USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning greetings, All-y'all!
Just taking a break, need a coffee infusion and to rest my back, let the ibuprofen kick in. I pulled my back when I laid my two goats to rest, pretty heavy work.
I was up a 4 am this morning, but intended it that way. It's quite light and cool enough to work outside, and by about 10 am, or so, it's too hot to work outside much longer. I decided to start cleaning up more of the mess out here. My partner never made a mess he would clean up so I'm usually on the hook. I'm actually clearing up loads of potential fuel, in the event of another fire coming through. Looks like another trailer load to the dump tomorrow. Another friend of mine has "homesteader" privileges and is welcome to use the place any time he likes. He considers clearing trees, including digging up the stumps, to be great therapy. Boy, I could use a few more friends like that!
We've been getting more rain lately, sometimes barely a sprinkle but the other day, just as I arrived here, the skies opened up like a faucet had been turned on! By the time I got the cats and dog carried up to the house, I was soaked through. Cats were none to happy about their showers, either.
Well, guess break time is over for now. I'll have more time later, after I get back to town. Pesky job! Looks like a bit of a breeze up now so it should stay cooler for a while yet.
Good to see BBD and 007 are still alive and kicking. I do indeed understand what busy means. Best wishes for everyone, hopefully the pains and other inconveniences of life abate for all my friends in the CS.
Just what do you consider too hot to work outside? It's just after noon here an 91 with a heat index of 106.
4 years ago, when I built the deck here, we had 5 days in a row of over 100. One I remember was 105 with a heat index of 114. Two guys in their 60's was tired at the end of the day
I get tired just reading this so I'm gonna take a nap.
Update on the coconut oil on my head and hair.

Awesome! Bumps are gone, no itching and my hair is shiney and pretty!
Morning greetings, All-y'all!
Just taking a break, need a coffee infusion and to rest my back, let the ibuprofen kick in. I pulled my back when I laid my two goats to rest, pretty heavy work.
I was up a 4 am this morning, but intended it that way. It's quite light and cool enough to work outside, and by about 10 am, or so, it's too hot to work outside much longer. I decided to start cleaning up more of the mess out here. My partner never made a mess he would clean up so I'm usually on the hook. I'm actually clearing up loads of potential fuel, in the event of another fire coming through. Looks like another trailer load to the dump tomorrow. Another friend of mine has "homesteader" privileges and is welcome to use the place any time he likes. He considers clearing trees, including digging up the stumps, to be great therapy. Boy, I could use a few more friends like that!
We've been getting more rain lately, sometimes barely a sprinkle but the other day, just as I arrived here, the skies opened up like a faucet had been turned on! By the time I got the cats and dog carried up to the house, I was soaked through. Cats were none to happy about their showers, either.
Well, guess break time is over for now. I'll have more time later, after I get back to town. Pesky job! Looks like a bit of a breeze up now so it should stay cooler for a while yet.
Good to see BBD and 007 are still alive and kicking. I do indeed understand what busy means. Best wishes for everyone, hopefully the pains and other inconveniences of life abate for all my friends in the CS.
Just what do you consider too hot to work outside? It's just after noon here an 91 with a heat index of 106.
4 years ago, when I built the deck here, we had 5 days in a row of over 100. One I remember was 105 with a heat index of 114. Two guys in their 60's was tired at the end of the day
I get tired just reading this so I'm gonna take a nap.
Old men need lots of naps. Old men with old wives need even more.
Foxy, if you would....could you add my Mom, Dorothy and my aunt Bev to your vigil list. Both are having some serious Kidney/Renal issues right now. My aunt just got hospitalized for the second time in a week and will have to undergo a second surgery. It apparently is quite serious.

My Mom just got diagnosed the possible stage 4 renal disease. More tests to follow. When it rains it pours, right?


Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
Foxfyre's sprained shoulder,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Cripes! the newspapers say that nearly 100 sharks have been seen off the Sussex coast. (the English channel)
It says they only eat things like crabs and squid, and they do not eat people. But I bet they would chomp down on a leg if they got the chance. I shall not be going swimming any time soon.
HOORAY! I just beat my record, winning a game of mah-jong in 281 seconds. My previous best was 299 seconds.
I can't see me bettering 281 seconds any time soon, because it ain't easy.
We have had a very mild summer so far here. Saturday and Sunday are suppose to reach 90 with high humidity. I have scheduled removing a bunch of bushes and digging out next to a basement with a cracked wall. Should be a sticky, sweaty weekend.
Good morning everybody. Infusing coffee, trying to get my sore shoulder calmed down so we can do that last push here to get ready for the additional wave of house guests arriving in a couple of hours or so. Daughter was in talkative mood last night so it was after 1:30 a.m. getting to bed this morning. But we so seldom have opportunity for those talks, it was good.

BBD, are you near Monmouth IL? Was just watching video footage of a tornadic cloud near there this morning--dropped maybe 10? funnels, most of which became brief tornadoes--I didn't think to count them--on the short Accuweather video clip I watched. Never saw anything like it.
Last edited:
Welp, no word yet as to whether the wife was fired or not....... It was an either or by today........ What I think they're trying to do is get her to quit to legally cover their asses. We're gonna make them fire her so hopefully we can nail them with wrongful termination and possibly also for creating a hostile work environment. We're both finally tired of letting employers screw us over especially considering the amount of money we put out to relocate.
Morning greetings, All-y'all!
Just taking a break, need a coffee infusion and to rest my back, let the ibuprofen kick in. I pulled my back when I laid my two goats to rest, pretty heavy work.
I was up a 4 am this morning, but intended it that way. It's quite light and cool enough to work outside, and by about 10 am, or so, it's too hot to work outside much longer. I decided to start cleaning up more of the mess out here. My partner never made a mess he would clean up so I'm usually on the hook. I'm actually clearing up loads of potential fuel, in the event of another fire coming through. Looks like another trailer load to the dump tomorrow. Another friend of mine has "homesteader" privileges and is welcome to use the place any time he likes. He considers clearing trees, including digging up the stumps, to be great therapy. Boy, I could use a few more friends like that!
We've been getting more rain lately, sometimes barely a sprinkle but the other day, just as I arrived here, the skies opened up like a faucet had been turned on! By the time I got the cats and dog carried up to the house, I was soaked through. Cats were none to happy about their showers, either.
Well, guess break time is over for now. I'll have more time later, after I get back to town. Pesky job! Looks like a bit of a breeze up now so it should stay cooler for a while yet.
Good to see BBD and 007 are still alive and kicking. I do indeed understand what busy means. Best wishes for everyone, hopefully the pains and other inconveniences of life abate for all my friends in the CS.
Just what do you consider too hot to work outside? It's just after noon here an 91 with a heat index of 106.
4 years ago, when I built the deck here, we had 5 days in a row of over 100. One I remember was 105 with a heat index of 114. Two guys in their 60's was tired at the end of the day
70F+ is definitely too hot to be comfortable. Things are definitely relative.
Welp, no word yet as to whether the wife was fired or not....... It was an either or by today........ What I think they're trying to do is get her to quit to legally cover their asses. We're gonna make them fire her so hopefully we can nail them with wrongful termination and possibly also for creating a hostile work environment. We're both finally tired of letting employers screw us over especially considering the amount of money we put out to relocate.
Keep on it. If she caves first, she's toast.
Morning greetings, All-y'all!
Just taking a break, need a coffee infusion and to rest my back, let the ibuprofen kick in. I pulled my back when I laid my two goats to rest, pretty heavy work.
I was up a 4 am this morning, but intended it that way. It's quite light and cool enough to work outside, and by about 10 am, or so, it's too hot to work outside much longer. I decided to start cleaning up more of the mess out here. My partner never made a mess he would clean up so I'm usually on the hook. I'm actually clearing up loads of potential fuel, in the event of another fire coming through. Looks like another trailer load to the dump tomorrow. Another friend of mine has "homesteader" privileges and is welcome to use the place any time he likes. He considers clearing trees, including digging up the stumps, to be great therapy. Boy, I could use a few more friends like that!
We've been getting more rain lately, sometimes barely a sprinkle but the other day, just as I arrived here, the skies opened up like a faucet had been turned on! By the time I got the cats and dog carried up to the house, I was soaked through. Cats were none to happy about their showers, either.
Well, guess break time is over for now. I'll have more time later, after I get back to town. Pesky job! Looks like a bit of a breeze up now so it should stay cooler for a while yet.
Good to see BBD and 007 are still alive and kicking. I do indeed understand what busy means. Best wishes for everyone, hopefully the pains and other inconveniences of life abate for all my friends in the CS.
Just what do you consider too hot to work outside? It's just after noon here an 91 with a heat index of 106.
4 years ago, when I built the deck here, we had 5 days in a row of over 100. One I remember was 105 with a heat index of 114. Two guys in their 60's was tired at the end of the day

