonder why unarmed blacks pose a bigger threat than armed white folks.
Common sense tells me that's something racial going on there.

Black police are three times more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation than white police. Does

Who says? And if so...is that every year?

No, it means that they are more likely policing in neighborhoods that are beset with
i doubt it...cops spend most of their time protecting white neighborhoods unless they have a ticket quota to fulfill. Then black areas are targeted.
Now your argument has gone from the absurd to outright farce! How many "unarmed" black men are killed by Police each year? That number becomes so tiny as to be laughable when compared to how many blacks kill other blacks! How
Sounds like you're getting really desperate. Obviously you don't know how many unarmed black men are
killed by police each year or you would have posted it. But if we are to judge by televised accounts of cops shooting unarmed black men there seems to be
Virtually no accountability and we are left with shabby excuses and a lot of buddy ass covering. But the known black on black homicide perps are caught, tried and either convicted or exonerated. The statistics you cite are of arrests for murder...but that does not
show how many suspects were actually convicted. That's a flaw in the reporting system that seems to have been intentionally left there for effect. The stats are really useless in assessing the number of blacks who actually killed someone because all those numbers represent are arrests...before trial...or other evidence clearing the suspect.
Now don't you feel silly? You have been given knowledge that will amaze your friends.

How many gang related killings of blacks by other blacks aren't counted because the crime goes unsolved?

Good question...I thought you knew.
While you are searching..find out how many killings of blacks by " others" go unsolved.

The facts are that blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime in this country in relation to the size of the black population!
So now you are shifting the narrative to violent crime instead of homicide? If you want to go there you should take a gander at the white violent crime stats...
those are astronomical too. And it is common knowledge that police brutality is rampant also...

Police shoot higher numbers of blacks in relation to the population because they are confronting higher numbers of blacks committing violent crimes.

Not according to the televised assassinations by cops I've seen.

That isn't "racism"! It's simple common sense.
When I see video of armed white people actually pointing guns at cops
or other people get taken alive, i wonder why unarmed blacks pose a bigger threat than armed white folks.
Common sense tells me that's something racial going on there.

Black police are three times more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation than white police. Does

Who says? And if so...is that every year?

No, it means that they are more likely policing in neighborhoods that are beset with
i doubt it...cops spend most of their time protecting white neighborhoods unless they have a ticket quota to fulfill. Then black areas are targeted.
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference
How many "unarmed" black men are killed by Police each year? That number becomes so tiny as to be laughable when compared to how many blacks kill other blacks! How many gang related killings of blacks by other blacks aren't counted because the crime goes unsolved? The facts are that blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime in this country in relation to the size of the black population! Police shoot higher numbers of blacks in relation to the population because they are confronting higher numbers of blacks committing violent crimes. That isn't "racism"! It's simple common sense. Black police are three times more likely to use their weapon in a confrontation than white police. Does that make them "rabid"? No, it means that they are more likely policing in neighborhoods that are beset with high levels of black on black crime.
Let's take Chicago. Because when white supremacists try to prove how violent and savage black people are. They always start with Chicago. The Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you so deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can the f**k can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be bought legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

All the shit going on in Chicago is done to drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing.

Finally it's good to remember that it was white people who got this ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime.

So now you're blaming black on black crime in Chicago on gentrification, ethnic cleansing and Al Capone? You get more ridiculous with each passing post, Paul!

You're right about one thing though...there are no gun shops in Chicago! It's a city that has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation. So why hasn't that stopped blacks from shooting blacks at an unprecedented level? Oh, let me guess...for a clueless liberal like yourself...it must be that racist whites are giving guns to blacks so that they'll kill each other?
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference

The biggest hurdle for young blacks right now is that they have little in the way of job skills to offer and many live in neighborhoods where crime has driven out businesses. Couple those things with calls for a $15 an hour minimum wage (which makes employers cut back on staff or automate) and you've got even fewer available jobs for blacks trying to enter the job force!

As far as my experiences hiring blacks? I've had very good luck hiring minorities but the businesses I was hiring for were either in areas heavily populated with college kids (who tend to be motivated and more intelligent than others!) or in resort areas that young people want to live in.

