US Ready to Abandon Key Nuclear Pact

tRump is doing what Putin wants.
must you troll at every single opportunity?

Does the sun have to come up every morning? :21:
just gets damn old to keep hearing from people who have ZERO interest in discussion, just snark and bullshit and calling the other bad names they can giggle about back on the playground.

i need to stop saying "show ignored content". it hurts every time i do that and like a good doctor would tell you, don't do that... :)
Sounds like you need to look in a mirror.
Not true at all. This action in particular opens the way for a new arms race which Putin seems to want.

You couldn't be more wrong. Russia is broke. See the price of oil lately? They will NOT get into another arms race with the U.S. They can't afford it.
Not true at all. This action in particular opens the way for a new arms race which Putin seems to want.

You couldn't be more wrong. Russia is broke. See the price of oil lately? They will NOT get into another arms race with the U.S. They can't afford it.

And we can? We added 1.27 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the FY that just ended. The last arms race led to a 186% jump in our debt under Reagan, we cannot afford such a thing again.
Just in time for Iran to announce it wants to blow up The Suez Canal or something.
they guard the alaska pipeline going over the yukon river because if that ever got hit it would do some serious damage to alaska.
So IF Trump does end it what do you exactly think will happen? Do you expect both countries to fire off all their nuclear arsenals? Do you expect a giant frenzy of nuclear missle building?

Myself I expect pretty much what has happened in the last ten years or more. Each country will go about doing what they think is best for their country. I do not expect a nuclear war. I do not expect a conventional war. Both countries know better.

I do agree it will not lead to a war, but a new arms race is very likely.

Why? We can blow up the world 5x over already.

It will be done after the 1st time, though.
tRump is doing what Putin wants.
must you troll at every single opportunity?

Does the sun have to come up every morning? :21:
just gets damn old to keep hearing from people who have ZERO interest in discussion, just snark and bullshit and calling the other bad names they can giggle about back on the playground.

i need to stop saying "show ignored content". it hurts every time i do that and like a good doctor would tell you, don't do that... :)
Sounds like you need to look in a mirror.
or at least stop hitting SHOW IGNORED.

So IF Trump does end it what do you exactly think will happen? Do you expect both countries to fire off all their nuclear arsenals? Do you expect a giant frenzy of nuclear missle building?

Myself I expect pretty much what has happened in the last ten years or more. Each country will go about doing what they think is best for their country. I do not expect a nuclear war. I do not expect a conventional war. Both countries know better.
And when Russia is done with Ukraine & goes after another old USSR country?
Not true at all. This action in particular opens the way for a new arms race which Putin seems to want.

You couldn't be more wrong. Russia is broke. See the price of oil lately? They will NOT get into another arms race with the U.S. They can't afford it.


Trump & the GOP Mafia just broke a six year fvcking record of adding debt to the deficit; 17% increase.

In case you haven't noticed Mr. War Monger, the US is about $22 TRILLION in the red.

The US also has about $50 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities.

Now; who in Hell is broke?
Yet the North Korea threat is virtually gone thanks to Trump, and that peninsula is talking about re-unification.

As with all the Trade negotiations where our trade "partners" complain, and whine, and bitch, but in the end they will be the ones that need to cave not us.
This action in particular opens the way for a new arms race which Putin seems to want.

Putin wants an arms race in the realm of highly expensive high-tech weaponry - waged against a state with a GDP more than ten times the size of Russia's. Why doesn't that proposition strike you as extremely unlikely?

Since a mere arms race in itself is all expense, no gains, shouldn't you first and foremost come up with a rationale why Putin would get into that arms race, what the end is that would be served?

I think you have a long way to go even to begin to explain Putin's thinking, and a longer one still to explain how Trump is doing Putin's bidding.
US warns Russia it is ready to abandon key nuclear pact

the cold war may be firing back up. reagan got this signed and done to end it and given russia's moves lately, we're ready to end it if it doesn't change.
Do you have any links to the alternative POV, like from Russia? From China? From Iran? What is the POV coming from these nations?

Why should we believe the Anglo-American establishment? We know the banking cabal's currency is unstable, we know that they have been putting pressure on Russia for the past decade, encircling them with troops, bases, propaganda.

I'm not saying this report is untrue, I'm just saying I am SUPER SKEPTICAL of it.

IT is my sincere belief that the global Anglo-American/Nato/IMF Alliance power really want to force some confrontation with the multi-polar world, because their economic system has some basic instabilities that have never really been resolved. War is the easiest way out for them.

