USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ha! I have been busy today, at least by my standards as a practicing slob. I got up this morning and decided to work on some of my old computers, and I got one working that has windows 98. You might wonder what I want with a computer running windows 98 but I have a vast amount of software that only runs on it. That includes art software like painter 5, and I also have a lot of games. I also had a hard disk with a huge amount of old text files on it that I have not read for ages. So I have spent the afternoon reading my old stuff.

I have a second hard drive in my Vista machine that runs 98. I need it to run the software for my mp3 player. :p I might be able to do it using virtual PC, but the one time I tried I couldn't install the software from disc onto the virtual drive, so I just stuck it on the second HD.

That's the only thing I have (that I actually use) that requires that old an OS. Old games work fine with Vista, if they are old enough they just go through DOSBox.

You might like a game called 'Egypt 1156 BC' It was written for windows 95 but it works on windows 98
I tried to load it onto windows 7 but it could not even read the disk.
You can download it for free from a number of sites if you do a google for 'Egypt 1156 download'
Ha! I have been busy today, at least by my standards as a practicing slob. I got up this morning and decided to work on some of my old computers, and I got one working that has windows 98. You might wonder what I want with a computer running windows 98 but I have a vast amount of software that only runs on it. That includes art software like painter 5, and I also have a lot of games. I also had a hard disk with a huge amount of old text files on it that I have not read for ages. So I have spent the afternoon reading my old stuff.

I have a second hard drive in my Vista machine that runs 98. I need it to run the software for my mp3 player. :p I might be able to do it using virtual PC, but the one time I tried I couldn't install the software from disc onto the virtual drive, so I just stuck it on the second HD.

That's the only thing I have (that I actually use) that requires that old an OS. Old games work fine with Vista, if they are old enough they just go through DOSBox.

You might like a game called 'Egypt 1156 BC' It was written for windows 95 but it works on windows 98
I tried to load it onto windows 7 but it could not even read the disk.
You can download it for free from a number of sites if you do a google for 'Egypt 1156 download'
Some old games will not load automatically on Win 7, to get them to load (sometimes) is click on game in your CD/DVD player, find the installation/setup application, right click on it and select "run as administrator". Doesn't work all the time but does with some. Also sometimes it will load in Windows 7 using that method but will not run the game so it's a crap shoot at best.
Have a good 20 mph steady wind now. I just finished cleaning leaf debris and sand out of the pool a few days ago............ I could get a cover but they ain't cheap.
The trick is, allow yourself an occasional treat but don't fall back into including such things in a daily diet.

I ate an entire slab of cheese yesterday. I just ate it. I did not put it on bread or anything. I am not supposed to eat cheese because of high cholesterol so I normally don't, but yesterday I cracked.
That's funny, 'cause I bought a goat brie to try it out and ate it "pure"...without benefit of cracker or bread. It was quite tasty if a bit under-ripe.
Winter has arrived. A couple of inches of snow again this week, Sunday night. I confess, I am reconsidering a day job because the commute in on "snow" days is practically unbearable. The weather doesn't bother me, it's the morons I have to share the icy roads with that are at issue.
I'm not sure whether it's a state policy, or an Anchorage policy, or perhaps both, but the news has been publicizing that unless snowfall is 4" or more, they will not be clearing the roads. Wait, am I wrong in thinking that of the innumerable government duties providing safe roads is pretty much at the top of the list?
I drove in snow and blizzards and shit like that when I lived in Iowa. It was awful. Sliding down hills in your car instead of driving down them, learning how to turn those wheels so you don't careen into another car or into a ditch. Brrrr just thinking about it.

No more rain here. Supposed to get back up to the 70's during the day, down to the 50's at night. Ah! Back to normal!
We've been trading rain and snow here. Temps hovering around 32 F make things slickery. I wish it would either freeze or not, but this in-between stuff makes driving perilous. And so many people seem to think that having 4-wheel-drive confers some special super powers on them. Even if the signs say "65 mph", that's actually not mandatory. Really, people should pay attention to road conditions.
Good morning all. We are seeing hard freezes most nights now but still sunny skies as far ahead as the weather gurus will let us look. Today I hope to finish boxing up all the old clothes I've shrunk out of or won't wear for other reasons. But there are very few I will hate to part with. Still not sleeping well at night but hope that too shall pass. It's Wednesday and for today, life is good.
Good morning all. We are seeing hard freezes most nights now but still sunny skies as far ahead as the weather gurus will let us look. Today I hope to finish boxing up all the old clothes I've shrunk out of or won't wear for other reasons. But there are very few I will hate to part with. Still not sleeping well at night but hope that too shall pass. It's Wednesday and for today, life is good.
I've been sleeping great at night lately, don't know what changed over the last couple of weeks but I'm not complaining. :D
Morning everybody!


We will be busy today at our VFW.

