USMB Coffee Shop IV

Being underwater in the dark terrifies me! Just the thought of it... I might be able to snorkel!
I would sky dive IF I could piggyback on someone. I'm afraid I will panic and won't release the parachute... or it just won't work.

At the parachuting club I went to you have to do ten jumps with a static line which opens your chute for you as soon as you leave the plane, before you are allowed to do a free jump where you have to pull the rip cord.
But you do have a reserve chute with a handle to pull if your main chute does not open.

Dear God I hope my husband doesn't see this ^^^^
So, the tree trimmer guy finally shows up and I show him what I want cut down, two old trees behind the shop, one big old tree beside the house, one massive old Maple next to the road that has five main stems to it, and I'm sure he counted that as five trees, and one tall, skinny chinese elm... TWENTY TWO HUNDRED BUCKS! I have a couple logger friends that I could call but, the majority of this job is going to require a bucket truck, and this guy has one. The two old trees behind the shop have huge limbs overhanging the metal roof. They have to be tied off before cut so that they don't fall and poke a hole in my roof, and the old tree next to the house has one big limb overhanging the house roof that needs the same treatment, so I guess there's no getting out of it. Just suck it up, pay it and have it done.
I know I'm jumping the gun by several weeks, but...

Today my order of glow stick necklaces came. I ordered 100 three color glowing necklaces to give to the Trick or Treaters. The kids love them, even though they are not chocolate or otherwise filled with sugar. That's not to say I won't also have a big bowl of Reese Cups handy as well. A kid still has to be a kid, after all. They provide a little extra visibility to the kids as they canvass the neighborhood.

While I was buying glow sticks for the Halloweeners, I ordered 50 glowing necklaces in white for the neighborhood church group that sings Christmas carols. Those I'll deliver to the church which is at the opposite end of the block. It's an active church in the community and a real asset to the neighborhood. Though I cannot support their particular theology, I am grateful for their involvement in the town and our neighborhood.

Late last month while Daisy the Mutt and I were taking our evening constitutional in the park, I was approached by two high school aged girls who invited to attend their church. These girls had a killer confidence coupled with an enthusiasm for their cause all wrapped up in respect and deference. I was pleased to find young people with such outstanding character that I decided to make a gift of white 'halos' for the carolers this yuletide.

Last year, the caroling kids presented me with a set of Christmas cookie cutters and a leaflet describing their church. I had candy canes for them, but if I knew they were coming, I would have prepared a couple gallons of hot chocolate for them as it was pretty damn cold that night. Since it's dark by 4:30 in the afternoon around here in late December, I figure that the safety of a glow stick necklace would be appropriate.

Genius Halloween move Nosmo king, mind if I borrow it?
I know I'm jumping the gun by several weeks, but...

Today my order of glow stick necklaces came. I ordered 100 three color glowing necklaces to give to the Trick or Treaters. The kids love them, even though they are not chocolate or otherwise filled with sugar. That's not to say I won't also have a big bowl of Reese Cups handy as well. A kid still has to be a kid, after all. They provide a little extra visibility to the kids as they canvass the neighborhood.

While I was buying glow sticks for the Halloweeners, I ordered 50 glowing necklaces in white for the neighborhood church group that sings Christmas carols. Those I'll deliver to the church which is at the opposite end of the block. It's an active church in the community and a real asset to the neighborhood. Though I cannot support their particular theology, I am grateful for their involvement in the town and our neighborhood.

Late last month while Daisy the Mutt and I were taking our evening constitutional in the park, I was approached by two high school aged girls who invited to attend their church. These girls had a killer confidence coupled with an enthusiasm for their cause all wrapped up in respect and deference. I was pleased to find young people with such outstanding character that I decided to make a gift of white 'halos' for the carolers this yuletide.

Last year, the caroling kids presented me with a set of Christmas cookie cutters and a leaflet describing their church. I had candy canes for them, but if I knew they were coming, I would have prepared a couple gallons of hot chocolate for them as it was pretty damn cold that night. Since it's dark by 4:30 in the afternoon around here in late December, I figure that the safety of a glow stick necklace would be appropriate.

