Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.
No it doesn't. The very fact that affirmative action was necessary in the first place showed that the average white person never cared about blacks at all. So who cares if some idiot thinks AA undermines black success when they didn't care that the LACK of AA undermined Black success?

Is it really "success" when people whisper behind your back that you're only where you are because you were placed there ahead of people who rightfully deserved the position? Succeeding without things like AA might be far harder...but when you did succeed...nobody could claim that your success wasn't earned.

We could say this for at least 189 years about whites.
You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.

Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!
You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.

Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.

Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.

Ah so your answer to injustice is to impose another form of injustice to make up for it?
My point...that you've chosen to ignore...is that Affirmative Action has side effects...one of which is that those who "succeed" by using it are never going to be viewed the same as someone who fought through racial inequalities to succeed.
You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.
No it doesn't. The very fact that affirmative action was necessary in the first place showed that the average white person never cared about blacks at all. So who cares if some idiot thinks AA undermines black success when they didn't care that the LACK of AA undermined Black success?

Is it really "success" when people whisper behind your back that you're only where you are because you were placed there ahead of people who rightfully deserved the position? Succeeding without things like AA might be far harder...but when you did succeed...nobody could claim that your success wasn't earned.

So you like it when black people succeed despite the rampant racism that they have to deal with when looking for a job?

Yes, I can imagine they feel a great sense of accomplishment when they succeed despite all that.

And does it bother you that you got your job because your daddy owns or runs the business? I never hear white complain because they got a job not because of what they know but who they know.

Ask Donald Trump if he is successful even though we whisper behind his back that the only reason he's rich is because he was born rich. Same with GW Bush. Do they care that we whisper?
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.

“His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it.

That's awful!!
How do his SATs and GPA compare to the typical black student who is accepted?

Probably lower than a majority of them. That's why his dad had to ante up.

Probably lower than a majority of them.

If only you were smart enough to post proof of your claim.
Is it really "success" when people whisper behind your back that you're only where you are because you were placed there ahead of people who rightfully deserved the position?

To be blunt, the crux of your complaint turns on the notion that a higher test score insures success or better performance than a lower one. If that's the case then the universities and colleges ought to be filled to capa...city with Asians and Nigerians. They also ought to have all the good high paying jobs. Why isn't anyone whispering about that? Well, actually some Asians did more than whisper about it back in 2015:
The Uncomfortable Truth About Affirmative Action and Asian-Americans
a 2015 complaint against Harvard filed with the Education and Justice Departments by sixty-four Asian-American groups, making the same claim as the current court case: that Harvard intentionally discriminates against Asians in admissions, giving whites an advantage. (The complaint had previously been dismissed in light of the already-pending lawsuit.) The combination of the lawsuit and the potential federal civil-rights inquiry signals that the treatment of Asians will frame the next phase of the legal debate over race-conscious admissions programs.

Succeeding without things like AA might be far harder...but when you did succeed...nobody could claim that your success wasn't earned.
Meanwhile, amidst a storm of " whispering" and snide remarks about black success being tainted by AA...thousands of high scoring Asians and Africans are saying the same thing about YOU.
You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.

Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
Great post...I just wanted to add to the list of FREE STUFF whites had access to that blacks never had...READY...here is the big one:

You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.

Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.

Ah so your answer to injustice is to impose another form of injustice to make up for it?
And so it is written :

Matthew 5:38 (King James Version):

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.

Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
Great post...I just wanted to add to the list of FREE STUFF whites had access to that blacks never had...READY...here is the big one:

past tense
You want to know my problem with Affirmative Action? It undermines the accomplishments of minorities that do succeed.

Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
Great post...I just wanted to add to the list of FREE STUFF whites had access to that blacks never had...READY...here is the big one:

past tense
No it isn't. A significant nexus between present day wealth and free land still exists. That's just plain common sense.
Did that 189 years of what you call affirmative action, that happened for whites undermine the accomplishments of whites who succeeded?

