USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

And as we pass through the autumn equinox I think most of us feel the seasons changing:
The trees are just barely starting to turn here in Albuquerque, but the aspens on the mountain are gold. But the hot summer weather is gone with daytime temps in the mid to high seventies, maybe an 80 or 81 and night time temps in the 50's or low 60's for good sleeping. Saw on the news this morning that it will be 91 in NYC today. Not here. I don't think we'll see another even high 80 until late next spring now. And it is glorious.
The best falls I recalls (sorry, couldn't help it) was as a young lump and as far as you could see maple trees and rolling hills.
The best falls I recalls (sorry, couldn't help it) was as a young lump and as far as you could see maple trees and rolling hills.

For a high desert city, Albuquerque has a LOT of trees and an amazing variety of them. So we get all the fall colors here in the city. But in the rural areas it is mostly cottonwood, birch, and aspen with brilliant gold fall leaves--some patches of red maple. Especially in the Fourth of July Canyon area south of us, the red maple is stunning in the fall.

I would like to visit Wisconsin or New England or other areas in the fall for the full array of wonderful fall colors.
Finally got around to finishing the red squares quilt blocks are sewn together and waiting for a border.

I was zapped today due to stomach trouble. The only thing I could think of to blame was eating a peach this morning, and was so hungry it never occurred to me to wash it first. I ate it on the way home, and didn't taste strange, but was sick a couple of hours later. I overworked at the gym this morning, too, but at least that's behind me now, and I took some lacticum acidum, which gets rid of muscle pain. I've been working on walking longer distances on the walk/run machines, but like to keep my blood pressure under 120 bpms.

Gallantwarrior, you're on my prayer list. Your houseguest may have early onset dementia, which can truly change a person into something he never was before or exacerbate a negative streak a hundredfold (usually Alzheimer's) if that is the case. You're on my prayer list for a peaceful resolution. Your guest may already feel threatened by discovery of his disability, whatever is causing him irrational behavior swings. You may need county help if they deal with people who wake up angry at what trick their body played on them. Prayers up. :thup:

Good night, everyone.
Thank you so much, Beau! My "guest" has indeed been diagnoses as having short-term memory loss related to the heart-attack/stroke double-whammy. I have definitely noticed the glitch in his reasoning, too. I am hoping for enough recovery that he can drive himself but see that as still a ways off.
I wish I were closer to you. I once had ambition to build quilts but all that got lost in every day survival. I have tons of fabric and patterns. Maybe someday...
I sure hope things are going better for you.
Couldn't be better (today) This past week, I finished 2 red logcabin style quilt tops for kids and started in with work on more centers, and am doing another sail boat log cabin quilt, which I've already done about 10 of because the quilters just eat them up, and while I was sewing the lone row of "waves" log cabin blocks for the sea part of the sailing boat, I ran out of a blue fabric that was so pretty, and I don't have a scintilla of it in my stash, so hop in car and visit 2 places other than the regular quilt shop, because that wasn't one of her fabrics. Nothing was even close to the cute blue caviar egg design in light and medium royal blues, but I found the perfect blue solid, a perfect cotton-candy texture in royal blue, and several pieces of other nice blue prints for when I start the blue log cabin phase when the reds are done. So it looks like I'm back in the saddle on quilt top production again. We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to do some slightly smaller than crib-size ones for newborns in the next week, because the sailing ship is 6 across, 8 down (48 squares) and will chomp away at one whole week. Each square has 21 logs on it, and they are sewn 1 at a time. Needless to mention, the cutting of the strips and stacking them in the 21 stacks in plastic project boxes with sealing lids is tedious, but I love doing it. When you use fewer fabrics, it's quicker. So the waves row is a bonus row since you only have to do two colors per block, and you can do them in line style. I'm so excited about doing the rest of the blocks for the sailboat quilt, I guess I'll only complete one small log cabin. I can always do more small log cabins later. After the reds are done, I prolly should do blue quilt tops till thanksgiving, and somewhere I have to fit in completing a little kite quilt I started at least a year ago. I ran into a block problem, so I have to resolve it sooner or later. It's nagging me, because I know somewhere I put enough finished blocks aside to do 2 small multi-colored log cabins, of which I made half a dozen last year just because the pastels created such optical fun on the ones worked on. And everyone fussed over them who saw them. That always an upper.

Well, I apologize for boring people to death with what lights my fire, which is working on charity quilt tops. Yesterday, I transported 6 fireman-type quilts to EJ's step son's house to complete the project of making quilts for 10 of EJ's great grandkids. I'm gonna call that done unless the other two stepsons step forward and ask when it's their turn. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they won't be calling on me since they haven't so far, and the funeral was 3 months ago next week.

