USA is one of very few nations where the poor people are fat

I used to think that poor people were obese because they couldn't afford healthy food, but I'm pretty sure a bag of carrots or a head of lettuce is cheaper than a box of Twinkies.
Need teeth to eat the carrots.
Spaghetti is a dollar a pound. We eat a lot of pasta. Bread and cake is free from the food pantry.
Except they don't sell lettuce in 7-Eleven. And they don't have grocery stores in inner cities. And they don't want to come out to your white grocery store because you're a b**** at them about their borrowed car...
Do you right wing nuts ever use your fucking brains?

Maybe the answer is simple and it has to do with the cost of high carbed foods being cheaper compared to low carbed foods. Of course, you won't listen or care as you just love to bash poor people.

Vegetables are cheap. Processed carbs are expensive. Junk food is expensive. Sugary cereals are expensive.
I used to think that poor people were obese because they couldn't afford healthy food, but I'm pretty sure a bag of carrots or a head of lettuce is cheaper than a box of Twinkies.
Need teeth to eat the carrots.
Spaghetti is a dollar a pound. We eat a lot of pasta. Bread and cake is free from the food pantry.
Except they don't sell lettuce in 7-Eleven. And they don't have grocery stores in inner cities. And they don't want to come out to your white grocery store because you're a b**** at them about their borrowed car...
Your belief that poor peole don't have cars is just plain wrong. 90% of families below the poverty line have a car.

The typical poor household, as defined by the government, has a car and air conditioning, two color televisions, cable or satellite TV, a DVD player, and a VCR.

man you have the memory of a goldfish.

People like you who pay no federal income taxes do not pay 18% of your gross income in taxes.

ANd you even admit the so called rich pay more than you but you're still whining
Wrong again, super dupe.
The one tax graph you really need to know

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
Everyone pays taxes Dupe including the poorest who pay on the average about 18% while the richest pay on the average 28%...

Christ sake, where are you getting your numbers from.
Everyone pays taxes Dupe including the poorest who pay on the average about 18% while the richest pay on the average 28%...

Christ sake, where are you getting your numbers from.
IRS. Whereas you get yours from a b******* hate propaganda and misinformation machine, Dupe. All you dupes are trained to think about is federal income taxes.

You may need to provide a link, otherwise your "chart" is just BS.
The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010

I gaurantee you his chart is a scam.
And you believe Trump who says we have the highest tax tax rates in the world... Pure right wing idiocy we are way below the average 34% in the world at 26%, which also agrees with this scam. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and find your picture brainwashed functional moron.
How do US taxes compare internationally?.

You need to read the things you link to.

Your article says that the US taxes are 26% of GDP.

You do realize a country with taxes that are 34% of GDP can still collect less than a country with taxes that are 26% of GDP don't you?

And the US government spending adds up to 38% GDP so we are still spending too much
You do realize that when the top rate was 90% that the bottom rate was 20% not 10% and that a person making 40K a year was in the 50% bracket and there were no refundable tax credits or tax credits for buying certain cars or tax deductions for tuition etc don't you?

Silly question, Of course you don't.
You do realize that 40000 was equivalent to 200,000 today...

Doesn't matter. If you want those high tax rates from the past then you will actually have to pay taxes.
Everyone pays taxes Dupe including the poorest who pay on the average about 18% while the richest pay on the average 28%...


man you have the memory of a goldfish.

People like you who pay no federal income taxes do not pay 18% of your gross income in taxes.

ANd you even admit the so called rich pay more than you but you're still whining
It's goods and services that run the world and keep us alive, not money. Money helps allocate those resources, but in the case of the lazy rich who got their money through inheritance, it is mis-allocated. They "pay" like a drunk hereditary monarch would pay.
SO what?

It must be tough to go through life being jealous of the majority of people because they are doing better than you.

You know if you had the patience and were forward thinking you could start your family on the road to wealth today but you would have to actually sacrifice to do that and we know that will never happen
also bad quality takeaway food ...which poor people always fattening ....but cheaper.

