USMB Coffee Shop IV

Now one food that is super high fiber that many people dislike, including me, is hummus. I should say dislike on it's own but Sabra makes a Supremely Spicy version that I eat with tortilla chips and everyone who hates hummus but has tried this loves it.

I've never tried it but would if opportunity presented itself. It appears to be much more healthy than your average chip dip.

I don't like the texture of hummus. I'm weird like that. Lol. Also, I'm not crazy about beans, and I believe that hummus is ground up beans. I could be wrong, but that is what I thought.
LOL. Just reading the thread today you would think Chris and Montro are sister brother from different mothers. :)

We love pretty much all canned greens--turnip, collard, spinach--with a little salt and pepper and Hombre adds a touch of hot sauce if we have it. Even better if we buy fresh greens and cook our own. Fresh spinach salad is okay, but I honestly prefer plain old crisp iceberg lettuce in my salad. (Yes I know the other greens have much more nutritional content but iceberg lettuce isn't unhealthy and we all have our little vices. :) )

I love properly prepared liver and onions but Hombre won't touch them--he doesn't like cooked onions and he can't stand liver. But since he won't eat it, I have to get my liver and onions fix when we go out. Furrs Fresh Buffet here does a decent job with that.

Molasses is one of those things I think people either like or they don't with no middle ground. I never heard of using it for reflux though. Honey, especially raw honey, and apple cider vinegar properly mixed in hot water is a good remedy for reflux and some other things.

I don't think molasses is melted brown sugar though. It is what is left over from the sugar cane or sugar beet after the refining process that creates white granulated or powdered sugar. Thus it has some fiber, vitamins, minerals etc. that white sugar does not. The sulphured molasses is more bitter and less sweet than the unsulphured molasses. The sulphur dioxide gives it a longer shelf life but most people prefer the less strong flavor of the unsulphured kind.

Brown sugar, on the other hand, has its own unique flavor but it is just refined white sugar with some molasses added back in.

I think you are right. I got it backwards. You would use molasses to make brown sugar. :D Oopsie!
And here's today's puzzle to entertain our early risers in the morning. (Or our chronic night owls tonight.) :)


Four and seven are shut valves, so it is nine or five. Nine has the lowest open valve, so it will fill first.
I live a bit off the beaten path. The highest speed limit within the county is 55. I do not travel outside the county all that often, so traveling to Troy, MI (Detroit) on 70 mph four or five lane highways is not normal for me. Add eight different exit ramps and unfamiliar routes I considered myself a good driver to get there in 2 hours and ten minutes the first day. White knuckle driving as it was a new job orientation. Well then it was time to go home Monday night. Drove through four separate traffic jams and snowy roads for three hours. Had to turn around Tuesdays morning and do it again, that was two hours and forty-five minutes. Clear sailing last night. Training is four blocks from home today.
Now one food that is super high fiber that many people dislike, including me, is hummus. I should say dislike on it's own but Sabra makes a Supremely Spicy version that I eat with tortilla chips and everyone who hates hummus but has tried this loves it.

I've never tried it but would if opportunity presented itself. It appears to be much more healthy than your average chip dip.

I don't like the texture of hummus. I'm weird like that. Lol. Also, I'm not crazy about beans, and I believe that hummus is ground up beans. I could be wrong, but that is what I thought.

Chick peas I believe, but close enough to beans. :)
Now one food that is super high fiber that many people dislike, including me, is hummus. I should say dislike on it's own but Sabra makes a Supremely Spicy version that I eat with tortilla chips and everyone who hates hummus but has tried this loves it.

I've never tried it but would if opportunity presented itself. It appears to be much more healthy than your average chip dip.

I don't like the texture of hummus. I'm weird like that. Lol. Also, I'm not crazy about beans, and I believe that hummus is ground up beans. I could be wrong, but that is what I thought.
Yeas, hummus is ground chickpeas. You're like the wife, she hates peas and beans because she doesn't like the way the "squish" when bitten down on.
I just use it as a dip for tortillas.
In a widening effort to introduce more fiber into my diet, I have taken to eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Now that I have time to prepare and eat a breakfast, my toe is in the water, but I have not gone for full immersion and clumsy stabs at waffles or crepes.

I bought a variety pack, probably the most expensive way to buy cereal. Of course the variety pack does deliver on why it's named. Corn flakes, puffed wheat, rice crispies, and raisan bran. What I had to wonder is, has anyone ever followed the directions on those little individual serving boxes and cut the "H" shaped perforations in the cardboard then slit that wax paper pericardium containing the cereal? Has anyone every been brave, or foolhardy enough to dump milk into a cardboard box and slop up a couple spoonfuls of CocoPuffs? It looks like the type of thing a kid would do like Edmund Hillary would climb a mountain: because it's there.

