USMB Coffee Shop IV


I hope you have a restful remainder of the day.

I am flat out worn out. Been a rough day. Left hand is all crooked inwards and I have been massaging it for hours (at the wrist) and it finally loosened up some. I also took half a vicodin about 3 hours ago..took the other half about half an hour ago. The pain all day has been awful. But...I dealt with it. I think anyone else would have been crying but not me. Almost though. Got a few tears in my eyes but beat them back. The vics finally notched it down some. I also sucked down about 1/2 cup of wine to boot. That helped. Outter wrist and shoots down to my pinky finger then decides will go the other way and shoots up my arm to the elbow. Dayum! Never hurt this bad before so i have no clue what brought on this flare up.

So...I decided I am going to try a mediterranian diet. Been pinning to my pinterest those tht caught my fancy. Hard to do since i am not much of a veggie person and I can't eat nuts or seeds. Howsomever, I did find a few that looked tasty...IF I can get my left hand to work to make the damn things.

And I have fought off sleeping today..but Mayo Clinic says REST..which i have not done. I guess I better rest, eh?

Anywho...I have to use my left hand to type and it is starting to scream again, so.....I'm off to tv land and maybe fall asleep. Thankfully, Pinterest only needs one hand!

I find rest is always good, but Dr House says Vicodin is better.

Best Regards,
Yesterday was supposed to end up with a tree laying in my yard. Instead, The small Poulan chain saw that is perfect for climbing trees with, failed to start and run. I could get it to start but it wouldn't keep running. So.... I'll be on a ladder. I can handle the big saw that was serviced last week, right? That won't start at all. Borrowed a saw from a friend. It runs, but dull as hell. I did manage to drop 2 of the 3 limbs that had to come down before I drop the trunk, but ran out of time.
The Husqvarna is back at the saw shop. They have a light weight 30 cc saw for $175........ It's a Husqvarna.... Or I could go to Tractor Supply and get a Johnsered for far too much money.

I hope you have a restful remainder of the day.

I am flat out worn out. Been a rough day. Left hand is all crooked inwards and I have been massaging it for hours (at the wrist) and it finally loosened up some. I also took half a vicodin about 3 hours ago..took the other half about half an hour ago. The pain all day has been awful. But...I dealt with it. I think anyone else would have been crying but not me. Almost though. Got a few tears in my eyes but beat them back. The vics finally notched it down some. I also sucked down about 1/2 cup of wine to boot. That helped. Outter wrist and shoots down to my pinky finger then decides will go the other way and shoots up my arm to the elbow. Dayum! Never hurt this bad before so i have no clue what brought on this flare up.

So...I decided I am going to try a mediterranian diet. Been pinning to my pinterest those tht caught my fancy. Hard to do since i am not much of a veggie person and I can't eat nuts or seeds. Howsomever, I did find a few that looked tasty...IF I can get my left hand to work to make the damn things.

And I have fought off sleeping today..but Mayo Clinic says REST..which i have not done. I guess I better rest, eh?

Anywho...I have to use my left hand to type and it is starting to scream again, so.....I'm off to tv land and maybe fall asleep. Thankfully, Pinterest only needs one hand!

I find rest is always good, but Dr House says Vicodin is better.

Best Regards,

I could use some Vicodin or Perocet right now - physical therapy seems to be making my frozen shoulder worse so I can really REALLY empathize with Gracie putting up with a painful and incapacitating condition. (She's going on the list.)

And a warm Coffee Shop welcome to RoccoR who is here for the first time this morning. Be sure to read over the OP to get the gist of what we're all about in here and drag up a chair and join the family.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

I think I'm going to have to have a heart to heart with my physical therapist and her assistant. What they have been doing the last couple of weeks does not appear to be increasing my range of motion/functionality in my shoulder but it has definitely and significantly increased the continual pain. And I just don't think that is the way it is supposed to be.
Thanks to the Vets that post and read to this thread.

(sorry about being late and neglecting this thread)

Hey Cross, no need to feel guilty or apologize. We're just happy when folks join in. I apologize that I didn't seem to have you on the Coffee Shop roster as you apparently have been here before? But you're there now. :)
Thanks to the Vets that post and read to this thread.

(sorry about being late and neglecting this thread)

Hey Cross, no need to feel guilty or apologize. We're just happy when folks join in. I apologize that I didn't seem to have you on the Coffee Shop roster as you apparently have been here before? But you're there now. :)

I have neglected dropping excuse to neglect being amonst folks on e feels comfortable with....

We are still working on the family bunker...Coming along though...yall take care....

