US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
Why now?

I believe it's actually Obama being partisan! Obama has had nearly eight years to respond to Russia/Putin. I believe Obama true objective is to create as many rode blocks for Trump as possible more so than to punish Putin. Obama is burning bridges during his last month as president.

That is retarded.
Actually, it is naïve to not give that theory serious consideration.

The move with the UN and Israel.....and now this....

Seems to me Trump is walking into an even bigger disaster than it was a week ago.

Nutbags always accuse others of doing that which they have done.
And Obummer knows the US has hacked the computers of foreign nations.

America first?
Rather than asking questions, you guys COULD read the link. It's just a thought.
we did. what about it shows us russia did anything or who the names are on the list? Please why don't you highlight copy and paste that here.
Why now?

I believe it's actually Obama being partisan! Obama has had nearly eight years to respond to Russia/Putin. I believe Obama true objective is to create as many rode blocks for Trump as possible more so than to punish Putin. Obama is burning bridges during his last month as president.

That is retarded.
Actually, it is naïve to not give that theory serious consideration.

The move with the UN and Israel.....and now this....

Seems to me Trump is walking into an even bigger disaster than it was a week ago.

Nutbags always accuse others of doing that which they have done.
And Obummer knows the US has hacked the computers of foreign nations.

America first?
It's better than the last 8 years of "America last!"
Obama Punishes Russia for Election Hacking
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services, including four top officers of the military intelligence unit the White House believes ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.
In a sweeping set of announcements, the United States was also expected to release evidence linking the cyberattacks to computer systems used by Russian intelligence. Taken together, the actions would amount to the strongest American response ever taken to a state-sponsored cyberattack aimed at the United States.
I think his crayons are going to break in a few weeks..
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.
Yes I do. At this moment, Obama is the most juvenile partisan president we ever had, IMO. I expect bullshit like this from him. You should to if you have been following that dumbfuck for the last 8 years

That's ridiculous. Obama is the exact opposite of reckless and impulsive. He's super measured and unemotional, almost to a fault. There is simply no way in hell he would issue this executive order unless he had conclusive, damning proof. He's got it. The Russians did interfere with the election. He did the right thing.
Here is what these people think about rigging the elections, when it doesn't concern themselves:

Obama Punishes Russia for Election Hacking
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services, including four top officers of the military intelligence unit the White House believes ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.
In a sweeping set of announcements, the United States was also expected to release evidence linking the cyberattacks to computer systems used by Russian intelligence. Taken together, the actions would amount to the strongest American response ever taken to a state-sponsored cyberattack aimed at the United States.
I think his crayons are going to break in a few weeks..
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.

Maybe, yes possibly........but maybe it is another "video that caused the attack!" Normally, most of us would be with you people, because politics stops at the coast. But, your administration has lied over, and over, and over, again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me over and over again, and I might as well hang it up!

This time, you gotta prove it, because you cried wolf, and pulled phony-baloney propaganda to many times. It isn't us, it is YOU! If ya don't like everyone being a little skeptical, then quit lying through your teeth to cover up things. All it does, it make it worse!
Obama Punishes Russia for Election Hacking
I think his crayons are going to break in a few weeks..
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.
Yes I do. At this moment, Obama is the most juvenile partisan president we ever had, IMO. I expect bullshit like this from him. You should to if you have been following that dumbfuck for the last 8 years

That's ridiculous. Obama is the exact opposite of reckless and impulsive. He's super measured and unemotional, almost to a fault. There is simply no way in hell he would issue this executive order unless he had conclusive, damning proof. He's got it. The Russians did interfere with the election.
Mesasured and unemotional????Come on! Even Wikileaks said the emails did NOT come from the Russians.
Obama Punishes Russia for Election Hacking
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services, including four top officers of the military intelligence unit the White House believes ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.
In a sweeping set of announcements, the United States was also expected to release evidence linking the cyberattacks to computer systems used by Russian intelligence. Taken together, the actions would amount to the strongest American response ever taken to a state-sponsored cyberattack aimed at the United States.
I think his crayons are going to break in a few weeks..
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
I expected to see proof before agitating our biggest enemy. Got any yet? The report I saw does not provide any fking evidence of hacking by russia. It actually doesn't even show hacking. It shows phishing. which isn't hacking.
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.
Yes I do. At this moment, Obama is the most juvenile partisan president we ever had, IMO. I expect bullshit like this from him. You should to if you have been following that dumbfuck for the last 8 years

That's ridiculous. Obama is the exact opposite of reckless and impulsive. He's super measured and unemotional, almost to a fault. There is simply no way in hell he would issue this executive order unless he had conclusive, damning proof. He's got it. The Russians did interfere with the election.
Mesasured and unemotional????Come on! Even Wikileaks said the emails did NOT come from the Russians.

It literally doesn't matter what wikileaks says about anything, they have a very clear and obvious agenda. Their word isn't gospel. And that isn't the only way the Russians interfered anyway.
Obama Punishes Russia for Election Hacking
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services, including four top officers of the military intelligence unit the White House believes ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.
In a sweeping set of announcements, the United States was also expected to release evidence linking the cyberattacks to computer systems used by Russian intelligence. Taken together, the actions would amount to the strongest American response ever taken to a state-sponsored cyberattack aimed at the United States.
I think his crayons are going to break in a few weeks..
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.

Maybe, yes possibly........but maybe it is another "video that caused the attack!" Normally, most of us would be with you people, because politics stops at the coast. But, your administration has lied over, and over, and over, again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me over and over again, and I might as well hang it up!

