USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.

You can feel free to come do mine any time. :D

You'll have to bring it to chez boe. The reason I enjoy doing laundry is that I get to lounge around in my jammies and robe while goofing off on the interwebs.
Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.

That's a lot of laundry, lady! :D

No kidding. We spent a week visiting mr. boe's folks for Thanksgiving. He brought a ton of stuff - and then dumped all of it, including what he DIDN'T WEAR into the laundry pile.

I will figure out an appropriate payback.
Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.
Can you come fold mine
I'll toss a damp towel in the drier. Should be ready in about an hour.

The Tide face the Florida Gators for the SEC championship at 3 this afternoon. Food and fun at Doc's while watching on the 135" screen
Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.
Can you come fold mine
I'll toss a damp towel in the drier. Should be ready in about an hour.

The Tide face the Florida Gators for the SEC championship at 3 this afternoon. Food and fun at Doc's while watching on the 135" screen

We're going to watch the Warriors game at 2pm. w00t!
Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.

(((Boe))) always a treat when you stop in. And hey, if you find doing laundry helpful, I have a lot here just waiting for you. . . I presume you fold and fluff too?
Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.

(((Boe))) always a treat when you stop in. And hey, if you find doing laundry helpful, I have a lot here just waiting for you. . . I presume you fold and fluff too?

I hate the folding part.

Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.

(((Boe))) always a treat when you stop in. And hey, if you find doing laundry helpful, I have a lot here just waiting for you. . . I presume you fold and fluff too?

I hate the folding part.


I don't mind the folding part as I usually do that in front of the TV and it gives me something to do as just sitting watching TV and not doing something else too is hard for me. It's the hanging up the stuff right out of the dryer at precisely the right time so it doesn't need any ironing part that I hate the most about laundry day.
Hey, did everybody (anybody?) watch the video attached to the Vigil List last night? I just loved that. I love trains anyway and this was especially cool for this time of year. If you missed it, here it is again:

  1. (17th year). Holiday Train
Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.

(((Boe))) always a treat when you stop in. And hey, if you find doing laundry helpful, I have a lot here just waiting for you. . . I presume you fold and fluff too?

I hate the folding part.


I don't mind the folding part as I usually do that in front of the TV and it gives me something to do as just sitting watching TV and not doing something else too is hard for me. It's the hanging up the stuff right out of the dryer at precisely the right time so it doesn't need any ironing part that I hate the most about laundry day.

I air dry most of the laundry - and use the dryer for linens, towels, undies and socks. The rest I toss into the dryer for a few minutes to de-wrinkle, then I hang on drying racks. Clothes last WAY longer this way.
Mornin' all. A serene morning chez boe, sipping cappuccino and doing three weeks' worth of laundry.

I find doing laundry to be rather cathartic.

(((Boe))) always a treat when you stop in. And hey, if you find doing laundry helpful, I have a lot here just waiting for you. . . I presume you fold and fluff too?

I hate the folding part.


I don't mind the folding part as I usually do that in front of the TV and it gives me something to do as just sitting watching TV and not doing something else too is hard for me. It's the hanging up the stuff right out of the dryer at precisely the right time so it doesn't need any ironing part that I hate the most about laundry day.

I air dry most of the laundry - and use the dryer for linens, towels, undies and socks. The rest I toss into the dryer for a few minutes to de-wrinkle, then I hang on drying racks. Clothes last WAY longer this way.

You are probably right and I live in one of the world's best climates for air drying, but alas, I just can't get motivated to do that. Most of our clothes do last long enough for me to get really really tired of/bored with them though. We do have a few items that need an ironing touch up and the dryer can't seem to get the job done. I thought about getting one of those clothes steamers that you can 'iron' something with while it is hanging on its hanger. But for now I just ordered a new ironing board cover to replace the less-than-practical bedsheet I now have pinned around the ironing board.
I don't have a washing machine, so I have to go to the laundry by taxi. It costs five pounds each way and another ten pounds for the machines.
Happy Saturday!

It was warmer a little bit last night, only got down to 32 degrees. :)


I caught the ugliest raccoon ever the other day.

I don't have a washing machine, so I have to go to the laundry by taxi. It costs five pounds each way and another ten pounds for the machines.

I can remember those days and I don't envy you though if you don't have to do it too often, it is manageable. I didn't have a washer/dryer when my first born was born and in those days everybody used cloth diapers, not the disposable kind that is almost universally used now. So that meant a LOT of trips to the laundromat. He got really good sleeping in his bassinet amidst the whir of the washers and dryers. :)

And for years I had a washer but no dryer, so everything was hung outside on the clothesline to dry. I have no desire to return to those times, but admit the clothes dried outdoors in the sun did smell wonderful.
Well in truth, anybody you do business with on line with your credit card could keep your credit card details in their data base and not tell you. At least since Amazon is up front with it, they will advise us if they have been hacked so that we can take measures to change our credit card or whatever. I expect the chances of Amazon being hacked are the same as the credit card company or your bank being hacked.
Agreed. The big online retail markets will have security that is just as good or better than credit card companies. I'm not sure about Amazon but a lot of sites will let you choose whether or not to store your card info.

