US Now Redistributes More Than $2 Trillion a Year or 81% of Receipts


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well how lovely eh? give you people working and struggling to get by the warm fuzzies?
links and a video at site


For the record… The US collected $2.45 trillion in receipts in 2012.
And, according to this latest report, the government redistributed $2 trillion or 81% of those receipts.
And Obama wants to redistribute even more.

The Daily Caller reported:

Government policies effectively redistributed more than $2 trillion in income from the top 40 percent of American society to the bottom 60 percent in 2012, according to a new study from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation.

The study tracked the beneficiaries of government spending programs largely paid for by taxpayers who are not very big beneficiaries of those programs.

all of it here
It?s an Obama World? US Now Redistributes More Than $2 Trillion a Year or 81% of Receipts | The Gateway Pundit
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All I have to say is this:

Liberals, are you happy? Everything you want to be done has been done.

The results are in. Your policies suck.

Have a nice day.
If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.
If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.

funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..
and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing
It pays to read the links:

"Interestingly, we find that the biggest net beneficiaries of this increase in redistribution from 2000-2012 are middle-income families and working lower-income families (those in the second quintile). These were the families most targeted by economic stimulus programs and more generous tax credits."

So, essentially, your complaints, among those of you who are complaining, are about benefits YOU got in the last 12 years.

So, in fairness...

...tell us what you're personally willing to sacrifice to fix this situation you so abhor.


The Distribution of Tax and Spending Policies in the United States | Tax Foundation
Bullshit. As a single male with no dependents who works full time, I receive absolutely no benefits from redistribution, but pay in. THAT is who pays in. Guys just like me so turds who procreate and live outside their means can have a little something extra from my hard work.

My complaint is that I can not be left alone to work and keep my property. And your retort is that I'm receiving the benefits being taken from me?

Fuck off.
It pays to read the links:

"Interestingly, we find that the biggest net beneficiaries of this increase in redistribution from 2000-2012 are middle-income families and working lower-income families (those in the second quintile). These were the families most targeted by economic stimulus programs and more generous tax credits."

So, essentially, your complaints, among those of you who are complaining, are about benefits YOU got in the last 12 years.

So, in fairness...

...tell us what you're personally willing to sacrifice to fix this situation you so abhor.


The Distribution of Tax and Spending Policies in the United States | Tax Foundation

I didn't get anything from the TRILLION dollars Obama stole from us and gave to who the hell knows..we have no ACCOUNTING OF IT
nor have I used medicare, SS or anything other type of AID from the taxpayers..
I've worked and PAID for everything I have AND need
NOW, what do you SUGGEST be ended besides the Military?
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If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.

funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..
and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing

No, dear.

Your OP was wrong. It implies that something is wrong in the way it's "redistributing" such a large percentage, when - technically, it's not mostly a redistribution as social security is paid into by retirees all of their lives.

And - what takes up the largest chunk of the Federal budget? (bet you don't even know, huh?)
If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.

funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..
and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing

No, dear.

Your OP was wrong. It implies that something is wrong in the way it's "redistributing" such a large percentage, when - technically, it's not mostly a redistribution as social security is paid into by retirees all of their lives.

And - what takes up the largest chunk of the Federal budget? (bet you don't even know, huh?)

Social security, medicaid and prescription drug programs. Those are the biggest drains.

Interestingly, if SS was a viable and ethically sound program (which it isn't), then the money to pay back those who are retiring that paid in wouldn't come out of the general budget. they would come out of funds set aside and appropriated for such. They dont. Because SS is just another tax on americans and goes directly into general budget appropriations.
funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..
and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing

No, dear.

Your OP was wrong. It implies that something is wrong in the way it's "redistributing" such a large percentage, when - technically, it's not mostly a redistribution as social security is paid into by retirees all of their lives.

And - what takes up the largest chunk of the Federal budget? (bet you don't even know, huh?)

