USMB Coffee Shop IV

You mean you don't? I've never been there but the photo was captioned East Liverpool when I was looking for one last night. Oh dear. Just checked, and that is Liverpool, England!!

Maybe it's Eastern Liverpool.


I've never really been to Ohio but can technically mark it as a state I have visited because I was on a flight once--believe it or not when traveling from Nashville to Kansas city--that changed planes in Cincinnati.

I was working for the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas at the time and, because they thought I was pretty good at promotions/communications I was drafted to do some work for the national Episcopal Church as well. (No, I am not Episcopalian but as might have well have been during those years.) Everything in Kansas connected through Kansas City or Wichita at that time and, it being the Church and all, I was especially cost conscious and found the most economical flights when booking trips.

Enroute, Ozark Airlines went on strike and they were the airline to get me from Nashville to St. Louis going home. All the other airlines were honoring our tickets though but some of the routes home were pretty strange. I can't remember what all I flew on or where we went but I do remember that we landed in Cincinnati which was fun because I had never been to Ohio. :)
I hate to break this to you Foxy but you still haven't been to Ohio.

The Cincinnati airport is in Covington, Kentucky.

Damn. I just looked and you're right. Ah well. I lied on Facebook then. :(

I do remember reading a clip awhile back that some farmer whose land was just under the flight path onto the main runway at the Cincinnati Airport. He had a large barn with an expansive almost flat roof and he painted in huge letters on top of it WELCOME TO CLEVELAND. Freaked out a lot of folks. :)

You lied on Facebook?! Isn't that a federal offense?

Or wait, maybe it's a requirement of a Facebook account?


Naw. I don't usually misrepresent myself on Facebook--I have some 300 close friends, family, classmates and colleagues befriended on Facebook and there isn't any story I can tell that wouldn't be fact checked by somebody. :)
It's 77 degrees and 77% humidity, everyone's arthritis is hurting today.
I'm taking it easy today, my lower back, knees, collar bone and hands hurt.
The price you pay for being rather reckless in youth. Like speeding with bicycle.
20 / 20 hindsight so to speak. :eusa_whistle:

The heating mat feels so good.............. :biggrin:

This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I was always riding to fast to stop and landed with scraped knees embedded with gravel and I've always been a klutz with my feet, I was always falling on both knees while I was running, especially on blacktop or hooking my little toes on both feet breaking them.
Price of being a tomboy. :)

P.S. I still trip on uneven side walks every once in a while, but learned to right myself . :)
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It's 77 degrees and 77% humidity, everyone's arthritis is hurting today.
I'm taking it easy today, my lower back, knees, collar bone and hands hurt.
The price you pay for being rather reckless in youth. Like speeding with bicycle.
20 / 20 hindsight so to speak. :eusa_whistle:

The heating mat feels so good.............. :biggrin:

This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I can't imagine psoriatic arthritis just affecting one joint in your body though. That would be more typical of other types of arthritis and/or as you suspect, an ergonomics issue. Or it may be nothing at all. Let's hope for the latter. :)
Having sooooooo much fun lately since this new Windows 10 edition that came out three days ago, the release that ultimately has driven me back to Windows 7 for the time being. Managed to screw up my hard drive in my Dell laptop though I think it was already beginning to fail so until the new hard drive arrives the laptop is pretty much a paperweight. Did manage to successfully load Win 7 back on my gamer so that's a plus but right now I'm using the 11" Lenovo laptop which drives me nuts because of it's small size and the fact I can't load Win 7 on it, Win 7 doesn't have the drivers for all the Lenovo's features. I could load Ubuntu but then I have to blacklist an existing wifi module and actually create a new module to make wifi work. Anyone interested in a Lenovo Yoga 2 (three in one)? Half price, only $500...........
It's 77 degrees and 77% humidity, everyone's arthritis is hurting today.
I'm taking it easy today, my lower back, knees, collar bone and hands hurt.
The price you pay for being rather reckless in youth. Like speeding with bicycle.
20 / 20 hindsight so to speak. :eusa_whistle:

The heating mat feels so good.............. :biggrin:

This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I can't imagine psoriatic arthritis just affecting one joint in your body though. That would be more typical of other types of arthritis and/or as you suspect, an ergonomics issue. Or it may be nothing at all. Let's hope for the latter. :)

This is also the arm that has what I call my "bruise finger;" the tip of the ring finger on my right hand has been swollen and bruised for probably going on a year now. As with the psoriasis, it's probably unrelated, but also something that I wonder about. :p
It's 77 degrees and 77% humidity, everyone's arthritis is hurting today.
I'm taking it easy today, my lower back, knees, collar bone and hands hurt.
The price you pay for being rather reckless in youth. Like speeding with bicycle.
20 / 20 hindsight so to speak. :eusa_whistle:

The heating mat feels so good.............. :biggrin:

This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I can't imagine psoriatic arthritis just affecting one joint in your body though. That would be more typical of other types of arthritis and/or as you suspect, an ergonomics issue. Or it may be nothing at all. Let's hope for the latter. :)

This is also the arm that has what I call my "bruise finger;" the tip of the ring finger on my right hand has been swollen and bruised for probably going on a year now. As with the psoriasis, it's probably unrelated, but also something that I wonder about. :p

That could be related to the elbow pain though. Check out this website:
Enlarged finger tips, Swelling and Tenderness to touch: Common Related Medical Conditions
It's 77 degrees and 77% humidity, everyone's arthritis is hurting today.
I'm taking it easy today, my lower back, knees, collar bone and hands hurt.
The price you pay for being rather reckless in youth. Like speeding with bicycle.
20 / 20 hindsight so to speak. :eusa_whistle:

The heating mat feels so good.............. :biggrin:

This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I was always riding to fast to stop and landed with scraped knees embedded with gravel and I've always been a klutz with my feet, I was always falling on both knees while I was running, especially on blacktop or hooking my little toes on both feet breaking them.
Price of being a tomboy. :)

P.S. I still trip on uneven side walks every once in a while, but learned to right myself . :)

I was such a tomboy as a little girl that there was a lot of rough and tumble, lots of splinters, scrapes, bruises, and sprains. I'm surprised I survived all that in as good a shape as I'm in. :)
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Sherry and daughter and family,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
ricechickie and BBD for continued wellness,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

Sunset over East Liverpool OH
If only we had a twin spired cathedral, a Ferris wheel and a waterfront so lovely!

You mean you don't? I've never been there but the photo was captioned East Liverpool when I was looking for one last night. Oh dear. Just checked, and that is Liverpool, England!!

Maybe it's Eastern Liverpool.


I've never really been to Ohio but can technically mark it as a state I have visited because I was on a flight once--believe it or not when traveling from Nashville to Kansas city--that changed planes in Cincinnati.

I was working for the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas at the time and, because they thought I was pretty good at promotions/communications I was drafted to do some work for the national Episcopal Church as well. (No, I am not Episcopalian but as might have well have been during those years.) Everything in Kansas connected through Kansas City or Wichita at that time and, it being the Church and all, I was especially cost conscious and found the most economical flights when booking trips.

Enroute, Ozark Airlines went on strike and they were the airline to get me from Nashville to St. Louis going home. All the other airlines were honoring our tickets though but some of the routes home were pretty strange. I can't remember what all I flew on or where we went but I do remember that we landed in Cincinnati which was fun because I had never been to Ohio. :)
I hate to break this to you Foxy but you still haven't been to Ohio.

The Cincinnati airport is in Covington, Kentucky.
What? Then I have been to Kentucky. Looks like a road trip to Arkansas is on my list.
It's 77 degrees and 77% humidity, everyone's arthritis is hurting today.
I'm taking it easy today, my lower back, knees, collar bone and hands hurt.
The price you pay for being rather reckless in youth. Like speeding with bicycle.
20 / 20 hindsight so to speak. :eusa_whistle:

The heating mat feels so good.............. :biggrin:

This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I can't imagine psoriatic arthritis just affecting one joint in your body though. That would be more typical of other types of arthritis and/or as you suspect, an ergonomics issue. Or it may be nothing at all. Let's hope for the latter. :)

This is also the arm that has what I call my "bruise finger;" the tip of the ring finger on my right hand has been swollen and bruised for probably going on a year now. As with the psoriasis, it's probably unrelated, but also something that I wonder about. :p

That could be related to the elbow pain though. Check out this website:
Enlarged finger tips, Swelling and Tenderness to touch: Common Related Medical Conditions

I've tried looking up the finger issue before, but didn't find anything that was close to definite. I'll have to get a checkup sometime in the next year or so, because I'll be doing an internship as part of my associate's, maybe I'll find out something about it then :dunno:. Not having seen a doctor since some time in the early 90s, I have a few not medically diagnosed conditions. :lol:
OMG! Sometimes it's so easy to forget the "good ole days". I've found a TV station that plays older sitcoms. Right now, the Burns & Allen Show is on and some of the lines are just outrageous. Here's an example: Gracie's telling George about her experience taking the car to the mechanic. He asked her a few questions about the car and after a couple of questions he asks whether she's got a screw loose. She tells the mechanic that she might have because she heard some rattling. A couple of lines later, the mechanic asked her how long since her eyes were checked, and she tells him that her eyes have always been blue. George was actually the straight man in that pair!
If only we had a twin spired cathedral, a Ferris wheel and a waterfront so lovely!