I'm talking poor quality cheap take away food.

there is no running away from this fact. sorry but it's the truth.
Take out fast food is not cheaper than buying and making your own meals.

If a family of four ate every meal off the dollar meal at McD's it would still be more expensive than buying groceries and cooking
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

So do you want more wealthy people in your state or less? Do you want more wealthy people in your city or less?

When Lebron James left Cleveland, many speculated it was because we do have a higher state tax on the wealthy. He came back, but look at what we lost while he was gone.

Lower income people pay higher state taxes? Well they can leave anytime they want. In fact we'll just ship them to your state.
You're too fixated on "higher income" and "lower income." The middle class and lower class are those who do the work. Some rich kid who inherited a bunch of money doesn't do anything. A rich man's money wouldn't mean anything without someone to provide those goods and services (the working middle class and poor). Money is used to help the economy move along and help allocated resources. Lazy rich people who inherited the money are just a side-effect. Technically, they're worthless, but the government respects the money system (even if those deadbeats benefit unfairly) to keep the economy working since money could lose value if the government makes it a habit of taking it from people it deems worthless (even if in this case it would be correct).

If somebody gets money legally, WTF would you care how they got it? Why should those people be treated any differently than those who worked for their money?

Do you think lottery winners should be treated any differently? They didn't work for their money either. They just gambled a couple of bucks and got lucky. Or what about those who make out in casinos or at the race tracks?

The people who "do the work" get paid for the work they do. The people who inherit a company and continue to provide jobs and taxation are the people who give them the work.

Nobody is paid by how hard they physically work. People are paid by how much profit their work creates, their talents, their experience, and their market worth.

The Decline of Inherited Money
Lazy rich layabouts/rich kids aren't rich because they have talent or experience.

All I'm saying is you should stop blindly worshiping the rich and understand what they are.

I don't worship anybody, but I'm not jealous of anybody either. Hey, if your parents were rich and passed that down, good for you. I have a friend who would work odd jobs here and there, but also spent a lot of time home and partying at night. He was an heir to a grandfather who liquidated his successful construction company and got a pretty good chunk of that. It's none of my business where he gets his money from or what he does with it.

I also had a friend that hit the lottery years ago. He was never much of a worker before he hit, and he certainly wasn't a worker afterwards either. I was never upset because he lived with his parents most of his adult life until he hit and then lived (lives) a pretty good life after he hit.'s none of my concern. I only worry about myself and how I can do better in life.
I used to think that poor people were obese because they couldn't afford healthy food, but I'm pretty sure a bag of carrots or a head of lettuce is cheaper than a box of Twinkies.
Need teeth to eat the carrots.
Spaghetti is a dollar a pound. We eat a lot of pasta. Bread and cake is free from the food pantry.

You can cook and mash the carrots. Even babies eat carrots in baby food form.
Most people eat junk food because they WANT to, not because they don't have other food choices. :rolleyes:
That's what it all boils down to.

People are fat because they want to be fat.

Some do, for sure. Not that they necessarily want to be fat, but they just don't care and aren't willing to give up their bad dietary habits or sedentary lifestyle in order to lose some weight. Some people may legitimately have a difficult time keeping weight off and just give up too.
Most people eat junk food because they WANT to, not because they don't have other food choices. :rolleyes:
That's what it all boils down to.

People are fat because they want to be fat.

Some do, for sure. Not that they necessarily want to be fat, but they just don't care and aren't willing to give up their bad dietary habits or sedentary lifestyle in order to lose some weight. Some people may legitimately have a difficult time keeping weight off and just give up too.
If they don't want to change their habits then they want to be fat.
Most people eat junk food because they WANT to, not because they don't have other food choices. :rolleyes:
That's what it all boils down to.

People are fat because they want to be fat.

Some do, for sure. Not that they necessarily want to be fat, but they just don't care and aren't willing to give up their bad dietary habits or sedentary lifestyle in order to lose some weight. Some people may legitimately have a difficult time keeping weight off and just give up too.
If they don't want to change their habits then they want to be fat.