Steadfast and Loyal

I think I'm going to have to have a heart to heart with my physical therapist and her assistant. What they have been doing the last couple of weeks does not appear to be increasing my range of motion/functionality in my shoulder but it has definitely and significantly increased the continual pain. And I just don't think that is the way it is supposed to be.
Something else is going on in there then and it seems the PT they're giving you may actually be counter productive at this point. Yes, always tell the therapist if the pain is getting worse, they should modify your treatment or temporarily stop it altogether if that's what it calls for til more medical testing/examination can be done.

I hope you have a restful remainder of the day.

I am flat out worn out. Been a rough day. Left hand is all crooked inwards and I have been massaging it for hours (at the wrist) and it finally loosened up some. I also took half a vicodin about 3 hours ago..took the other half about half an hour ago. The pain all day has been awful. But...I dealt with it. I think anyone else would have been crying but not me. Almost though. Got a few tears in my eyes but beat them back. The vics finally notched it down some. I also sucked down about 1/2 cup of wine to boot. That helped. Outter wrist and shoots down to my pinky finger then decides will go the other way and shoots up my arm to the elbow. Dayum! Never hurt this bad before so i have no clue what brought on this flare up.

So...I decided I am going to try a mediterranian diet. Been pinning to my pinterest those tht caught my fancy. Hard to do since i am not much of a veggie person and I can't eat nuts or seeds. Howsomever, I did find a few that looked tasty...IF I can get my left hand to work to make the damn things.

And I have fought off sleeping today..but Mayo Clinic says REST..which i have not done. I guess I better rest, eh?

Anywho...I have to use my left hand to type and it is starting to scream again, so.....I'm off to tv land and maybe fall asleep. Thankfully, Pinterest only needs one hand!

I find rest is always good, but Dr House says Vicodin is better.

Best Regards,
I took a tylenol this morning and then slapped some frozen peas on it. Don't know if it was one or the other or both, but it is not throbbing like it was. Even went to the market with Mr Gracie and we bought all kinds of stuff for mediterranian dishes. And fish! Lots of different kinds of fish. And veggies. Just stuff to make things smooth out a tad and see if that helps.
I'm kinda fatigued today that just made me tired. Might take a nap now that I can actually do it without the throb throb throb.

Foxy, your frozen shoulder has lasted WAY too long! I have had it a couple of times and it never lasted more than a month. Someting is going on in there. Maybe ask for an MRI or something? Maybe its some sort of bone spur?
I ate one scrambled egg with Mrs Dash (trying to cut out the salt intake), then laid down and slept for an hour. Then I ate a nice salad only and had some hot green tea. So far, throbs here and there but nothing major. No tears anyway. Whew!

I noticed that if I get "stopped up" and am eating the wrong foods....once the "stopping up" passes, my joints feel better. Which proves my theory and what I have read on google and bing, that foods you eat do affect how your body reacts. So...I'm sticking with veggie and fruit snacks for the rest of the night, and maybe tomorrow for a "fast" to clean everything out of my body. Then, I start the mediterranean diet, (gluten free of course).
I found this on google and bookmarked it. Interesting.

If you scroll down half way, it gives a meal plan menu.

Mediterranean Diet 101: A Meal Plan That Can Save Your Life
The board is not what it was in days gone by. Very personal attacks with increased partisanship and stupidity. Going to take a long break.
The board is not what it was in days gone by. Very personal attacks with increased partisanship and stupidity. Going to take a long break.
Everyone needs a hiatus from time to time. When I feel like you do, Save, I head for pinterest or hang out in here. Hope you decide to ignore the idiocy "out there" cuz I for one would miss you.

I hope you have a restful remainder of the day.

I am flat out worn out. Been a rough day. Left hand is all crooked inwards and I have been massaging it for hours (at the wrist) and it finally loosened up some. I also took half a vicodin about 3 hours ago..took the other half about half an hour ago. The pain all day has been awful. But...I dealt with it. I think anyone else would have been crying but not me. Almost though. Got a few tears in my eyes but beat them back. The vics finally notched it down some. I also sucked down about 1/2 cup of wine to boot. That helped. Outter wrist and shoots down to my pinky finger then decides will go the other way and shoots up my arm to the elbow. Dayum! Never hurt this bad before so i have no clue what brought on this flare up.

So...I decided I am going to try a mediterranian diet. Been pinning to my pinterest those tht caught my fancy. Hard to do since i am not much of a veggie person and I can't eat nuts or seeds. Howsomever, I did find a few that looked tasty...IF I can get my left hand to work to make the damn things.

And I have fought off sleeping today..but Mayo Clinic says REST..which i have not done. I guess I better rest, eh?