Look at the mass immigration pressures to the west. Look at the mass protests. Look at the lies both blocks tell their people. Look at the corruption in both governments. Can anything written and told to the world's populations be believed?

This is the basic flaw of all debt based currency. They get so deflated, and then they need to be reset with an empire collapse, new currency, major depression, major war or combination of them. It happens regularly, almost like clock work.

I don't think they really ever worked out the problems that cropped up during 2008, they just found a way to put it off. The realities of the systems limitations and inequalities are coming due.

Just my POV.
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tRump is doing what Putin wants.

How so? All our other policies under Trump have not aligned with Russia at all, including this position. Our Energy Policy, Trade, Military, International polices, Economic, etc are all against Russian interests.
Not true at all. This action in particular opens the way for a new arms race which Putin seems to want.

Why does Putin want one? Russia has never recovered .
US warns Russia it is ready to abandon key nuclear pact

the cold war may be firing back up. reagan got this signed and done to end it and given russia's moves lately, we're ready to end it if it doesn't change.
Do you have any links to the alternative POV, like from Russia? From China? From Iran? What is the POV coming from these nations?

Why should we believe the Anglo-American establishment? We know the banking cabal's currency is unstable, we know that they have been putting pressure on Russia for the past decade, encircling them with troops, bases, propaganda.

I'm not saying this report is untrue, I'm just saying I am SUPER SKEPTICAL of it.

IT is my sincere belief that the global Anglon-American/Nato/IMP Alliance power really want to force some confrontation with the muliti-polar world, because their economic system has some basic instabilities that have never really been resolved. War is the easiest way out for them.

Look at the mass immigration pressures to the west. Look at the mass protests. Look at the lies both blocks tell their people. Look at the corruption in both governments. Can anything written and told to the world's populations be believed?

This is the basic flaw of all debt based currency. They get so deflated, and then they need to be reset with an empire collapse, new currency, major depression, major war or combination of them. It happens regularly, almost like clock work.

I don't think they really ever worked out the problems that cropped up during 2008, they just found a way to put it off. The realities of the systems limitations and inequalities are coming due.

Just my POV.
no. i don't even see this on many other sites. no issues at all calling for more data cause that's what we need. other perspectives also. hopefully we'll see more come through today or if not, maybe it will die down and be nothing in the end.

but with the state of the world today, it just seems something bad is on the horizon.
Not true at all. This action in particular opens the way for a new arms race which Putin seems to want.

You couldn't be more wrong. Russia is broke. See the price of oil lately? They will NOT get into another arms race with the U.S. They can't afford it.

And we can? We added 1.27 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the FY that just ended. The last arms race led to a 186% jump in our debt under Reagan, we cannot afford such a thing again.

You are posting shit from 30 years ago Gramps?

Obama spent more money in one year then Reagan did.

Not true at all. This action in particular opens the way for a new arms race which Putin seems to want.

You couldn't be more wrong. Russia is broke. See the price of oil lately? They will NOT get into another arms race with the U.S. They can't afford it.


Trump & the GOP Mafia just broke a six year fvcking record of adding debt to the deficit; 17% increase.

In case you haven't noticed Mr. War Monger, the US is about $22 TRILLION in the red.

The US also has about $50 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities.

Now; who in Hell is broke?

California and illinois ?

Putin believes our anti-missile systems in Poland and Romania can knock down his ICBMs if he decides to start a nuclear war. He was given assurances they weren't capable of that, but he's a total paranoid when it comes to US intentions. So he broke the treaty and is threatening his neighbors with medium-range nuclear cruise missiles. So he has them, we don't, but we soon will have to counter his.
So IF Trump does end it what do you exactly think will happen? Do you expect both countries to fire off all their nuclear arsenals? Do you expect a giant frenzy of nuclear missle building?

Myself I expect pretty much what has happened in the last ten years or more. Each country will go about doing what they think is best for their country. I do not expect a nuclear war. I do not expect a conventional war. Both countries know better.

I do agree it will not lead to a war, but a new arms race is very likely.

Why? We can blow up the world 5x over already.

It will be done after the 1st time, though.

The push, at least by Russia, seems to be smaller, more tactical nukes that theoretically can be used without starting WWIII.

Think about it, if Russia used such a device do you think we would retaliate with a action that wold start WWIII or would we take other measures?

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