USMB Coffee Shop IV

The prep is the worst. Big assed 2 gallon jug of horrid stuff. was not as bad as I thought. I held my nose, sucked down 4 cups at once, rinsed my mouth with clear water. Waited 10 minutes, did it again. Same procedure. Over and over. Half of the concoction the night before. Other half the morning of. I said fuck it the next morning and didn't bother. By then, the stuff did it's work and it was clear so I didn't bother with the other half. This time I will do the whole thing cuz I have the van that has a porta potty in it for emergencies since I have to drive 45 miles to have the procedure done and a lot can happen twixt there and here.
Actually, I don't want to do it at all....but I'm having "issues" with my gut lately. Tired of it. And the rememberance of "I couldn't get all the way up there even with the smallest scope". Like, wtf? Whats going on in there? Had a endoscopy...that was clear. But those don't get ALL the intestines. I think my prob is the food processing section..which is the small intestines. So what the hell..maybe I just need the camera FIRST. See whats going on. THEN if i need the other end done, so be it. But do everything else I can so it is not an unneccessary inconvenience.

That's my thoughts on the matter, anyway.
Speaking of.....and maybe on target about political stuff....that might not be really derailing...I think I need a colonoscopy soon.

I don't wanna. But I think I might hafta.

AND swallow a mini camera in the form of a pill. Oh fun. Oh joy. Not.

That is all.
My first (and so far only) colonoscopy they put me to sleep, not like being in surgery put to sleep but a "lighter" version. I was out, then I was awake and they were done.

Yes, that is the way it is for most people. Hombre has had to have them fairly frequently because of his cancer history--his most recent however was still showing negative so he won't be scehduled for any more unless he starts showing symptoms--but he says he has been awake enough to watch them run the little machine through his colon. This last time he was out enough he doesn't remember anything. But they wheel you in, do their thing--a 100% painless procedure--wheel you out, you fart, you go home.
Mine was anything but painless. I'll not be having another unless symptoms make it imperative.
Funny thing is, when I had mine, I got to the office armed and there was no place to stash my weapon. I kept my shirt and light jacket on during the procedure.
When I complained about the pain, additional medication was administered promptly.

Well they aren't supposed to hurt. You shouldn't be feeling a thing. If you need another, demand another facility do it.
The prep is the worst. Big assed 2 gallon jug of horrid stuff. was not as bad as I thought. I held my nose, sucked down 4 cups at once, rinsed my mouth with clear water. Waited 10 minutes, did it again. Same procedure. Over and over. Half of the concoction the night before. Other half the morning of. I said fuck it the next morning and didn't bother. By then, the stuff did it's work and it was clear so I didn't bother with the other half. This time I will do the whole thing cuz I have the van that has a porta potty in it for emergencies since I have to drive 45 miles to have the procedure done and a lot can happen twixt there and here.
I did almost the entire 2 gallons, just couldn't finish the last couple of cups, I was so full of fluid I looked (and felt) like a very wet Staypuft marshmallow man...... Any more I would have become aquatic......
Do I need a beard to be the most interesting man in the world? Enquiring cats want to know.

Well I never was much of a 'beard' person until I met Ernie and GW along with the Duck Dynasty gang, and they've sort of changed my personal culture so I kind of like the beards now. I have NOT warmed up to the not-quite-a-beard-but-not-clean-shaven look that is so popular now. I want to buy the guys a razor. But who knows, maybe I'll warm up to that too.

On a cat? I dunno. Grow one and I'll be happy to evaluate.
You know, I think the camera pill is a better option. You go in the office, they hand you a pill the size of a vitamin pill (horse pill size!), hand you water and tell you to drink. But first they put sensors on your tummy and gut area, that are stickied on your skin. Then you wear a velcro belt with the recorder on it around your waste, leave the office, carry on as usual. That camera is now in your stomach..traveling all through your body and taking....get this...FIFTY THOUSAND pics of the scenery it is recording....then it goes thru the rest of your intestines then out the exit. You turn in the recorder 8 to 12 hours after swallowing the pill. It ONLY records to the end of the small intestines. Cameras batteries die by then. But with endoscopes...they can't reach the small intestines. The camera DOES.
Apparently an attorney demanded a statement from ALL the officers involved in a particular arrest, and threw a hissy fit when he didn't receive one from Officer Peach even though he was informed that Officer Peach was a K-9. So the Rosenburg police dutifully submitted the requested report:

Do I need a beard to be the most interesting man in the world? Enquiring cats want to know.

Well I never was much of a 'beard' person until I met Ernie and GW along with the Duck Dynasty gang, and they've sort of changed my personal culture so I kind of like the beards now. I have NOT warmed up to the not-quite-a-beard-but-not-clean-shaven look that is so popular now. I want to buy the guys a razor. But who knows, maybe I'll warm up to that too.

On a cat? I dunno. Grow one and I'll be happy to evaluate.
Those guys with the 2 day growth.... I just tell them that when they grow up they may be able to grow a real beard.
Apparently an attorney demanded a statement from ALL the officers involved in a particular arrest, and threw a hissy fit when he didn't receive one from Officer Peach even though he was informed that Officer Peach was a K-9. So the Rosenburg police dutifully submitted the requested report:

Too cute!!!

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