But that does not make it a good idea? Wisdom is imparted concerning hydrodynamics even unto a toddlers. Is it prudent to hold a half cup or more of milk between your palm and your lap with only a slim piece of wax paper and a sheet of thin cardboard?

We kids knew about packaging and the perils there of when we would smack a bar of Turkish Taffy on the sidewalk to break up the bar of rock hard candy. Thus making it possible to get a piece into one's mouth, but dicey where any loose baby teeth might be clinging onto growing gums. That taffy wrapper was one tough hunk of packaging. Compared to the aluminum foil,wrappers on, Hershey Kisses, Turkish Taffy was surrounded by Kevlar.

I can't bring myself to eat cereal with milk out of a box--that is an option sometimes provided at the breakfast bar in a lot of motels. I am sure the box is designed to contain the milk, but it is so unnatural to me it is also unappetizing.

For fiber my go to cereals are mini wheats which have about as much fiber as any of the heathiest rated cereals out there. Ditto for grape nuts. And while plain old Cheerios have about half the fiber the other two do, they do have significant fiber and are rated among the healthy cereals.

But my primary source of fiber is grinding a couple of tablespoons of flax seed in the coffee grinder and dumping the powder into a smoothie or cereal or whatever.

Speaking of Grape Nuts, I saw this and thought it was funny:

In a widening effort to introduce more fiber into my diet, I have taken to eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Now that I have time to prepare and eat a breakfast, my toe is in the water, but I have not gone for full immersion and clumsy stabs at waffles or crepes.

I bought a variety pack, probably the most expensive way to buy cereal. Of course the variety pack does deliver on why it's named. Corn flakes, puffed wheat, rice crispies, and raisan bran. What I had to wonder is, has anyone ever followed the directions on those little individual serving boxes and cut the "H" shaped perforations in the cardboard then slit that wax paper pericardium containing the cereal? Has anyone every been brave, or foolhardy enough to dump milk into a cardboard box and slop up a couple spoonfuls of CocoPuffs? It looks like the type of thing a kid would do like Edmund Hillary would climb a mountain: because it's there.

But that does not make it a good idea? Wisdom is imparted concerning hydrodynamics even unto a toddlers. Is it prudent to hold a half cup or more of milk between your palm and your lap with only a slim piece of wax paper and a sheet of thin cardboard?

We kids knew about packaging and the perils there of when we would smack a bar of Turkish Taffy on the sidewalk to break up the bar of rock hard candy. Thus making it possible to get a piece into one's mouth, but dicey where any loose baby teeth might be clinging onto growing gums. That taffy wrapper was one tough hunk of packaging. Compared to the aluminum foil,wrappers on, Hershey Kisses, Turkish Taffy was surrounded by Kevlar.

I can't bring myself to eat cereal with milk out of a box--that is an option sometimes provided at the breakfast bar in a lot of motels. I am sure the box is designed to contain the milk, but it is so unnatural to me it is also unappetizing.

For fiber my go to cereals are mini wheats which have about as much fiber as any of the heathiest rated cereals out there. Ditto for grape nuts. And while plain old Cheerios have about half the fiber the other two do, they do have significant fiber and are rated among the healthy cereals.

But my primary source of fiber is grinding a couple of tablespoons of flax seed in the coffee grinder and dumping the powder into a smoothie or cereal or whatever.

Speaking of Grape Nuts, I saw this and thought it was funny:

Grape Nuts are good if made like oatmeal (use milk instead of water) otherwise one's jaw becomes sore after two spoonfuls........
There's a solution to that......

Dump Windows.......


I would except that I have so much softwear, including favorite games, that I think might not run on anything other than Windows. And I am firmly from the school of not making things more complicated or harder than they have to be.
I have a zillion tons of software that only runs on windows 98, as I used to load down software free from hackers sites.

There were stories going around claiming Win 10 could (and would) identify and block one's ability to download pirated software, there are some going through interesting gyrations to claim Microsoft doesn't care about pirated software on our computers.......... Also (yes this one is confirmed) Microsoft can remotely lock you out of your computer though I suspect it's only for helping law enforcement at this point. :dunno:

OOH ER ! its a good job I gave up trying to download pirated software then.
On another front, ever since the latest update to windows 10 It takes ages to start up the computer and it restarts itself a couple of times before settling down.
Was that just one occurrence or has it happened multiple times since the update?

