USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been kinda busy all day and now I have to go to Wally World. Waiting till 10 so hopefully all the family reunions in the aisles will be over with and I'll actually be able to shop without having to make long detours and waiting in aisle traffic jams........
That moment you get the tater tots just right in the oven:

Here's a hint......

There are cooking instructions on the container.......

You can thank me later........ :D
That moment you get the tater tots just right in the oven:

Here's a hint......

There are cooking instructions on the container.......

You can thank me later........ :D

I know from experience that the cooking instructions on the package can be notoriously imprecise. They formulate those instructions using their ovens, and every oven is different.

I've learned that cooking food in ovens requires a more...human touch. Cooking is an art, not a science!
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It is snowing like crazy, windy, cold, and absolutely miserable today. :rolleyes: I went out to get myself a coffee, and brrrrrr. Had to warm up my car and clean it off. A very BIG annoyance, considering it's April 3!!!
63 here right now, looking at a high of about 75. It's clear and sunny, thankfully. We have a crawfish boil at Doc's and most of the eating will be outside. THIS is some messy eating! but oh, so good!
It is snowing like crazy, windy, cold, and absolutely miserable today. :rolleyes: I went out to get myself a coffee, and brrrrrr. Had to warm up my car and clean it off. A very BIG annoyance, considering it's April 3!!!
63 here right now, looking at a high of about 75. It's clear and sunny, thankfully. We have a crawfish boil at Doc's and most of the eating will be outside. THIS is some messy eating! but oh, so good!

We're at 53 with a high of 68 today. It's supposed to be clear and sunny here as well. I mowed the lawn yesterday, this spring weather has the weeds, er, grass, growing again.
It is snowing like crazy, windy, cold, and absolutely miserable today. :rolleyes: I went out to get myself a coffee, and brrrrrr. Had to warm up my car and clean it off. A very BIG annoyance, considering it's April 3!!!

See? I told you that you were facing snow this weekend. You need to believe Mama Fox. :) (Actually I just got lucky but we won't tell anybody that.) But sorry about your snowstorm. We have had that in April too and it just feels so wrong.
A bit warmer here today--we're in the mid 40's at this hour--but could get as warm as 70 today which is normal for this time of year. No snow or rain or anything in sight for us. But maybe blessedly we won't have wind today.
Someone dynamited the tunnel for me this morning. I worked a shift to cover a co-worker who had to attend family issues back East. While preparing to go home, the supervisor asked me whether I knew my partner would be working later, or not. Seems the partner fell off a ladder at his night job and was having x-rays done on his foot/ankle. He hadn't called me so I tried to call him and got no answer. Well, long story, short, it seems his 8 ft ladder fell out from under him, he landed on his feet and probably shattered his ankle. They did an MRI this afternoon and he has an appointment with his doctor tomorrow morning to find out the verdict. He cannot drive any of the manual trucks and the automatic transmission truck is in the shop. He's ensconced on my sofa, ankle crusted in ice, whining like a baby about how much it hurts. He's maxed out his pain meds and I will not let him have more. I've taken the night off from work to help him out.
Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, someone dynamites the thing...

Your frustration comes through loud and clear. He is blessed to have you as a friend.
Things have improved a bit, and thanks, Foxy. it is difficult for both of us. We each live alone and thrive like that. We tried the roommate route once and it didn't work out. It got a lap table and one of those adult coloring books for him and will be rigging the DVD player so he doesn't have to get up to change disks. He's good about not complaining about the food, too. But that passive-aggressive thing of his is going to require lots of extra patience. Do they sell patience on Amazon?
My landlords want to put in central heating, because the government has a scheme that subsidies it. But I told them I don't want it, because for one thing I have a library with wall to wall books and no place for a radiator.
In any case I just heat one room with a portable gas heater, and central heating would cost a lot more to run.

The weather has broken here and I probably won't need much heating now until next winter.

I won £25 on the lotto yesterday and £6 on the euro millions on Friday. I am still hoping for a big win, but I doubt I will get one. I got five numbers in 1998 and that was £1182 but I have paid it all back by now.
It is snowing like crazy, windy, cold, and absolutely miserable today. :rolleyes: I went out to get myself a coffee, and brrrrrr. Had to warm up my car and clean it off. A very BIG annoyance, considering it's April 3!!!

See? I told you that you were facing snow this weekend. You need to believe Mama Fox. :) (Actually I just got lucky but we won't tell anybody that.) But sorry about your snowstorm. We have had that in April too and it just feels so wrong.

Though it was snowing pretty good, we really didn't get much accumulation. That's a good thing. It'll probably be gone by next week.
It is snowing like crazy, windy, cold, and absolutely miserable today. :rolleyes: I went out to get myself a coffee, and brrrrrr. Had to warm up my car and clean it off. A very BIG annoyance, considering it's April 3!!!
63 here right now, looking at a high of about 75. It's clear and sunny, thankfully. We have a crawfish boil at Doc's and most of the eating will be outside. THIS is some messy eating! but oh, so good!

Stop teasing me, Ernie!! :meow:
Daughter has her first real crush of the " I must see him as much as possible" type. Met him at work. He's a sr at a different HS while she is a jr. He goes into the Marines next Fall and is planning a law enforcement career from what I've been told. Haven't met him yet, wife does the orig meet and greets, she was impressed. I usually wait til later........

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