You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed. There will always be the stigma attached to them that...yes...they became the first Hispanic Police Chief or...yes...they became the first Black President of the Harvard Law Review...but did they achieve that because of their hard work and abilities...or did they achieve that because they were "graded on the curve"?

I think Affirmative Action is something that was invented by well meaning people to "help" minorities but failed to take into account human nature.
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference

The biggest hurdle for young blacks right now is that they have little in the way of job skills to offer and many live in neighborhoods where crime has driven out businesses. Couple those things with calls for a $15 an hour minimum wage (which makes employers cut back on staff or automate) and you've got even fewer available jobs for blacks trying to enter the job force!

As far as my experiences hiring blacks? I've had very good luck hiring minorities but the businesses I was hiring for were either in areas heavily populated with college kids (who tend to be motivated and more intelligent than others!) or in resort areas that young people want to live in.

You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed. There will always be the stigma attached to them that...yes...they became the first Hispanic Police Chief or...yes...they became the first Black President of the Harvard Law Review...but did they achieve that because of their hard work and abilities...or did they achieve that because they were "graded on the curve"?

I think Affirmative Action is something that was invented by well meaning people to "help" minorities but failed to take into account human nature.
I think AA is still a good practice for hiring managers to make sure they're not subconsciously discriminating against blacks, which we are.

Think about how the overwhelming number of hiring managers are white and a lot of jobs don't go to the best qualified. A lot of times it goes to who the hiring manager wants to work with. Who's more like them. Yes, it's a popularity contest. And blacks always lose.
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference

The biggest hurdle for young blacks right now is that they have little in the way of job skills to offer and many live in neighborhoods where crime has driven out businesses. Couple those things with calls for a $15 an hour minimum wage (which makes employers cut back on staff or automate) and you've got even fewer available jobs for blacks trying to enter the job force!

As far as my experiences hiring blacks? I've had very good luck hiring minorities but the businesses I was hiring for were either in areas heavily populated with college kids (who tend to be motivated and more intelligent than others!) or in resort areas that young people want to live in.

You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed. There will always be the stigma attached to them that...yes...they became the first Hispanic Police Chief or...yes...they became the first Black President of the Harvard Law Review...but did they achieve that because of their hard work and abilities...or did they achieve that because they were "graded on the curve"?

I think Affirmative Action is something that was invented by well meaning people to "help" minorities but failed to take into account human nature.
Young white kids have very little job skills to offer too
You should move to a negro-run country if white people in this white country make your blood boil.
There is no place you can go and escape white supremacy. Every country on this planet is subject to white supremacy

And if I'm wrong. Name me one. Just one. Not two. Is this where you say "China" ?
I asked you about one already.

Black countries should be the best countries in the world, then, with no Whitey in them to hold them back!
All black countries are held to ransom by the system of white supremacy.

I challenge you to name me one that isn't
Here, I'll bite: how does this white supremacist ruin the otherwise wonderful country of Ghana?
Nana Akufo-Addo - Wikipedia

Post #279 in Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

While you're at it, you can address this question (Blacks and whites don't know each other well ... at all. post#167) regarding your bullshit:
Could you elaborate by what you mean when you say "not subject to white supremacy?".
It means the white supremacy control Africa. They controls the minerals, the oil. the land.

For example ? The mobile phone or laptop you anyone reading this is using needs a mineral called Congolese coltan or it will not work.

Who do you think controls the Coltan deposits in the Congo ? The white supremacist.

That chocolate bar you are eating probably came from cocoa beans picked by black hands as the Ivory Coast is the world biggest supplier of cocoa

Now when they talk global cocoa prices. Do you think black people are at the table ? The white supremacist control it all. They control the gold in south Africa. They control the blood diamonds in Sierra Leone.

The white supremacists are the ones who put corrupt leaders in powers in Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who poison the water supply causing droughts in Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who raise the debt if any Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who are into organ trafficking.

I could go on. But I think you get the jist.
So who controls the Coltan in the Congo? Who owns all of the land suitable for growing cocoa beans in the Ivory Coast? I clicked on the first link and didn't find any references to "white supremacists."