You can't answer that question. None of you white racists here ever do.

This place never changes. I can leave for a year and the same idiots will be arguing the same false bullshit.

189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
Great post...I just wanted to add to the list of FREE STUFF whites had access to that blacks never had...READY...here is the big one:

past tense
No it isn't. A significant nexus between present day wealth and free land still exists. That's just plain common sense.
I nor anyone I know has free land or water today.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
So what blacks, who were more qualified, applied to this school and were denied admission?

Furthermore, why should we care what some "former school official" from what appears to be a different school has to say regarding Harvard admissions standards?

So what whites do you assume were more qualified who were denied to let unqualified blacks into Harvard?
Did I make that claim? I'm asking you to back up something you said. Is that too much for you?
This is the major problem with you whites and your punk ass arguments. I am supposed to give you names of blacks who were more qualified but you can just say whites are passed over for less qualified blacks and that's enough. Fuck that.
So you admit the title of your thread is based on a totally unsubstantiated premise.

Yes, it is unsubstantiated, even if you're a liar and won't admit it.
But your claim of whites getting passed over for unqualified blacks is.
What claim? "whites getting passed over for unqualified blacks" is something you said in your post, not me. Go ahead and quote what statement that I made that you want me to support.
You can't back up what you say.
What did I say and where did I say it?
Show every name of an unqualified black who was admitted over a more qualified white and that means you show the name of the white also. Show the exact conclusion the admission boards made that led to the admission or denial of such in each instance.

Or shut he fuck up.
I'm still waiting for you to actually quote where I said that. Is that too complicated for your black brain to handle? Here, I'll give you an example:

YOU made the following claim when you started this thread:
Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
So what blacks, who were more qualified, applied to this school and were denied admission?

Furthermore, why should we care what some "former school official" from what appears to be a different school has to say regarding Harvard admissions standards?

So what whites do you assume were more qualified who were denied to let unqualified blacks into Harvard?
Did I make that claim? I'm asking you to back up something you said. Is that too much for you?
This is the major problem with you whites and your punk ass arguments. I am supposed to give you names of blacks who were more qualified but you can just say whites are passed over for less qualified blacks and that's enough. Fuck that.
So you admit the title of your thread is based on a totally unsubstantiated premise.

Yes, it is unsubstantiated, even if you're a liar and won't admit it.
But your claim of whites getting passed over for unqualified blacks is.
What claim? "whites getting passed over for unqualified blacks" is something you said in your post, not me. Go ahead and quote what statement that I made that you want me to support.
You can't back up what you say.
What did I say and where did I say it?
Show every name of an unqualified black who was admitted over a more qualified white and that means you show the name of the white also. Show the exact conclusion the admission boards made that led to the admission or denial of such in each instance.

Or shut he fuck up.
I'm still waiting for you to actually quote where I said that. Is that too complicated for your black brain to handle? Here, I'll give you an example:

YOU made the following claim when you started this thread:
Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Yep I made the claim Just like you guys make claims about unqualified backs getting things Before whites. You have no proof of that, but you keep sayin it.
189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
Great post...I just wanted to add to the list of FREE STUFF whites had access to that blacks never had...READY...here is the big one:

past tense
No it isn't. A significant nexus between present day wealth and free land still exists. That's just plain common sense.
I nor anyone I know has free land or water today.

Molly, That sorry weak, bullshit, punk ass excuse for ignoring how wealth was passed trough these programs by whites just is not going to go anywhere.
So what blacks, who were more qualified, applied to this school and were denied admission?

Furthermore, why should we care what some "former school official" from what appears to be a different school has to say regarding Harvard admissions standards?

So what whites do you assume were more qualified who were denied to let unqualified blacks into Harvard?
Did I make that claim? I'm asking you to back up something you said. Is that too much for you?
This is the major problem with you whites and your punk ass arguments. I am supposed to give you names of blacks who were more qualified but you can just say whites are passed over for less qualified blacks and that's enough. Fuck that.
So you admit the title of your thread is based on a totally unsubstantiated premise.

