USMB Coffee Shop IV

My Super Bowl Party menu today includes bierocks, slaw, gelatin fruit salad, and banana pudding for a quick easy sit down late lunch/early dinner meal mid afternoon. Then it's apple slices, trail mix, and popcorn for snacks during the game which nobody is interested in but feel obligated to have on.

No strong feelings for the competing teams, but it's a good time with family and food. We have the following to graze on:

salami and cheese on crackers
crab salad with crackers
Mexican layered dip
chili queso dip
meatballs with chili jam sauce
little smokies in barbeque sauce
buffalo wings
chocolate chip cookies
carrot cake
Sock It To Me cake

In other news.....hubs continues to decline and needing more & more help to do even the simplest tasks. Loss of appetite and bodily functions as his body slowly shuts down and just about the time it's agreed that he can't last much longer......he does, and perks up a bit.

In the last week, he has cut his oxygen hose(s) again, saying they were old. We had changed them out 3 times that day alone and twice again 2 days before that. Another day I guess he was cold and took a heat gun into the bathroom to warm the toilet now has little pock marks......and a burn mark on the floor...and all the while the faucet was running. And he can't or won't give an explanation.
Oh and one day I caught him going out the front door....he was going to the garage with the heat gun. 'Hurry and get in here so we can get warmed up'. I had #3 go out to keep an eye on him, while I brought in some more wood & started a fire. Got him back in the house to warm by the stove.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry????? Well, I do. And I've done more laundry in this last week, than I'd normally do in a month :eek-52:

OK, enough with the whining for today...….carry on :redface:
Well, it’s Stupor Bowl Day. Not a big fan of either team so I hope the commercials are good. Gonna have a Pepsi and popcorn for a game time snack. Most likely I’ll be napping when they find the balls have been deflated a bit!

Not that I paid rapt attention to the commercials, but I didn't see any memorable ones that I can recall. People really pay millions of dollars to air what they air during the Super Bowl? I can't imagine how they could possibly get their money's worth. The halftime show was mundane and unremarkable and the game was boring. I couldn't even be happy that the team I picked to win did. But we did enjoy a good meal with loved ones and it was a long if longer than usual day.
Hi fellows, wazzup, say me something positive :)

And be like proton! Proton is small but always positive! :)

This is good positive advice Sbiker. And always happy when you drop in. Since our Aussies don't come so often anymore or our Vietnamese friend, I believe you travel the farthest to get here. :)
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In other news.....hubs continues to decline and needing more & more help to do even the simplest tasks. Loss of appetite and bodily functions as his body slowly shuts down and just about the time it's agreed that he can't last much longer......he does, and perks up a bit.

In the last week, he has cut his oxygen hose(s) again, saying they were old. We had changed them out 3 times that day alone and twice again 2 days before that. Another day I guess he was cold and took a heat gun into the bathroom to warm the toilet now has little pock marks......and a burn mark on the floor...and all the while the faucet was running. And he can't or won't give an explanation.
Oh and one day I caught him going out the front door....he was going to the garage with the heat gun. 'Hurry and get in here so we can get warmed up'. I had #3 go out to keep an eye on him, while I brought in some more wood & started a fire. Got him back in the house to warm by the stove.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry????? Well, I do. And I've done more laundry in this last week, than I'd normally do in a month :eek-52:

OK, enough with the whining for today...….carry on :redface:

Hon that's not whining. That's venting. You've been here long enough for us to know you aren't a drama queen or chronic complainer. If you try to be too brave or stoic and never let your fear and frustrations out, you'll explode emotionally and physically.

It's okay to hate doing laundry too. Not my favorite thing either.
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Super bowl. I don't get it. Millions are paid for ads, guys not worth the money get paid shitloads of money to toss a ball around, and the usa suffers depression, child trafficking, homelessness, disease, hunger, etc.

Meh. Pisses me off.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

The weather is still iffy for many of us, but Groundhog Day is behind us and spring arrives next month. Meanwhile we find comfort and happiness where we can. I thought this photo hauntingly beautiful.
Super bowl. I don't get it. Millions are paid for ads, guys not worth the money get paid shitloads of money to toss a ball around, and the usa suffers depression, child trafficking, homelessness, disease, hunger, etc.

Meh. Pisses me off.

I get the feeling none of us is much enamored with the Super Bowl, but one thing isn't fixed by doing away with the other though. Anyhow how are things with you and Mr. G , Gracie?
In other news.....hubs continues to decline and needing more & more help to do even the simplest tasks. Loss of appetite and bodily functions as his body slowly shuts down and just about the time it's agreed that he can't last much longer......he does, and perks up a bit.