Time to put up or shut up.
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference

Re: "Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference"

WOW - Pretty lame post there pal. The last time they showed en masse for a Democrat they got royally F*ked

By virtually every economic indicator, blacks were worse off under Obama than either Trump or Bush. Under Obama they experienced record lows in small business loans, and saw their lowest home-ownership rates in 25 years. This is along with having record highs in unemployment, and experiencing large amounts of wealth loss under his administration. Since Obama took office, the racial wealth gap grew over 30 percent.

African-Americans Didn't Do Well Under President Obama

I know you libtards seem to think Blacks and other minorities are too stupid to realize what was done to them by the DNC - but guess again pal - the jig is up
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference

The biggest hurdle for young blacks right now is that they have little in the way of job skills to offer and many live in neighborhoods where crime has driven out businesses. Couple those things with calls for a $15 an hour minimum wage (which makes employers cut back on staff or automate) and you've got even fewer available jobs for blacks trying to enter the job force!

As far as my experiences hiring blacks? I've had very good luck hiring minorities but the businesses I was hiring for were either in areas heavily populated with college kids (who tend to be motivated and more intelligent than others!) or in resort areas that young people want to live in.

You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed. There will always be the stigma attached to them that...yes...they became the first Hispanic Police Chief or...yes...they became the first Black President of the Harvard Law Review...but did they achieve that because of their hard work and abilities...or did they achieve that because they were "graded on the curve"?

I think Affirmative Action is something that was invented by well meaning people to "help" minorities but failed to take into account human nature.
Young white kids have very little job skills to offer too

Young white kids don't tend to live in the depressed urban areas that so many young black kids do, Sealy. There are fewer jobs available to young blacks because there are fewer businesses in the neighborhoods they live in. One of the biggest hurdles young blacks face is that they have little coaching as to what it takes to get hired for the jobs that do exist. It IS in many ways a "popularity contest"! Part of succeeding in such a contest is understanding what it is that the hiring manager is looking for. Showing up looking for a job wearing totally inappropriate clothing can be the death knell of a job search yet I would see young people (both black and white) showing up wearing things that label them as unprofessional. There is a proper time of day to apply for most jobs...something that needs to be taught to young people and isn't unfortunately. Things like "Ebonics" were just one more road block that well meaning idiots put in the way of minority kids getting hired into the workforce. Employers are looking for employees that can communicate well with customers or managers because communication is crucial to success in business...yet a bunch of of clueless "educators" decided that letting blacks speak essentially their own language would be a good thing.
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference

The biggest hurdle for young blacks right now is that they have little in the way of job skills to offer and many live in neighborhoods where crime has driven out businesses. Couple those things with calls for a $15 an hour minimum wage (which makes employers cut back on staff or automate) and you've got even fewer available jobs for blacks trying to enter the job force!

As far as my experiences hiring blacks? I've had very good luck hiring minorities but the businesses I was hiring for were either in areas heavily populated with college kids (who tend to be motivated and more intelligent than others!) or in resort areas that young people want to live in.

You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed. There will always be the stigma attached to them that...yes...they became the first Hispanic Police Chief or...yes...they became the first Black President of the Harvard Law Review...but did they achieve that because of their hard work and abilities...or did they achieve that because they were "graded on the curve"?

I think Affirmative Action is something that was invented by well meaning people to "help" minorities but failed to take into account human nature.
Young white kids have very little job skills to offer too

Young white kids don't tend to live in the depressed urban areas that so many young black kids do, Sealy. There are fewer jobs available to young blacks because there are fewer businesses in the neighborhoods they live in. One of the biggest hurdles young blacks face is that they have little coaching as to what it takes to get hired for the jobs that do exist. It IS in many ways a "popularity contest"! Part of succeeding in such a contest is understanding what it is that the hiring manager is looking for. Showing up looking for a job wearing totally inappropriate clothing can be the death knell of a job search yet I would see young people (both black and white) showing up wearing things that label them as unprofessional. There is a proper time of day to apply for most jobs...something that needs to be taught to young people and isn't unfortunately. Things like "Ebonics" were just one more road block that well meaning idiots put in the way of minority kids getting hired into the workforce. Employers are looking for employees that can communicate well with customers or managers because communication is crucial to success in business...yet a bunch of of clueless "educators" decided that letting blacks speak essentially their own language would be a good thing.
Interesting info about ebonics. Is there any other minority anywhere in the world in the history of the world that was stupid enough to unlearn its own native language like blacks have?
I can't think of any other example of supposedly intelligent people thinking it would be good for a minority to speak a language that wasn't understood by the majority of the people where they live. It's an amusing example of what "academics" come up with that is patently absurd!
If purple people flogged Irish Americans and stole their whiskey for hundreds of years before I was born (or before my family ever became involved in the society in question) and I hate, categorize, disdain, or besmirch purple people because they are purple, then I am a racist.