Genius Halloween move Nosmo king, mind if I borrow it?
Try Glow Universe. They have everything!
So, the tree trimmer guy finally shows up and I show him what I want cut down, two old trees behind the shop, one big old tree beside the house, one massive old Maple next to the road that has five main stems to it, and I'm sure he counted that as five trees, and one tall, skinny chinese elm... TWENTY TWO HUNDRED BUCKS! I have a couple logger friends that I could call but, the majority of this job is going to require a bucket truck, and this guy has one. The two old trees behind the shop have huge limbs overhanging the metal roof. They have to be tied off before cut so that they don't fall and poke a hole in my roof, and the old tree next to the house has one big limb overhanging the house roof that needs the same treatment, so I guess there's no getting out of it. Just suck it up, pay it and have it done.

Ouch. That's painful though. We were lucky. Had an ENORMOUS old apple tree in the back yard that was a royal pain and because it created such a mess for both us and the neighbors finally decided to have it removed. Found a guy who would take it out and remove it in return for keeping the apple wood--prime fireplace wood around here. So it didn't cost us anything. But because firewood is probably much more plentiful in your area, that probably would be an option for your trees.
Good morning all. Hope everybody is having a splendid weekend. The only thing I am doing interesting this weekend is doing a large tri-fold poster for our church ministry fair next weekend.
So, the tree trimmer guy finally shows up and I show him what I want cut down, two old trees behind the shop, one big old tree beside the house, one massive old Maple next to the road that has five main stems to it, and I'm sure he counted that as five trees, and one tall, skinny chinese elm... TWENTY TWO HUNDRED BUCKS! I have a couple logger friends that I could call but, the majority of this job is going to require a bucket truck, and this guy has one. The two old trees behind the shop have huge limbs overhanging the metal roof. They have to be tied off before cut so that they don't fall and poke a hole in my roof, and the old tree next to the house has one big limb overhanging the house roof that needs the same treatment, so I guess there's no getting out of it. Just suck it up, pay it and have it done.
Move to the desert...... no trees...... :D
ChrisL I have seen maybe 20 or 30 times now that clip of the great white shark barely missing the one seal who made it to the beach and the shark then catching a less speedy, less fortunate seal with quite graphic blood and gore obvious.

What so far nobody has mentioned, is that great white was 30 feet off the Massachusetts coast!! Wouldn't you think that should be news?

Nah, it's just a shock. :D Lots of shocks around here.

Holy cow. And people go in the water there? I've read that your chances of getting attacked by a shark are about the same as being hit by lightning. But I don't go stand outside and tempt fate during a lightning storm either.

I go in the water. :) I like to ride the waves. What I don't like to do is go out on a boat and dive off into the deeper water. That is just creepy. Anything could be swimming around down there. When I was about 12, I went for a weekend sailing expedition with my girlfriend and her family. We anchored out in the deep water, and I dove in and it was pitch black and I felt like I just kept going deeper and deeper and the water got colder and colder. It was really kind of frightening, TBH. I swam back to the surface and remained on the boat for the rest of the day. :lol:

Well just be aware I think. The theory is that increased populations and warmer temperatures put more people into the water all the time plus conservation efforts have increased seal and sea lion populations many times over and both situations are creating smorgasbords for sharks, especially in three to six feet of water. More food supply, more sharks. But the most fatal attacks are usually in deeper waters. I understand they are working on a shark repellent that folks would wear like a deodorant to make the person very unappealing to a shark. That seems to be the best answer..

Well, I have only gone to the beach a couple of times this year anyway. :(
Good morning all. Hope everybody is having a splendid weekend. The only thing I am doing interesting this weekend is doing a large tri-fold poster for our church ministry fair next weekend.

My birthday was Monday, but that is not a good day to celebrate, so I'll be going to my auntie's house later on this afternoon for a cookout and some cake and stuff for my birthday. Then, I'm going to raise hell out on the town tonight. :rock::p
ChrisL I have seen maybe 20 or 30 times now that clip of the great white shark barely missing the one seal who made it to the beach and the shark then catching a less speedy, less fortunate seal with quite graphic blood and gore obvious.

What so far nobody has mentioned, is that great white was 30 feet off the Massachusetts coast!! Wouldn't you think that should be news?