You mean you don't? I've never been there but the photo was captioned East Liverpool when I was looking for one last night. Oh dear. Just checked, and that is Liverpool, England!!

Maybe it's Eastern Liverpool.


I've never really been to Ohio but can technically mark it as a state I have visited because I was on a flight once--believe it or not when traveling from Nashville to Kansas city--that changed planes in Cincinnati.

I was working for the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas at the time and, because they thought I was pretty good at promotions/communications I was drafted to do some work for the national Episcopal Church as well. (No, I am not Episcopalian but as might have well have been during those years.) Everything in Kansas connected through Kansas City or Wichita at that time and, it being the Church and all, I was especially cost conscious and found the most economical flights when booking trips.

Enroute, Ozark Airlines went on strike and they were the airline to get me from Nashville to St. Louis going home. All the other airlines were honoring our tickets though but some of the routes home were pretty strange. I can't remember what all I flew on or where we went but I do remember that we landed in Cincinnati which was fun because I had never been to Ohio. :)
I hate to break this to you Foxy but you still haven't been to Ohio.

The Cincinnati airport is in Covington, Kentucky.
What? Then I have been to Kentucky. Looks like a road trip to Arkansas is on my list.

Yeah, you have to visit Arkansas. I have been there often and can give you some really neat destinations there as an incentive. :) My map is filled in in the west. Were I am lacking is a large block of states in the northeast.
It's 77 degrees and 77% humidity, everyone's arthritis is hurting today.
I'm taking it easy today, my lower back, knees, collar bone and hands hurt.
The price you pay for being rather reckless in youth. Like speeding with bicycle.
20 / 20 hindsight so to speak. :eusa_whistle:

The heating mat feels so good.............. :biggrin:

This reminds me, I've been having a little pain in my right arm of late. It happens mostly when I flex or extend the arm, and the pain is at least in the area of the elbow. It might just be from strain from sitting with my elbow on my chair arm and my hand on a mouse for one of my two PCs too often....but it sparked a worry in me about arthritis. Psoriasis can cause arthritis, so I worry about getting it.

I don't think I did the kind of reckless things in my youth to cause arthritis issues, though. :)

I can't imagine psoriatic arthritis just affecting one joint in your body though. That would be more typical of other types of arthritis and/or as you suspect, an ergonomics issue. Or it may be nothing at all. Let's hope for the latter. :)

This is also the arm that has what I call my "bruise finger;" the tip of the ring finger on my right hand has been swollen and bruised for probably going on a year now. As with the psoriasis, it's probably unrelated, but also something that I wonder about. :p

That could be related to the elbow pain though. Check out this website:
Enlarged finger tips, Swelling and Tenderness to touch: Common Related Medical Conditions

I've tried looking up the finger issue before, but didn't find anything that was close to definite. I'll have to get a checkup sometime in the next year or so, because I'll be doing an internship as part of my associate's, maybe I'll find out something about it then :dunno:. Not having seen a doctor since some time in the early 90s, I have a few not medically diagnosed conditions. :lol:

No doubt. I went more than 20 years without seeing a doctor though and was surprised when I finally decided that wasn't all that smart that I didn't have a lot of problems. And I will admit that the doctors have helped a lot with the few problems I had.
OMG! Sometimes it's so easy to forget the "good ole days". I've found a TV station that plays older sitcoms. Right now, the Burns & Allen Show is on and some of the lines are just outrageous. Here's an example: Gracie's telling George about her experience taking the car to the mechanic. He asked her a few questions about the car and after a couple of questions he asks whether she's got a screw loose. She tells the mechanic that she might have because she heard some rattling. A couple of lines later, the mechanic asked her how long since her eyes were checked, and she tells him that her eyes have always been blue. George was actually the straight man in that pair!

Yeah ,Gracie Allen had a wicked since of humor she was great !

This is mine.


I'm not counting the ones traveled through, just the sight seeing ones.
Come east, peaches!

Been east,
South East is next !
Gotta see plantations, Mardi Gras, forts and civil war sites! :)
I made up a list of America's Most Decadent Cities. The top 3 are New Orleans, Las Vegas and Memphis. I got to see all three of them.

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