Anywho...I have to use my left hand to type and it is starting to scream again, so.....I'm off to tv land and maybe fall asleep. Thankfully, Pinterest only needs one hand!

I find rest is always good, but Dr House says Vicodin is better.

Best Regards,
I took a tylenol this morning and then slapped some frozen peas on it. Don't know if it was one or the other or both, but it is not throbbing like it was. Even went to the market with Mr Gracie and we bought all kinds of stuff for mediterranian dishes. And fish! Lots of different kinds of fish. And veggies. Just stuff to make things smooth out a tad and see if that helps.
I'm kinda fatigued today that just made me tired. Might take a nap now that I can actually do it without the throb throb throb.

Foxy, your frozen shoulder has lasted WAY too long! I have had it a couple of times and it never lasted more than a month. Someting is going on in there. Maybe ask for an MRI or something? Maybe its some sort of bone spur?

I would agree except that I've had xrays and a CTscan and the diagnosis is pretty definite. Plus my good friend, the recently retired E.R. Doc also had this problem and hers was almost 18 months getting cleared up--she's working with me on it as well as the orthopedic and P.T. But I agree with ya'll that P.T. should be improving things, not making them worse. So we'll get it worked out.
The board is not what it was in days gone by. Very personal attacks with increased partisanship and stupidity. Going to take a long break.

I miss many of our friends who used to visit the Coffee Shop almost every day but we can't make people love us and/or some simply have other priorities and we've acquired new friends too and we manage to keep personal attacks and partisanship and stupidity to a minimum in here. Gracie is right that sometimes we do need a break, but you would be missed. You can do what I do--come here to the Coffee Shop to enjoy people and do my political and social issues debating mostly elsewhere.
Last edited:
I ate one scrambled egg with Mrs Dash (trying to cut out the salt intake), then laid down and slept for an hour. Then I ate a nice salad only and had some hot green tea. So far, throbs here and there but nothing major. No tears anyway. Whew!

I noticed that if I get "stopped up" and am eating the wrong foods....once the "stopping up" passes, my joints feel better. Which proves my theory and what I have read on google and bing, that foods you eat do affect how your body reacts. So...I'm sticking with veggie and fruit snacks for the rest of the night, and maybe tomorrow for a "fast" to clean everything out of my body. Then, I start the mediterranean diet, (gluten free of course).
I found this on google and bookmarked it. Interesting.

If you scroll down half way, it gives a meal plan menu.

Mediterranean Diet 101: A Meal Plan That Can Save Your Life
I hadn't taken my fiber for a few days, took some yesterday and with the Mexican cuisine colon cleanse intake over the last two days I think I've dropped at least 10 pounds today alone....... I know my vision has cleared up dramatically........

I hope you have a restful remainder of the day.

I am flat out worn out. Been a rough day. Left hand is all crooked inwards and I have been massaging it for hours (at the wrist) and it finally loosened up some. I also took half a vicodin about 3 hours ago..took the other half about half an hour ago. The pain all day has been awful. But...I dealt with it. I think anyone else would have been crying but not me. Almost though. Got a few tears in my eyes but beat them back. The vics finally notched it down some. I also sucked down about 1/2 cup of wine to boot. That helped. Outter wrist and shoots down to my pinky finger then decides will go the other way and shoots up my arm to the elbow. Dayum! Never hurt this bad before so i have no clue what brought on this flare up.

So...I decided I am going to try a mediterranian diet. Been pinning to my pinterest those tht caught my fancy. Hard to do since i am not much of a veggie person and I can't eat nuts or seeds. Howsomever, I did find a few that looked tasty...IF I can get my left hand to work to make the damn things.

And I have fought off sleeping today..but Mayo Clinic says REST..which i have not done. I guess I better rest, eh?

Anywho...I have to use my left hand to type and it is starting to scream again, so.....I'm off to tv land and maybe fall asleep. Thankfully, Pinterest only needs one hand!

I find rest is always good, but Dr House says Vicodin is better.

Best Regards,

I could use some Vicodin or Perocet right now - physical therapy seems to be making my frozen shoulder worse so I can really REALLY empathize with Gracie putting up with a painful and incapacitating condition. (She's going on the list.)

And a warm Coffee Shop welcome to RoccoR who is here for the first time this morning. Be sure to read over the OP to get the gist of what we're all about in here and drag up a chair and join the family.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:


Apparently I have some Vicodin here. I don't remember getting it -- it's years old, but I came across the bottle cleaning out a shelf. Want me to scan them and post it? ;)

We got wind storms overnight last night, still howling somewhat. They blew my tomatoes off the porch! :eek:
Yes I've still got tomatoes, in mid-November.

Feel better Foxy. :smiliehug:

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