In the last week, he has cut his oxygen hose(s) again, saying they were old. We had changed them out 3 times that day alone and twice again 2 days before that. Another day I guess he was cold and took a heat gun into the bathroom to warm the toilet now has little pock marks......and a burn mark on the floor...and all the while the faucet was running. And he can't or won't give an explanation.
Oh and one day I caught him going out the front door....he was going to the garage with the heat gun. 'Hurry and get in here so we can get warmed up'. I had #3 go out to keep an eye on him, while I brought in some more wood & started a fire. Got him back in the house to warm by the stove.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry????? Well, I do. And I've done more laundry in this last week, than I'd normally do in a month :eek-52:

OK, enough with the whining for today...….carry on :redface:

Hon that's not whining. That's venting. You've been here long enough for us to know you aren't a drama queen or chronic complainer. If you try to be too brave or stoic and never let your fear and frustrations out, you'll explode emotionally and physically.

It's okay to hate doing laundry too. Not my favorite thing either.

Yes it's venting.....but I was whining while doing it :)

He woke me up about 2 needing a change of clothes. Then again just before 4, hollering it was an emergency because everybody is dead. No everybody is fine, got him settled & calmed down.....and been up ever since.

And as the rest of the country is melting...….we get our first snow of the year, currently about 4 inches and it's still coming down. Maybe I'll bundle up and go for a walk in it :113:
In other news.....hubs continues to decline and needing more & more help to do even the simplest tasks. Loss of appetite and bodily functions as his body slowly shuts down and just about the time it's agreed that he can't last much longer......he does, and perks up a bit.

In the last week, he has cut his oxygen hose(s) again, saying they were old. We had changed them out 3 times that day alone and twice again 2 days before that. Another day I guess he was cold and took a heat gun into the bathroom to warm the toilet now has little pock marks......and a burn mark on the floor...and all the while the faucet was running. And he can't or won't give an explanation.
Oh and one day I caught him going out the front door....he was going to the garage with the heat gun. 'Hurry and get in here so we can get warmed up'. I had #3 go out to keep an eye on him, while I brought in some more wood & started a fire. Got him back in the house to warm by the stove.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry????? Well, I do. And I've done more laundry in this last week, than I'd normally do in a month :eek-52:

OK, enough with the whining for today...….carry on :redface:

Is this your husband?

I've had some revelations this past year about what some people have to put up with.
In other news.....hubs continues to decline and needing more & more help to do even the simplest tasks. Loss of appetite and bodily functions as his body slowly shuts down and just about the time it's agreed that he can't last much longer......he does, and perks up a bit.

In the last week, he has cut his oxygen hose(s) again, saying they were old. We had changed them out 3 times that day alone and twice again 2 days before that. Another day I guess he was cold and took a heat gun into the bathroom to warm the toilet now has little pock marks......and a burn mark on the floor...and all the while the faucet was running. And he can't or won't give an explanation.
Oh and one day I caught him going out the front door....he was going to the garage with the heat gun. 'Hurry and get in here so we can get warmed up'. I had #3 go out to keep an eye on him, while I brought in some more wood & started a fire. Got him back in the house to warm by the stove.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry????? Well, I do. And I've done more laundry in this last week, than I'd normally do in a month :eek-52:

OK, enough with the whining for today...….carry on :redface:

Hon that's not whining. That's venting. You've been here long enough for us to know you aren't a drama queen or chronic complainer. If you try to be too brave or stoic and never let your fear and frustrations out, you'll explode emotionally and physically.

It's okay to hate doing laundry too. Not my favorite thing either.

Yes it's venting.....but I was whining while doing it :)

He woke me up about 2 needing a change of clothes. Then again just before 4, hollering it was an emergency because everybody is dead. No everybody is fine, got him settled & calmed down.....and been up ever since.

And as the rest of the country is melting...….we get our first snow of the year, currently about 4 inches and it's still coming down. Maybe I'll bundle up and go for a walk in it :113:

Well if we can't whine a bit to our friends, what good are they? :)
Reading all the US snow reports, here's one from Great Britain. lol.


We had a blanket of snow last night. Predictably, not a piece of grit was to be found on the roads this morning.

I’d like to pay tribute to the heroes of the day – the delivery drivers, the supermarket staff, the packers and the builders and the shopkeepers. You are the real public servants, the backbone of the country. It’s you in the actual economy who keep everything going To the teachers and the civil servants, I hope you enjoyed your “snow day”.

