USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally got around to finishing the red squares quilt blocks are sewn together and waiting for a border.

I was zapped today due to stomach trouble. The only thing I could think of to blame was eating a peach this morning, and was so hungry it never occurred to me to wash it first. I ate it on the way home, and didn't taste strange, but was sick a couple of hours later. I overworked at the gym this morning, too, but at least that's behind me now, and I took some lacticum acidum, which gets rid of muscle pain. I've been working on walking longer distances on the walk/run machines, but like to keep my blood pressure under 120 bpms.

Gallantwarrior, you're on my prayer list. Your houseguest may have early onset dementia, which can truly change a person into something he never was before or exacerbate a negative streak a hundredfold (usually Alzheimer's) if that is the case. You're on my prayer list for a peaceful resolution. Your guest may already feel threatened by discovery of his disability, whatever is causing him irrational behavior swings. You may need county help if they deal with people who wake up angry at what trick their body played on them. Prayers up. :thup:

Good night, everyone.
Thank you so much, Beau! My "guest" has indeed been diagnoses as having short-term memory loss related to the heart-attack/stroke double-whammy. I have definitely noticed the glitch in his reasoning, too. I am hoping for enough recovery that he can drive himself but see that as still a ways off.
I wish I were closer to you. I once had ambition to build quilts but all that got lost in every day survival. I have tons of fabric and patterns. Maybe someday...
I sure hope things are going better for you.
I bust my ass in the gym. You talk it up all u want
I have a gym in my back room, Frannie... bought it early last year and been hittin' it ever since. I LOVE IT... big universal gym.

I have a gym in my garage, never use it, as it is hooter free. LA Fitness is hoppin bopping stretchin my eyeballs to the point of poppin boinga boinga boinga and in any direction I look.


Well I started working out when I was in the military, and just got used to it. I moved around a lot in different apartments and couldn't have my own gym. Used the apartment gym but still, I never had a sit down job in my life. I always worked, physically. retired a Master Harley Davidson Tech and after a couple years of moving back to Wisconsin, finally bought another home of my own. Had to have a gym. Nothing like the great feeling of getting PUMPED.

I have always had a home gym but it's easier to rent a million or more dollars of modern equipment then to work out in the past. Then there are the squats

YIKES! That is a lot for y'all. We have finally gotten something close to normal weather. That means rain and cooler temps. I'll have to cut wood in the rain now, but it is welcome because the summer was so hot. They've lifted the burn bans and I have a lot of slash to burn off. It's going to be expensive and difficult to keep enough wood around this coming winter. The partner will be here 24/7 and there is no help with him to process enough wood. I'm thinking I'll need at least double the amount I needed last year. He does like it warmer than I do. I'm not even considering the cost of running the generator. As soon as it's too cold to spend time outside, he'll be in here watching his shows all day.
What a shit show. More expensive, less money; more resource intensive, less time to process those resources...

Well sending all kinds of positive vibes your way GW. The partner has no family anywhere who can help with this? At least financially?
Unfortunately, any family the pard has he alienated years ago. They wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I am more fortunate because my family is willing to help me out, at least for my sake. The partner is constantly spouting off about going back to his place in town. He knows, or course, that I cannot do that, as much as I'd like to. It's part of the passive-aggressive manipulation. As soon as the docs clear him to drive, he's going back to town and I don't care whether he ever shows up again. My brother did help me with some methods of dealing with abnormal behavior of this type. I have my brother's voice in my head telling me to "shut up, ignore him". It does help...
I think you've put up with more than a normal person should have had to put with already, brother. Cut ties with that worthless SOB and call it a day.

