USMB Coffee Shop IV

Workability test tomorrow, may finally be getting back to the job.

What is a workability test?
I have the same question View attachment 124470

MOTS doesn't check in here on a regular basis I don't think, but I took it to mean that he will be tested to see if he is ready to go back to work? I can't remember what happened that took him off work if he told us that.
Well that was a waste, they didnt have their paperwork in order so I have to go back tomorrow. They were missing a form from my DR.

Workability test is basically a physical therapy type situation where you do various exercises but are required to hit certain parameters to verify you can do everything that is required on the job, Its weight lifts, machine and dead weight, stair climbing,, ladder climbing.....

So this is a job you are qualifying for? Or a return to work situation after an illness/injury?
What is a workability test?
I have the same question View attachment 124470

MOTS doesn't check in here on a regular basis I don't think, but I took it to mean that he will be tested to see if he is ready to go back to work? I can't remember what happened that took him off work if he told us that.
Well that was a waste, they didnt have their paperwork in order so I have to go back tomorrow. They were missing a form from my DR.

Workability test is basically a physical therapy type situation where you do various exercises but are required to hit certain parameters to verify you can do everything that is required on the job, Its weight lifts, machine and dead weight, stair climbing,, ladder climbing.....

So this is a job you are qualifying for? Or a return to work situation after an illness/injury?

Well hopefully the delay won't be long. We should have had you on the vigil list.
Some disparaging news out of West Virginia, my neighboring state came today.

The fifty State commemorative quarter program that has delighted coin collectors has rejected the design submitted by West Virginia because it failed to meet design criteria. It seems the West Virginia quarter has clogged up vending machines and the few remaining pay phones around the country.

It turns out that the commemorative quarter design submitted by the West Virginians, two dimes and a nickel duct taped together, does not conform to the size standards issued by the U.S. Mint.
Some disparaging news out of West Virginia, my neighboring state came today.

The fifty State commemorative quarter program that has delighted coin collectors has rejected the design submitted by West Virginia because it failed to meet design criteria. It seems the West Virginia quarter has clogged up vending machines and the few remaining pay phones around the country.

It turns out that the commemorative quarter design submitted by the West Virginians, two dimes and a nickel duct taped together, does not conform to the size standards issued by the U.S. Mint.

Yeah, I could see how that might be a problem. :)

Having had the privilege of living in West Virginia for four months back in the 1980's, while Hombre took an intensive 24/7 photography course, I have some very fond memories of that experience.

West Vrignia, mile for mile state line to state line might be the most beautiful state in the union. Beautiful mountains, lush forests, magnificent state parks, clear water running under every bridge--11 major rivers including the Ohio, and a distinct culture that we found both charming and edifying.

But despite its aesthetics, West Virginia is second only to Mississippi as the poorest state per capita in the union. So many of the rural roads are narrow and very crooked, but we found it rather charming that most were only paved with one strip down the middle of the road so that you would have the tires on one side of your car on the pavement at any given time. That may have been improved now 30+ years later, but we got a real kick out of it then.
Some disparaging news out of West Virginia, my neighboring state came today.

The fifty State commemorative quarter program that has delighted coin collectors has rejected the design submitted by West Virginia because it failed to meet design criteria. It seems the West Virginia quarter has clogged up vending machines and the few remaining pay phones around the country.

It turns out that the commemorative quarter design submitted by the West Virginians, two dimes and a nickel duct taped together, does not conform to the size standards issued by the U.S. Mint.

I thought it was you dig into your pocket for a quarter and only find coal.
I bought the little one a cheap MP3 player for her birthday. I took it out to put some of her music on it and see how it worked, and it turned out that it didn't work at all when not plugged in. I went through customer service and the company that makes them (or at least sells them) will give me what is basically store credit, but not replace the item, because it is no longer manufactured. This was just a $10 thing I bought on amazon, I don't really want to go give yet more money to a company that I have already gotten a defective product from. I can send it back through amazon for a refund, but I'd have to pay to send it back, and it was only a $10 purchase, so I don't know if that's really worth the bother (and I don't know if we even have stamps or I'd have to find a way to the post office). I have been trying to decide what to do with this, so I ended up giving the little one a choice. Rather than giving it to her for her birthday, I made the player the prize in one of our little games today. I explained to her that it has to be plugged in to work, that the cord it comes with is very short and I don't have a longer one that fits (it's a mini USB, I only have micro USB), that it has a somewhat difficult to use touch-screen; basically, it's a not-so-good cheapo player. I told her I can return it, but not get a replacement. She decided she wants to keep it. I feel bad about it because it really is a crappy little product, but she just made a video of herself dancing on the bed singing a song she was listening to on the MP3 player, and she says she loves it.