It has now been snowing for 24 hours in my part of the country, something which the Met Office absolutely failed to predict. And of course Basingstoke Council hasn’t put down a grain of salt. So the roads are snow on ice all around, just as I had to drive down the M3 and through Basingstoke.

Forty miles of M3 is at a standstill while Basingstoke is gridlocked, mainly with 60K rear-wheel drive BMWs containing people who can’t in the snow, and gritters going nowhere. It’s taken me 6 hours to do 20 miles, thanks to the incompetent morons at Basingstoke Council and the climate change-obsessed Met Office, which cannot see a day of heavy snow coming over the horizon.

Outside of the private economy, this country is hopeless.

Posted in ATW

:) Sometimes it helps to know there are screw ups pretty much everywhere to reassure us that our own country isn't hopeless. :)

Unrelated to weather, but I still remember when we lived up on the mountain, we lived 1/2 mile off a state highway called North 14, aka "The Turquoise Trail". It is a rural highway and from where it connects with Interstate 40, it is four lanes extending six miles north to the turnoff to the ski basin and from that point on is two lanes the rest of the way to Santa Fe. Because it is a trade and tourist route to the little villages along the route as well as the road to the ski basin, it gets a lot of traffic, and there is little or no median between the northbound and southbound lanes. So good striping designating lanes is pretty important.

Twice in the years we lived up there we nodded with approval when they put down bright new white and yellow striping to replace the worn and faded paint. And then one or two weeks later here they came to re top the surface and paved over the new paint. Just leaves you shaking your head as to who is in charge of these things.
Up here, the fog lines and center lines are grooved so that when you drive on them you get lots of vibration and a rumbling noise. Even when the snow cover is heavy, you know when you are out of your lane.
Reading all the US snow reports, here's one from Great Britain. lol.


We had a blanket of snow last night. Predictably, not a piece of grit was to be found on the roads this morning.

I’d like to pay tribute to the heroes of the day – the delivery drivers, the supermarket staff, the packers and the builders and the shopkeepers. You are the real public servants, the backbone of the country. It’s you in the actual economy who keep everything going To the teachers and the civil servants, I hope you enjoyed your “snow day”.

It has now been snowing for 24 hours in my part of the country, something which the Met Office absolutely failed to predict. And of course Basingstoke Council hasn’t put down a grain of salt. So the roads are snow on ice all around, just as I had to drive down the M3 and through Basingstoke.

Forty miles of M3 is at a standstill while Basingstoke is gridlocked, mainly with 60K rear-wheel drive BMWs containing people who can’t in the snow, and gritters going nowhere. It’s taken me 6 hours to do 20 miles, thanks to the incompetent morons at Basingstoke Council and the climate change-obsessed Met Office, which cannot see a day of heavy snow coming over the horizon.

Outside of the private economy, this country is hopeless.

Posted in ATW

:) Sometimes it helps to know there are screw ups pretty much everywhere to reassure us that our own country isn't hopeless. :)

Unrelated to weather, but I still remember when we lived up on the mountain, we lived 1/2 mile off a state highway called North 14, aka "The Turquoise Trail". It is a rural highway and from where it connects with Interstate 40, it is four lanes extending six miles north to the turnoff to the ski basin and from that point on is two lanes the rest of the way to Santa Fe. Because it is a trade and tourist route to the little villages along the route as well as the road to the ski basin, it gets a lot of traffic, and there is little or no median between the northbound and southbound lanes. So good striping designating lanes is pretty important.

Twice in the years we lived up there we nodded with approval when they put down bright new white and yellow striping to replace the worn and faded paint. And then one or two weeks later here they came to re top the surface and paved over the new paint. Just leaves you shaking your head as to who is in charge of these things.
Up here, the fog lines and center lines are grooved so that when you drive on them you get lots of vibration and a rumbling noise. Even when the snow cover is heavy, you know when you are out of your lane.