Ya know... there's a lot of other places to live other than Alaska. Where I live out here in Podunk, WI, there's no big town for miles and miles, just little towns, and I mean LITTLE. The population of the next town to the east is about 450. The next town to the west is about 300. The next town to the south is about the same, and the town to the north is biggest town, and it's about only about 5,000. They actually have STOP LIGHTS here and there. But we have modern conveniences and such, like I have high speed cable. So, you can still live relatively away from all the crap but have a nice life with some modern stuff. Move to Wisconsin, bro. The prices of land around here are DIRT CHEAP. I have an acre and a quarter, a nice little house, a two story three bay shop, heated and whatnot, and I got this for $79,500. And as far as sun, today is the Fall equinox here in SW WI. We have the same amount of day as night today. It's the first day of Fall. You wouldn't have to put with a month of NO SUN or a Summer night with MIDNIGHT SUN.
Sounds tempting, 007. Another buddy of mine is from WI but he still chooses AK. Of course, I never know what life will dump on my plate. I would be nice to have a neighbor like you, though.
Hey... and there's a lot more people like me around here, pard. You'd be surprised how CONSERVATIVE WI is outside the leftist cess pools like Madison and Milwaukee. We're just farmers and country folk, and we like our guns and hunting and fishing, and those traditions haven't waned one bit. It's what we do, and it's beautiful here. Lots of lakes and streams and hills and everything is green, I'm tellin' ya bro, Wisconsin is a beautiful state. I've traveled almost ALL of America, and I came back here, but not just because of family, but because of how dang beautiful it is here. We have the Mississippi River on our western border, we have Lake Michigan on the eastern border, and the little peninsula that juts out into Lake Michigan, Door County, Door County Visitor Bureau | Door County, Wisconsin is one of the prettiest places in the entire United States of America, and Lake Superior on our northern border, and millions of acres of public land in between that's just an outside person's paradise. Look at a map of America and find a state that's better situated. So many little lakes up north that are full of Bass, Northerns, Muskies, you name it, and we even reintroduced Elk up north and that herd is growing really nice. I don't know another state that can boast all that, and top that off with incredible buys on land, a low cost of living and still a great standard of living. But the best part is, we don't have a million people wanting to come here. We have winter. They don't like the cold... FINE... DON'T COME... WE WON'T MISS YOU... :lol:

That's my pitch, bro... ;)
Funny enough, when I was stationed at Ft Monmouth (now extinct), if you went two roads west of the New Jersey Turnpike, people were all into hunting, fishing, and all the stuff I was interested in. There was one helluva sporting goods store out that way and I used to shoot archery with a great bunch of folks out that-a-ways, too. I suspect that most places outside of the influence of the ginormous population swarms are mostly nice, decent folk.
We got a real frog strangler of a rain last night and it came down fast--2 inches in the rain guage this morning and for Albuquerque that is a LOT. Pretty well trashed our back yard and the water backed up into our enclosed back porch. And the roof has sprung a new leak. And I ask why us???? But I remind myself that it's us because we were here. Oh well. This too shall pass.
YIKES! That is a lot for y'all. We have finally gotten something close to normal weather. That means rain and cooler temps. I'll have to cut wood in the rain now, but it is welcome because the summer was so hot. They've lifted the burn bans and I have a lot of slash to burn off. It's going to be expensive and difficult to keep enough wood around this coming winter. The partner will be here 24/7 and there is no help with him to process enough wood. I'm thinking I'll need at least double the amount I needed last year. He does like it warmer than I do. I'm not even considering the cost of running the generator. As soon as it's too cold to spend time outside, he'll be in here watching his shows all day.
What a shit show. More expensive, less money; more resource intensive, less time to process those resources...

Well sending all kinds of positive vibes your way GW. The partner has no family anywhere who can help with this? At least financially?
Unfortunately, any family the pard has he alienated years ago. They wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I am more fortunate because my family is willing to help me out, at least for my sake. The partner is constantly spouting off about going back to his place in town. He knows, or course, that I cannot do that, as much as I'd like to. It's part of the passive-aggressive manipulation. As soon as the docs clear him to drive, he's going back to town and I don't care whether he ever shows up again. My brother did help me with some methods of dealing with abnormal behavior of this type. I have my brother's voice in my head telling me to "shut up, ignore him". It does help...
I think you've put up with more than a normal person should have had to put with already, brother. Cut ties with that worthless SOB and call it a day.

