USA is one of very few nations where the poor people are fat

It all comes down to sugar. It's cheap and makes stuff taste good, so the poor eat a lot of it in the form of cheap processed foods. It's also worse for you than alcohol at least from a metabolic standpoint.
That and the poorer you are in this country, the more you get in foodstamps.

Family of 4 gets over $500 skins per month.

I have fed my family of 3 on 150 per month. It wasn't pretty but we did it. And those poor people could too, if they had to.

And we sure as shit didn't get fat. You can't get fat on pork roast, beans, and cabbage.
And you can't buy that in a ghetto or the inner city where they have no supermarkets... You have to buy crap big food processed garbage...

You people from the party of excuses.....I'll tell ya.

We have a huge grocery store in our area and plenty of people who use food stamps. You should see what they have in their carts, and it's junk I wouldn't even eat.

Do you know why a store sells what they do? Because that's the products that people want to buy. Go put a health food store in the ghetto and see how long you stay open.......dupe.
We basically have a flat tax system and the richest end up with all the new wealth....

Good Allah you can't be serious!

They make poor choices because they are victims and only the Dems can save them....with other people’s money.
the perfect mac cheese is my favorite dish, doesnt mean i have to eat it 7 times a week!

My grandmother had bacon and eggs for breakfast with buttered toast for as long as I can remember, oh, with strong black coffee. Whitebread sandwich for lunch. Afternoon coffee with two gingersnaps at 2:00; 4:00 Whisky Sour; 6:00 dinner, usually meat, potatoes and frequently gravy plus a small desert. Bedtime 10:00.

As you say, moderation in all things. She lived to 102 but they made her knock off the cocktail at 100.
They make poor choices because they are victims and only the Dems can save them....with other people’s money.
Has nothing to do with racism and the Discrimination they get from mainly Republicans, and the fact that they live in a war zone LOL. Democrats paid just as much in taxes as Republicans, dipstick. They just like trying to do good for the country instead of being selfish idiots...
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

So do you want more wealthy people in your state or less? Do you want more wealthy people in your city or less?

When Lebron James left Cleveland, many speculated it was because we do have a higher state tax on the wealthy. He came back, but look at what we lost while he was gone.

Lower income people pay higher state taxes? Well they can leave anytime they want. In fact we'll just ship them to your state.
We basically have a flat tax system and the richest end up with all the new wealth and the country and the middle class or falling apart and that's just grand for you? You are a brainwashed functional moron. Thanks greedy idiot GOP and silly dupes...

They end up with the "new wealth" because they created the new wealth silly dope.

You leftists believe that when people create new wealth, it should be taken from them to give to others. Well if we take all their wealth, what's the point of them creating wealth in the first place?

If your neighbor has a huge garden every year, and you're too lazy to start a garden yourself, do you think it's right for you to go to your neighbors house and just take his newly grown vegetables because he has so many?
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

So do you want more wealthy people in your state or less? Do you want more wealthy people in your city or less?

When Lebron James left Cleveland, many speculated it was because we do have a higher state tax on the wealthy. He came back, but look at what we lost while he was gone.

Lower income people pay higher state taxes? Well they can leave anytime they want. In fact we'll just ship them to your state.
We basically have a flat tax system and the richest end up with all the new wealth and the country and the middle class or falling apart and that's just grand for you? You are a brainwashed functional moron. Thanks greedy idiot GOP and silly dupes...

They end up with the "new wealth" because they created the new wealth silly dope.

You leftists believe that when people create new wealth, it should be taken from them to give to others. Well if we take all their wealth, what's the point of them creating wealth in the first place?

If your neighbor has a huge garden every year, and you're too lazy to start a garden yourself, do you think it's right for you to go to your neighbors house and just take his newly grown vegetables because he has so many?

Yes they do. That’s what they call fair. You have more than they do, so you should give it to them, regardless of the work you put into the garden that they didn’t.
We basically have a flat tax system and the richest end up with all the new wealth....

Good Allah you can't be serious!

You dupes just can't get it through your head that there are other taxes beside federal income taxes. Totally brainwashed functional morons... Everyone in the country on average pays between 18 and 29% and all taxes and fees. Every time the GOP cuts federal taxes, State and local taxes and fees go up to make up for Less Federal Aid, and the poorer you are the more they hurt you.
So you are a robber baron? LOL it was those filthy politicians that made the middle class rich and even the working class... No more. And once again our economic problem is no demand because you ruined the consumer class... How to Pander to the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP.
FDR and Wilson made us rich? They were looters who robbed us. They didn't produce a single thing. They did not increase the productivity of the American economy by one dollar. In fact, they caused staggering losses to our economy. Men like Henry Ford, JJ Hill, Jonh D. Rockefeller and Thomas Edison made us rich.

Demand comes from people with jobs. The people you call "robber barrons" provide those jobs.
Read the good old days, they were terrible... You have absolutely no clue what life was like for the great majority...
All the good things that makes life bearable we got from Democrats... Social Security unemployment disability retirement etc etc Health Care daycare Medicare Medicaid civil rights

20 trillion dollars in debt.........
90% of the debt before Obama was from Reagan and the bushes, Obama's is 80 to 90% bailouts and aid for the victims of bushes corrupt depression, dingbat. He changed nothing about welfare and unemployment, it was just a huge depression d u h, super dupe.

Good. If our debt climbs under Trump, we'll just blame DumBama for it. That's how it works.......right?
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

So do you want more wealthy people in your state or less? Do you want more wealthy people in your city or less?

When Lebron James left Cleveland, many speculated it was because we do have a higher state tax on the wealthy. He came back, but look at what we lost while he was gone.