Nah, it's just a shock. :D Lots of shocks around here.

Holy cow. And people go in the water there? I've read that your chances of getting attacked by a shark are about the same as being hit by lightning. But I don't go stand outside and tempt fate during a lightning storm either.

I go in the water. :) I like to ride the waves. What I don't like to do is go out on a boat and dive off into the deeper water. That is just creepy. Anything could be swimming around down there. When I was about 12, I went for a weekend sailing expedition with my girlfriend and her family. We anchored out in the deep water, and I dove in and it was pitch black and I felt like I just kept going deeper and deeper and the water got colder and colder. It was really kind of frightening, TBH. I swam back to the surface and remained on the boat for the rest of the day. :lol:

Chickenshit..... :D

When I was in Panama we would go deep sea fishing on the Captains Gig or the Admirals Barge, one was a 25 footer the other a 30 footer. One time we came across a Whale Shark and played with it for about an hour before it finally disappeared. It was longer than the boat and it's head was almost as wide as the boat but they're harmless.


I'm all set with gigantic fish and mammals that live in the sea. :D
Good morning all. Hope everybody is having a splendid weekend. The only thing I am doing interesting this weekend is doing a large tri-fold poster for our church ministry fair next weekend.

My birthday was Monday, but that is not a good day to celebrate, so I'll be going to my auntie's house later on this afternoon for a cookout and some cake and stuff for my birthday. Then, I'm going to raise hell out on the town tonight. :rock::p
Clappy Birthday!!

Uuummmm....... Let me check the spelling and get back to you.
Good morning all. Hope everybody is having a splendid weekend. The only thing I am doing interesting this weekend is doing a large tri-fold poster for our church ministry fair next weekend.

My birthday was Monday, but that is not a good day to celebrate, so I'll be going to my auntie's house later on this afternoon for a cookout and some cake and stuff for my birthday. Then, I'm going to raise hell out on the town tonight. :rock::p

Happy birthday celebration? ;)
Good morning all. Hope everybody is having a splendid weekend. The only thing I am doing interesting this weekend is doing a large tri-fold poster for our church ministry fair next weekend.

My birthday was Monday, but that is not a good day to celebrate, so I'll be going to my auntie's house later on this afternoon for a cookout and some cake and stuff for my birthday. Then, I'm going to raise hell out on the town tonight. :rock::p

Dang it Chris. You were supposed to tell us. I have been dealing with all this medical stuff but will try to put together a birthday calendar for all of us soon, but I do need everybody to fess up when it's their birthday. But belated happy's anyway. . . .

Good morning all. Hope everybody is having a splendid weekend. The only thing I am doing interesting this weekend is doing a large tri-fold poster for our church ministry fair next weekend.

My birthday was Monday, but that is not a good day to celebrate, so I'll be going to my auntie's house later on this afternoon for a cookout and some cake and stuff for my birthday. Then, I'm going to raise hell out on the town tonight. :rock::p

Dang it Chris. You were supposed to tell us. I have been dealing with all this medical stuff but will try to put together a birthday calendar for all of us soon, but I do need everybody to fess up when it's their birthday. But belated happy's anyway. . . .


Aww! Thanks you sweetie! :smiliehug: I don't need anyone to make a big deal out of my b-day though. It's just means I'm another year older now! :razz:
Good morning all. Hope everybody is having a splendid weekend. The only thing I am doing interesting this weekend is doing a large tri-fold poster for our church ministry fair next weekend.

My birthday was Monday, but that is not a good day to celebrate, so I'll be going to my auntie's house later on this afternoon for a cookout and some cake and stuff for my birthday. Then, I'm going to raise hell out on the town tonight. :rock::p

Dang it Chris. You were supposed to tell us. I have been dealing with all this medical stuff but will try to put together a birthday calendar for all of us soon, but I do need everybody to fess up when it's their birthday. But belated happy's anyway. . . .


Aww! Thanks you sweetie! :smiliehug: I don't need anyone to make a big deal out of my b-day though. It's just means I'm another year older now! :razz:

Just the same, it provides an opportunity for folks to show a little extra love. :)

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