Ya know... there's a lot of other places to live other than Alaska. Where I live out here in Podunk, WI, there's no big town for miles and miles, just little towns, and I mean LITTLE. The population of the next town to the east is about 450. The next town to the west is about 300. The next town to the south is about the same, and the town to the north is biggest town, and it's about only about 5,000. They actually have STOP LIGHTS here and there. But we have modern conveniences and such, like I have high speed cable. So, you can still live relatively away from all the crap but have a nice life with some modern stuff. Move to Wisconsin, bro. The prices of land around here are DIRT CHEAP. I have an acre and a quarter, a nice little house, a two story three bay shop, heated and whatnot, and I got this for $79,500. And as far as sun, today is the Fall equinox here in SW WI. We have the same amount of day as night today. It's the first day of Fall. You wouldn't have to put with a month of NO SUN or a Summer night with MIDNIGHT SUN.
I wish he would. He'd be closer than where he is now. Visit time! Maybe full time visit, lol.
Check your mailbox next week!

Not so much. But when I am in the mood to shop I really prefer Hombre is not with me because, when he is, I feel such pressure to make a selection and leave that it becomes stressful. Most men I think really don't have a shopping gene. :)
I prefer shopping when I have my list. That strolling about and looking at stuff...not so much...
Most guys don't shop, they hunt. Like me, they have a picture in mind of what they want, go right to the place where it's most likely to be. If it's there, it's tried on bought and out the door in 10 minutes.
Believe it or not, the above picture is of two circles that do not touch each other.
Interesting illusion! I noticed if you change the size of the image, you can see that they are two separate circles.
The delusion I mean, illusion <giggle> is intensified as confusing by the placement of the light and dark values that contribute to the "what am I looking at?" confusion as you roll your eyeball around the inner or outer circle. It's tricky, tricky, tricky, tricky! What fun, though, to see everybody's reaction. I'd have to look at it 24/7 for a year to really get used to it being two circles. I have several books on optical art, (and four books on M.C. Escher) but I've never seen that particular object or anything even close to it, which was a little vexing at first as to how the two circles looked so involved with each other, and the shocker that they really weren't winding up together, but totally separate.

But all our brains are wired just a bit differently. I saw the two separate untouching circles immediately. But sometimes what you guys can easily see in one of these graphics I can't see so easily. No explanation for that.
My life's work in the visual arts makes images have an impact on me, and it isn't always clear when it's subjectively overpowering to my viewpoint. While you were seeing two separate circles, I saw moving, intertwining falling cards moving like snakes in a circular way. I think you compare my viewpoint in this instance of missing the forest for the windblown trees. :laughing0301:
Been really busy again, this time working out plans for an addition to the house, a master bath with walk in closet. We only have the one bath with a huge shower so I wanted to work out what it would cost to add an addition........ For now we're renovating the existing bath, we're looking at about $2,500 and not $25,000. Today we went and looked at some tubs, found one the wife likes around $450 then picked out the trim, Moen, together around $1500...... I'm looking elsewhere for the trim package, try to keep it under $400. The tile will be around $800 - 900, just for the tile (floor and wall), she wants turquoise glass subway tile on the walls and either larger white subway tile or white hexagonal on the floor. Figure I'd grout the wall tile with white grout and the floor tile with turquoise grout. If I was 10 years younger I'd be able to do all of it myself.
Moen has always been my first choice for bathroom and kitchen fixtures. They also have lots of alternative colors.
Finally got around to finishing the red squares quilt blocks are sewn together and waiting for a border.

I was zapped today due to stomach trouble. The only thing I could think of to blame was eating a peach this morning, and was so hungry it never occurred to me to wash it first. I ate it on the way home, and didn't taste strange, but was sick a couple of hours later. I overworked at the gym this morning, too, but at least that's behind me now, and I took some lacticum acidum, which gets rid of muscle pain. I've been working on walking longer distances on the walk/run machines, but like to keep my blood pressure under 120 bpms.

Gallantwarrior, you're on my prayer list. Your houseguest may have early onset dementia, which can truly change a person into something he never was before or exacerbate a negative streak a hundredfold (usually Alzheimer's) if that is the case. You're on my prayer list for a peaceful resolution. Your guest may already feel threatened by discovery of his disability, whatever is causing him irrational behavior swings. You may need county help if they deal with people who wake up angry at what trick their body played on them. Prayers up. :thup:

Good night, everyone.
Thank you so much, Beau! My "guest" has indeed been diagnoses as having short-term memory loss related to the heart-attack/stroke double-whammy. I have definitely noticed the glitch in his reasoning, too. I am hoping for enough recovery that he can drive himself but see that as still a ways off.
I wish I were closer to you. I once had ambition to build quilts but all that got lost in every day survival. I have tons of fabric and patterns. Maybe someday...
I sure hope things are going better for you.
Couldn't be better (today) This past week, I finished 2 red logcabin style quilt tops for kids and started in with work on more centers, and am doing another sail boat log cabin quilt, which I've already done about 10 of because the quilters just eat them up, and while I was sewing the lone row of "waves" log cabin blocks for the sea part of the sailing boat, I ran out of a blue fabric that was so pretty, and I don't have a scintilla of it in my stash, so hop in car and visit 2 places other than the regular quilt shop, because that wasn't one of her fabrics. Nothing was even close to the cute blue caviar egg design in light and medium royal blues, but I found the perfect blue solid, a perfect cotton-candy texture in royal blue, and several pieces of other nice blue prints for when I start the blue log cabin phase when the reds are done. So it looks like I'm back in the saddle on quilt top production again. We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to do some slightly smaller than crib-size ones for newborns in the next week, because the sailing ship is 6 across, 8 down (48 squares) and will chomp away at one whole week. Each square has 21 logs on it, and they are sewn 1 at a time. Needless to mention, the cutting of the strips and stacking them in the 21 stacks in plastic project boxes with sealing lids is tedious, but I love doing it. When you use fewer fabrics, it's quicker. So the waves row is a bonus row since you only have to do two colors per block, and you can do them in line style. I'm so excited about doing the rest of the blocks for the sailboat quilt, I guess I'll only complete one small log cabin. I can always do more small log cabins later. After the reds are done, I prolly should do blue quilt tops till thanksgiving, and somewhere I have to fit in completing a little kite quilt I started at least a year ago. I ran into a block problem, so I have to resolve it sooner or later. It's nagging me, because I know somewhere I put enough finished blocks aside to do 2 small multi-colored log cabins, of which I made half a dozen last year just because the pastels created such optical fun on the ones worked on. And everyone fussed over them who saw them. That always an upper.

Well, I apologize for boring people to death with what lights my fire, which is working on charity quilt tops. Yesterday, I transported 6 fireman-type quilts to EJ's step son's house to complete the project of making quilts for 10 of EJ's great grandkids. I'm gonna call that done unless the other two stepsons step forward and ask when it's their turn. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they won't be calling on me since they haven't so far, and the funeral was 3 months ago next week.

Ya'll have a good evening. I'm going to check out the Music and arts forums. I feel like Lumpy on the topic of the main reason they started USMB. Although I sure love how the forums are set up.

Been really busy again, this time working out plans for an addition to the house, a master bath with walk in closet. We only have the one bath with a huge shower so I wanted to work out what it would cost to add an addition........ For now we're renovating the existing bath, we're looking at about $2,500 and not $25,000. Today we went and looked at some tubs, found one the wife likes around $450 then picked out the trim, Moen, together around $1500...... I'm looking elsewhere for the trim package, try to keep it under $400. The tile will be around $800 - 900, just for the tile (floor and wall), she wants turquoise glass subway tile on the walls and either larger white subway tile or white hexagonal on the floor. Figure I'd grout the wall tile with white grout and the floor tile with turquoise grout. If I was 10 years younger I'd be able to do all of it myself.
Moen has always been my first choice for bathroom and kitchen fixtures. They also have lots of alternative colors.
Moen's pretty good but one that has surprised me with improved quality as good as Moen these days is Delta.
Been really busy again, this time working out plans for an addition to the house, a master bath with walk in closet. We only have the one bath with a huge shower so I wanted to work out what it would cost to add an addition........ For now we're renovating the existing bath, we're looking at about $2,500 and not $25,000. Today we went and looked at some tubs, found one the wife likes around $450 then picked out the trim, Moen, together around $1500...... I'm looking elsewhere for the trim package, try to keep it under $400. The tile will be around $800 - 900, just for the tile (floor and wall), she wants turquoise glass subway tile on the walls and either larger white subway tile or white hexagonal on the floor. Figure I'd grout the wall tile with white grout and the floor tile with turquoise grout. If I was 10 years younger I'd be able to do all of it myself.
Moen has always been my first choice for bathroom and kitchen fixtures. They also have lots of alternative colors.
Moen's pretty good but one that has surprised me with improved quality as good as Moen these days is Delta.