Ya'll have a good evening. I'm going to check out the Music and arts forums. I feel like Lumpy on the topic of the main reason they started USMB. Although I sure love how the forums are set up.


Anybody who has something that lights their fire is blessed, B. And you're never boring. :)
Thanks, Foxfyre. This morning I got up and looked at the sewing machine, and thought "I'll just sew a row of 4" light colored logs to those log cabin starts. The next time I checked the clock, I had two stacks of completed light and dark log cabins, and 24 log cabins to the last 6-inch row with just one more row to go. Oh, and the clock said it was 12:30. I thought I'd only been sewing an hour. It's going to be a sailing ship with 17 sails, and so far, the sails are done, and the sky blocks are down to the 7" strips to complete. But I have to limit my time, because now I need to spend time practicing karaoke, a few minutes here, and trying to keep up with the lastest news. Hope everyone here has a happy day and a great week!
The trees are just barely starting to turn here in Albuquerque, but the aspens on the mountain are gold. But the hot summer weather is gone with daytime temps in the mid to high seventies, maybe an 80 or 81 and night time temps in the 50's or low 60's for good sleeping. Saw on the news this morning that it will be 91 in NYC today. Not here. I don't think we'll see another even high 80 until late next spring now. And it is glorious.
Temps are normal here now, too. There's also termination dust after the recent rain. The colors are golden and the sunshine is like molten butter. Right now, I've got to get out and finish the one goat shed. Tomorrow, I'll try to get the other shed ready for the coming season. A gal from work had two HUGE beetle-killed spruce trees cut down in her front yard. She offered me the wood. I gladly accepted but kinda feel sorry, too. These trees had to be over 100 years old. The grain is so tight and dense, I could barely life a piece cut to 12 inches long! It will be welcome, though. With the partner being here 24/7, I'll need a lot more wood than I did last year.
Partner keeps telling me he's going to drive himself back to town if I don't take him with me. Well, first of all, he'll have to get into his house. Since the porch has been broken for a couple of years, there are no steps, or railings for him to use to get into the place. After he's in, there is no space to maneuver his walker. (I've hidden all the car keys.) I have clearly explained to him that he will NOT operate any vehicles belonging to 'us' before he has a doctor's permission. He thinks he's going to have his primary care provider tomorrow and get clearance to drive, and permission to go back to work by Thanksgiving. While having a goal is good, his goals are entirely unrealistic (and totally asinine).
Well, it's a good day and I should get out and use it the best I can.
Luv y'all. Thanks for the support and encouragement.
The trees are just barely starting to turn here in Albuquerque, but the aspens on the mountain are gold. But the hot summer weather is gone with daytime temps in the mid to high seventies, maybe an 80 or 81 and night time temps in the 50's or low 60's for good sleeping. Saw on the news this morning that it will be 91 in NYC today. Not here. I don't think we'll see another even high 80 until late next spring now. And it is glorious.
Temps are normal here now, too. There's also termination dust after the recent rain. The colors are golden and the sunshine is like molten butter. Right now, I've got to get out and finish the one goat shed. Tomorrow, I'll try to get the other shed ready for the coming season. A gal from work had two HUGE beetle-killed spruce trees cut down in her front yard. She offered me the wood. I gladly accepted but kinda feel sorry, too. These trees had to be over 100 years old. The grain is so tight and dense, I could barely life a piece cut to 12 inches long! It will be welcome, though. With the partner being here 24/7, I'll need a lot more wood than I did last year.
Partner keeps telling me he's going to drive himself back to town if I don't take him with me. Well, first of all, he'll have to get into his house. Since the porch has been broken for a couple of years, there are no steps, or railings for him to use to get into the place. After he's in, there is no space to maneuver his walker. (I've hidden all the car keys.) I have clearly explained to him that he will NOT operate any vehicles belonging to 'us' before he has a doctor's permission. He thinks he's going to have his primary care provider tomorrow and get clearance to drive, and permission to go back to work by Thanksgiving. While having a goal is good, his goals are entirely unrealistic (and totally asinine).
Well, it's a good day and I should get out and use it the best I can.
Luv y'all. Thanks for the support and encouragement.
I poured some more cement today, and I just can't win. I had no way what so ever to hold the forms in place, unless I wanted to drill some holes in my cement driveway and I wasn't going to do that. So pile as much weight as I could find in back of them was the program. Had probably 350-375 lbs behind the damn thing and it was holding good, right up until I hit the cement with the concrete vibrator, and before I noticed it had shifted the damn forms came out probably 2 inches or better. I'll tell ya, it is what it is now. I can do a little chipping by the steps and use patch crete to fix that up, but along the front of the shop... well... maybe someone will think I meant it to be that way... :lol: I know better though... tick me off. But, it beats just DIRT all around the corner and it washing down all over the driveway every time it rains. It is what it is now, I'll do my best to give it a face lift after I take the forms off. I actually like pouring cement too. Thankfully I have a nice old heavy duty mixer that I refurbished all new, and the cement looks nice...