Veterans Day in the San Pedro Valley
Benson VFW Post 6271 will hold its annual observance on Veterans Day at 10:30 a.m., at Veterans Memorial Park on Fourth Street. A potluck luncheon at the Post Hall, 233 E. 5th St., will follow the 30-minute ceremony and which is open to the public.
Tonight is supposed to be really chilly, I missed a couple of messages from the HVAC people a couple of days ago when they were in this area and wanted to winterize the swamp coolers and start the furnace. Could be 1 to 2 weeks before they get to us. I figured out how to light the furnace but with the swamp cooler dampers open (they're on the roof) it would be a waste of money to run the heat so for the time being it'll be wear warm clothes in the evening and morning........
Just a quick check-in here. I'm in early for my class and have a few quiet moments before my students arrive. Temps are still hovering at or just below freezing and the roads have just enough ice to be treacherous. At least the mud has frozen solid and the goats aren't wading through the muck.
I've decided what I'm getting my partner for Christmas. Well, OK...I'll be more likely to use it, but I wanted to give a gift that gives back, yanno.
Norwood PortaMill Chain Saw Sawmill | Chainsaw Saw Mills| Northern Tool + Equipment
Tonight is supposed to be really chilly, I missed a couple of messages from the HVAC people a couple of days ago when they were in this area and wanted to winterize the swamp coolers and start the furnace. Could be 1 to 2 weeks before they get to us. I figured out how to light the furnace but with the swamp cooler dampers open (they're on the roof) it would be a waste of money to run the heat so for the time being it'll be wear warm clothes in the evening and morning........
Define: "really chilly".
75 here in Foley at 12:20. Going to call Max and see if he can get by without me for a couple hours. I want to take down one more tree here.
Since I've quit smoking I have a lot of energy and am starting to catch up around here.
It's surprising how hard it is to avoid bumping your fingers on things. I've had a bruise under the fingernail of my right ring finger for a long time. I would really like it to go away, but I find myself hitting the finger on things all the time. I need to get something like a thimble to wear on it until it goes away. :p
Tonight is supposed to be really chilly, I missed a couple of messages from the HVAC people a couple of days ago when they were in this area and wanted to winterize the swamp coolers and start the furnace. Could be 1 to 2 weeks before they get to us. I figured out how to light the furnace but with the swamp cooler dampers open (they're on the roof) it would be a waste of money to run the heat so for the time being it'll be wear warm clothes in the evening and morning........
Define: "really chilly".
It's a respective term, heck it's in the 60s today and people are out in long pants and jackets or medium coats already down here. :lol:
It's surprising how hard it is to avoid bumping your fingers on things. I've had a bruise under the fingernail of my right ring finger for a long time. I would really like it to go away, but I find myself hitting the finger on things all the time. I need to get something like a thimble to wear on it until it goes away. :p
Tonight is supposed to be really chilly, I missed a couple of messages from the HVAC people a couple of days ago when they were in this area and wanted to winterize the swamp coolers and start the furnace. Could be 1 to 2 weeks before they get to us. I figured out how to light the furnace but with the swamp cooler dampers open (they're on the roof) it would be a waste of money to run the heat so for the time being it'll be wear warm clothes in the evening and morning........
Define: "really chilly".
It's a respective term, heck it's in the 60s today and people are out in long pants and jackets or medium coats already down here. :lol:
Yeah, I've been to El Paso this time of year. Many folks up here are in light jackets and it's right around freezing. The heavy gear comes out in the teen temps. Of course, I always have supplemental gear available at work. It's not the cold, it's the wind that just sucks all your warmth away.
I had a unique experience this morning. I instructed the students to break into groups of 2 or 3 in order to work on their lab projects. We weren't in the hangar 15 minutes before one of my students (retired AF 04) complained to me that there were about 8 other students "assisting" his group with their project. So I went over and ran the extras off. They objected that they were going to observe the first group set up the equipment and then they were going to write down the information obtained during the test. No go with me, guys. The idea is to get as many people hands on as possible, so scoot. One student decided to be rude and disrespectful, refusing to leave and telling me that I should be thankful that he's there to teach my class for me. He observed that he was forced to set things up for this group and he'd no doubt set up other groups, as well. He then stormed out of the hangar and refused to come back. Oh, well, his loss. I hold the power of the grade book and I do have the option of taking points for attitude. I'm not the only instructor who gets shit from this guy, and he likes to take on the lab techs and tool room guy, too. I also learned that he filed an OSHA complaint last year because he didn't agree with the NDI (non-destructive inspection) instructor's methodology. Needless to say, he's probably the first student I've taught in 15 years who hasn't totally enjoyed my class.
I am flat out worn out. Been a rough day. Left hand is all crooked inwards and I have been massaging it for hours (at the wrist) and it finally loosened up some. I also took half a vicodin about 3 hours ago..took the other half about half an hour ago. The pain all day has been awful. But...I dealt with it. I think anyone else would have been crying but not me. Almost though. Got a few tears in my eyes but beat them back. The vics finally notched it down some. I also sucked down about 1/2 cup of wine to boot. That helped. Outter wrist and shoots down to my pinky finger then decides will go the other way and shoots up my arm to the elbow. Dayum! Never hurt this bad before so i have no clue what brought on this flare up.

So...I decided I am going to try a mediterranian diet. Been pinning to my pinterest those tht caught my fancy. Hard to do since i am not much of a veggie person and I can't eat nuts or seeds. Howsomever, I did find a few that looked tasty...IF I can get my left hand to work to make the damn things.

And I have fought off sleeping today..but Mayo Clinic says REST..which i have not done. I guess I better rest, eh?

Anywho...I have to use my left hand to type and it is starting to scream again, so.....I'm off to tv land and maybe fall asleep. Thankfully, Pinterest only needs one hand!

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