Up next: Levis goes wokies

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Do you know what REAL 'power' is?

It's not when someone makes you say something that's actually true. It's when they can make you proclaim something you KNOW is a lie to be true.

Case in point, you KNOW the Democrats OWN your ass when they get you (snowflakes, bots, and trolls) to declare a biological male is a 'female', that a 'biological male can give birth', that mutilating a child's genitals is somehow a 'good' thing.

At that point Democrats have BROKEN you, forced you to surrender all intelligence, common sense, and any grasp on actual reality...and as you do it they are sitting back laughing at what they have been able to get you to do.

He is too stupid to understand that the movie "Cabaret" was set in the late Weimar era and that the Cabarets actually represented the loose sexuality of the Weimar era during the rise of National Socialism.

he doesn't know any better because he is so abjectly ignorant, so doesn't know the difference between the two.
So are 100% of the Magats.









Do you know what REAL 'power' is?

It's not when someone makes you say something that's actually true. It's when they can make you proclaim something you KNOW is a lie to be true.

Case in point, you KNOW the Democrats OWN your ass when they get you (snowflakes, bots, and trolls) to declare a biological male is a 'female', that a 'biological male can give birth', that mutilating a child's genitals is somehow a 'good' thing.

At that point Democrats have BROKEN you, forced you to surrender all intelligence, common sense, and any grasp on actual reality...and as you do it they are sitting back laughing at what they have been able to get you to do.

OMG you conservatives have got to stop obsessing over children's genitals. It seems to be all you think about. First you conflate children's genitals with pizza and now you are claiming to protect the genitals of children you have never even met. Give it a rest. Fucking perverts. Stop.
So which one of those pictures is you? I'm guessing you are #3 or #9.

Probably the big burly one named "Bubba." The one who's going to be your cellmate and give you all the love and attention you desire. It'll hurt at first, but you'll learn to like it.
Fuck off perv. I'm not a man and I'm not interested in your fat ass.

Well it's pretty obvious you're no lady.

Say, aren't you the ham beast I had sex with back in 2007? Sorry I kicked your skank ass out without your clothes.

I'll make it up to you by giving you cab fare next time. :laughing0301:
Well it's pretty obvious you're no lady.

Say, aren't you the ham beast I had sex with back in 2007? Sorry I kicked your skank ass out without your clothes.

I'll make it up to you by giving you cab fare next time. :laughing0301:
I figured it was a large-assed farm animal with a fuckability rating of negative 12.

I'll bet I'm real close right here:

godless fucks a.jpg
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