USMB Coffee Shop IV

Damn Ernie remind me never to play poker with you... Glad you had a good night. How far away from you is the Flora-bama? Try not to work to hard...
My bar is 20 miles WNW of Flori-bama, maybe more if you avoid the $3.50 toll on Beach Express. I live 4 miles east of Doc Holliday's.
We play Monday and Wednesday at 6 PM. The game is pretty friendly and we have anywhere from 12 to as many as 26 players. Pot is generally $600 to $1,000 and pays the top 5.
Are you close by?
No Ernie I am 800+ miles away. I have no poker skills and very little luck so probably will not catch me playing with fellars like you. Thanks for the offer though.
Been in the 80s all day and nary a cloud in sight all day long. A cold front is expected this weekend........ temps in the 70s...... but high winds. 90s Thursday and Friday, good thing they came by yesterday and switch off the furnaces and hooked up the swamp coolers. :thup:
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Nothing too athletic, the views of Denali sound great. My husband votes for the zoo over the natural animal park.. I don't really care, just someplace I haven't been before and we have zoos here.
OK, zoo it is. You'll actually see more indigenous critters, just in a less natural setting. Dinner downtown in a decent restaurant. Let me know what kind of chow you all prefer. I was looking at a nice river raft trip. I took my parents on a nice half-day float years ago, and I had my arm in a cast then. It all depends on how much time you guys have.

Apparently, we have all day, I'm really looking forward to meeting you in person, you'll be the highlight of our trip.
Looks like we will be in Anchorage on May 30th, all day. What shall we do???
Excellent! That's a regular day off and no school, so I have all day. There's a zoo, or a more natural animal park. We might drive to Talkeetna for the views of Denali, if you haven't had that pleasure yet. Of course, weather can be a factor. What kind of things interest y'all?

Nothing too athletic, the views of Denali sound great. My husband votes for the zoo over the natural animal park.. I don't really care, just someplace I haven't been before and we have zoos here.

But I would imagine you would have to walk the zoo--making it through our Rio Grande Zoo here is a pretty good hike. Most natural animal parks you can drive through.

You make an excellent point. I'd prefer the natural animal park anyway, hubby is just afraid the animals are going to attack. :D
We should be more systematic about locking up the dealership at night. Everything gets checked, but often someone has locked a door already and you push too hard, or it turns out to be unlocked and you almost go flying out the door.
Yes actually, forgot that one. Can't make salsa and pico de gallo without it!

It doesn't really have much flavor to me, so I don't use it often.
There's some kind of beetle up here, looks like a Japanese beetle, when you crush it, it smells just like cilantro. I have to confess, I've not made a taste test.
When I was stationed in Korea in 63-64 the women would pick lice out of one another's hair, crack it between their thumbnails and lick it off and swallow it. I never got a chance to smell mashed lice though.

That goes on in many Oriental countries. It's just that Korean women were the ones I saw do it.You can hear that louse pop clear across the room.

That is so gross. Thanks for sharing. :eek:
I rarely use all called for in a lot of recipes but there are a few that are absolutely necessary. Which do you grow?

I like to grow thyme (or rosemary - they taste similar to me), basil, sage, parsley. :) I did it a couple of summers ago. I'm thinking about doing it again this summer.
No 'see-lan-troe'... ?

Yes actually, forgot that one. Can't make salsa and pico de gallo without it!

It doesn't really have much flavor to me, so I don't use it often.
There's some kind of beetle up here, looks like a Japanese beetle, when you crush it, it smells just like cilantro. I have to confess, I've not made a taste test.

We have bugs that we call stink bugs around here. People say they stink when you crush them, but I've never crushed one in the house, nor bothered to smell them. :lol:
I rarely use all called for in a lot of recipes but there are a few that are absolutely necessary. Which do you grow?

I like to grow thyme (or rosemary - they taste similar to me), basil, sage, parsley. :) I did it a couple of summers ago. I'm thinking about doing it again this summer.
No 'see-lan-troe'... ?

Yes actually, forgot that one. Can't make salsa and pico de gallo without it!

It doesn't really have much flavor to me, so I don't use it often.
... whaaaaaaaaaaaat? :lol:

What? I don't think cilantro has much flavor. It tastes like parsley to me. :dunno: I use such things as a garnish or for some color in most instances.
In southern Indiana we really get the crappy side of seasons on both sides.
Even though we are far north of the Gulf, it is the main driver of the weather here. So in the summer it is plenty humid. Nothing to be 90 degrees with a dewpoint 70 or above. It's like hot soup.
Winters are wildly all over the place here. We will often get a 70 degree day in December...but within 24 hrs it could be in the teens with freezing rain.
The best time here is the fall, but it is painfully brief. We have legendary fall weather here, with people visiting parks here from all over the U.S. In September we can have low humidity, breezy 70 degree days down in the 50's at night for the entire month and into October. So we may only get 30-40 really nice weather days a year. :(
When I retire, I am absolutely moving elsewhere...just not sure where.

We have a terribly long winter season and a short but very hot and humid summer season here. I would like for our summers to be a bit longer and winters to be shorter though. Summer goes by very quickly.

It's been rainy and overcast this week so far. It's supposed to be rainy all week and into the weekend, at least that is the forecast now, but as Mark Twain said, if you don't like the weather in New England, wait a minute. :D

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