On to the next project. Got my little back porch all trimmed and painted inside, now I'm going to tile it with some super nice ceramic tile I got for free from where my younger sister works.
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Finally got around to finishing the red squares quilt blocks are sewn together and waiting for a border.

I was zapped today due to stomach trouble. The only thing I could think of to blame was eating a peach this morning, and was so hungry it never occurred to me to wash it first. I ate it on the way home, and didn't taste strange, but was sick a couple of hours later. I overworked at the gym this morning, too, but at least that's behind me now, and I took some lacticum acidum, which gets rid of muscle pain. I've been working on walking longer distances on the walk/run machines, but like to keep my blood pressure under 120 bpms.

Gallantwarrior, you're on my prayer list. Your houseguest may have early onset dementia, which can truly change a person into something he never was before or exacerbate a negative streak a hundredfold (usually Alzheimer's) if that is the case. You're on my prayer list for a peaceful resolution. Your guest may already feel threatened by discovery of his disability, whatever is causing him irrational behavior swings. You may need county help if they deal with people who wake up angry at what trick their body played on them. Prayers up. :thup:

Good night, everyone.
Thank you so much, Beau! My "guest" has indeed been diagnoses as having short-term memory loss related to the heart-attack/stroke double-whammy. I have definitely noticed the glitch in his reasoning, too. I am hoping for enough recovery that he can drive himself but see that as still a ways off.
I wish I were closer to you. I once had ambition to build quilts but all that got lost in every day survival. I have tons of fabric and patterns. Maybe someday...
I sure hope things are going better for you.
Couldn't be better (today) This past week, I finished 2 red logcabin style quilt tops for kids and started in with work on more centers, and am doing another sail boat log cabin quilt, which I've already done about 10 of because the quilters just eat them up, and while I was sewing the lone row of "waves" log cabin blocks for the sea part of the sailing boat, I ran out of a blue fabric that was so pretty, and I don't have a scintilla of it in my stash, so hop in car and visit 2 places other than the regular quilt shop, because that wasn't one of her fabrics. Nothing was even close to the cute blue caviar egg design in light and medium royal blues, but I found the perfect blue solid, a perfect cotton-candy texture in royal blue, and several pieces of other nice blue prints for when I start the blue log cabin phase when the reds are done. So it looks like I'm back in the saddle on quilt top production again. We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to do some slightly smaller than crib-size ones for newborns in the next week, because the sailing ship is 6 across, 8 down (48 squares) and will chomp away at one whole week. Each square has 21 logs on it, and they are sewn 1 at a time. Needless to mention, the cutting of the strips and stacking them in the 21 stacks in plastic project boxes with sealing lids is tedious, but I love doing it. When you use fewer fabrics, it's quicker. So the waves row is a bonus row since you only have to do two colors per block, and you can do them in line style. I'm so excited about doing the rest of the blocks for the sailboat quilt, I guess I'll only complete one small log cabin. I can always do more small log cabins later. After the reds are done, I prolly should do blue quilt tops till thanksgiving, and somewhere I have to fit in completing a little kite quilt I started at least a year ago. I ran into a block problem, so I have to resolve it sooner or later. It's nagging me, because I know somewhere I put enough finished blocks aside to do 2 small multi-colored log cabins, of which I made half a dozen last year just because the pastels created such optical fun on the ones worked on. And everyone fussed over them who saw them. That always an upper.

Well, I apologize for boring people to death with what lights my fire, which is working on charity quilt tops. Yesterday, I transported 6 fireman-type quilts to EJ's step son's house to complete the project of making quilts for 10 of EJ's great grandkids. I'm gonna call that done unless the other two stepsons step forward and ask when it's their turn. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they won't be calling on me since they haven't so far, and the funeral was 3 months ago next week.

Ya'll have a good evening. I'm going to check out the Music and arts forums. I feel like Lumpy on the topic of the main reason they started USMB. Although I sure love how the forums are set up.