I wouldn't worry too much about places like Amazon Djjal. I don't know if you play many games, but have you tried getting them from Steam?

What is 42 and 2x4 soup?

Hi CremeBrulee. So happy you found us. First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary welcome beverage and here is yours:


And 42 is a four-handed (two partners play against another set of partners) domino bidding game very popular in west Texas at least. The four of us who play grew up with the game.

2 x 4 soup is two pounds of hamburger browned, drained, and seasoned to taste, 2 cans of minestrome soup, 2 cans of pinto beans, 2 cans of Rotel tomatoes with green chile - combine all--nothing is drained but the hamburger--and heat to piping hot. It sounds weird but even if you dont' care for any of the ingredients by themselves, the combination is terrific. I have yet to find anybody who doesn't like that soup.

The only thing I'd like of the ingredients is the hamburger. I'm pretty sure I'd hate the soup. :)

I bet you wouldn't. The ingredients work so well together that you don't really taste any of them as they are alone, but repurposed they become a whole new thing, and I haven't found anybody, even among the pickiest or finickyest (is that a word?) of eaters, who doesn't like that soup.

I think you underestimate how picky I am. :) I have never met anyone who is as picky an eater as I am. I don't eat seafood, I don't eat nuts, I eat almost no cheese, I eat almost nothing with tomato, I avoid almost all sauces and gravies and dressing. The only beans I eat are green beans. I don't eat chili. There is not a single thing on the menu at, say, Olive Garden that I will eat as is. We went to some Mexican restaurant the other day and I just laughed at the idea I might order something. I have never encountered a type of ethnic food I like; I hate Italian food despite Italian being my most prominent ancestry.

I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast almost every morning. For dinner I prefer meat with almost nothing put on it with basic sides, plain veggies or with butter, mashed potatoes with nothing but salt, like that. When I snack it's usually some form of crackers; I love eating crackers, but only certain kinds. If I could get away with it, health wise, I'd live on nothing but cereal, Cheez Its and Goldfish. :lol:

A soup made with a soup I don't like, combined with beans I don't like, combined with tomatoes with chili I don't like.....I don't see how I could like it. :p

EDIT : I do like a few Chinese food dishes. However, I have always been under the impression that the Americanized Chinese food we eat is not really related to what the actual Chinese eat and shouldn't really count as ethnic food. :lol:

My gosh! You are an adult now. Get out there and try some real food!!! :lol: Live a little!
Agreed. The big online retail markets will have security that is just as good or better than credit card companies. I'm not sure about Amazon but a lot of sites will let you choose whether or not to store your card info.

I wouldn't worry too much about places like Amazon Djjal. I don't know if you play many games, but have you tried getting them from Steam?

What is 42 and 2x4 soup?

Hi CremeBrulee. So happy you found us. First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary welcome beverage and here is yours:


And 42 is a four-handed (two partners play against another set of partners) domino bidding game very popular in west Texas at least. The four of us who play grew up with the game.

2 x 4 soup is two pounds of hamburger browned, drained, and seasoned to taste, 2 cans of minestrome soup, 2 cans of pinto beans, 2 cans of Rotel tomatoes with green chile - combine all--nothing is drained but the hamburger--and heat to piping hot. It sounds weird but even if you dont' care for any of the ingredients by themselves, the combination is terrific. I have yet to find anybody who doesn't like that soup.

The only thing I'd like of the ingredients is the hamburger. I'm pretty sure I'd hate the soup. :)

I bet you wouldn't. The ingredients work so well together that you don't really taste any of them as they are alone, but repurposed they become a whole new thing, and I haven't found anybody, even among the pickiest or finickyest (is that a word?) of eaters, who doesn't like that soup.

I think you underestimate how picky I am. :) I have never met anyone who is as picky an eater as I am. I don't eat seafood, I don't eat nuts, I eat almost no cheese, I eat almost nothing with tomato, I avoid almost all sauces and gravies and dressing. The only beans I eat are green beans. I don't eat chili. There is not a single thing on the menu at, say, Olive Garden that I will eat as is. We went to some Mexican restaurant the other day and I just laughed at the idea I might order something. I have never encountered a type of ethnic food I like; I hate Italian food despite Italian being my most prominent ancestry.

I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast almost every morning. For dinner I prefer meat with almost nothing put on it with basic sides, plain veggies or with butter, mashed potatoes with nothing but salt, like that. When I snack it's usually some form of crackers; I love eating crackers, but only certain kinds. If I could get away with it, health wise, I'd live on nothing but cereal, Cheez Its and Goldfish. :lol:

A soup made with a soup I don't like, combined with beans I don't like, combined with tomatoes with chili I don't like.....I don't see how I could like it. :p

EDIT : I do like a few Chinese food dishes. However, I have always been under the impression that the Americanized Chinese food we eat is not really related to what the actual Chinese eat and shouldn't really count as ethnic food. :lol:

My gosh! You are an adult now. Get out there and try some real food!!! :lol: Live a little!

I don't think living a little is the same as eating disgusting foods. :p

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