USMB Coffee Shop IV

My map (with Ohio removed)

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
I made up a list of America's Most Decadent Cities. The top 3 are New Orleans, Las Vegas and Memphis. I got to see all three of them.

I've been to Las Vegas, the lights made my eyes hurt and gave me a headache.
Plus my left palm broke out in a wicked rash from holding a handful of quarters feeding the one armed bandits. :)
OMG! Sometimes it's so easy to forget the "good ole days". I've found a TV station that plays older sitcoms. Right now, the Burns & Allen Show is on and some of the lines are just outrageous. Here's an example: Gracie's telling George about her experience taking the car to the mechanic. He asked her a few questions about the car and after a couple of questions he asks whether she's got a screw loose. She tells the mechanic that she might have because she heard some rattling. A couple of lines later, the mechanic asked her how long since her eyes were checked, and she tells him that her eyes have always been blue. George was actually the straight man in that pair!

I remember those old shows. Burns and Allen were a favorite along with Fibber McGee, The Great Gildersleeve, The Lone Ranger, Inner Sanctum, I love Lucy, and on and on. I remember I always hated hearing the musical intro for The FBI Story on Sunday nights because it signaled that bedtime was coming up--I hated bedtime--and back to school on Monday.

But except for music and news and eventually talk radio, television pretty well killed radio as an entertainment medium.

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
I made up a list of America's Most Decadent Cities. The top 3 are New Orleans, Las Vegas and Memphis. I got to see all three of them.

I've been to Las Vegas, the lights made my eyes hurt and gave me a headache.
Plus my left palm broke out in a wicked rash from holding a handful of quarters feeding the one armed bandits. :)
I had a project in Atlantic City that kept me there for a year. In all that time I never gambled. The day I got to New Jersey I bought a local newspaper. In every city I visited it worked in, I always got the local papers.

In that day's edition, they published in a box on the front page below the fold how much the seven hotel casinos had won the previous month. Not total revenues, not how much they took in through their restaurants or shows or hotel rooms. How much the casino won. It turned out the previous month, the casinos had won a combined $60 million dollars.

I figured that if they could win between them $2 million a day, they didn't need my money to stay open.

The county sent me to Las Vegas for a training seminar. Once again, I refused to spend a nickel in the casinos. They just don't have any appeal to me at all.

At night I walked up and down the Strip taking in the sights. Dancing fountains, manmade volcanoes, pirates attacking a Caribbean port. Okay. When's my flight?
This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
I made up a list of America's Most Decadent Cities. The top 3 are New Orleans, Las Vegas and Memphis. I got to see all three of them.

I've been to Las Vegas, the lights made my eyes hurt and gave me a headache.
Plus my left palm broke out in a wicked rash from holding a handful of quarters feeding the one armed bandits. :)
I had a project in Atlantic City that kept me there for a year. In all that time I never gambled. The day I got to New Jersey I bought a local newspaper. In every city I visited it worked in, I always got the local papers.

In that day's edition, they published in a box on the front page below the fold how much the seven hotel casinos had won the previous month. Not total revenues, not how much they took in through their restaurants or shows or hotel rooms. How much the casino won. It turned out the previous month, the casinos had won a combined $60 million dollars.

I figured that if they could win between them $2 million a day, they didn't need my money to stay open.

The county sent me to Las Vegas for a training seminar. Once again, I refused to spend a nickel in the casinos. They just don't have any appeal to me at all.

At night I walked up and down the Strip taking in the sights. Dancing fountains, manmade volcanoes, pirates attacking a Caribbean port. Okay. When's my flight?

I won a few times playing the slot machines, even though I didn't know what I was doing. :)
I don't play card games or the other games like roulette.
I just wanted to experience it. :)
If I had put in 5 quarters at a time like it's suppose to done I would have won more money. :lmao:
I had fun though!
I've missed the corners and a few in the middle.....that's about it. The American southwest is my favorite. :)


I see you are missing Alaska. Our all time favorite vacation ever was flying into Anchorage, spending a couple of days seeing the sights and doing some adventures in the area, and then were bussed to Seward where we boarded a cruise ship and traveled the inside passage with wonderful ports of call along the way to Vancouver from where we flew home.