YOU, and the other sock, are racists. It doesn't change history, and it doesn't deny any injustices that may be happening today, but it is plainly the case for the both of you (and too many other idiots here who happen to be white)
A more accurate analogy rather than your very weak one

Would be to get in a time machine and go back in time to before Europe colonized the world.

And purple ppl not only flogged Irish Americans but invaded and colonized all of Europe.

Occupy them. Steal their land and resources. Set up some kind of like, I don’t know, Trans-Asian slave trade, where purple ppl exported all White people (not just Irish Americans) to work on giant rice plantations in China and Africa.

Ruin Europe over the course of a couple centuries. So all their descendants would want to migrate out n live in the places where purple ppl come from.

In that time, purple ppl would make sure they'd set up systems that privilege purple ppl at every conceivable social, political and economic opportunity.

Every couple of decades purple ppl would make up some fake war as an excuse to go bomb white people back to the Stone Age and say it’s for their own good because their culture’s inferior. And of course purple ppl would make sure white countries (who are not there ally) don't have nukes.

And not just that purple ppl began :
  • mass shooting
  • mass jailing
  • mass torturing
  • mass robbing
  • mass bombing
  • mass segregating
  • mass building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; mass creating SUN-DOWN towns
  • mass experimenting on
  • mass discriminating against
  • mass prohibiting
  • mass murdering
  • mass holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for hundreds of years
Do you think in that more accurate case it would be wrong white people to have a problem with purple people ?

See when you talk about me or IM2 being racist you’re not complaining about black people practicing racism on a socioeconomic, cultural or institutional level, because we simply don’t have the means to do that.

You’re referring to black people saying hurtful words about you, because we’re simply not supposed to do that. We’re only supposed to compliment white people, flatter white people, bolster white people's fragile egos and essentially make white people feel better about the burdens of their supposed superiority.

So it’s little wonder that most white people are remarkably thin-skinned when it comes to getting even a tenth of the insults back that they dish out to us.

What's amusing about your rants, Paul...is that they totally ignore reality. This notion that it's white people who have held back black people from getting ahead in life is a great excuse to ignore how black people's treatment of other black people has been the biggest hurdle to their success. It wasn't white slave traders in Africa that provided the majority of blacks that were enslaved...it was black slavers! It isn't white people shooting black people that is making life so dangerous...it's black people shooting black people!

As for what people say about others? Are you seriously trying to tell me that blacks don't talk shit about whites? That statement alone paints you either as one of the more naive posters on this board or one of the most dishonest!
The biggest hurdle for blacks is that white hiring managers don't hire them. If they did they'd be working.

Now you'll go into a rant about how black people aren't good workers but I'm not buying that. I see what looked like a good black get passed up for a job and the white who got the job didn't work out.

And since so many hiring managers in America are racists like you guys we had to come up with affirmative action. We'll go ahead and end them. Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference

Re: "Blacks should have showed up for Hillary. Now they see the difference"

WOW - Pretty lame post there pal. The last time they showed en masse for a Democrat they got royally F*ked

By virtually every economic indicator, blacks were worse off under Obama than either Trump or Bush. Under Obama they experienced record lows in small business loans, and saw their lowest home-ownership rates in 25 years. This is along with having record highs in unemployment, and experiencing large amounts of wealth loss under his administration. Since Obama took office, the racial wealth gap grew over 30 percent.

African-Americans Didn't Do Well Under President Obama

I know you libtards seem to think Blacks and other minorities are too stupid to realize what was done to them by the DNC - but guess again pal - the jig is up
You ignore so much I wouldn't know where to begin.

Let's see if they do better under Trump than under Obama. Then I'll admit you are right

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