Social security, medicaid and prescription drug programs. Those are the biggest drains.

Interestingly, if SS was a viable and ethically sound program (which it isn't), then the money to pay back those who are retiring that paid in wouldn't come out of the general budget. they would come out of funds set aside and appropriated for such. They dont. Because SS is just another tax on americans and goes directly into general budget appropriations.

I agree.

But two posts ago, you claimed you were working just to have most of your taxes go to welfare people who keep having babies when, most of it is going to retirees who paid in most of their adult lives, like you'll be some day if you're blessed enough.
No, dear.

Your OP was wrong. It implies that something is wrong in the way it's "redistributing" such a large percentage, when - technically, it's not mostly a redistribution as social security is paid into by retirees all of their lives.

And - what takes up the largest chunk of the Federal budget? (bet you don't even know, huh?)

Social security, medicaid and prescription drug programs. Those are the biggest drains.

Interestingly, if SS was a viable and ethically sound program (which it isn't), then the money to pay back those who are retiring that paid in wouldn't come out of the general budget. they would come out of funds set aside and appropriated for such. They dont. Because SS is just another tax on americans and goes directly into general budget appropriations.

I agree.

But two posts ago, you claimed you were working just to have most of your taxes go to welfare people who keep having babies when, most of it is going to retirees who paid in most of their adult lives, like you'll be some day if you're blessed enough.

"If I'm blessed enough." :rolleyes:

And a few posts ago you said that the premise is false if it included SS. which, as you have now admitted, is nothing more than a pyramid scheme where people who paid in are receiving the money I paid in because the government spent their pay in and IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get my money back some day?

Seriously. Have your head checked out.
If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.

funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..

It is what your OP implies: The people who received this money are leeches.

and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing

No, G.T.'s post was right on point. You are sneering at the receivers of this money without knowing if they are retirees.

Also, this money is going to people who took advantage of tax credits. Did you claim any child tax credits? Any other credits?

If so, you are one of the leeches you are sneering at. Even if you didn't personally take advantage of them, you are sneering at people who did.
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If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.

funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..

It is what your OP implies: The people who received this money are leeches.

and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing

No, G.T.'s post was right on point. You are sneering at the receivers of this money without knowing if they are retirees.

Also, this money is going to people who took advantage of tax credits. Did you claim any child tax credits? Any other credits?

If so, you are one of the leeches you are sneering at.

it doesn't Imply people made that up all by yourselves
I'm not sneering at anyone...the article is talking about THE GOVERNMENT
now carry on making up shit
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No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?
All I have to say is this:

Liberals, are you happy? Everything you want to be done has been done.

The results are in. Your policies suck.

Have a nice day.

Which programs would you end?

the games begin
what programs WOULD YOU suggest ending? besides our military
we won't hold our breaths waiting

I would cut food stamps 75%. I'd stop enabling single mothers to have children by showering them with welfare checks. I wouldn't have supported Social Security/Medicare in the first place since it robs workers of their wages, but since it's law I support gradually phasing out Medicare and turning social security over to private accounts (the free market does a better job in general). And I would stop giving a single dime to Islamic radicals who hate America and our freedoms, ideals, and everything we stand for. The Muslim Brotherhood, Syrian terrorists, and Libyan Sharia supporters don't deserve a dime of Americans' hard-earned money. I'd also pull troops out of Afghanistan, where those Muslim radicals are content blowing up all the roads and bridges we build for them while millions of Americans are out of work.
I have not gotten anything from Oblama, but I did enjoy the three checks in refunds from Bush.
All I have to say is this:

Liberals, are you happy? Everything you want to be done has been done.

The results are in. Your policies suck.

Have a nice day.

Which programs would you end?

Food stamps
Subsidized Housing
Pell Grants

etc etc etc... ALL entitlements, INCLUDING stimulus etc for businesses should be eliminated from the federal government.. period
If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.

Does not mean that those programs should continue and they should start to be phased out

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