USMB Coffee Shop IV

Wide awake...... Not...... Went to bed at 10 last night, was up at 4:30 this morning. Already had a pot of coffee, ready to go back to bed...... :lol:
Good morning everybody. Rough night here but everybody is up. Daughter and SIL packing to go home to California. Our other house guests left before anybody got up headed home to Boulder. House will seem empty very empty in an hour or so.
I have come to the conclusion your job is drinking coffee Ringel...
Generally I only drink coffee in the morning the rest of the day it's Guinness Stout...... Gotta get my nutrients.......

Its been a very long time since I had a Guinness, in fact it has been years since I drank any alcohol. I used to drink larger when I drank. But now I don't even like the stuff. At least Guinness does not blow you out with gas.
I have come to the conclusion your job is drinking coffee Ringel...
Generally I only drink coffee in the morning the rest of the day it's Guinness Stout...... Gotta get my nutrients.......

Its been a very long time since I had a Guinness, in fact it has been years since I drank any alcohol. I used to drink larger when I drank. But now I don't even like the stuff. At least Guinness does not blow you out with gas.
It was a joke. :D I haven't had a Guinness in probably 20 years.
I want my little girl t come back!
90 already in Foley with a heat index of 106. Forecast high of 94. Add that 16 degree heat index bump and we're going to feel like it's 110.
Me too Ernie. We just hugged them goodbye and sent them on their way. They're hoping to make Needles tonight. I hope they stop sooner. They're tired from a very busy week.
Me too Ernie. We just hugged them goodbye and sent them on their way. They're hoping to make Needles tonight. I hope they stop sooner. They're tired from a very busy week.
Jessie should be getting home to Connecticut right about now. She left Thursday morning. I did get to see her car do its Transformer routine as she was leaving.
She drives one of these.
Anybody who has ever been owned by a cat can relate. :)

Me too Ernie. We just hugged them goodbye and sent them on their way. They're hoping to make Needles tonight. I hope they stop sooner. They're tired from a very busy week.
Jessie should be getting home to Connecticut right about now. She left Thursday morning. I did get to see her car do its Transformer routine as she was leaving.
She drives one of these.


(Or Decepticon........?)
Ended up going back to bed, slept until noon. Got up, got the pot roast going (on high), the wife's going through and sorting books, went through more of my books and did some more culling, cleaned the AC filter, did some laps in the pool and right now I'm just chillin'. :thup:

Monday morning I pick up my hearing aids, Monday evening I go in for the CPAP sleep test. Don't know if I mentioned it or not but there are at least 6 different types of CPAP machines the test is to determine which would work best with me.
So I call the doctor's office to report I am in significant distress and could she see me or at least give me a referral to an orthopedic for my injured shoulder. She has to see me before she can give a referral. The earliest available appointment will be September 27!!! So I'll be going to urgent care on Monday. But meanwhile, the calm today is helping because I can kick back and just let things heal. Hombre is off to pick up the pizza we ordered for dinner.

Meanwhile, I think this is so true:

So I call the doctor's office to report I am in significant distress and could she see me or at least give me a referral to an orthopedic for my injured shoulder. She has to see me before she can give a referral. The earliest available appointment will be September 27!!! So I'll be going to urgent care on Monday. But meanwhile, the calm today is helping because I can kick back and just let things heal. Hombre is off to pick up the pizza we ordered for dinner.

Meanwhile, I think this is so true:

Thank God for Obamacare or you'd be in deep doo doo.
Me too Ernie. We just hugged them goodbye and sent them on their way. They're hoping to make Needles tonight. I hope they stop sooner. They're tired from a very busy week.
Jessie should be getting home to Connecticut right about now. She left Thursday morning. I did get to see her car do its Transformer routine as she was leaving.
She drives one of these.


(Or Decepticon........?)

Shows what you know. Decepticons ARE Transformers! :p

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