It happens every time. The windows update seems to have caused a problem. But its not much of a problem because the computer does start up eventually. It just takes a while and restarts a couple of times.
People who don't like molasses probably don't like another two of my favorite healthy foods: Spinach and beef liver.

I don't mind spinach, although I salt it heavily. I don't know for sure if I've had beef liver, but I'd guess I would not like it. :p

My mother makes liver and onions sometimes. I've never even tried it, but it smells really good. Something about eating a liver just sounds gross, so for once I can agree with you that something might seem to yucky to eat. :D

I was thinking more that not only am I really picky, but I also don't much like dark meat when it comes to poultry, and maybe liver would be somewhat similar. :dunno:

I love chicken thighs! They are the best part of the chicken!

You know why?

Chicken thigh!! :p
I eat chicken salad every day. I get two lumps of ready cooked chicken in a packet from the supermarket. But I don't know what part of the chicken they are. I assumed they might be breasts. I have eaten thousands and thousands of chickens over the years. Farmyards full of them.
I console my conscience with the view that chickens are only stupid.
Whatever they are they are part of the natural food chain, and since they cannot fly and they are tasty, they are doomed to be eaten.
I would except that I have so much softwear, including favorite games, that I think might not run on anything other than Windows. And I am firmly from the school of not making things more complicated or harder than they have to be.
I have a zillion tons of software that only runs on windows 98, as I used to load down software free from hackers sites.

There were stories going around claiming Win 10 could (and would) identify and block one's ability to download pirated software, there are some going through interesting gyrations to claim Microsoft doesn't care about pirated software on our computers.......... Also (yes this one is confirmed) Microsoft can remotely lock you out of your computer though I suspect it's only for helping law enforcement at this point. :dunno:

OOH ER ! its a good job I gave up trying to download pirated software then.
On another front, ever since the latest update to windows 10 It takes ages to start up the computer and it restarts itself a couple of times before settling down.
Was that just one occurrence or has it happened multiple times since the update?

It happens every time. The windows update seems to have caused a problem. But its not much of a problem because the computer does start up eventually. It just takes a while and restarts a couple of times.
Try these;

Fix Windows 10 Slow Boot or Startup 2017 [Solved] - Driver Easy

Personally I would not download and use Driver Easy.
In a widening effort to introduce more fiber into my diet, I have taken to eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Now that I have time to prepare and eat a breakfast, my toe is in the water, but I have not gone for full immersion and clumsy stabs at waffles or crepes.

I bought a variety pack, probably the most expensive way to buy cereal. Of course the variety pack does deliver on why it's named. Corn flakes, puffed wheat, rice crispies, and raisan bran. What I had to wonder is, has anyone ever followed the directions on those little individual serving boxes and cut the "H" shaped perforations in the cardboard then slit that wax paper pericardium containing the cereal? Has anyone every been brave, or foolhardy enough to dump milk into a cardboard box and slop up a couple spoonfuls of CocoPuffs? It looks like the type of thing a kid would do like Edmund Hillary would climb a mountain: because it's there.

But that does not make it a good idea? Wisdom is imparted concerning hydrodynamics even unto a toddlers. Is it prudent to hold a half cup or more of milk between your palm and your lap with only a slim piece of wax paper and a sheet of thin cardboard?

We kids knew about packaging and the perils there of when we would smack a bar of Turkish Taffy on the sidewalk to break up the bar of rock hard candy. Thus making it possible to get a piece into one's mouth, but dicey where any loose baby teeth might be clinging onto growing gums. That taffy wrapper was one tough hunk of packaging. Compared to the aluminum foil,wrappers on, Hershey Kisses, Turkish Taffy was surrounded by Kevlar.

I can't bring myself to eat cereal with milk out of a box--that is an option sometimes provided at the breakfast bar in a lot of motels. I am sure the box is designed to contain the milk, but it is so unnatural to me it is also unappetizing.

For fiber my go to cereals are mini wheats which have about as much fiber as any of the heathiest rated cereals out there. Ditto for grape nuts. And while plain old Cheerios have about half the fiber the other two do, they do have significant fiber and are rated among the healthy cereals.

But my primary source of fiber is grinding a couple of tablespoons of flax seed in the coffee grinder and dumping the powder into a smoothie or cereal or whatever.

Speaking of Grape Nuts, I saw this and thought it was funny:



Actually I like grapenuts. I like the taste and they are crunchy without being tough.

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