It is expensive, but if you have or save up the money to do it, it is a wonderful experience.

Just looking at these "where we have been" maps though, I don't wonder that so many youngsters who have neither traveled or had good educations in geography think that Alaska is an Island like Hawaii. Because that is the way it is always portrayed on the U.S. maps. :)
This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I can't imagine psoriatic arthritis just affecting one joint in your body though. That would be more typical of other types of arthritis and/or as you suspect, an ergonomics issue. Or it may be nothing at all. Let's hope for the latter. :)

This is also the arm that has what I call my "bruise finger;" the tip of the ring finger on my right hand has been swollen and bruised for probably going on a year now. As with the psoriasis, it's probably unrelated, but also something that I wonder about. :p

That could be related to the elbow pain though. Check out this website:
Enlarged finger tips, Swelling and Tenderness to touch: Common Related Medical Conditions

I've tried looking up the finger issue before, but didn't find anything that was close to definite. I'll have to get a checkup sometime in the next year or so, because I'll be doing an internship as part of my associate's, maybe I'll find out something about it then :dunno:. Not having seen a doctor since some time in the early 90s, I have a few not medically diagnosed conditions. :lol:

No doubt. I went more than 20 years without seeing a doctor though and was surprised when I finally decided that wasn't all that smart that I didn't have a lot of problems. And I will admit that the doctors have helped a lot with the few problems I had.

Well, I'm almost certain my psoriasis is psoriasis. It runs in my family. I'm less certain about my reflux; it's possible I had h. pylori or some other issue, but since changing my diet seemed to help, and the changes I made were not bad ones, I'm fine with that. Also, my grandmother suffered from digestive issues, so I think I inherited some of that. My finger and arm issues would possibly require more testing than I expect to go through any time soon. I will hopefully just get a basic check-up before my interning, since I have no health insurance and can't really afford much in the way of medical attention. :p

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)

I'm southeast.....but the only thing to see here would be if The Walking Dead were being filmed. :lol: You might go a bit north of me into Atlanta (not that I'd recommend it, I hate big cities, they are too dirty for my tastes).
This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
I made up a list of America's Most Decadent Cities. The top 3 are New Orleans, Las Vegas and Memphis. I got to see all three of them.

I've been to Las Vegas, the lights made my eyes hurt and gave me a headache.
Plus my left palm broke out in a wicked rash from holding a handful of quarters feeding the one armed bandits. :)
I had a project in Atlantic City that kept me there for a year. In all that time I never gambled. The day I got to New Jersey I bought a local newspaper. In every city I visited it worked in, I always got the local papers.

In that day's edition, they published in a box on the front page below the fold how much the seven hotel casinos had won the previous month. Not total revenues, not how much they took in through their restaurants or shows or hotel rooms. How much the casino won. It turned out the previous month, the casinos had won a combined $60 million dollars.

I figured that if they could win between them $2 million a day, they didn't need my money to stay open.

The county sent me to Las Vegas for a training seminar. Once again, I refused to spend a nickel in the casinos. They just don't have any appeal to me at all.

At night I walked up and down the Strip taking in the sights. Dancing fountains, manmade volcanoes, pirates attacking a Caribbean port. Okay. When's my flight?

I did enjoy gambling and we used to have a lot of fun for two or three days in Vegas or Laughlin. I never gambled heavily and never more than what I had budgeted to lose. And I usually did lose but not always. One time my sis and her two oldest daughters and I took the bus to Laughlin and stayed at the Colorado Belle on a package deal. The first hour we were there I won $4,000 on the dollar poker video machine. That was fun!!!! I got home with most of it too.

We had a close family member, however, who got so addicted to it that he lost everything he had and it eventually killed him because he was spending all his time at the casino and not taking care of himself. And gambling has never had any appeal for us after that.