Well, I'm sure if there was a way that they could instantaneously remove the fat, they would! :lol: Not many people would probably choose to remain fat is what I mean. They just don't want to put in the work to lose the weight or to maintain a healthy weight.

I guess it is probably a lot more difficult for a disabled person who can't really exercise to keep weight off, so we have to take them into consideration too. Then again, there are people who are disabled BECAUSE they are too fat! :rolleyes: You just can't win. Lol.
Most people eat junk food because they WANT to, not because they don't have other food choices. :rolleyes:
That's what it all boils down to.

People are fat because they want to be fat.

Some do, for sure. Not that they necessarily want to be fat, but they just don't care and aren't willing to give up their bad dietary habits or sedentary lifestyle in order to lose some weight. Some people may legitimately have a difficult time keeping weight off and just give up too.
If they don't want to change their habits then they want to be fat.

Well, I'm sure if there was a way that they could instantaneously remove the fat, they would! :lol: Not many people would probably choose to remain fat is what I mean. They just don't want to put in the work to lose the weight or to maintain a healthy weight.

I guess it is probably a lot more difficult for a disabled person who can't really exercise to keep weight off, so we have to take them into consideration too. Then again, there are people who are disabled BECAUSE they are too fat! :rolleyes: You just can't win. Lol.

The point I am making is if they don't want to change their habits so they are no longer fat that it is because they are choosing to remain fat by choosing to remain fat they are actually confirming the fact that they want to be fat.
Heritage as always is fos, like all your right-wing media... American cheap processed food is garbage that makes you fat and is all they can get in inner cities... Where is Jack Kemp and Enterprise zones? The last good Republican... 90% of the poor do not live in inner cities. The rural poor are a much bigger group... Heavy old color TVs are being giving away these days. Etc etc etc. The poor as a class are getting more and more gigantic under GOP Pander to the rich tax rates...

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
Christ sake, where are you getting your numbers from.
Christ sake, where are you getting your numbers from.
IRS. Whereas you get yours from a b******* hate propaganda and misinformation machine, Dupe. All you dupes are trained to think about is federal income taxes.

You may need to provide a link, otherwise your "chart" is just BS.
The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010

I gaurantee you his chart is a scam.
And you believe Trump who says we have the highest tax tax rates in the world... Pure right wing idiocy we are way below the average 34% in the world at 26%, which also agrees with this scam. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and find your picture brainwashed functional moron.
How do US taxes compare internationally?.

You need to read the things you link to.

Your article says that the US taxes are 26% of GDP.

You do realize a country with taxes that are 34% of GDP can still collect less than a country with taxes that are 26% of GDP don't you?

And the US government spending adds up to 38% GDP so we are still spending too much
All the percentages we're talking about are what they actually collect of course. I have no idea what you're going on about...
Heritage as always is fos, like all your right-wing media... American cheap processed food is garbage that makes you fat and is all they can get in inner cities... Where is Jack Kemp and Enterprise zones? The last good Republican... 90% of the poor do not live in inner cities. The rural poor are a much bigger group... Heavy old color TVs are being giving away these days. Etc etc etc. The poor as a class are getting more and more gigantic under GOP Pander to the rich tax rates...
Heritage is FOS, but we're supposed to take your word on things?

I used to think that poor people were obese because they couldn't afford healthy food, but I'm pretty sure a bag of carrots or a head of lettuce is cheaper than a box of Twinkies.
Need teeth to eat the carrots.
Spaghetti is a dollar a pound. We eat a lot of pasta. Bread and cake is free from the food pantry.
Except they don't sell lettuce in 7-Eleven. And they don't have grocery stores in inner cities. And they don't want to come out to your white grocery store because you're a b**** at them about their borrowed car...
Your belief that poor peole don't have cars is just plain wrong. 90% of families below the poverty line have a car.

The typical poor household, as defined by the government, has a car and air conditioning, two color televisions, cable or satellite TV, a DVD player, and a VCR.
That survey was done in 2011 when a lot of families were brand new to being poor and still had their toys from when they were working... They're all going downhill the last 35 years and really got bounced in 2008 9.

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