So she's keeping it, early birthday present. I told her that if she ends up using it a lot and really likes having an MP3 player, maybe I'll get her a higher quality one for Christmas or next year for her birthday. She already has a tablet, so I don't think she needs it, we'll see. It's nice that she's so happy with it, even if I was unhappy with how poor quality is it. :p
I bought the little one a cheap MP3 player for her birthday. I took it out to put some of her music on it and see how it worked, and it turned out that it didn't work at all when not plugged in. I went through customer service and the company that makes them (or at least sells them) will give me what is basically store credit, but not replace the item, because it is no longer manufactured. This was just a $10 thing I bought on amazon, I don't really want to go give yet more money to a company that I have already gotten a defective product from. I can send it back through amazon for a refund, but I'd have to pay to send it back, and it was only a $10 purchase, so I don't know if that's really worth the bother (and I don't know if we even have stamps or I'd have to find a way to the post office). I have been trying to decide what to do with this, so I ended up giving the little one a choice. Rather than giving it to her for her birthday, I made the player the prize in one of our little games today. I explained to her that it has to be plugged in to work, that the cord it comes with is very short and I don't have a longer one that fits (it's a mini USB, I only have micro USB), that it has a somewhat difficult to use touch-screen; basically, it's a not-so-good cheapo player. I told her I can return it, but not get a replacement. She decided she wants to keep it. I feel bad about it because it really is a crappy little product, but she just made a video of herself dancing on the bed singing a song she was listening to on the MP3 player, and she says she loves it.

So she's keeping it, early birthday present. I told her that if she ends up using it a lot and really likes having an MP3 player, maybe I'll get her a higher quality one for Christmas or next year for her birthday. She already has a tablet, so I don't think she needs it, we'll see. It's nice that she's so happy with it, even if I was unhappy with how poor quality is it. :p

Amazon has been really good at taking our stuff back and they pay the shipping. We do that as little as possible though because we get free shipping on most of our Amazon purchases and don't want to abuse the privilege.
Some disparaging news out of West Virginia, my neighboring state came today.

The fifty State commemorative quarter program that has delighted coin collectors has rejected the design submitted by West Virginia because it failed to meet design criteria. It seems the West Virginia quarter has clogged up vending machines and the few remaining pay phones around the country.

It turns out that the commemorative quarter design submitted by the West Virginians, two dimes and a nickel duct taped together, does not conform to the size standards issued by the U.S. Mint.

Yeah, I could see how that might be a problem. :)

Having had the privilege of living in West Virginia for four months back in the 1980's, while Hombre took an intensive 24/7 photography course, I have some very fond memories of that experience.

West Vrignia, mile for mile state line to state line might be the most beautiful state in the union. Beautiful mountains, lush forests, magnificent state parks, clear water running under every bridge--11 major rivers including the Ohio, and a distinct culture that we found both charming and edifying.

But despite its aesthetics, West Virginia is second only to Mississippi as the poorest state per capita in the union. So many of the rural roads are narrow and very crooked, but we found it rather charming that most were only paved with one strip down the middle of the road so that you would have the tires on one side of your car on the pavement at any given time. That may have been improved now 30+ years later, but we got a real kick out of it then.

I agree with you about West Virginia. Very beautiful State. I think my favorite part in the Seneca Rocks area...but it's all good.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,

All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, and all the others we miss and hope to return.

It seems that spring has sprung for all of us now and summer is in sight.
Good morning everyone ...another hot day, 97 and tomorrow will be 100 but I think we will go back to a little cooler, this is abnormal even for Fresno.
I feel your pain. It got to 90 here. Right now, its still at 80 in our room, about 70 outside. Tomorrow..we are off to Kmart to get a window air conditioner and just stay in our room until late evening. Good thing we are night owls. Too bad stores are open during the hottest part of the day. Spending on a unit to keep us comfortable was not in the plan, though. Alas, its a "must do".
Plan to take a side trip to Maui and hopefully one day of deep sea fishing. Mostly plan to just relax and play the tourist role. Want to go to the Arizona Memorial and drink some of those funny colored drinks with umbrellas in them.