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
I made up a list of America's Most Decadent Cities. The top 3 are New Orleans, Las Vegas and Memphis. I got to see all three of them.
Only been to one and since it's about 2 hours if I hurry, I go there pretty often.

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)

I'm southeast.....but the only thing to see here would be if The Walking Dead were being filmed. :lol: You might go a bit north of me into Atlanta (not that I'd recommend it, I hate big cities, they are too dirty for my tastes).
I like Atlanta. Beats hell out of Newark.

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)

I'm southeast.....but the only thing to see here would be if The Walking Dead were being filmed. :lol: You might go a bit north of me into Atlanta (not that I'd recommend it, I hate big cities, they are too dirty for my tastes).
I like Atlanta. Beats hell out of Newark.

Well I'm originally from New York, so I hate all things Jersey just because. :lol:

Still, Atlanta, like so many of the big cities, seems like a dump to me. I know there are nice areas, I just find the bad parts leave a stronger impression on me.

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
You do know that Mardi Gras started in Mobile, right?

Yes, but I still want to see old town New Orleans and their Mardi Gras. :)
It's about original buildings that I like to see.
Here in AZ. it's the birdcage theater and original court house in Tombstone.
Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee, I like original sites. :)

I do want to see Fort Morgan near Foley and the Foley Depot & Railroad museum and if the 50's dinner if it's still around with it's soda fountain.

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
You do know that Mardi Gras started in Mobile, right?

Yes, but I still want to see old town New Orleans and their Mardi Gras. :)
It's about original buildings that I like to see.
Here in AZ. it's the birdcage theater and original court house in Tombstone.
Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee, I like original sites. :)

I do want to see Fort Morgan near Foley and the Foley Depot & Railroad museum and if the 50's dinner if it's still around with it's soda fountain.
Inlaws just arrived in Tucson, and will be heading out to Pearce in about an hour. She called and said they had to stop because they are both just beat up from the drive so Tucson is where they are resting at some rest stop. After they get settled, they might go to the birdcage theater and check out other places in the vicinity.
This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
You do know that Mardi Gras started in Mobile, right?

Yes, but I still want to see old town New Orleans and their Mardi Gras. :)
It's about original buildings that I like to see.
Here in AZ. it's the birdcage theater and original court house in Tombstone.
Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee, I like original sites. :)

I do want to see Fort Morgan near Foley and the Foley Depot & Railroad museum and if the 50's dinner if it's still around with it's soda fountain.
Inlaws just arrived in Tucson, and will be heading out to Pearce in about an hour. She called and said they had to stop because they are both just beat up from the drive so Tucson is where they are resting at some rest stop. After they get settled, they might go to the birdcage theater and check out other places in the vicinity.

Tombstone is 71 miles from Tucson.
They still have to drive a way to reach Pearce which is about 84 miles.
They haven't to much farther to go though.
From Pearce is not far at all to Tombstone.
Tell them to eat at Big Nose Kate's, on Allen St. they have great food. :)

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
You do know that Mardi Gras started in Mobile, right?

Yes, but I still want to see old town New Orleans and their Mardi Gras. :)
It's about original buildings that I like to see.
Here in AZ. it's the birdcage theater and original court house in Tombstone.
Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee, I like original sites. :)

I do want to see Fort Morgan near Foley and the Foley Depot & Railroad museum and if the 50's dinner if it's still around with it's soda fountain.
Fort Morgan is about 15 miles from here and the soda fountain and train museum are within walking distance of Doc Hollidays. The museum is about 200 yards from the front door and Stacey's Drug and Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
You do know that Mardi Gras started in Mobile, right?

Yes, but I still want to see old town New Orleans and their Mardi Gras. :)
It's about original buildings that I like to see.
Here in AZ. it's the birdcage theater and original court house in Tombstone.
Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee, I like original sites. :)

I do want to see Fort Morgan near Foley and the Foley Depot & Railroad museum and if the 50's dinner if it's still around with it's soda fountain.
Fort Morgan is a cool place. It's roughly 15 miles from Doc's but the railway museum is only 200 yards and Stacy's Drug and Olde Time Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.

The red X is Doc's,


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