And I love my Pfizer faucet more than any I have ever had.
Finally got around to finishing the red squares quilt blocks are sewn together and waiting for a border.

I was zapped today due to stomach trouble. The only thing I could think of to blame was eating a peach this morning, and was so hungry it never occurred to me to wash it first. I ate it on the way home, and didn't taste strange, but was sick a couple of hours later. I overworked at the gym this morning, too, but at least that's behind me now, and I took some lacticum acidum, which gets rid of muscle pain. I've been working on walking longer distances on the walk/run machines, but like to keep my blood pressure under 120 bpms.

Gallantwarrior, you're on my prayer list. Your houseguest may have early onset dementia, which can truly change a person into something he never was before or exacerbate a negative streak a hundredfold (usually Alzheimer's) if that is the case. You're on my prayer list for a peaceful resolution. Your guest may already feel threatened by discovery of his disability, whatever is causing him irrational behavior swings. You may need county help if they deal with people who wake up angry at what trick their body played on them. Prayers up. :thup:

Good night, everyone.
Thank you so much, Beau! My "guest" has indeed been diagnoses as having short-term memory loss related to the heart-attack/stroke double-whammy. I have definitely noticed the glitch in his reasoning, too. I am hoping for enough recovery that he can drive himself but see that as still a ways off.
I wish I were closer to you. I once had ambition to build quilts but all that got lost in every day survival. I have tons of fabric and patterns. Maybe someday...
I sure hope things are going better for you.
Couldn't be better (today) This past week, I finished 2 red logcabin style quilt tops for kids and started in with work on more centers, and am doing another sail boat log cabin quilt, which I've already done about 10 of because the quilters just eat them up, and while I was sewing the lone row of "waves" log cabin blocks for the sea part of the sailing boat, I ran out of a blue fabric that was so pretty, and I don't have a scintilla of it in my stash, so hop in car and visit 2 places other than the regular quilt shop, because that wasn't one of her fabrics. Nothing was even close to the cute blue caviar egg design in light and medium royal blues, but I found the perfect blue solid, a perfect cotton-candy texture in royal blue, and several pieces of other nice blue prints for when I start the blue log cabin phase when the reds are done. So it looks like I'm back in the saddle on quilt top production again. We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to do some slightly smaller than crib-size ones for newborns in the next week, because the sailing ship is 6 across, 8 down (48 squares) and will chomp away at one whole week. Each square has 21 logs on it, and they are sewn 1 at a time. Needless to mention, the cutting of the strips and stacking them in the 21 stacks in plastic project boxes with sealing lids is tedious, but I love doing it. When you use fewer fabrics, it's quicker. So the waves row is a bonus row since you only have to do two colors per block, and you can do them in line style. I'm so excited about doing the rest of the blocks for the sailboat quilt, I guess I'll only complete one small log cabin. I can always do more small log cabins later. After the reds are done, I prolly should do blue quilt tops till thanksgiving, and somewhere I have to fit in completing a little kite quilt I started at least a year ago. I ran into a block problem, so I have to resolve it sooner or later. It's nagging me, because I know somewhere I put enough finished blocks aside to do 2 small multi-colored log cabins, of which I made half a dozen last year just because the pastels created such optical fun on the ones worked on. And everyone fussed over them who saw them. That always an upper.

Well, I apologize for boring people to death with what lights my fire, which is working on charity quilt tops. Yesterday, I transported 6 fireman-type quilts to EJ's step son's house to complete the project of making quilts for 10 of EJ's great grandkids. I'm gonna call that done unless the other two stepsons step forward and ask when it's their turn. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they won't be calling on me since they haven't so far, and the funeral was 3 months ago next week.

Ya'll have a good evening. I'm going to check out the Music and arts forums. I feel like Lumpy on the topic of the main reason they started USMB. Although I sure love how the forums are set up.


Anybody who has something that lights their fire is blessed, B. And you're never boring. :)
I think the thing with the difference in men and women shopping is, men already know what it is they're shopping for, but women will shop with nothing specific in mind that they need or want. They free style shop, shop at will, just head into a store and stop and look at the first thing that catches their eye. Men, we never really do that, unless we're at a flee market or something and there's cool stuff all around.

