USMB Coffee Shop IV

The wife had a meeting with HR this afternoon about her complaint. HR had only talked with her supervisor, the director and a Doctor involved in the medical side of Meaningful Use...... all three are friends and covering each others butts. She was told she has the option of resigning or being fired. I contacted an attorney.
The wife had a meeting with HR this afternoon about her complaint. HR had only talked with her supervisor, the director and a Doctor involved in the medical side of Meaningful Use...... all three are friends and covering each others butts. She was told she has the option of resigning or being fired. I contacted an attorney.
Dang, that really sucks, Ringel. After all the searching, and the move to El Paso for the new job. Good luck, hopefully an attorney will at least compel a decent separation package.
The wife had a meeting with HR this afternoon about her complaint. HR had only talked with her supervisor, the director and a Doctor involved in the medical side of Meaningful Use...... all three are friends and covering each others butts. She was told she has the option of resigning or being fired. I contacted an attorney.

That really sucks. :(
Dang, Ringel. I hope the attorney get a huge chunk for you guys. That's bullshit, what they are doing.

Meanwhile..I have my hair all glopped up with coconut oil. Been reading it is the best stuff for the scalp. I have small tiny bb size spots of psoriasis on it and when I sweat it itches like crazy. So...I am trying coconut oil to see if it does better than the RX shampoo the dermatologist gave me.

It started behind my ears. Small lines of it where my ear meets my head. Then it started at the base of my neck. Looks like a light rash but it is psoriasis. Right side of my head near the hairline, another little section started. Saw pics on google and am so glad my head does NOT look like what those poor folks suffer with. Mine is piddly. Like freckles, but flakey. I hope this coconut oil works. AND...I can cook with it too, lol.
The wife had a meeting with HR this afternoon about her complaint. HR had only talked with her supervisor, the director and a Doctor involved in the medical side of Meaningful Use...... all three are friends and covering each others butts. She was told she has the option of resigning or being fired. I contacted an attorney.

That really sucks. :(
We pretty much expected it but hoped HR would actually do it's job. At least we followed procedures which is to our favor if we have a case.
Dang, Ringel. I hope the attorney get a huge chunk for you guys. That's bullshit, what they are doing.

Meanwhile..I have my hair all glopped up with coconut oil. Been reading it is the best stuff for the scalp. I have small tiny bb size spots of psoriasis on it and when I sweat it itches like crazy. So...I am trying coconut oil to see if it does better than the RX shampoo the dermatologist gave me.

It started behind my ears. Small lines of it where my ear meets my head. Then it started at the base of my neck. Looks like a light rash but it is psoriasis. Right side of my head near the hairline, another little section started. Saw pics on google and am so glad my head does NOT look like what those poor folks suffer with. Mine is piddly. Like freckles, but flakey. I hope this coconut oil works. AND...I can cook with it too, lol.

I don't yet have big issues with psoriasis on my head....but I expect it eventually. My psoriasis seems to get a bit worse every year.
Dang, Ringel. I hope the attorney get a huge chunk for you guys. That's bullshit, what they are doing.

Meanwhile..I have my hair all glopped up with coconut oil. Been reading it is the best stuff for the scalp. I have small tiny bb size spots of psoriasis on it and when I sweat it itches like crazy. So...I am trying coconut oil to see if it does better than the RX shampoo the dermatologist gave me.

It started behind my ears. Small lines of it where my ear meets my head. Then it started at the base of my neck. Looks like a light rash but it is psoriasis. Right side of my head near the hairline, another little section started. Saw pics on google and am so glad my head does NOT look like what those poor folks suffer with. Mine is piddly. Like freckles, but flakey. I hope this coconut oil works. AND...I can cook with it too, lol.

I don't yet have big issues with psoriasis on my head....but I expect it eventually. My psoriasis seems to get a bit worse every year.
It started off like dandruff. Thought that was what it was but I never had dandruff before so I knew something was amiss. Went to doc, he said go to dermatologist. Did that and he said psoriasis. Gave me some pink rx shampoo, which helps a lot but then it appeared on the back of my neck. So I googled and bing'd and found that pure coconut oil has anti fungals in it along with anti this and anti figured what the hell. I'll try it. I will shampoo it out at 8pm since I glopped it on at 6 and they said leave it on 2 hours....and continue to treat my scalp every couple of days. That's the plan. Helps that I can cook with it too, and it is good for dry skin. I don't have psoriasis anywhere else..just on my head in small spots. Weird. My sister has it on her arm.
Dang, Ringel. I hope the attorney get a huge chunk for you guys. That's bullshit, what they are doing.