I think that should be standard everywhere.
Last Tuesday the wife started her second cycle of chemo, as mentioned I had cut her hair to a short pixie....... Well, by Thursday she looked like she had the mange with all the hair falling out so I shaved it all off for her. She slept last night with a winter beanie on but it was too warm for her so I sewed up a Scrooge nightcap but she didn't like the tail so I made a cotton beanie for her to sleep in. She's happily taking a nap with her new beanie on.
You're a good man, Ringel. Take good care of the Mrs. I'm still pulling for you both.
Oh my B. I'm sitting here trying to be really good and not indulge in what I shouldn't, and that looks sooooo good. i would have to justify it by how good blueberries are for us, i.e. the crown jewel of fruit when it comes to beneficial qualities.
Didn't mean to hurt your diet, but blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blackberries have wonderful antioxidants in them that protect cells from free radicals. A cup of blueberries has 84 calories: 10 good health benefits of blueberries: 10 Proven Health Benefits of Blueberries. But today, I thought a supper of blueberry pie with reduced sugar would hit the spot. I too am trying to cut back on food, and should have just thawed the berries or made blueberry tea. It's all good!
I decided to eat better, low carb and gluten free. :thup:


I have a quiche labeled "Quiche that men love" in the oven right now. The basic elements are bacon, cheddar cheese, sauteed onions with of course the milk/cream and eggs and seasonings that go into any quiche. Probably ungodly high in calories but I am pretty sure one piece will sufffice for me for a meal. Hombre mistakenly bought the mild instead of medium or sharp cheddar cheese that we prefer, but if the quiche is good considering how mild the cheese is, I can substitute any good cheese for the cheddar which would make it edible for Aunt Betty who won't eat cheddar cheese. Will have to figure out how to replace the onion for Dana though.

Cooking at our house is something of a science project for most of our company who vary from vegan to diabetic to gluten free to hypersensitive to various fruit and vegetables--I have mastered fodmap protocol--etc. One shirttail cousin who visits from time to time is wheat, barley, and oats free/gluten free, no soy, eats no animal protein of any kind including eggs and dairy, and must avoid onions, certain peppers, various fruit. Talk about a science project planning a meal to include her!!!! It's a challenge and fun for me though.
Don't use onions...... You could try shallots. :dunno:

She can't have those either. Not even chives on her baked potato.
No alliums and limited nightshades?
Finished 2 more tops and am working on a quilt as you go country lanes quitl. It takes 4 times as long to do the quilting as it does the blocks, but since you just quilt twelve-inch squares, they're small and manageable, whereas a huge quilt is way beyond what I can handle. Also, the machines nowadays have the best stitches, and they really do a nice job of getting everything done. That's life, good and bad about any given thing. *sigh*

Found some blueberries in the freezer and made blueberry pie this afternoon. Enjoy!


Oh my B. I'm sitting here trying to be really good and not indulge in what I shouldn't, and that looks sooooo good. i would have to justify it by how good blueberries are for us, i.e. the crown jewel of fruit when it comes to beneficial qualities.
Didn't mean to hurt your diet, but blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blackberries have wonderful antioxidants in them that protect cells from free radicals. A cup of blueberries has 84 calories: 10 good health benefits of blueberries: 10 Proven Health Benefits of Blueberries. But today, I thought a supper of blueberry pie with reduced sugar would hit the spot. I too am trying to cut back on food, and should have just thawed the berries or made blueberry tea. It's all good!
I decided to eat better, low carb and gluten free. :thup:


I have a quiche labeled "Quiche that men love" in the oven right now. The basic elements are bacon, cheddar cheese, sauteed onions with of course the milk/cream and eggs and seasonings that go into any quiche. Probably ungodly high in calories but I am pretty sure one piece will sufffice for me for a meal. Hombre mistakenly bought the mild instead of medium or sharp cheddar cheese that we prefer, but if the quiche is good considering how mild the cheese is, I can substitute any good cheese for the cheddar which would make it edible for Aunt Betty who won't eat cheddar cheese. Will have to figure out how to replace the onion for Dana though.

Cooking at our house is something of a science project for most of our company who vary from vegan to diabetic to gluten free to hypersensitive to various fruit and vegetables--I have mastered fodmap protocol--etc. One shirttail cousin who visits from time to time is wheat, barley, and oats free/gluten free, no soy, eats no animal protein of any kind including eggs and dairy, and must avoid onions, certain peppers, various fruit. Talk about a science project planning a meal to include her!!!! It's a challenge and fun for me though.

One daughter flew out to visit me in the US last summer, having turned full on vegan since I had last seen her. She cooked for the whole household, and I won't deny it tasted very good.

But after four days of it, three of us 'escaped' to Chick Fil-A. The grilled chicken sandwich tasted so good.
For most people, becoming "vegan" or "vegetarian" is a choice. For lots of gluten-free, diabetics, etc, adhering to a specific limited diet is also a choice, but one that has health consequences. I still wonder what changed in the human race that we are suddenly so sensitive to our diets?

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