US withholds thousands of bombs from Israel

All Crime Families have a 'consigliere'. Every last one of them.

The dimocrap scum Crime Family has thousands of them. Thousands up thousands of them.

In fact, the entire party is nothing more than consiglieres. People that have never worked for a living in their lives. Have never done anything but run for Office.

Every one of them is an attorney. Biden has never had a job in his life. Degree: Attorney. Same with the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis. Degree: Attorney. Bill The Rapist Clinton. Degree: Attorney. His 'Wife' (aka; Ubercunt). Degree: Attorney. The "Wife' of the Bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis (aka; The Skunk Ape)? She's never worked a day in her life, either. She had a no-show job at a Hospital or something Chi-Town. But it was a joke. $300k and she never even bothered to show up because -- She wasn't supposed to

Point being, Impeachment would backfire on us. They'd use it to get in front of the camera and lie. It's what they do.

And it's way, way, way too late in the game. Never get it done by November.

Besides, I don't relish the thought of President Giggles
You know Clarence Thomas has a law degree and no reasonable person would say he's worked since 1990.

They, the Israel’s, want to live in peace why do you want them dead?
Israeli Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves and they have proven they're willing to maim, murder, and displace millions of innocent non-Jews to accomplish that task.

'Five stage plan for Greater Land of Israel' by the Israeli ambassador to UK

"'The long years of propaganda for the vision of 'two states for two peoples' have obstructed the most basic desire harboured by a majority of Israeli citizens - not to give up territory that was conquered through blood.'

"She lays out five steps of what Israel should do to annex the West Bank:

  1. "Israeli needs to encourage at least 2 million Jews from its 9 million strong diaspora to move to Israel in order to ensure a Jewish majority even as it absorbs more Palestinians from the occupied West Bank
  2. Legislating a Citizenship Law which stipulates that full Israeli citizenship is conditional on joining the Israeli army - a proposal that few Palestinians would likely take up and ensuring that Palestinians would remain stateless
  3. Applying sovereignty over the areas of Jewish settlement currently defined as Area C and giving the Palestinians there full Israeli citizenship
  4. Adopting as a Basic Law the principle of the State of Israel being a Jewish nation-state [fulfilled by the Nation-State Bill of 2018]
  5. Absorbing Palestinian areas of the West Bank known as Area A and B will be done as Jewish migration to Israeli increases to ensure a 'solid Jewish majority'"
When were they forced out of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem?
question is----what were they doing there----arabic is the language of
the PENNINSULA ----oh now I remember---the hordes of the minions of the rapist of mecca ATTACKED and pulled the same thing they pulled on Oct. 7----they did a "muhummad" 636 AD (common era) some things never change
Sleepy Joe seems to be blackmailing the Jews into surrendering to Hamas in order to pander to his antisemitic base and win the election.

IMHO, sounds like an impeachable offense, and the House needs to start holding hearings on it.
Projection is a MAGAT disease.
The cure is Democrats.



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No, you stupid fuck, he was looking for corruption regarding the 2016 election, an election that he had already won.
Sure. He took a deep personal interest in assessing the “corruption“ of Biden just as soon as Biden started beating him in polls.

Who was leading the investigation again?
Well they are now being given a way out before the IDF really starts pounding the place.

That you go back that far just means they haven't realized they lost the war, and have been that way for decades.

Don't you know right from wrong?

Israel has no intention of solving the problem that they are responsible for.
Don't you know right from wrong?

Israel has no intention of solving the problem that they are responsible for.
what problem is that----that they are so inept that they failed (sic) in their EARNEST attempt to kill muhummad----author of the genocide of hundreds, , if not thousands of millions? ----well----even that well known "war on Germany" did not pan out either------so sorry for your frustration

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