USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ah spring in New Mexico. As Chris braces for another snow storm, we enjoy things like this video taken in west Albuquerque this week:

‘Tumbleweed Tornado’ caught on camera in Albuquerque

We're only supposed to get a little snow MAYBE on Sunday. It's in the 60s today. Tomorrow supposed to be in the 50s, and then we are supposed to get some cold on Sunday and a little bit of snow, probably just a dusting which will be gone by next week. That is spring in New England! :)
I think it was in the mid 90s when we had a HUGE snowstorm on April Fool's Day. My boyfriend and I had to drive home in the snow and when we arrived home, our back door had blown open from the wind (which we left unlocked - stupidly), and we had about a foot of snow in our living room. When we got home, our neighbors were in our living room shoveling out snow for us! :lol: Some April Fool's joke, right?
Happy Friday, BTW! :) I have to go run some errands. BBL! :bye1:

7:12 I'm done in. Alarm set for noon got to be in at 1 PM.

I still worry about you Ernie but sleep well while you can.
I sleep when I do... It's the nature of the business. My hours are weird and irregular, but I've been doing it for 2 years now, and I usually deal pretty well with it.
Subject, of course to change due to someone getting sick or holidays and special events, here's my normal schedule.
Monday 12:30 PM to 11 PM or maybe 12 AM
Tuesday 8 PM to roughly 5 AM depending on how dirty the place gets. Off white tile floors look like hell at the end of a rainy day.
Wednesday 3 PM to usually about midnight
Thursday, I'm off. I try my damnedest not to walk through the door of Doc Hollidays on Thursdays. I'm successful about half the time.
Yesterday, I went shopping. I just picked up just under 40 pounds of Boston Butt. I didn't pick up any barbecue sauce because I was certain I had a couple bottles of Stubb's and ingredients to jazz it up honey, cumin cayenne etc. I come home and build a fire with chunk charcoal and in the smoker and rinse and rub a Cajun pork rub I buy from a guy in Baton Rouge on 4 roughly 10 pound chunks of meat and stuff them in the smoker. I watch the smoker temperature for a while, manipulating 4 dampers trying to maintain a 175 degree temperature and sawing split pecan logs into fist size chunks adding the first couple to the charcoal pan.
Happy that I can keep it at 170 to 180, I Grab a cup of coffee and set an alarm on my phone for 1 hour. Drink coffee, grab a snack whatever for an hour until the alarm means I have to check the fire add some charcoal and a couple more chunks of pecan wood. Rinse and repeat for 10 to 12 hours. I like the internal temperature of the pork to be about 150 when the meat comes out of the smoker and that was at the 11 hour mark last night.
So... I set these 4 large chunks of pork on a couple of cutting boards in the kitchen and score the fat on the top side like you would a ham and shake on ore of the special rub and reach for the Stubb's sauce. NO STUBB'S SAUCE. Damnit Have I said my home has been my personal hell for a month?

Off to Walmart. Yes, Walmart is open 24/7 here Grabbed some Stubb's orriginal come home. add some honey, a touch more vinegar some cumin and cayenne and slather it on the pork, wrap everything up in foil and jam it all in a large lidded roaster and put it in the oven at 350 until the temperature reaches 195 degrees which happened at about 6:15 AM.
Unwrap it all and with 2 carving forks, pull it apart.It's great!you cannot lift a butt with gloved hands without it falling apart. You can grab the bone and lift it out clean, but shredding 40 pounds still takes a while. It will sit refrigerated in its own juices until Sunday morning when it will be heated back up and transported to the bar about 10 AM.
I crawled off to bed at 7:11 roughly 17 hours after I went to the store for the meat.
So much for my day off, but dayum that stuff tastes great!
Friday is usually a split day. I'm in about 12:30 or 1 PM to open and out by 4 PM. I usually head back just to hang out about 8 I may stay til midnight, maybe I'll stay and help close up Depends on how I feel. Tonight, I may just stay home. I'm tired
Saturday is a 1 PM to 2 AM day. I may be in and out or doing maintenance or just sitting at the bar.
Sunday is normally a 12:30 to or 10 PM day.

I do it all the time and yes, I did the Boston butt thing for our anniversary on 2/27 and will likely do it monthly all summer.
2 years ago, I was retired, now I'm just tired, but(t) I love it.
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Ernie is a busy busy man.
Can I be nosey and ask if the lady is still bunking in yer house or did she finally leave?

Meanwhile...I hit my bottom last night...or was it enlightenment? Whatever it was....I literally felt like 1000 lbs had been lifted off me. I was sitting outside, smoking half a cig (my usual routine now. I am determined to quit, but it will be a slow process), looking at Orion's belt and BAM! I don't know how to explain it. It was like...I warm blanket fell over my shoulders and in my head was "just stay". That simple. Two words. Just Stay.