Wonderful place to do the touristy thing... I think you will find Maui quite a bit more laid back and a slower pace... Can't advise re: the deep sea fishing as I have never been before... Pearl is quite an experience... Gave me chicken skin first time I went...
Maui is my fav island. Kauai is nice and even more laid back but Maui used to be my home away from home. I will never see it again, but.....I have my memories.
Maui is my fav island. Kauai is nice and even more laid back but Maui used to be my home away from home. I will never see it again, but.....I have my memories.

I used to be partial to Kauai... First time I was on Kauai there was a Flashing Yellow Light near the airport as the only traffic signal on the Island... The airport which only had one small building was quite a trip back in time... The whole state as changed vastly in the last 40 years... But then again so have I...
My first trip to Kauai was going to Club Med with my mom and sister. That is where I stumbled upon the nudist beach, lol. This was back in 1970...around June or so. Loved it. Bummed when I learned Club Med burned down.

Yup....I stayed in one of those huts near the ocean, but Ma wanted inside the main clubhouse so we moved up to there. I wanted to stay down in the little huts but my vote didn't count.
I bought the little one a cheap MP3 player for her birthday. I took it out to put some of her music on it and see how it worked, and it turned out that it didn't work at all when not plugged in. I went through customer service and the company that makes them (or at least sells them) will give me what is basically store credit, but not replace the item, because it is no longer manufactured. This was just a $10 thing I bought on amazon, I don't really want to go give yet more money to a company that I have already gotten a defective product from. I can send it back through amazon for a refund, but I'd have to pay to send it back, and it was only a $10 purchase, so I don't know if that's really worth the bother (and I don't know if we even have stamps or I'd have to find a way to the post office). I have been trying to decide what to do with this, so I ended up giving the little one a choice. Rather than giving it to her for her birthday, I made the player the prize in one of our little games today. I explained to her that it has to be plugged in to work, that the cord it comes with is very short and I don't have a longer one that fits (it's a mini USB, I only have micro USB), that it has a somewhat difficult to use touch-screen; basically, it's a not-so-good cheapo player. I told her I can return it, but not get a replacement. She decided she wants to keep it. I feel bad about it because it really is a crappy little product, but she just made a video of herself dancing on the bed singing a song she was listening to on the MP3 player, and she says she loves it.

So she's keeping it, early birthday present. I told her that if she ends up using it a lot and really likes having an MP3 player, maybe I'll get her a higher quality one for Christmas or next year for her birthday. She already has a tablet, so I don't think she needs it, we'll see. It's nice that she's so happy with it, even if I was unhappy with how poor quality is it. :p

Amazon has been really good at taking our stuff back and they pay the shipping. We do that as little as possible though because we get free shipping on most of our Amazon purchases and don't want to abuse the privilege.

This wasn't directly from amazon, but from an independent seller, so I'd have to pay the shipping to send it back. For that little money, it just didn't seem worth it. :)
Workability test tomorrow, may finally be getting back to the job.

What is a workability test?
I have the same question View attachment 124470

MOTS doesn't check in here on a regular basis I don't think, but I took it to mean that he will be tested to see if he is ready to go back to work? I can't remember what happened that took him off work if he told us that.
Well that was a waste, they didnt have their paperwork in order so I have to go back tomorrow. They were missing a form from my DR.

Workability test is basically a physical therapy type situation where you do various exercises but are required to hit certain parameters to verify you can do everything that is required on the job, Its weight lifts, machine and dead weight, stair climbing,, ladder climbing.....
Well think i did pretty good...hard to tell though, they substituted a force meter for some of the lifts so you dont really know what the number means.
Well, I'm done with my A&P final. It was the first of our proctored tests to only have multiple choice questions, but it didn't immediately give me a grade. :( I think I easily got the 56 I needed, and I'm hopeful I was able to get at least a B, if not an A, on it. I guess I'll have to wait to see.

I did get my class grade for my English Comp II class. I got a 102. :D Since I'm not yet actually in the Health Information Technology program, and supposedly acceptance into that program is based on performance in classes you take before you enter it (although I don't know what, if any, actual qualifications are required for acceptance), it's good that I'm getting the high grades now.

Now I just need to figure out what seller to use for the refurbished iPad the little one is getting for her birthday. My employer wants me to find and buy it for her. I've seen a number of possible choices on ebay, but I'm not sure which to go with. I'm always a bit leery when it comes to seller-refurbished products, but a new iPad is way too expensive.

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