My ex worked outside doing construction work. I don't know how you guys can do it. I would be throwing up. :lol:
We were each drinking 2 gallons of water /day and minimum a quart of Gator Aide.
You just do it because you have to.

I would be so sick. My ex told me that every year several people would end up going home sick from working in the heat. I guess you get used to it like anything else, but it would not be my choice, that's for sure.
Time for a story...
Before I moved to Alabama, I installed and serviced water purification equipment in South Florida. While it never got over 100 there with the sea breeze, it was usually in the 90's 9 months of the year.
I was installing a system one day at a house where the occupants were away.
The AC in my truck was broken and I had no access to the house. I had my typical 2 gallons of water and some Gator Aide in a cooler.
It was in the mid 90's and raining on and off. I knew I was in trouble, but kept going, not wanting to leave before getting the water to the house back on.
The job involved some pick and shovel work and, hell, I passed out for probably 10 minutes.
I called my boss and told him what was going on. He offered to come finish up, but as I had maybe 20 minutes left on the job and was 45 minutes from the office, I told him to call me in 15 minutes and if I don't answer, call an ambulance. He agreed and I went back to work.
Another thunderstorm came through and I had to put my phone in the truck to keep it dry. I got the pipes connected and went to the back of the house to flush the system. Joel called. I was too far from the truck to hear the phone.
Ambulance showed up as I was returning his call. We all had a good laugh and I got a couple free Gator Aides from the Paramedics and a "thanks for your dedication, asshole" from Joel.
Derp...I'd have done the same.
Morning greetings, All-y'all!
Just taking a break, need a coffee infusion and to rest my back, let the ibuprofen kick in. I pulled my back when I laid my two goats to rest, pretty heavy work.
I was up a 4 am this morning, but intended it that way. It's quite light and cool enough to work outside, and by about 10 am, or so, it's too hot to work outside much longer. I decided to start cleaning up more of the mess out here. My partner never made a mess he would clean up so I'm usually on the hook. I'm actually clearing up loads of potential fuel, in the event of another fire coming through. Looks like another trailer load to the dump tomorrow. Another friend of mine has "homesteader" privileges and is welcome to use the place any time he likes. He considers clearing trees, including digging up the stumps, to be great therapy. Boy, I could use a few more friends like that!
We've been getting more rain lately, sometimes barely a sprinkle but the other day, just as I arrived here, the skies opened up like a faucet had been turned on! By the time I got the cats and dog carried up to the house, I was soaked through. Cats were none to happy about their showers, either.
Well, guess break time is over for now. I'll have more time later, after I get back to town. Pesky job! Looks like a bit of a breeze up now so it should stay cooler for a while yet.
Good to see BBD and 007 are still alive and kicking. I do indeed understand what busy means. Best wishes for everyone, hopefully the pains and other inconveniences of life abate for all my friends in the CS.
Just what do you consider too hot to work outside? It's just after noon here an 91 with a heat index of 106.
4 years ago, when I built the deck here, we had 5 days in a row of over 100. One I remember was 105 with a heat index of 114. Two guys in their 60's was tired at the end of the day
70F+ is definitely too hot to be comfortable. Things are definitely relative.
70?We won't see 70 here until September.
Just what do you consider too hot to work outside? It's just after noon here an 91 with a heat index of 106.
4 years ago, when I built the deck here, we had 5 days in a row of over 100. One I remember was 105 with a heat index of 114. Two guys in their 60's was tired at the end of the day