Yes, it is unsubstantiated, even if you're a liar and won't admit it.
But your claim of whites getting passed over for unqualified blacks is.
What claim? "whites getting passed over for unqualified blacks" is something you said in your post, not me. Go ahead and quote what statement that I made that you want me to support.
You can't back up what you say.
What did I say and where did I say it?
Show every name of an unqualified black who was admitted over a more qualified white and that means you show the name of the white also. Show the exact conclusion the admission boards made that led to the admission or denial of such in each instance.

Or shut he fuck up.
I'm still waiting for you to actually quote where I said that. Is that too complicated for your black brain to handle? Here, I'll give you an example:

YOU made the following claim when you started this thread:
Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Yep I made the claim Just like you guys make claims about unqualified backs getting things Before whites. You have no proof of that, but you keep sayin it.
What claim did I make, moron? You have to tell me what you want me to prove via a quote before I even know what you're talking about. How fucking dumb are you?

Did I say it or did "you guys" say it? Make up your fucking mind already.
189 years of white affirmative action? What are you talking about?

You label me a "racist" because I point out that social programs instituted by liberals to help blacks may have in fact harmed them? Playing the race card as a knee jerk reaction to criticism of your beliefs is intellectually lazy, IM2. That's what hasn't changed here!

I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
Great post...I just wanted to add to the list of FREE STUFF whites had access to that blacks never had...READY...here is the big one:

past tense
No it isn't. A significant nexus between present day wealth and free land still exists. That's just plain common sense.
I nor anyone I know has free land or water today.
What happened to all that prime land that was given to white people for free?
The majority of them passed it on to their descendants as well as the mineral rights, water rights any other resources on that land. Some sold some of it to make way for railroads etc and made fortunes that way. But Blacks weren't included because most were slaves. White men were privileged, almost exclusively, to put stakes in the ground and say this land is MINE. After more than 100 years, that free land is still contributing to wealth in white communities around the nation. Newly freed Blacks had limited access to obtaining free land due to rampant discrimination... Now do you understand?
Homestead Acts - Wikipedia
"The first of the acts, the Homestead Act of 1862, opened up millions of acres. Any adult who had never taken up arms against the U.S. government could apply. Women and immigrants who had applied for citizenship were eligible. The 1866 Act explicitly included black Americans and encouraged them to participate, but rampant discrimination slowed black gains."
Last edited:
Did anyone see the part of the Homestead act that must have infuriated Southern Whites?
Blacks were encouraged to take part
In claiming land but the whites who had taken up arms against the Union were
Prohibited from getting free land.

So , ostensibly,the KKK rolls grew huge and blacks were intimided or murdered if they tried to stake claims...? I'm going to have to get deeper into this....later.
I am not playing the race card. I am playing what is called historically documented fact. For 189 years minimum. whites wee given preferences relative to constitutional rights, and all other opportunities by written law. So then whites did not just make it because they earned anything. They were given a whole lot of help from the government. That is a fact, no cards have been played but the fake ignorant of history white boy card.

Intellectual laziness is you ignoring this history.
Great post...I just wanted to add to the list of FREE STUFF whites had access to that blacks never had...READY...here is the big one:

past tense
No it isn't. A significant nexus between present day wealth and free land still exists. That's just plain common sense.
I nor anyone I know has free land or water today.

Molly, That sorry weak, bullshit, punk ass excuse for ignoring how wealth was passed trough these programs by whites just is not going to go anywhere.
Your anger shows that you have no validity to your posts. You respond by spewing shit as if all white people are somehow responsible for the past. THAT is the bullshit from YOUR punk ass. Some whites had wealth, some still do. Not ALL have it nor benefitted from people in the past who had it.

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