Lower income people pay higher state taxes? Well they can leave anytime they want. In fact we'll just ship them to your state.
We basically have a flat tax system and the richest end up with all the new wealth and the country and the middle class or falling apart and that's just grand for you? You are a brainwashed functional moron. Thanks greedy idiot GOP and silly dupes...

They end up with the "new wealth" because they created the new wealth silly dope.

You leftists believe that when people create new wealth, it should be taken from them to give to others. Well if we take all their wealth, what's the point of them creating wealth in the first place?

If your neighbor has a huge garden every year, and you're too lazy to start a garden yourself, do you think it's right for you to go to your neighbors house and just take his newly grown vegetables because he has so many?

Yes they do. That’s what they call fair. You have more than they do, so you should give it to them, regardless of the work you put into the garden that they didn’t.
So you idiots earn over $250,000 a year or over 10 million? Absolute idiots
Do you have any actual evidence to support these claims? Americans were wealthier than the people of any other country.
You have to go back to the time of all that to get more inequality then we have right now. Great job! Read a paper change the channel

Apparently you believe there's some kind of intelligle idea in that mess.
After 35 years of the new b******* GOP and Chumps like you, we have finally recaptured the Injustice and inequality of the 1890's and early 1900s. Great job GOP!

What "injustice?"
Teddy Roosevelt at the time said that 12 hour days 6 days a week was communistic. Ever heard of child labor? Read something please lol

FDR and Wilson made us rich? They were looters who robbed us. They didn't produce a single thing. They did not increase the productivity of the American economy by one dollar. In fact, they caused staggering losses to our economy. Men like Henry Ford, JJ Hill, Jonh D. Rockefeller and Thomas Edison made us rich.

Demand comes from people with jobs. The people you call "robber barrons" provide those jobs.
Read the good old days, they were terrible... You have absolutely no clue what life was like for the great majority...
All the good things that makes life bearable we got from Democrats... Social Security unemployment disability retirement etc etc Health Care daycare Medicare Medicaid civil rights

20 trillion dollars in debt.........
90% of the debt before Obama was from Reagan and the bushes, Obama's is 80 to 90% bailouts and aid for the victims of bushes corrupt depression, dingbat. He changed nothing about welfare and unemployment, it was just a huge depression d u h, super dupe.

Good. If our debt climbs under Trump, we'll just blame DumBama for it. That's how it works.......right?
If Obama started a World depression, dingbat. You are just unbelievable. Stick to driving truck and bitching about your pothead tenants...
Read the good old days, they were terrible... You have absolutely no clue what life was like for the great majority...
All the good things that makes life bearable we got from Democrats... Social Security unemployment disability retirement etc etc Health Care daycare Medicare Medicaid civil rights

20 trillion dollars in debt.........
90% of the debt before Obama was from Reagan and the bushes, Obama's is 80 to 90% bailouts and aid for the victims of bushes corrupt depression, dingbat. He changed nothing about welfare and unemployment, it was just a huge depression d u h, super dupe.

Good. If our debt climbs under Trump, we'll just blame DumBama for it. That's how it works.......right?
If Obama started a World depression, dingbat. You are just unbelievable. Stick to driving truck and bitching about your pothead tenants...

And keep collecting your welfare and stay on USMB all day long.
I don't recall Trump saying our taxes are the highest in the world. Were only discussing business taxes here, not the overall tax rate. Furthermore, your chart doesn't include state and local taxes. Our tax rate is much closer to 50% when you include those. Denmark has a tax rate of 60%, so I think your chart is bullshit. Given the leftwing organization that publishes it, that's doubly so.

America has the highest corporate tax rate. Franco is easily confused and works hard to confuse others with his lies about taxes and the fact that the topic is Federal Income Taxes.
you eat cheap shit....with all respect

you gonna be fat and sick

that's how it is my friends

sorry....but that's how it is.
So you are a robber baron? LOL it was those filthy politicians that made the middle class rich and even the working class... No more. And once again our economic problem is no demand because you ruined the consumer class... How to Pander to the greedy idiot mega-rich GOP.
FDR and Wilson made us rich? They were looters who robbed us. They didn't produce a single thing. They did not increase the productivity of the American economy by one dollar. In fact, they caused staggering losses to our economy. Men like Henry Ford, JJ Hill, Jonh D. Rockefeller and Thomas Edison made us rich.

Demand comes from people with jobs. The people you call "robber barrons" provide those jobs.
Read the good old days, they were terrible... You have absolutely no clue what life was like for the great majority...
All the good things that makes life bearable we got from Democrats... Social Security unemployment disability retirement etc etc Health Care daycare Medicare Medicaid civil rights

20 trillion dollars in debt.........
90% of the debt before Obama was from Reagan and the bushes, Obama's is 80 to 90% bailouts and aid for the victims of bushes corrupt depression, dingbat. He changed nothing about welfare and unemployment, it was just a huge depression d u h, super dupe.

Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”

It's not really fat if the design has a purpose.



I think the GOP is the first political party to target an entire class of people for death, not because of race or religion, but because they are poor.

All the good things that makes life bearable we got from Democrats... Social Security unemployment disability retirement etc etc Health Care daycare Medicare Medicaid civil rights

20 trillion dollars in debt.........
90% of the debt before Obama was from Reagan and the bushes, Obama's is 80 to 90% bailouts and aid for the victims of bushes corrupt depression, dingbat. He changed nothing about welfare and unemployment, it was just a huge depression d u h, super dupe.

Good. If our debt climbs under Trump, we'll just blame DumBama for it. That's how it works.......right?
If Obama started a World depression, dingbat. You are just unbelievable. Stick to driving truck and bitching about your pothead tenants...

And keep collecting your welfare and stay on USMB all day long.
I'm still retired not on welfare thank you very much you seem to be here all the time too so... LOL

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