My ex worked outside doing construction work. I don't know how you guys can do it. I would be throwing up. :lol:
We were each drinking 2 gallons of water /day and minimum a quart of Gator Aide.
You just do it because you have to.

I would be so sick. My ex told me that every year several people would end up going home sick from working in the heat. I guess you get used to it like anything else, but it would not be my choice, that's for sure.
Time for a story...
Before I moved to Alabama, I installed and serviced water purification equipment in South Florida. While it never got over 100 there with the sea breeze, it was usually in the 90's 9 months of the year.
I was installing a system one day at a house where the occupants were away.
The AC in my truck was broken and I had no access to the house. I had my typical 2 gallons of water and some Gator Aide in a cooler.
It was in the mid 90's and raining on and off. I knew I was in trouble, but kept going, not wanting to leave before getting the water to the house back on.
The job involved some pick and shovel work and, hell, I passed out for probably 10 minutes.
I called my boss and told him what was going on. He offered to come finish up, but as I had maybe 20 minutes left on the job and was 45 minutes from the office, I told him to call me in 15 minutes and if I don't answer, call an ambulance. He agreed and I went back to work.
Another thunderstorm came through and I had to put my phone in the truck to keep it dry. I got the pipes connected and went to the back of the house to flush the system. Joel called. I was too far from the truck to hear the phone.
Ambulance showed up as I was returning his call. We all had a good laugh and I got a couple free Gator Aides from the Paramedics and a "thanks for your dedication, asshole" from Joel.
Derp...I'd have done the same.
You're a good man!

and possibly a fool :D
My ex worked outside doing construction work. I don't know how you guys can do it. I would be throwing up. :lol:
We were each drinking 2 gallons of water /day and minimum a quart of Gator Aide.
You just do it because you have to.

I would be so sick. My ex told me that every year several people would end up going home sick from working in the heat. I guess you get used to it like anything else, but it would not be my choice, that's for sure.
Time for a story...
Before I moved to Alabama, I installed and serviced water purification equipment in South Florida. While it never got over 100 there with the sea breeze, it was usually in the 90's 9 months of the year.
I was installing a system one day at a house where the occupants were away.
The AC in my truck was broken and I had no access to the house. I had my typical 2 gallons of water and some Gator Aide in a cooler.
It was in the mid 90's and raining on and off. I knew I was in trouble, but kept going, not wanting to leave before getting the water to the house back on.
The job involved some pick and shovel work and, hell, I passed out for probably 10 minutes.
I called my boss and told him what was going on. He offered to come finish up, but as I had maybe 20 minutes left on the job and was 45 minutes from the office, I told him to call me in 15 minutes and if I don't answer, call an ambulance. He agreed and I went back to work.
Another thunderstorm came through and I had to put my phone in the truck to keep it dry. I got the pipes connected and went to the back of the house to flush the system. Joel called. I was too far from the truck to hear the phone.
Ambulance showed up as I was returning his call. We all had a good laugh and I got a couple free Gator Aides from the Paramedics and a "thanks for your dedication, asshole" from Joel.
Derp...I'd have done the same.
You're a good man!

and possibly a fool :D
Possibly. But I am about finished with paying for other people who have not bothered with providing their own...

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