So I came inside (it was COLD out there), got on craigslist, looked at rentals HERE and decided wtf. Just Stay. We can do this. Me, MrG, the 2 roomies that already are aware of our tentative situation of staying in this house.....we can just find another one even if we have to pay a little more. Told MrG what happened and he said he was having the same ideas floating in his head...Just Stay.

Took the rent over to the landlord, he never said a word. Just "thank you". So we are good for another month. And thats good enough for us. One month at a time. And when we are given a set date, THEN we start looking for another place. Right here. In this town or this immediate area. 4 people, 3 bedroom house with garage..which will be my room. And if nothing is found, then we Just Stay, even if in our cars.

Feeling so at peace, I slept til noon! Then I painted another dresser. Or rather, am working on it. Sold the other one. Decided I didn't need a dresser after all. Sold most of my fancy clothes so now all I need is a shelf and I have one in my walk-in closet. And thinking now on what color to paint it so it is sitting in the patio room while I muse on it.

Gracie needed to suck it up and let Him handle it. He is. He whispered "Just Stay". So now I can just concentrate on saving up as much as I can so we have the funds to get another house when the time comes. And I'm good with that.:)
Ernie is a busy busy man.
Can I be nosey and ask if the lady is still bunking in yer house or did she finally leave?

Meanwhile...I hit my bottom last night...or was it enlightenment? Whatever it was....I literally felt like 1000 lbs had been lifted off me. I was sitting outside, smoking half a cig (my usual routine now. I am determined to quit, but it will be a slow process), looking at Orion's belt and BAM! I don't know how to explain it. It was like...I warm blanket fell over my shoulders and in my head was "just stay". That simple. Two words. Just Stay.

So I came inside (it was COLD out there), got on craigslist, looked at rentals HERE and decided wtf. Just Stay. We can do this. Me, MrG, the 2 roomies that already are aware of our tentative situation of staying in this house.....we can just find another one even if we have to pay a little more. Told MrG what happened and he said he was having the same ideas floating in his head...Just Stay.

Took the rent over to the landlord, he never said a word. Just "thank you". So we are good for another month. And thats good enough for us. One month at a time. And when we are given a set date, THEN we start looking for another place. Right here. In this town or this immediate area. 4 people, 3 bedroom house with garage..which will be my room. And if nothing is found, then we Just Stay, even if in our cars.

Feeling so at peace, I slept til noon! Then I painted another dresser. Or rather, am working on it. Sold the other one. Decided I didn't need a dresser after all. Sold most of my fancy clothes so now all I need is a shelf and I have one in my walk-in closet. And thinking now on what color to paint it so it is sitting in the patio room while I muse on it.

Gracie needed to suck it up and let Him handle it. He is. He whispered "Just Stay". So now I can just concentrate on saving up as much as I can so we have the funds to get another house when the time comes. And I'm good with that.:)
Yeah, she's still here.... Stuff disappears from the pantry and fridge... not stuff someone would use up all at once.
Ernie is a busy busy man.
Can I be nosey and ask if the lady is still bunking in yer house or did she finally leave?

Meanwhile...I hit my bottom last night...or was it enlightenment? Whatever it was....I literally felt like 1000 lbs had been lifted off me. I was sitting outside, smoking half a cig (my usual routine now. I am determined to quit, but it will be a slow process), looking at Orion's belt and BAM! I don't know how to explain it. It was like...I warm blanket fell over my shoulders and in my head was "just stay". That simple. Two words. Just Stay.

So I came inside (it was COLD out there), got on craigslist, looked at rentals HERE and decided wtf. Just Stay. We can do this. Me, MrG, the 2 roomies that already are aware of our tentative situation of staying in this house.....we can just find another one even if we have to pay a little more. Told MrG what happened and he said he was having the same ideas floating in his head...Just Stay.

Took the rent over to the landlord, he never said a word. Just "thank you". So we are good for another month. And thats good enough for us. One month at a time. And when we are given a set date, THEN we start looking for another place. Right here. In this town or this immediate area. 4 people, 3 bedroom house with garage..which will be my room. And if nothing is found, then we Just Stay, even if in our cars.

Feeling so at peace, I slept til noon! Then I painted another dresser. Or rather, am working on it. Sold the other one. Decided I didn't need a dresser after all. Sold most of my fancy clothes so now all I need is a shelf and I have one in my walk-in closet. And thinking now on what color to paint it so it is sitting in the patio room while I muse on it.

