USMB Coffee Shop IV

Once again headed back up to Albuquerque Wednesday to look at rentals, hopefully some of the ones we have earmarked will still be available. One we really liked we found out they want a $400 per pet nonrefundable deposit, that would be $800 for two cats...... Told em were to stuff it.

Good morning coffee shop! :D


Rich in spirit and friends shall suffice.
Mornin', all!
What's up with Ernie, Foxfyre? "Especially Ernie" on your prayer list? The search function isn't working this morning and I haven't time to read through.....

He has a broken leg and is kind of laid up at the moment.
I know. What I was wondering was .... has he had a set back?
Tonight I am especially thinking of peach174, boedicca, and Ernie S.and hope things are better with all.
Mornin', all!
What's up with Ernie, Foxfyre? "Especially Ernie" on your prayer list? The search function isn't working this morning and I haven't time to read through.....

He has a broken leg and is kind of laid up at the moment.
I know. What I was wondering was .... has he had a set back?
Tonight I am especially thinking of peach174, boedicca, and Ernie S.and hope things are better with all.

I hope not!
Good morning, having a bad day because I didn't sleep well. My vitamin D was low also Gracie, doc told me to double the dose I was taking.

My problem is I forget to take it.

Foxfyre ...I sometimes make an almond milk and chia seed type pudding and eat it for breakfast..think I'll do that for tomorrow, it has to sit for a few hours.

Have a great day all!
Ahem...last time I looked, almonds didn't have mammary glands and are therefore incapable of producing milk. If you are consuming almond "milk", you are drinking an extract from almonds.
Ya need a more powerful magnifying glass to see em............... :eusa_whistle:
I'm looking through open window, breathing a fresh but warm air and seeing lights from planes in Sheremetievo... Damn, I want to travel too, but sitting all day here, having headache like Pontius Pilate and there are no Jesus to save me now... :))

So you made it to the city I presume in good shape Sbiker?. Sorry about the headache. Hopefully it was short lived. Are you working there yet? If not we'll hope for good fortune and prosperity for you so that you will be able to travel as you wish.

Yes, offcourse, I'm working here and now having breakfast before the job. 1st of May was a holiday, but major May holidays this year are from 6th till 9th... I have a beautiful view from window where I live, to the Sheremetievo airport direction, especially at nights... If you decide to visit Moscow, I could see, how you arrive :)

Ah I didn't see this last night but it sounds like you are enjoying it there? My brain doesn't compute time differences easily. Last night I was getting ready for bed and you were having breakfast ready to start your day. This morning I am having a late breakfast and I think it is almost 7 p.m. there so you are probably having dinner.

And it is coming up on midnight at esthermoon's house. And I think of you as living east and her living west but looking at the world map, she is as far east of you as you are east of us and she lives twice as far from the U.S. as you do. And that doesn't compute to me. I have to go study our world globe a bit to unscramble it in my head. But here in the Coffee Shop it seems we aren't divided by distance at all. :)

I would love to visit Moscow though. Russia has been on my longer to do list for a long time. In Moscow proper I would love a tour of the great architecture there and I understand that your Metro subway system is an art form in itself--quite beautiful.

Our local Museum of Natural History featured a live owl exhibit over Easter week last month. Hombre and I stayed home and babysat the dogs (a pomperanian, a chihuahua, and our Carly the mini doxie who is temporarily living with us.) But our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter went to see it and said it was amazing. They were allowed to have the owls sit on their arms etc.
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Mornin', all!
What's up with Ernie, Foxfyre? "Especially Ernie" on your prayer list? The search function isn't working this morning and I haven't time to read through.....

Ernie had a serious accident that pretty well shattered his leg that had to be fixed with a lot of wires and ins and he has had a lot of pain in the slow recovery.

My comment last night was due to him not posting for several days.
Note to ridgerunner... I will be in Honolulu from July 1 to July 25. Maybe our paths will cross. If you wear a penguin outfit maybe I will be able to pick you out as you walk down the street. I will dress like an otter and wear a top hat. I'll wear a purple bow tie so I should be easy to pick out in a crowd. Look for me.
Good morning coffee shop! :D


Rich in spirit and friends shall suffice.