Meanwhile..I have my hair all glopped up with coconut oil. Been reading it is the best stuff for the scalp. I have small tiny bb size spots of psoriasis on it and when I sweat it itches like crazy. So...I am trying coconut oil to see if it does better than the RX shampoo the dermatologist gave me.

It started behind my ears. Small lines of it where my ear meets my head. Then it started at the base of my neck. Looks like a light rash but it is psoriasis. Right side of my head near the hairline, another little section started. Saw pics on google and am so glad my head does NOT look like what those poor folks suffer with. Mine is piddly. Like freckles, but flakey. I hope this coconut oil works. AND...I can cook with it too, lol.

I don't yet have big issues with psoriasis on my head....but I expect it eventually. My psoriasis seems to get a bit worse every year.
It started off like dandruff. Thought that was what it was but I never had dandruff before so I knew something was amiss. Went to doc, he said go to dermatologist. Did that and he said psoriasis. Gave me some pink rx shampoo, which helps a lot but then it appeared on the back of my neck. So I googled and bing'd and found that pure coconut oil has anti fungals in it along with anti this and anti figured what the hell. I'll try it. I will shampoo it out at 8pm since I glopped it on at 6 and they said leave it on 2 hours....and continue to treat my scalp every couple of days. That's the plan. Helps that I can cook with it too, and it is good for dry skin. I don't have psoriasis anywhere else..just on my head in small spots. Weird. My sister has it on her arm.

I have it on my knees and elbows, the tops of my feet and my ankles, in my ears (omg that sucks), the backs of my fingers (which leads to split skin on my knuckles sometimes) and various bits here and there. It runs in my mom's side of the family.
...and my evening's USMB reading started out so nice with thoughts of Chinese food...

Job problems are always frustrating. I have two people that have decided to make my job harder, fortunately I am tougher and smarter than both of them put together. The reality of their situation seems to be hitting them. The worst part for me was one of them I considered my very best friend at work.
Foxy, if you would....could you add my Mom, Dorothy and my aunt Bev to your vigil list. Both are having some serious Kidney/Renal issues right now. My aunt just got hospitalized for the second time in a week and will have to undergo a second surgery. It apparently is quite serious.

My Mom just got diagnosed the possible stage 4 renal disease. More tests to follow. When it rains it pours, right?

Foxy, if you would....could you add my Mom, Dorothy and my aunt Bev to your vigil list. Both are having some serious Kidney/Renal issues right now. My aunt just got hospitalized for the second time in a week and will have to undergo a second surgery. It apparently is quite serious.

My Mom just got diagnosed the possible stage 4 renal disease. More tests to follow. When it rains it pours, right?


So sorry to hear that bad news.
Just a little bit ago the wife asked what she should do about tomorrow, (she has until Friday), she told me that tomorrow and Friday they want her to train one of her co-workers to do her job........ the job her boss claims she (the wife) can't do right.........
I told her to call in sick, what can they do? Fire her? :lmao:
I wouldn't trust HR to be helpful if there are less than 100 employees.

Returning to a work in an environment you claim is hostile probably goes against your position. Stay away.
I have an over the phone interview today, BUT it is for a medical transcription job (which I do now and am kind of wanting to get away from). Apparently they saw my resume on Monster and called me yesterday. Soooo, I'm going to do this interview, but unless it's better than my current job, I will probably not take it.

Weather wise, my gosh, it is so much cooler here today than it's been in the past couple of weeks. Finally the humidity has eased up. I actually had to wear a sweat shirt outside this morning when I went to get my coffee! It like 65 degrees right now and quite breezy. :) Kind of a relief actually, as it has been EXTREMELY humid here lately.
Foxy, if you would....could you add my Mom, Dorothy and my aunt Bev to your vigil list. Both are having some serious Kidney/Renal issues right now. My aunt just got hospitalized for the second time in a week and will have to undergo a second surgery. It apparently is quite serious.

My Mom just got diagnosed the possible stage 4 renal disease. More tests to follow. When it rains it pours, right?


Of course WQ. It is done and both your Mom and Aunt Bev will be on the list tonight. So sorry your beloveds are having those problems. And sometimes it does come at you so fast it is overwhelming. I didn't get the list posted last night--the internet kicked off for a few just about bedtime and in the process the computer started processing a gazillion updates that I didn't have the patience to wait for so I didn't see last evenings posts before this morning.
And good morning everybody.

I have battled psoriasis for a very long time now so I strongly empathize with all of you having to deal with that. And having gone through the toxic work place thing a time or two myself, I know how frustrating and hurtful that can be too.

The monsoon seems to have departed a few days here so bright clear blue skies here this morning. They predict the rains will return by Monday. Everybody but me and the grand dogs are going to the Isotopes game tonight. I elected to stay home with the pups and nurse my sore shoulder.

Another rough night with the shoulder. I have a call in to the doctor.

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