Anybody who has something that lights their fire is blessed, B. And you're never boring. :)
Thanks, Foxfyre. This morning I got up and looked at the sewing machine, and thought "I'll just sew a row of 4" light colored logs to those log cabin starts. The next time I checked the clock, I had two stacks of completed light and dark log cabins, and 24 log cabins to the last 6-inch row with just one more row to go. Oh, and the clock said it was 12:30. I thought I'd only been sewing an hour. It's going to be a sailing ship with 17 sails, and so far, the sails are done, and the sky blocks are down to the 7" strips to complete. But I have to limit my time, because now I need to spend time practicing karaoke, a few minutes here, and trying to keep up with the lastest news. Hope everyone here has a happy day and a great week!

I need all you guys to build me a new retaining wall across the raised flower bed that runs the whole length of the back of our lot. Save could design it, but there will be some heavy labor involved. Oh well. . .that doesn't have to be decided today. :)
Somebody help me out and answer this question... If a turtle is out of his shell is he homeless or naked?
gallantwarrior ...What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Except bears. Bears will kill you. :D

Got my surprise package in the mail! Love what you sent...and the candy too, lol. But I LOVE the sticker sign most!!!

Thank you!!!
The best falls I recalls (sorry, couldn't help it) was as a young lump and as far as you could see maple trees and rolling hills.

For a high desert city, Albuquerque has a LOT of trees and an amazing variety of them. So we get all the fall colors here in the city. But in the rural areas it is mostly cottonwood, birch, and aspen with brilliant gold fall leaves--some patches of red maple. Especially in the Fourth of July Canyon area south of us, the red maple is stunning in the fall.

I would like to visit Wisconsin or New England or other areas in the fall for the full array of wonderful fall colors.

I like high desert, especially at dusk and dawn, the big sky's and those trees you speak of, throw in a river or lake and there's
Lumpy, sucking up the good life .

We live in the high desert only it's junipers, far from my favorite trees but the cascades are within a 1/2 hr..
The best falls I recalls (sorry, couldn't help it) was as a young lump and as far as you could see maple trees and rolling hills.

For a high desert city, Albuquerque has a LOT of trees and an amazing variety of them. So we get all the fall colors here in the city. But in the rural areas it is mostly cottonwood, birch, and aspen with brilliant gold fall leaves--some patches of red maple. Especially in the Fourth of July Canyon area south of us, the red maple is stunning in the fall.

I would like to visit Wisconsin or New England or other areas in the fall for the full array of wonderful fall colors.

I like high desert, especially at dusk and dawn, the big sky's and those trees you speak of, throw in a river or lake and there's
Lumpy, sucking up the good life .

We live in the high desert only it's junipers, far from my favorite trees but the cascades are within a 1/2 hr..

The Rio Grande runs right through Albuquerque proper. And here on the high desert we don't get extreme heat in the summer though it does get hot, and we don't get extreme cold in the winter though it does get cold. Snowfall is infrequent, heavy snow rare. Extreme weather of any kind is rare. And there is that big sky usually so brilliant blue it can hurt your eyes to look directly at it. And we too are within 30 minutes of high alpine terrain with piney woods and glorious vistas. The high desert isn't for everybody (thank goodness or it would be even more crowded here) but we love it.
The best falls I recalls (sorry, couldn't help it) was as a young lump and as far as you could see maple trees and rolling hills.

For a high desert city, Albuquerque has a LOT of trees and an amazing variety of them. So we get all the fall colors here in the city. But in the rural areas it is mostly cottonwood, birch, and aspen with brilliant gold fall leaves--some patches of red maple. Especially in the Fourth of July Canyon area south of us, the red maple is stunning in the fall.

I would like to visit Wisconsin or New England or other areas in the fall for the full array of wonderful fall colors.

I like high desert, especially at dusk and dawn, the big sky's and those trees you speak of, throw in a river or lake and there's
Lumpy, sucking up the good life .

We live in the high desert only it's junipers, far from my favorite trees but the cascades are within a 1/2 hr..

You live in Eastern Washington???????
It's the rare morning in Tucson when we wake up to the sound of rolling thunder and rain pattering the window. After a summer of way too many 100 degree days, a cloudy rainy 68 degree morning is such a treat! I watched the weather radar for a break in the rain and at 7am I laced up my running shoes and went for a casual 3 miler. Running with light sprinkles and the smell of soaked creosote permeating the air was just great. Not a single mountain biker was at the trail head when I got there. Wimps! It now Looks as if more is on the way and that's fine because we need it. Think I'll have a 3rd cup of coffee and watch it :)

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