It's true, but to correct spirit for the money, you have, much more hard, than earn money, needed to feed your spirit of richness :)

p.s. If I've made mistakes in this phrase, please, correct me! :)

:) Since I'm not 100% sure how you intended to say it, I wouldn't correct a single word. I think I get the gist. Another way of saying it is that money doesn't make you more rich in spirit than being poor, but it sure helps. :)
My sister in law and MrGs brother are going to Anchorage May 24th. His son lives in Hawaii and knows his dad has always had a dream of being in alaska fishing. So...this is his last hurrah combined with his birthday present. My sister in law doesn't want to go but will. I told her it will probably still be cold May 24th, so be prepared. I feel badly for Anchorage with her loose in town. Loud, brash, dumb, tacky.
Define 'cold'? Late May is one of my favorite times of year, actually. The temps are moderate (high-50's) and the place hasn't been overrun with tourists yet. Loud, brash, dumb, and tacky?...She'll fit right in with Alaskans, then. Where are they going fishing? Which outfitter have they booked? If they need assistance, you have my number, Gracie.
Yeah. She will learn to keep her yapper shut or find an alaskan fist in her mouth.
Nah, we're a pretty tolerant bunch, generally. Depending on her politics, she might want to tone down some opinions, though. And remind her, we are an open-carry/concealed carry state. What kind of food does she like to eat? There are some really good places downtown but warn her about the sticker shock. Things here can be a bit more dear than other places.
Good morning, having a bad day because I didn't sleep well. My vitamin D was low also Gracie, doc told me to double the dose I was taking.

My problem is I forget to take it.

Foxfyre ...I sometimes make an almond milk and chia seed type pudding and eat it for breakfast..think I'll do that for tomorrow, it has to sit for a few hours.

Have a great day all!
Ahem...last time I looked, almonds didn't have mammary glands and are therefore incapable of producing milk. If you are consuming almond "milk", you are drinking an extract from almonds.
Ya need a more powerful magnifying glass to see em............... :eusa_whistle:
I can't imagine milking them, then. Must need tweezers...

Our local Museum of Natural History featured a live owl exhibit over Easter week last month. Hombre and I stayed home and babysat the dogs (a pomperanian, a chihuahua, and our Carly the mini doxie who is temporarily living with us.) But our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter went to see it and said it was amazing. They were allowed to have the owls sit on their arms etc.
It's always a treat to come into close contact with big raptors. We have a raptor rehabilitation outfit up here. They take in injured eagles, owls, hawks, etc and if they can heal them and release them again they do. Unfortunately, not all of the birds they take in can be released, so they train them and take them on the road as educational "displays". They carry them around in airline kennels, that was surprising.
Good morning, having a bad day because I didn't sleep well. My vitamin D was low also Gracie, doc told me to double the dose I was taking.

My problem is I forget to take it.

Foxfyre ...I sometimes make an almond milk and chia seed type pudding and eat it for breakfast..think I'll do that for tomorrow, it has to sit for a few hours.

Have a great day all!
Ahem...last time I looked, almonds didn't have mammary glands and are therefore incapable of producing milk. If you are consuming almond "milk", you are drinking an extract from almonds.
Ya need a more powerful magnifying glass to see em............... :eusa_whistle:
I can't imagine milking them, then. Must need tweezers...
Zircon encrusted tweezers........ At least that's what Frank Zappa said.......
A lovely, mild spring day here. I'm getting some things done, finally. Tomorrow is the last final exam for the semester. Then all I have to do is finish grading and post my grades to record.
I'll have a very busy summer. Between clearing this place up and moving everything to Willow, I'll still be working full-time. Thank goodness for 4/10 shifts. Too bad my partner screwed me by going back to work. He was supposed to get settled in Willow and take care of the goats while I cleared up here. Then, I was supposed to stay in the Anchorage place during the work week and go to Willow on weekends. That would have saved me a 2 1/2 hour commute (one way) to get to work. I've suggested that we alternate week-on, week-off so that we can both share the joy of that commute. Someone will have to be in residence at Willow because the animals will be there full time. I'll start laying out a plan and timetable so that I assure that everything will be in place by the time the snow flies again this year.

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