USMB Coffee Shop IV

This is one of the many things that makes fishing fun.

I see what you mean, that fish has a strange tan line.
Okay, just woke up from a 3 hour "nap", musta needed it. Now about 2 minutes after I posted the last post the wife blurts out a rather sardonic laugh. They already sent her a thanks, no thanks email........ all of that for naught.

So sorry Ringel. I was really hoping that one would work for you. But the right job is out there. I just know it. That ex-boss from hell isn't sabotaging you is he?
Date night for Sherry and me tonight. We went to a seafood place on the Gulf Coast. Sat at a table outside right near the water. The food was great....(loved the seafood bisque). Sherry got the fish and chips and, of course, had a strawberry daiquiri. :)


The Temp was about 80 with a nice breeze. People who hate Florida are nuts. :lol:

Luv ya Sherry. :smiliehug:


We're just livin' the life, baby.;) I'm so lucky to have a guy who still loves wooing me.:smiliehug:

Well you two deserve each other and I mean that in a good way. And I fully expect that years on down the line you will still be making posts like this. Also happy to have the two of you back in the Coffee Shop. :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
Peach and her family for comfort,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

Okay, just woke up from a 3 hour "nap", musta needed it. Now about 2 minutes after I posted the last post the wife blurts out a rather sardonic laugh. They already sent her a thanks, no thanks email........ all of that for naught.

So sorry Ringel. I was really hoping that one would work for you. But the right job is out there. I just know it. That ex-boss from hell isn't sabotaging you is he?
No she isn't. The biggest problem we run into is we both have worked contracts for over 10 years and it was (up until 2012) very lucrative. Now she's looking for something more permanent and stable and that's always a question that comes up, "why do you want to quit contracting?" So it's obviously a concern to the employer. That and her biggest issue is she's typically so overqualified for most of these positions they think she may move on at the first hint of more money. Heck we're looking to settle down somewhere preferably here in the southwest, seems the high desert is kinda growing on both of us. :D
Date night for Sherry and me tonight. We went to a seafood place on the Gulf Coast. Sat at a table outside right near the water. The food was great....(loved the seafood bisque). Sherry got the fish and chips and, of course, had a strawberry daiquiri. :)


The Temp was about 80 with a nice breeze. People who hate Florida are nuts. :lol:

Luv ya Sherry. :smiliehug:


We're just livin' the life, baby.;) I'm so lucky to have a guy who still loves wooing me.:smiliehug:
I wooed my wife the other day, cleaned out the vacuum........
Date night for Sherry and me tonight. We went to a seafood place on the Gulf Coast. Sat at a table outside right near the water. The food was great....(loved the seafood bisque). Sherry got the fish and chips and, of course, had a strawberry daiquiri. :)


The Temp was about 80 with a nice breeze. People who hate Florida are nuts. :lol:

Luv ya Sherry. :smiliehug:


We're just livin' the life, baby.;) I'm so lucky to have a guy who still loves wooing me.:smiliehug:

Well you two deserve each other and I mean that in a good way. And I fully expect that years on down the line you will still be making posts like this. Also happy to have the two of you back in the Coffee Shop. :)
Who woulda thunk I would wind up adoring both of these two people?:smiliehug:
WQ, I feel so bad for our past head bumpings. But..I like to think that one thing leads to another and maybe head bumps pushed you into the direction of Sherry and now you are so happy and not so sad and lonely any more. You found the love of your life. I am so happy about that. And so sorry for any past miscommunications.

Sherry, you have always been a power gal. Smart, funny, witty, and a pleasure. I always loved seeing you around and posting alongside with.

I guess just seeing you two together..and married...just gives me a case of the happies. :)
So how many people would get excited about a cement mixer? Well, I am. Went to an auction done by the cousins and scored a pretty decent mixer. The barrel and bushings and drive mechanism are all in great shape, and the rest just needs a little of my TLC magic. The motor has to be moved because it doesn't belong where it is, and it needs a new cord, and it needs some kind of retractable leveling foot, moving handles and a tow tongue all fabricated, and should be cleaned up and painted. Will look a lot different by the time I'm done with it, then I'll put it to work. Been looking for a decent cement mixer for about 3 years now. I have projects that require cement all around here, and wasn't going to have a huge truck back onto the property and sink huge tire ruts all over, and I didn't want to mix one bag at a time in a wheel barrow with a hoe. I'm all set now...


WQ, I feel so bad for our past head bumpings. But..I like to think that one thing leads to another and maybe head bumps pushed you into the direction of Sherry and now you are so happy and not so sad and lonely any more. You found the love of your life. I am so happy about that. And so sorry for any past miscommunications.

Sherry, you have always been a power gal. Smart, funny, witty, and a pleasure. I always loved seeing you around and posting alongside with.

I guess just seeing you two together..and married...just gives me a case of the happies. :)

Gracie, I have always considered you a friend. So has Sherry. :smiliehug: We have both been through the divorce rodeo with crazy ex-spouses (and I do mean crazy). We know how lucky we are. Thank you for the kind words. :)
So how many people would get excited about a cement mixer? Well, I am. Went to an auction done by the cousins and scored a pretty decent mixer. The barrel and bushings and drive mechanism are all in great shape, and the rest just needs a little of my TLC magic. The motor has to be moved because it doesn't belong where it is, and it needs a new cord, and it needs some kind of retractable leveling foot, moving handles and a tow tongue all fabricated, and should be cleaned up and painted. Will look a lot different by the time I'm done with it, then I'll put it to work. Been looking for a decent cement mixer for about 3 years now. I have projects that require cement all around here, and wasn't going to have a huge truck back onto the property and sink huge tire ruts all over, and I didn't want to mix one bag at a time in a wheel barrow with a hoe. I'm all set now...



Well congratulations on your new cement mixer and of course you're excited about it. You're a guy. Guys are like that. Hombre gets excited over a new hammer.
For $100k I would stay more than a month. A month would be a piece of cake. All I would need would be some drawing/painting materials, my guitar, some good books, some writing material, a fishing pole. I would prefer it not to be hurricane season, but wow. . .I could do this easily.

Good morning all. Overcast here, a shower possible. Looks like we're entering into a wetter period--that is relative for us of course as a few sprinkles is considered wet here--and much cooler--back down into the 50's and low 60's for the next several days. I'm figuring this is our last spring cold snap.

Hope everybody is well and looking forward to a good Thursday. The weekend approaches.
So how many people would get excited about a cement mixer? Well, I am. Went to an auction done by the cousins and scored a pretty decent mixer. The barrel and bushings and drive mechanism are all in great shape, and the rest just needs a little of my TLC magic. The motor has to be moved because it doesn't belong where it is, and it needs a new cord, and it needs some kind of retractable leveling foot, moving handles and a tow tongue all fabricated, and should be cleaned up and painted. Will look a lot different by the time I'm done with it, then I'll put it to work. Been looking for a decent cement mixer for about 3 years now. I have projects that require cement all around here, and wasn't going to have a huge truck back onto the property and sink huge tire ruts all over, and I didn't want to mix one bag at a time in a wheel barrow with a hoe. I'm all set now...


There's nothing as sweet as finding what you want at an auction. Well done!

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