Gracie needed to suck it up and let Him handle it. He is. He whispered "Just Stay". So now I can just concentrate on saving up as much as I can so we have the funds to get another house when the time comes. And I'm good with that.:)
Yeah, she's still here.... Stuff disappears from the pantry and fridge... not stuff someone would use up all at once.
I hope nothing else disappears that is valuable to you. I can't imagine being forced to live with someone you don't wanna live with. That would be like being doomed with a roomie, they not paying, and not leaving.
Then again, I'd just change the locks after taking their stuff outside and let them sue me. :lol:
7:12 I'm done in. Alarm set for noon got to be in at 1 PM.

I still worry about you Ernie but sleep well while you can.
I sleep when I do... It's the nature of the business. My hours are weird and irregular, but I've been doing it for 2 years now, and I usually deal pretty well with it.
Subject, of course to change due to someone getting sick or holidays and special events, here's my normal schedule.
Monday 12:30 PM to 11 PM or maybe 12 AM
Tuesday 8 PM to roughly 5 AM depending on how dirty the place gets. Off white tile floors look like hell at the end of a rainy day.
Wednesday 3 PM to usually about midnight
Thursday, I'm off. I try my damnedest not to walk through the door of Doc Hollidays on Thursdays. I'm successful about half the time.
Yesterday, I went shopping. I just picked up just under 40 pounds of Boston Butt. I didn't pick up any barbecue sauce because I was certain I had a couple bottles of Stubb's and ingredients to jazz it up honey, cumin cayenne etc. I come home and build a fire with chunk charcoal and in the smoker and rinse and rub a Cajun pork rub I buy from a guy in Baton Rouge on 4 roughly 10 pound chunks of meat and stuff them in the smoker. I watch the smoker temperature for a while, manipulating 4 dampers trying to maintain a 175 degree temperature and sawing split pecan logs into fist size chunks adding the first couple to the charcoal pan.
Happy that I can keep it at 170 to 180, I Grab a cup of coffee and set an alarm on my phone for 1 hour. Drink coffee, grab a snack whatever for an hour until the alarm means I have to check the fire add some charcoal and a couple more chunks of pecan wood. Rinse and repeat for 10 to 12 hours. I like the internal temperature of the pork to be about 150 when the meat comes out of the smoker and that was at the 11 hour mark last night.
So... I set these 4 large chunks of pork on a couple of cutting boards in the kitchen and score the fat on the top side like you would a ham and shake on ore of the special rub and reach for the Stubb's sauce. NO STUBB'S SAUCE. Damnit Have I said my home has been my personal hell for a month?

Off to Walmart. Yes, Walmart is open 24/7 here Grabbed some Stubb's orriginal come home. add some honey, a touch more vinegar some cumin and cayenne and slather it on the pork, wrap everything up in foil and jam it all in a large lidded roaster and put it in the oven at 350 until the temperature reaches 195 degrees which happened at about 6:15 AM.
Unwrap it all and with 2 carving forks, pull it apart.It's great!you cannot lift a butt with gloved hands without it falling apart. You can grab the bone and lift it out clean, but shredding 40 pounds still takes a while. It will sit refrigerated in its own juices until Sunday morning when it will be heated back up and transported to the bar about 10 AM.
I crawled off to bed at 7:11 roughly 17 hours after I went to the store for the meat.
So much for my day off, but dayum that stuff tastes great!
Friday is usually a split day. I'm in about 12:30 or 1 PM to open and out by 4 PM. I usually head back just to hang out about 8 I may stay til midnight, maybe I'll stay and help close up Depends on how I feel. Tonight, I may just stay home. I'm tired
Saturday is a 1 PM to 2 AM day. I may be in and out or doing maintenance or just sitting at the bar.
Sunday is normally a 12:30 to or 10 PM day.

I do it all the time and yes, I did the Boston butt thing for our anniversary on 2/27 and will likely do it monthly all summer.
2 years ago, I was retired, now I'm just tired, but(t) I love it.

I guess so. I got tired just reading your schedule.
What am I doing here?


No time to chat, anyone have a spare flame thrower tip, mine seems to have burnt off.
Good morning all. It is a beautiful but chilly--35 degrees at our house at this hour--morning in Albuquerque. The dinner party went well last night. All were well fed on our house specialty potato salad, cole slaw, orange blossom salad, and bar-b-que sliders and we had a good time well into the evening.

Yesterday I posted a link to a video of our 'tumbleweed tornado' in west Albuquerque. But our massive crop of tumbleweeds in Albuquerque has also made the national news and is going viral:

TRENDING: Colorado officer narrowly avoids hit by speeding SUV; Mountain of tumbleweed grows in New Mexico

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