US withholds thousands of bombs from Israel

Saudi Arabia put up with 15 years of cross border attacks before they retaliated. In 2020 they moved Arab villages 20 kilometers back from the border. They have also sheltered a million Yemeni refugees.

They are nothing like the Zionists.
try again----the desperate escapees---black africans enslaved in african countries are not the IRANIAN PROXIES that the Houthis are----you are playing Goebbels again. Of course they are nothing like the zionists---they are sunni muslims, and they are at odds with shiite Iran --you have learned to
do the sunni thing---to wit, justify outright murder of desperate refugees. The
'zionists' do not kill them even thought they constitute a problem---the zionists save them from the sunni egyptians who ALSO do the islamic thing
and shoot them at the border which fills you with PRIDE just as both October 7, 2023 and 9-11-01 are your all time fave MUSLIM HOLIDAYS
It was certainly part of the reasoning behind Trump's first impeachment!

Yes, I ceded that. It's akin to some amicus briefs before the Supreme Court, and some people will mistakenly believe the briefs are the ... what they are and are not.


try again----the desperate escapees---black africans enslaved in african countries are not the IRANIAN PROXIES that the Houthis are----you are playing Goebbels again. Of course they are nothing like the zionists---they are sunni muslims, and they are at odds with shiite Iran --you have learned to
do the sunni thing---to wit, justify outright murder of desperate refugees. The
'zionists' do not kill them even thought they constitute a problem---the zionists save them from the sunni egyptians who ALSO do the islamic thing
and shoot them at the border which fills you with PRIDE just as both October 7, 2023 and 9-11-01 are your all time fave MUSLIM HOLIDAYS
And yet Muslims do it, weird huh?
Gaza is very crowded . 70% of the population are refugees who were forced out of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
using islamo nazi logic re: the definition of 'refugee'---100% of israeli jews are
REFUGEES from the filth of islamo-nazi oppression, murder, rape and exploitation
When you demand they tell everyone of the investigation to smear them in public.

Especially when you don’t really care about the investigation, just the announcement of it.
What have they been doing to Trump for 8 fucking years? Try again dumbass.
Didn’t conservatives claim that the investigation into Trump’s campaign in 2016 was a huge political scandal?

And now it’s no big deal, even when he cajoles a foreign nation to do it?
Trump was investigated and no one was impeached for calling for the investigation... DUH!
Trump was investigated and no one was impeached for calling for the investigation... DUH!
Calling for an investigation is well within someone’s first amendment rights and does not represent an abuse of office.

Using government authority, such as withholding foreign aid, to coerce someone to launch an investigation is far different.
Calling for an investigation is well within someone’s first amendment rights and does not represent an abuse of office.

Using government authority, such as withholding foreign aid, to coerce someone to launch an investigation is far different.
You are complaining about the things Biden is doing. Thanks.
JFK was questioning Israel when they were seeking to become nuclear with their work in the Dimona region, but he was unfriended quickly. The foreign assistance act was in effect then and Kennedy was concerned about escalation, and rightly so. The FSA was amended in 1976 by the Symington Amendment prohibiting aid to nations that posses nukes but do not allow IEC inspections. The President can issue a waiver based on some "conditions" (
Under the Symington Amendment, in order to issue a waiver the President needed to determine that a cutoff of aid “would have a serious adverse effect on vital United States interests” and to have received assurances from the country in question that it would not seek nuclear weapons capability.) So here we are. Vote your ass off, money talks and bullshit walks.

Kennedy, Dimona and the Nuclear Proliferation Problem: 1961-1962
You are complaining about the things Biden is doing. Thanks.
Biden isn’t coercing Israel to attack Trump.

He’s also not hiding like a coward. Everything he’s doing is well in the open. Unlike Trump who was doing all his dirty work in secret like a pathetic wimp.
But of course, that was when Trump was president, and the House was controlled by Pelosi and Democrats.
Seems it's a different story today, unless what's left of the GOP House majority suddenly finds a spine.

CNN’s Jennings and Axelrod Spar Over Biden Withholding Israel Aid is the Same As Trump’s Ukraine Aid Impeachment​

Trump wasn't impeached for withholding federal aid to the Ukraine. He was impeached for trying to exchange federal aid to the Ukraine, for dirt he could use on the Bidens. Anyone making a comparison between these two things, is an idiot.

Biden isn't asking Isreal to investigate Donald Trump. He's telling them they can't us military aid to murder innocent Palestinians. Two entirely different things. Unlike Donald Trump, Biden isn't asking for ANYTHING for himself.
Trump wasn't impeached for withholding federal aid to the Ukraine. He was impeached for trying to exchange federal aid to the Ukraine, for dirt he could use on the Bidens. Anyone making a comparison between these two things, is an idiot.

Biden isn't asking Isreal to investigate Donald Trump. He's telling them they can't us military aid to murder innocent Palestinians. Two entirely different things. Unlike Donald Trump, Biden isn't asking for ANYTHING for himself.
It’s the mother of false equivalencies and demonstrates their willful intentional ignorance of the issues.
How did you get their plans? Got a link?
Israeli Jews has been saying the quiet part out loud for months.
Do you support their plans of ethnic cleansing?
From last December:

Israeli officials spell out plans for ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians, as Gaza massacres continue

"The implications of this objective for Palestinians everywhere were spelled out by Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, who commented Wednesday, 'There will be no Palestinian state here. We will never allow another state to be established between Jordan and the [Mediterranean] sea.' This was, he said, 'our country; the historical property of our ancestors.'"

Israel right-wing ministers' comments add fuel to Palestinian fears

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