I will have to admit though, I've been guilty of free style shopping online. I have Amazon Prime and when visiting the site have just "looked around." I think it's a little more tolerable when you don't have to be driving around and traipsing through a store.
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Finally got around to finishing the red squares quilt blocks are sewn together and waiting for a border.

I was zapped today due to stomach trouble. The only thing I could think of to blame was eating a peach this morning, and was so hungry it never occurred to me to wash it first. I ate it on the way home, and didn't taste strange, but was sick a couple of hours later. I overworked at the gym this morning, too, but at least that's behind me now, and I took some lacticum acidum, which gets rid of muscle pain. I've been working on walking longer distances on the walk/run machines, but like to keep my blood pressure under 120 bpms.

Gallantwarrior, you're on my prayer list. Your houseguest may have early onset dementia, which can truly change a person into something he never was before or exacerbate a negative streak a hundredfold (usually Alzheimer's) if that is the case. You're on my prayer list for a peaceful resolution. Your guest may already feel threatened by discovery of his disability, whatever is causing him irrational behavior swings. You may need county help if they deal with people who wake up angry at what trick their body played on them. Prayers up. :thup:

Good night, everyone.
Thank you so much, Beau! My "guest" has indeed been diagnoses as having short-term memory loss related to the heart-attack/stroke double-whammy. I have definitely noticed the glitch in his reasoning, too. I am hoping for enough recovery that he can drive himself but see that as still a ways off.
I wish I were closer to you. I once had ambition to build quilts but all that got lost in every day survival. I have tons of fabric and patterns. Maybe someday...
I sure hope things are going better for you.
Couldn't be better (today) This past week, I finished 2 red logcabin style quilt tops for kids and started in with work on more centers, and am doing another sail boat log cabin quilt, which I've already done about 10 of because the quilters just eat them up, and while I was sewing the lone row of "waves" log cabin blocks for the sea part of the sailing boat, I ran out of a blue fabric that was so pretty, and I don't have a scintilla of it in my stash, so hop in car and visit 2 places other than the regular quilt shop, because that wasn't one of her fabrics. Nothing was even close to the cute blue caviar egg design in light and medium royal blues, but I found the perfect blue solid, a perfect cotton-candy texture in royal blue, and several pieces of other nice blue prints for when I start the blue log cabin phase when the reds are done. So it looks like I'm back in the saddle on quilt top production again. We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to do some slightly smaller than crib-size ones for newborns in the next week, because the sailing ship is 6 across, 8 down (48 squares) and will chomp away at one whole week. Each square has 21 logs on it, and they are sewn 1 at a time. Needless to mention, the cutting of the strips and stacking them in the 21 stacks in plastic project boxes with sealing lids is tedious, but I love doing it. When you use fewer fabrics, it's quicker. So the waves row is a bonus row since you only have to do two colors per block, and you can do them in line style. I'm so excited about doing the rest of the blocks for the sailboat quilt, I guess I'll only complete one small log cabin. I can always do more small log cabins later. After the reds are done, I prolly should do blue quilt tops till thanksgiving, and somewhere I have to fit in completing a little kite quilt I started at least a year ago. I ran into a block problem, so I have to resolve it sooner or later. It's nagging me, because I know somewhere I put enough finished blocks aside to do 2 small multi-colored log cabins, of which I made half a dozen last year just because the pastels created such optical fun on the ones worked on. And everyone fussed over them who saw them. That always an upper.

Well, I apologize for boring people to death with what lights my fire, which is working on charity quilt tops. Yesterday, I transported 6 fireman-type quilts to EJ's step son's house to complete the project of making quilts for 10 of EJ's great grandkids. I'm gonna call that done unless the other two stepsons step forward and ask when it's their turn. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they won't be calling on me since they haven't so far, and the funeral was 3 months ago next week.

Ya'll have a good evening. I'm going to check out the Music and arts forums. I feel like Lumpy on the topic of the main reason they started USMB. Although I sure love how the forums are set up.

Never boring! How wonderfully busy and productive you are! I'm still hoping to retire one of these days and do more of those projects that have been back-burner for so long.

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