This time, you gotta prove it, because you cried wolf, and pulled phony-baloney propaganda to many times. It isn't us, it is YOU! If ya don't like everyone being a little skeptical, then quit lying through your teeth to cover up things. All it does, it make it worse!
Obama needs to go on vacation for the next 22 days! (Never thought I would say that!!!)
Obama Punishes Russia for Election Hacking
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services, including four top officers of the military intelligence unit the White House believes ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.
In a sweeping set of announcements, the United States was also expected to release evidence linking the cyberattacks to computer systems used by Russian intelligence. Taken together, the actions would amount to the strongest American response ever taken to a state-sponsored cyberattack aimed at the United States.
I think his crayons are going to break in a few weeks..
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
And how much hacking has the US done in foreign countries? Don't be naive.

Ummmm. You are an American. You really should try to be less supportive of the guys who are hacking our shit.
sure, provide the evidence it was russia first. Ok?
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.
Yes I do. At this moment, Obama is the most juvenile partisan president we ever had, IMO. I expect bullshit like this from him. You should to if you have been following that dumbfuck for the last 8 years

That's ridiculous. Obama is the exact opposite of reckless and impulsive. He's super measured and unemotional, almost to a fault. There is simply no way in hell he would issue this executive order unless he had conclusive, damning proof. He's got it. The Russians did interfere with the election.
Mesasured and unemotional????Come on! Even Wikileaks said the emails did NOT come from the Russians.

It literally doesn't matter what wikileaks says about anything, they have a very clear and obvious agenda. Their word isn't gospel. And that isn't the only way the Russians interfered anyway.
they do? you have the agenda handy for the rest of us to review?
In summer 2015, an APT29 spearphishing campaign directed emails containing a malicious link to over 1,000 recipients, including multiple U.S. Government victims. APT29 used legitimate TLP:WHITE 3 of 13 TLP:WHITE domains, to include domains associated with U.S. organizations and educational institutions, to host malware and send spearphishing emails. In the course of that campaign, APT29 successfully compromised a U.S. political party. At least one targeted individual activated links to malware hosted on operational infrastructure of opened attachments containing malware. APT29 delivered malware to the political party’s systems, established persistence, escalated privileges, enumerated active directory accounts, and exfiltrated email from several accounts through encrypted connections back through operational infrastructure. In spring 2016, APT28 compromised the same political party, again via targeted spearphishing. This time, the spearphishing email tricked recipients into changing their passwords through a fake webmail domain hosted on APT28 operational infrastructure. Using the harvested credentials, APT28 was able to gain access and steal content, likely leading to the exfiltration of information from multiple senior party members. The U.S. Government assesses that information was leaked to the press and publicly disclosed.

Podesta got exposed. led to: APT29 delivered malware to the political party’s. Still not GOVT.? APT28 APT29 suspected Russian login names? could be? lock up "your shit".
Obama Punishes Russia for Election Hacking
I think his crayons are going to break in a few weeks..
IMO, you're being partisan. Did you truly expect the US to do nothing? Then you'd be complaining that he was bending over and taking it from Putin.
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.

Maybe, yes possibly........but maybe it is another "video that caused the attack!" Normally, most of us would be with you people, because politics stops at the coast. But, your administration has lied over, and over, and over, again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me over and over again, and I might as well hang it up!

This time, you gotta prove it, because you cried wolf, and pulled phony-baloney propaganda to many times. It isn't us, it is YOU! If ya don't like everyone being a little skeptical, then quit lying through your teeth to cover up things. All it does, it make it worse!
Obama needs to go on vacation for the next 22 days! (Never thought I would say that!!!)

A long, long LOOOOOOOONG vacation.:mad-61:
I think the attacks are strictly partisan. STILL no proof, WIKI said it wasn't Russia, Obama didn't care China was hacking us, he fucks up elections himself and nobody said a damn word to DNC rigging the elections.

Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.
Yes I do. At this moment, Obama is the most juvenile partisan president we ever had, IMO. I expect bullshit like this from him. You should to if you have been following that dumbfuck for the last 8 years

That's ridiculous. Obama is the exact opposite of reckless and impulsive. He's super measured and unemotional, almost to a fault. There is simply no way in hell he would issue this executive order unless he had conclusive, damning proof. He's got it. The Russians did interfere with the election.
Mesasured and unemotional????Come on! Even Wikileaks said the emails did NOT come from the Russians.

It literally doesn't matter what wikileaks says about anything, they have a very clear and obvious agenda. Their word isn't gospel. And that isn't the only way the Russians interfered anyway.
oh and wikileaks only posted emails that showed corruption and you aren't even worried about that right? you're good with corruption in our homeland I guess.
Holy fucking shit dude, are you really this goddamn stupid? Do you honestly believe that the US would make a move like this if they didn't have hard evidence implicating Russia? You're still listening to Wikileaks of all things LOL? You do realize Assange has a major agenda, don't you?

Get a clue. The US government HAS evidence and every intelligence department is in 100% agreement. End of story.
Yes I do. At this moment, Obama is the most juvenile partisan president we ever had, IMO. I expect bullshit like this from him. You should to if you have been following that dumbfuck for the last 8 years

That's ridiculous. Obama is the exact opposite of reckless and impulsive. He's super measured and unemotional, almost to a fault. There is simply no way in hell he would issue this executive order unless he had conclusive, damning proof. He's got it. The Russians did interfere with the election.
Mesasured and unemotional????Come on! Even Wikileaks said the emails did NOT come from the Russians.

It literally doesn't matter what wikileaks says about anything, they have a very clear and obvious agenda. Their word isn't gospel. And that isn't the only way the Russians interfered anyway.
they do? you have the agenda handy for the rest of us to review?

lol, if you can't see Assange's personal axe to grind with Hillary Clinton or their constant anti-US government stance, it's safe to say you're an idiot. There's a reason why Assange will spend the rest of his life running and hiding dude.

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